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Context PlayingWith / TheReliableOne

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1'''Basic Trope''': A character is always there when their friends need them.
2* '''Straight''': Whenever Alice, Charlie, or Daniel need something done, Bob is always happy to help them.
3* '''Exaggerated''': Whenever anyone, anywhere in the world needs some help, Bob is always there to help.
4* '''Downplayed''': Bob is happy to help a lot of the time, but there is a lot of time when he has to do his own thing.
5* '''Justified''':
6** It's Bob's job to help those around him with whatever they need.
7** Bob realizes that occasionally in an EnsembleCast, there's one person who keeps everything running smoothly, and that in his group, he's that person, and merely acts accordingly.
8* '''Inverted''': Whenever Bob needs help with something, everyone tries to help him.
9* '''Subverted''': Bob helps Alice with the things she needs initially, but later doesn't want to help anymore.
10* '''Double Subverted''': ...Because he's busy helping someone else out.
11* '''Parodied''': Bob decides to take a vacation for a week. Since he's such a hardworking guy, the rest of his crew gladly let him. After a while, the crew notice that things aren't really getting done and phrases like "Hey, Bob, can you...oh, wait, he's not here. Dang." start to become more and more common.
12* '''Zig Zagged''': Bob is willing to help people on certain days, but on others, he doesn't help anyone out.
13* '''Averted''': Bob is no more likely to help anyone out than any other character.
14* '''Enforced''': ???
15* '''Lampshaded''': "Someone needs help? I expect Bob to appear any second now..."
16* '''Invoked''': Knowing that Bob will be willing to help out, Charlie sets out on a very ambitious project that he knows he can't do himself.
17* '''Exploited''': Alice asks for Bob's help on a project, because she knows he will help and she wants to spend time with him.
18* '''Defied''': Bob briefly considers that his mutation might give him the ability to heal at a superhuman rate... before dismissing it as ridiculous.
19* '''Discussed''': "The best kind of person is one that is always there to help out his friends... y'know, kind of like Bob."
20* '''Conversed''': "Bob is my favorite character. Why? Because he always looks out for all the other members of TheTeam."
21* '''Implied''': Bob is seen helping people more often than not.
22* '''Deconstructed''':
23** In the process of helping everyone in town, Bob overextends himself to the point of exhaustion and starts doing more harm than good.
24** Bob is reliable, yet is never given credit for dealing with the BoringButPractical concerns. Worse, Bob finds himself on the receiving end of an AllTakeAndNoGive relationship.
25* '''Reconstructed''':
26** Bob takes a week or two off to rest, and takes care to leave a few hours to himself every week, so he won't wear down again.
27** When the others see how overworked Bob is, they decide to follow his example, giving him a break and improving overall performance. The result is a team full of reliable ones.
29Back to TheReliableOne, who also got us this link. What a guy!
31%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
33%%* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': ???
34%%* '''Played For Laughs''': ???
