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Context PlayingWith / RampJump

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1'''Basic Trope''': A vehicle is driven very fast up a ramp so as to jump over a gap.
2* '''Straight''': Edgar uses a ramp to jump his car over a stream.
3* '''Exaggerated''': Edgar uses a ramp to jump his rocket-propelled eighteen-wheeler onto the roof of an apartment building on the far side of the Mississippi River.
4* '''Downplayed''': Edgar uses a ramp to jump his motocross bike over some oil barrels.
5* '''Justified''': Edgar has practiced this sort of thing, and knows when it will work and when it won't.
6** During a ChaseScene, Edgar is forced to jump an open drawbridge to lose the bad guys.
7* '''Inverted''': A motorcyclist ramps off Edgar's car.
8* '''Subverted''': Edgar drives up the ramp as though he's going to try a jump, but screeches to a halt at the top of it.
9* '''Double Subverted''': ...then drives back down the ramp to hit it again with more speed.
10* '''Parodied''':
11** Every time Edgar gets into a car chase, he insists he can do this, but [[RunningGag every time]], he and his irate passengers end up soaking wet.
12** Edgar lands his ''airplane'' only to drive it up the ramp.
13* '''Zig Zagged''': ???
14* '''Averted''': Edgar decides to look for a bridge instead.
15* '''Enforced''': The writers believe that it just isn't a proper car chase unless there's one of these in it somewhere.
16* '''Lampshaded''': "I'd hate to see the bill for fixing the suspension on Edgar's car each month."
17* '''Invoked''': Whoever built the ramp did so specifically to allow people to make that particular jump.
18* '''Exploited''': Edgar's rival, knowing that Edgar is the kind of driver who'd try this sort of thing, sabotages the ramp.
19* '''Defied''': The authorities demolish the ramp to prevent people hurting themselves with dangerous stunts.
20* '''Discussed''': "Bridge? I don't need a bridge. If a ramp is good enough for Film/JamesBond, it's good enough for me."
21* '''Conversed''': "See that ramp there? I bet you the hero will have to drive up it when they get around to the car chase scene."
22* '''Deconstructed''': Edgar makes the jump, but the landing completely wrecks his car and he winds up in the hospital.
23* '''Reconstructed''': Edgar's car is designed with the suspension travel to ensure both he and it survive with minimal damage.
25Back to RampJump
27%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
29%%* '''Implied''': ???
30%%* '''Played For Laughs''': ???
