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1'''Basic Trope''': An incredibly vicious beatdown.
2* '''Straight''': Enraged at [[BigBad Emperor Evulz]]'s constant [[KickTheDog dog-kicking]], [[TheHero Bob]] flips out, and in an extreme frenzy, picks Evulz up, slams him down onto the floor, gets on top of him, and rains down punches, hammer fists, backhands, elbows, forearms, and even a few headbutts in.
3* '''Exaggerated''': The beatdown later evolves into something very fatal or destructive to something.
4** Bob beats Evulz to death [[PummelingTheCorpse and keeps going]]. Eventually, he's beating little more than a pool of blood.
5** Bob beats everyone related to Evulz violently, eventually [[SanitySlippage losing his sanity]] as he beats up more and more of Evulz's associates.
6** ThereIsNoKillLikeOverKill
7** ExtremeMeleeRevenge
8** Bob will not stop until anyone and everyone associated with or close to Evulz are defeated, even when Evulz himself is defeated.
9** A lot of Bob's friends and Evulz' associates all get into a riot after he threw Evulz into a building and causing mass destruction.
10* '''Downplayed''':
11** Bob's beatdown only consists of a few punches, but Evulz gets hit so hard that he's in dire condition anyway.
12** CurbStompBattle
13* '''Justified''':
14** Bob is a LightningBruiser and is MadeOfIron, so Evulz was sort of BullyingADragon.
15** Evulz is established to be MadeOfIron or {{Nigh Invulnerab|ility}}le. OnceIsNotEnough; anything less than a thorough beatdown isn't going to keep him down.
16** Evulz wasn't prepared for Bob outright attacking him, and he expected Bob to hold back anyway. Evulz was wrong this time.
17** Evulz [[YouKilledMyFather killed Bob's father]], and Bob ''[[RoaringRampageOfRevenge really]]'' wants vengeance.
18** Bob has been struggling to [[SuppressedRage hold in his growing anger]], and Evulz just [[RageBreakingPoint pushed him to the point]] that all his anger finally explodes.
19** Evulz triggers Bob's SuperPoweredEvilSide, and his inhibition goes with it.
20** Bob is Evulz's NoNonsenseNemesis. He would have preferred to bring a weapon to this execution, but all he has is his bare hands, so he will just have to make do.
21* '''Inverted''': OnceIsNotEnough
22* '''Subverted''':
23** Bob appears to be winning the battle, but then comes [[TheDragon General Drake]].
24** Bob punches Evulz to the ground and then a couple more times once he's down, and then stops.
25* '''Double Subverted''':
26** ...who gets swatted away in a second, only for Bob to turn back to Evulz.
27** Turns out that the battle he had to wage to get to Evulz just took the wind out of him for a couple of seconds. Once he's recovered, he makes up for the lost time by smacking Evulz for ''a whole day straight'', complete with head-butting the corpse for a whole hour and stomping on the pool of blood that was Evulz' head until the boards finally give.
28* '''Parodied''':
29** Bob wears himself out several times, only for the bloodied Evulz to taunt him by saying "Is that all you've got?", pushing the newly enraged Bob to redouble his efforts.
30** Alternatively, Evulz appears to have been dressed as a piƱata, with Bob attacking by whacking him with a stick while blindfolded.
31** Bob keeps punching until HIS hands are reduced to a bloody mess.
32* '''Zig Zagged''': Bob feels the urge to thrash Evulz, but he supresses it, until Evulz makes another threat and drives him to bloodlust. Halfway through the beatdown, he suddenly realizes what he's doing is ugly and unneeded, so he restrains himself again and takes Evulz into custody... and Evulz, being a notoriously unrepentant CopKiller, gets what's coming to him when the whole district whales on him all night long.
33* '''Averted''': It looks as if Bob is about to go on a violent rampage and prance around in a pool of Evulz's blood, but he stops once he's got the guy restrained and incapacitated.
34* '''Enforced''': The executives want to showcase that, by film three of the ''The Secret War Against Emperor Evulz'' series, the heroes' psyches are so close to breaking from the tension that, if the story was to end right there, the heroes (and ''the audience'') would be forever deeply disturbed by the violence they had shelled out in a moment of weakness.
35* '''Lampshaded''': "Uh, dude, you can stop now."
36* '''Implied''': We see Bob the badass walking through town, everybody getting out of his way, and someone tells an idiot about to insult Bob "do you really want to suffer what Bob did to the ''last'' guy he got his hands on?"
37* '''Invoked''': "I'm going to make you suffer. Normally I hold myself back, but not for ''you.''"
38* '''Exploited''': A minion stationed near the battle by Evulz attacks Bob while he is distracted.
39* '''Defied''': Bob, with obvious effort, restrains himself from letting his rage take over and deems a single MegatonPunch as enough.
40* '''Discussed''':
41** "Evulz is really gonna get it now, isn't he?"
42** "Are we witnessing a ridiculously one-sided fight or an execution?"
43* '''Conversed''': "Wow, I know he's the villain, but this is one hell of a smackdown he's getting. It's... kind of scary, to be honest."
44* '''Deconstructed''':
45** The adrenaline wears off and Bob stops due to his agonizing fists; he finds himself disgusted at what he's done to another human being, realizing that Evulz will die from his injuries and that the extent of the brutality he inflicted will lead any jury to convict him of murder.
46** Bob beats Evulz to a pulp. So next time they meet, [[WhosLaughingNow Evulz]] (or anybody [[AvengingTheVillain who decides to avenge him]]) brings a gun and no desire to take prisoners or [[LeaveNoWitnesses leave witnesses]].
47* '''Reconstructed''': Evulz, who'd been threatening a helpless innocent, was so genuinely deserving that people are willing to forgive Bob's use of excessive force.
48* '''Played For Laughs''':
49** Evulz is a muscular, tattooed brute. Bob is [[CuteBruiser an adorable little boy.]]
50** Bob is an IdiotHero whose antics often frustrate his teammates. Come his EnemyWithout, and Bob's teammates vented their frustrations on it.
51** Bob engages in a WimpFight, and Evulz tries to [[NotInTheFace protect his face]].
52* '''Played For Drama''':
53** [[UnstoppableRage Thoroughly enraged by Evulz]] kidnapping and threatening to kill Bob's love interest Alice, Bob delivered a bloody, [[NauseaFuel horrid beatdown]] to Evulz. Even when he's a crippled shell of a man begging for mercy, [[KickthemWhileTheyAreDown Bob continues to beat the holy Hell out of him]] [[OverlyLongGag for seems like hours on end.]] Covered in blood, and about to deliver the final blow, Bob hears Alice scream behind him at what he's done. She's been there the whole time and watched as her hero [[HeWhoFightsMonsters turned into a monster worse than Evulz]]. As Bob reaches out a bloodied hand and tries to explain himself, Alice runs off in terror at what Bob's become, [[MyGodWhatHaveIDone and he realizes the horror of what he just did.]]
54** Evulz is trying to break Bob's ThouShallNotKill policy, by constantly attacking Bob and threatening his loved ones, no matter how bad a beating. Bob is forced to beat Evulz into a bloody broken mess before he realizes this is just what Evulz wants.
55** Surprisingly, the last Parody of this trope can count as this as well. Bob is ''just that angry that he's willing to beat Evulz even with broken hands.''
57I think I can handle it now, back to the NoHoldsBarredBeatdown.
59%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
61%%* '''Implied''': ???
62%%* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': ???
