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Context PlayingWith / PresidentEvil

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1'''Basic Trope''': A democratically-elected EvilOverlord.
2* '''Straight''': Bob, President of Tropeland, does things that connote [[KickTheDog poor morality]].
3* '''Exaggerated''':
4** President Bob engages in [[FinalSolution genocide]].
5** President Bob is an [[CompleteMonster atrociously vile]] individual in a political drama that normally portrays even the worst politicians as either [[WellIntentionedExtremist good-intentioned but extreme]], or [[SleazyPolitician merely greedy]].
6** President Bob believes that [[UsefulNotes.AdolfHitler Hitler]] [[EvilerThanThou didn't go]] ''[[EvilerThanThou far]]'' [[EvilerThanThou enough]].
7* '''Downplayed''':
8** People question the morality of some of President Bob's actions.
9** President Bob has [[JerkAss an abrasive personality]] but it isn't immediately apparent that he is evil.
10** As President, Bob frequently is forced to ShootTheDog, though sometimes, he does so [[ShootTheShaggyDog unnecessarily]].
11* '''Justified''':
12** IDidWhatIHadToDo.
13** President Bob's actions were necessary for the existence of Tropeland.
14** President Bob was able to [[VillainWithGoodPublicity fool the public into believing he was a benign figure]] while he was running for election. Now that he is in power, he no longer feels the need to hide his true agenda.
15* '''Inverted''':
16** [[TheGoodKing President Bob spreads good and peace in Tropeland and abroad.]]
17** President Bob is a good person. It's [[EvilChancellor Vice President Alice]] who merits scrutiny.
18* '''Subverted''': President Bob's evil laws are ruled unconstitutional.
19* '''Double Subverted''': President Bob's evil laws are ruled unconstitutional ... so he arranges to have Tropeland's constitution repealed, rewritten or suspended.
20* '''Parodied''':
21** President Bob opens all his speeches by saying, [[SuspiciouslySpecificDenial "I have done nothing illegal or immoral in the past twenty-four hours."]]
22** In a landslide vote, [[TitleDrop President Evil]] is sworn into office. [[EvilLawyerJoke Former Attorney-at-law]] Robert S. Evil, that is.
23* '''Zig-Zagged''': President Bob is usually [[invoked]]LawfulEvil and does [[PetTheDog some token good deeds]], but when people aren't watching, he bends or breaks the laws in pursuit of his more nefarious ultimate goal.
24* '''Averted''': President Bob is not evil.
25* '''Enforced''':
26** The work is a political satire set in a PeoplesRepublicOfTyranny.
27** [[StrawmanPolitical The evil head of state is a politician that the writer personally does not like]].
28* '''Lampshaded''':
29** "Wow, President Bob is ''horrible''."
30** "Who the hell voted for this guy?"
31* '''Invoked''': Bob, a killer who [[KarmaHoudini got away with it]], seeks the Tropeland presidency, secretly planning to sanction his misdeeds retroactively.
32* '''Exploited''': Vice President Alice catches President Bob working out a corrupt deal and blackmails him by threatening to tell all the voters unless he gives her more of a say in his government.
33* '''Defied''': Despite [[ScrewTheRulesIMakeThem many opportunities to flout the law without too many people questioning him]], President Bob never strays from a [[invoked]]LawfulGood path.
34* '''Discussed''': "I just don't trust President Bob. I bet he's evil."
35* '''Conversed''': "By now, voters on this show really ought to have learned [[HardTruthAesop maintaining a healthy democracy is tougher than it sounds]]."
36* '''Implied''': President Bob, who deeply regrets [[FormerTeenRebel his past as a scofflaw]], constantly complains of youth turning to crime so easily and expresses a desire to "see to it that those punks never do ''anything'' again."
37* '''Deconstructed''': After President Bob [[MoralEventHorizon authorizes the execution of someone from Tropendom]] -- [[TooDumbToLive which is led by his sworn enemy, Prime Minister Leah]] -- she [[DisproportionateRetribution takes matters into her own hands]] via [[NuclearOption the bomb]].
38* '''Reconstructed''': President Bob learns the principles of PragmaticVillainy to ensure he doesn't give relatively good foreign leaders an excuse to go after him.
39* '''Played for Laughs''':
40** President Bob forces everyone in Tropeland to pull humorous stunts.
41** President Bob creates a world where people are [[ToCreateAPlaygroundForEvil forced to]] [[KickTheDog kick kittens]], [[FascistsBedTime must go to sleep at 8 o'clock at night]], and [[DystopianEdict cannot eat]] [[PineappleRuinsPizza pineapple pizza]] on his [[NoDelaysForTheWicked first day in office]].
42* '''Played for Drama''': President Bob's misdeeds cause many Tropelanders to do things which, in the narrow letter of the law, constitute "treason", so to maintain his status as a "law and order" type, he is forced either to execute or imprison for life the vast majority of his country's population. Naturally, this leaves virtually all spheres of life more or less abandoned, and Tropeland falls into deep disrepair.
43* '''Played For Horror''': The day after he's sworn in, President Bob proves himself to be a [[TheCaligula demented]] fascist psycho by enabling the DayOfTheJackboot, complete with a remake of the Night of the Long Knives.
44* '''Plotted a Good Waste''': President Bob is a [[NoCelebritiesWereHarmed thinly veiled version of a world leader who really is or was that bad]].
46'''[[AC: All Hail: PresidentEvil!]]'''
