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1'''Basic Trope''': A female character who prefers to socialize with male characters.
2* '''Straight''': Alice has more male friends than female friends. (She may or may not be a {{Tomboy}}.)
3* '''Exaggerated''':
4** Alice ''worships'' manliness. She [[ManlyMenCanHunt hunts]], [[ARealManIsAKiller fights]], and [[MenDontCry never cries]] and is a BoomerangBigot, FemaleMisogynist who not only hangs around only men, but only hangs around men who are as [[FridgeLogic manly]] as her.
5** Alice is OneOfTheBoys, and she discovers that [[LesbianJock each girlfriend]] she makes is also OneOfTheBoys.
6** The GeodesicCast consists entirely of male teams with each TheSmurfettePrinciple {{Tomboy}}.
7* '''Downplayed''':
8** TwoGuysAndAGirl
9** Alice hangs out with other girls sometimes but still prefers to go with the guys.
10** Alice hangs out with guy friends, but Alice herself isn't tomboyish, and/or the guys in question are rather [[InTouchWithHisFeminineSide In Touch With Their Feminine Sides]].
11* '''Justified''':
12** Alice has issues making female friends no matter how much she genuinely tries to fit in with them.
13** [[{{Shorttank}} Alice's]] male friends have more in common with her {{Tomboy}} interests than all the [[GossipyHens chatty]], [[AllWomenLoveShoes shoes-loving]], makeup-slathered women in the series do.
14** Alice is a FagHag.
15** Alice is a transgender woman, but just because her gender has changed, doesn't mean her personality and taste in friends has too.
16* '''Inverted''': Alice DoesNotLikeMen.
17* '''Gender Inverted''': Bob has more female friends than male friends. Bob is "[[OneOfTheGirls One of the Girls]]".
18* '''Subverted''':
19** Alice hangs out with boys all the time, but then it's revealed that these boys are all her brothers [[MySisterIsOffLimits making sure no boy gets too friendly with her.]]
20** Alex is a [[UsefulNotes/{{Transgender}} trans guy]] who hadn't started transitioning yet in his earlier appearances.
21** Alex is DisguisedInDrag and figures he would be more convincing as a tomboy than as a girly girl.
22* '''Double Subverted''':
23** Whenever she gives them the slip, she hangs out with her guy-friends.
24** And later "Alex" comes out as a transgender woman.
25* '''Parodied''':
26** [[SamusIsAGirl Alice looks and acts so much like one of her male friends that everyone is surprised to learn that she's a girl]].
27** Alice will drink, wrestle, and belch like the other guys, and even enjoys (non-male) strip clubs. She's not lesbian, but for all intents and purposes other than anatomy, she is utterly male.
28** Alice spends so much time with guys that [[GirlswithMoustaches she has grown a full beard]]
29* '''Zig Zagged''': Alice has more male friends than female...but her ''best'' friend is a girl... who is also OneOfTheBoys.
30* '''Averted''':
31** Alice's gender never comes up.
32** Alice has few male friends, or no male friends.
33** [[FriendlessBackground Alice has no friends, period.]]
34* '''Enforced''':
35** "We need a believable circle of friends for our {{Tomboy}} character."
36** "We need a girl in this series, but she shouldn't be a girly girl because our target audience is little boys".
37* '''Lampshaded''':
38** [[MyFriendsAndZoidberg "And these are my bros...and Alice."]]
39*** "What's that mean? Just cause she's not a guy doesn't mean she's not a bro."
40* '''Invoked''': Alice, tired of "girl drama" starts spending more time with Bob.
41* '''Exploited''':
42** Bob wants a girlfriend who can handle his, ahem, [[GuysAreSlobs social graces]].
43** Alice actually ''doesn't'' like any of the things Bob and his buddies like, but she's trying to cozy up to Bob.
44* '''Defied''': Alice decides that she wants bonding with other women who understand her feelings better, and decides to give her girlfriends another chance.
45* '''Discussed''': "Don't you think Alice is too much of a tomboy- I mean...she doesn't have any female friends."
46* '''Conversed''': "Isn't it weird that almost all the characters are male except [[GenderBlenderName Alex]]?" "[[ViewerGenderConfusion Alex is a girl!?]]"
47* '''Deconstructed''':
48** The guys may resent Alice encroaching on their male-bonding time; now they have to class it up more than perhaps they want to (or so they think.)
49** One of the guys may have feelings for Alice but CannotSpitItOut because they spend all their time rough housing. Alternatively, Alice has feelings for one of them but he sees her as one of his buddies, not as girlfriend material.
50* '''Reconstructed''':
51** Alice accepts her male friends and their conversations at face value, [[ToiletHumor fart jokes]] and all. She also doesn't "cling" to them. In turn, they don't resent her, even enjoying her company...and her advice on how to relate to women better if she has any.
52** Everyone knows where they stand with Alice relationship wise.
53* '''Played For Laughs''':
54** Alice becomes a "relationship advice" go-to, even though she just wants to watch football. Instead of the guys telling her to hold conversations until the commercial break, she ends up telling them that.
55** Alice's friends forget that she's a girl on a regular basis.
56* '''Played For Drama''':
57** [[DoggedNiceGuy Bob]] falls in love with Alice, but she is ObliviousToLove. (Or vice versa.)
58** Alice's parents think she should act more like a ProperLady, causing friction between her and them.
59** Alice's friends are almost exclusively men, and one of her more masculine interests is [[EthicalSlut having casual sex]]. Because they see Alice as one of them instead of a target of romance, both she and her friends are comfortable giving, receiving and joining each other in "[[FriendsWithBenefits stress relief sessions]]" when needed. One day Alice discovers she's pregnant, and doesn't know what to do since she doesn't know that many people who even ''can'' get pregnant, and - if she even knows who the father is - doesn't want to reveal it because she's afraid that it will just cause rifts within her group.
61Back to OneOfTheBoys
63%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
65%%* '''Implied''': ???
