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Context PlayingWith / ThePigPen

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1'''Basic Trope''': Someone whose hygiene is lacking.
2* '''Straight''': Bob is often covered in dirt.
3* '''Exaggerated''':
4** Bob hasn't washed in 50 years.
5** Bob is so dirty that no one remembers what he actually looks like.
6** Everyone is like this.
7* '''Downplayed''':
8** Bob is often somewhat sweaty, but his hygiene is reasonably good.
9** Bob cleans himself often, but rarely washes the clothes he wears at home, giving him this look.
10** Bob's wrinkled and stained polos and khakis only look slovenly compared to [[SharpDressedMan everyone else's sharp suits]].
11* '''Justified''':
12** Bob is so wrapped up in doing X, Y, and Z that he hasn't had time to shower, or forgot.
13** Bob lacks the resources to fully bathe.
14** Bob has a job that exposes him to foul odors on a semi-permanent basis.
15** Bob is going through a depressive episode, and has trouble taking care of himself.
16* '''Inverted''': Bob is always extremely clean, and showers several times a day.
17* '''Subverted''':
18** Bob leaves the house reasonably clean.
19** Bob doesn't really look dirty.
20** Bob isn't normally dirty, but has been working in the garden, painting, or doing some other sort of messy activity.
21* '''Double Subverted''':
22** Only to wind up CoveredInGunge
23** But he has some ''killer'' B.O.
24** Bob was lying; he never showers.
25* '''Parodied''': ???
26* '''Zig Zagged''': Bob leaves the house clean, only to get dirty, take a shower, and get dirty again not long afterwards.
27* '''Averted''': Bob showers regularly.
28* '''Enforced''':
29** "We need to show that Bob is a StrawLoser."
30** The producers of the ad made Bob as dirty as possible to sell how powerful Welson's Industrial Soap (supposedly) is.
31* '''Lampshaded''': "When was the last time you bathed, Bob?"
32* '''Invoked''': Bob goes to a SciFi, {{Anime}}, or other such convention, and is too excited to think about mundane things like taking a shower.
33* '''Exploited''': Bob is playing camouflage.
34* '''Defied''': Bob doesn't like to get dirty, so he showers regularly.
35* '''Discussed''': "What? Why did you just assume I let myself get dirty? Alice must have lied to you when she told you about me, because I shower every day."
36* '''Conversed''': "Another filthy character? It's like there's one in every show I watch."
37* '''Deconstructed''': If Bob never showers, he could get all sorts of health problems. Not to mention, he'll be sort of unpleasant to be around.
38* '''Played For Laughs''': Bob just can't keep himself clean, no matter how hard he tries.
39* '''Played For Drama''': People stop wanting to hang out with Bob because he smells bad.
40* '''Played For Horror''': Bob was kidnapped, tortured and imprisoned for years, having to rot in his own shit and piss and only fed the bare minimum to keep him alive.
42Back to ThePigPen
44%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
46%%* '''Implied''': ???
