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Context PlayingWith / MightyGlacier

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1'''Basic Trope''': A character who is extremely strong, but slow.
2* '''Straight''': Tom is an extremely strong fighter, but moves very slowly.
3* '''Exaggerated''':
4** Tom can punch through a tank, but takes an hour to cross the street.
5** StationaryBoss
6* '''Downplayed''':
7** Tom is extremely strong but is actually also fast. However, he lacks the agility to make good use of his speed.
8** Tom is quite fast...but not as fast as other characters in the setting who are known to be exceptionally fast.
9** Tom can be pretty fast when he wants to be, but tires quickly, so he walks more often instead to preserve his stamina.
10** Tom is an extremely strong fighter, but has merely average speed.
11* '''Justified''':
12** Tom comes from a martial arts school that focuses on strength at the expense of speed.
13** Tom fights with a giant warhammer that's powerful but too heavy to swing quickly.
14** The armor that Tom wears is too heavy for him to dodge attacks but is tough enough that he doesn’t need to.
15** Tom is the team's tank, and his job is to DrawAggro and keep enemies focused on him. He's tough enough to withstand their assault and dish out some damage too, while letting his allies be free to attack without risking being taken down.
16* '''Inverted''': Tom is extremely fast, but hits with the power of a wet noodle.%%Note: FragileSpeedster is fragile but fast, not weak but fast. It is not an inversion of MightyGlacier, but an inversion of StoneWall. Do not link to it. Thank you.
17* '''Subverted''': Tom looks like he'd be really slow with all that muscle and gear, but then he [[LightningBruiser sprints towards his opponent]].
18* '''Double Subverted''': ...For about five feet before becoming exhausted.
19* '''Zig Zagged''': Tom upgrades his strength, but realizes he is becoming to slow. After upgrading his speed enough, he goes back to upgrading his strength. The cycle repeats from there.
20* '''Averted''': Tom is not particularly strong or slow.
21* '''Enforced''': "For balance, we'll need someone to contrast the fast but weak Luke."
22* '''Lampshaded''': "You think that with all the training Tom does, he'd focus a bit on his speed."
23* '''Invoked''': Tom is entering a lifting competition where speed is unnecessary. So he only improves his strength.
24* '''Exploited''': Tom often uses his strength to catch Mooks who think that they can easily fight a slow guy without a problem off guard.
25** Tom pretends to be a StoneWall type fighter, letting Mooks wail on him for about a minute, even using fake weak attacks to make the Mooks a bit overconfident. Then hammers them with an offensive attack.
26* '''Defied''': "I'll work on my speed, even if it means I'll have to be weak."
27* '''Discussed''': "Let's have Tom go in first. He can probably take out all of the guards without a problem. Provided they don't run away first, that is."
28* '''Conversed''': "Man, I hate playing these kinds of characters! They're so slow!" "Well, I don't. I think playing as these kinds of characters really makes you think strategically."
29* '''Deconstructed''':
30** Tom could easily be bested by [[SuperSpeed Luke]], who enters and exits his range of attack too fast for him to hit them.
31** As soon as Luke shoots or stabs a vital area, Tom's strength becomes useless.
32** All the strength in the world can't help you if you can't reach your target. Everyone else just goes around Tom rather than even attempting to fight him directly.
33* '''Reconstructed''':
34** Tom anticipates where Luke will appear and manages to defeat him with a single blow.
35** Tom pretends to be a StoneWall at first so Luke will get a bit overconfident and drop his guard, then punches Luke into the wall.
36** Tom acquires ranged attacks to compensate for his lack of movement speed.
37** Tom does not move very fast, but is able to react quickly enough to move so that an otherwise fatal attack hits a non-vital area.
38** Tom armors and reinforces vital areas instead rendering attacks to those areas useless.
39** Tom is more like a walking siege weapon than a human, and is used to destroy important building while his foes are mostly powerless to stop him. He doesn't need to fight them to achieve his goals.
40** Tom is a StealthyColossus, closing in on targets before they even have a chance to react.
41** Tom partners himself with a WhiteMage who can teleport him to the front lines, helping him overcome his mobility issues.
42** Tom and his wife Belinda the WhiteMage are a BattleCouple. She keeps healing him and he protects her from those who try the ShootTheMedicFirst tactic.
43* '''Played For Laughs''': Speedy Luke goes down with a single punch when he enters Tom's attack range. Tom slowly ambles away while whistling a jaunty tune.
44* '''Played For Drama''': Tom, unable to simply beat down his faster opponents, is forced to rely on baiting enemies into attacks, carrying out ambushes and, when all else fails, throwing pieces of scenery as improvised weapons. All of Tom's fight scenes involve him taking multiple hits as he struggles to pin down his enemies.
46I doubt you could get back to MightyGlacier in five minutes.
48%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
50%%* '''Implied''': ???
