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Context PlayingWith / SleptThroughTheApocalypse

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1'''Basic Trope''': A character wakes up to find out (s)he are in a post-apocalyptic world, having literally slept through it the previous night.
2* '''Straight''': Joe [[YouWakeUpInARoom wakes up in a room]]. [[EverybodysDeadDave Everyone is dead]], and Joe wanders outside to discover that the ZombieApocalypse has arrived.
3* '''Exaggerated''': Joe wakes up to the discovery that [[LastOfHisKind he's the only human left alive]].
4** Joe sleeps past the ZombieApocalypse as well, and ends up in a [[TimeAbyss time so far in the future]] when the [[GreenAesop earth is healing]] and the survivors of humanity [[HumanSubspecies have evolved into divergent species]].
5* '''Downplayed''':
6** Joe wakes up, finds out that [[EverybodysDeadDave everyone is dead]] in the state of Idaho, which is under quarantine to ''prevent'' a world-wide apocalypse.
7** LateToTheTragedy - Joe wakes up to find out that everyone else who [[ClosedCircle sought shelter in the creepy mansion]] is missing and there are [[CouldntFindAPen ominous messages written in blood]] all over the place.
8** Joe is woken up ''by'' the apocalypse.
9* '''Justified''':
10** Joe was in a coma during the outbreak of TheVirus.
11** Joe was in cryogenic sleep.
12** The apocalypse happened so quickly and suddenly that it easily caused significant destruction before Joe could wake up.
13* '''Inverted''':
14** The only way to survive the ZombieApocalypse is to enter cryogenic sleep.
15** TheVirus merely causes everyone to ''wake up'', whether they turn into a zombie or not.
16* '''Subverted''':
17** Joe ''thinks'' he's woken up to a ZombieApocalypse, but it turns out to be a prank.
18** Alternately, it was AllJustADream
19* '''Double Subverted''': Joe thinks he's woken up to a ZombieApocalypse, but it turns out to be AllJustADream...and then the Zombie Apocalypse ''really does happen!''
20* '''Parodied''':
21** Joe finds out he's slept through the apocalypse but is killed off quickly.
22** Joe finds out that he slept through the end of the world, and... nonchalantly goes right back to sleep.
23** Joe wakes up and doesn't even ''notice'' the apocalypse happened, and just goes through his usual morning routine like nothing's wrong.
24** Joe finds out that he slept through the end of the world... only to discover that whatever disaster was occurring has already been dealt with and things are already going back to normal, leaving him very confused about what he missed
25* '''Zig Zagged''': Joe finds out he's slept through the ZombieApocalypse, then that turns out to be a dream...and then he ''actually does'' sleep through the apocalypse, but ''that'' turns out to be a DreamWithinADream...and then the ''NEXT'' night...
26* '''Averted''':
27** All of the characters have been wide awake since the apocalypse began.
28** Joe wakes up from his coma and is soon greeted by his loving family. Nothing apocalyptic has happened during the time he was sleep.
29* '''Enforced''': "What better way to have a character surprised by the apocalypse?"
30* '''Lampshaded''': "Woah. I guess I really ''am'' a HeavySleeper."
31* '''Invoked''': MadScientist Joe unleashes TheVirus and then promptly [[HumanPopsicle puts himself in cryogenic stasis]] so that he'll literally sleep through the apocalypse.
32* '''Exploited''': "I'll bet Joe survived. He ''is'' a heavy sleeper, after all.
33* '''Defied''':
34** The CrazyPrepared protagonist refuses to sleep for fear that he'll sleep through the apocalypse.
35** Alternately, MadScientist Joe specifically modifies the virus so that everyone who's asleep dies [[DepartmentOfRedundancyDepartment in their sleep]].
36* '''Discussed''': "Remember in ''Film/TwentyEightDaysLater'' when that guy woke up in the hospital bed after the outbreak? I think that's ''exactly'' what happened!
37* '''Conversed''': "I swear to God, Joe, you're gonna sleep through a ZombieApocalypse!"
39Back to SleptThroughTheApocalypse
41%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
43%%* '''Implied''': ???
44%%* '''Deconstructed''': ???
45%%* '''Reconstructed''': ???
46%%* '''Played For Laughs''': ???
