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Context Quotes / NanQuest

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1->"''I was so worried about you after you disappeared earlier, I'm so glad to see that you're okay. This place isn't safe!''"
2-->--'''Henry''' (paraphrased)
4->"''I've been going to the janitor's closet and to the kitchen to get food and water when needed. Somehow, they haven't run out yet. I stay in the light and don't let my guard down. That's how I'm still alive -- because I'm not about to die here, in this place. Not without even knowing what it is.''"
5-->--'''Anderson''' (paraphrased)
8->"''Maybe he's already dead. [referring to Anderson] Maybe we all are, and this is {{hell}}. Or {{heaven}}.\
9At this point, would we even know the difference?''"
10-->--'''Kim''' (paraphrased)
12->"''If you see the Beast, [[RunOrDie just run. Just run, and don't stop]].''"
13-->--'''Anderson''' (paraphrased)
15->"'''I' do! [in response to Nan]\
16* Beat*\
17Everyone has a theory on this place. Everyone wants to KNOW. They want to know too much. That won't do them any good.\
18* Beat*\
19Pablo thinks this place is like a mystery, like a dream.\
20Kim says this place is hell.\
21But I know.\
22* Beat*\
23This place is freedom.\
24Out there, there are rules. There are laws. There are morals. People fear God.\
25But in here, there is no right and wrong. And there is no God. There is only us. There is only what we do and what we feel. This is the absolute. This is freedom. [[Roleplay/TheMetalGlen This is a world, at long last, of man's design]].\
26* Beat*\
27Kim and the others think they know so much about the world. But not this place. Maybe you think you know, too, but you're wrong. You have to forget that and just go with it.\
28Forget about everything you may never be able to know. Forget about if anything you do is anything good, or anything bad. Forget about if what you're doing is what you "should".\
29* Beat*\
30This place is the ultimate freedom.\
31So, why would anyone... want to leave?''"
32-->--'''Santiago''' (paraphrased)
36->'''Kim''': "''Forgive me, Father, for in the name of God, I repent.\
38I am sorry that I turned my back on you, oh Lord. \
39I am sorry that I forsook you. \
40I am sorry I have followed a path away from your light. \
42I am sorry I have been impure.\
44Whatever my earthly fate may be, I confess my sins, I bare my regrets, and I ask God's forgiveness. \
45And if I am to die, my soul may go on. \
46Will I be remembered only for my sins?''"\
48'''[[spoiler:Padre]]''': "''No...\
49[[OhCrap You will not]] [[WhamLine be remembered.]]"''\
53->Nan closes her eyes in the darkness
54->[[CallBack and begins to hum a showtune.]]
