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1'''Basic Trope''': A character has amnesia of their identity.
2* '''Straight''': Bob gets knocked on the head and forgets he was ever Bob, the CowboyCop, and becomes Jason, a fry cook at the local fast food joint.
3* '''Exaggerated''':
4** Whenever Bob gets hit in the head, he will become Jason.
5** Bob was TheDitz; somehow being hit in the head turns him into [[TVGenius a bona fide genius]].
6* '''Downplayed''': Bob gets hit in the head, causing him to forget that he could play the piano.
7* '''Justified''': Bob's doctor explains exactly how his brain was damaged to cause such a loss.
8* '''Inverted''': A TapOnTheHead causes an amnesiac character to remember their past identities.
9* '''Subverted''': Bob is merely ''acting'' like he doesn't know who he is [[ObfuscatingStupidity so as to throw off his enemies]].
10* '''Double Subverted''': Bob is passing off acting like he has no memory as some kind of ploy, when he really ''has'' lost his memory.
11* '''Parodied''': Whenever Bob gets knocked on the head, his body literally changes to a different form who calls himself Jason.
12* '''Zig-Zagged''': Bob keeps getting hit on the head, alternately erasing and restoring his memory.
13* '''Averted''':
14** Bob doesn't suffer from amnesia.
15** Bob does suffer from amnesia, but not to the point where he's lost his identity.
16* '''Enforced''': The network executives demand a plot twist involving amnesia, believing it's a surefire way to boost ratings and intrigue viewers.
17* '''Lampshaded''': Bob, after regaining his memory, sarcastically remarks, "Well, isn't it convenient that a good knock on the head was the magical cure for my amnesia?"
18* '''Invoked''': Bob is a weapons designer who's having pangs of remorse, so he runs his face into a brick wall hoping to forget his old life.
19* '''Exploited''': Zeke clonks Bob on the head so he can trick "Jason", the GeniusDitz persona, into building a DoomsdayDevice.
20* '''Defied''': Zeke immediately calls out "Bob"/Jason on abusing ObfuscatingInsanity, and proceeds to [[ShownTheirWork explain all the reason why amnesia does not work like that.]] Jason immediately admits that the amnesia was a lie and he was trying to throw off suspicion.
21* '''Discussed''':
22--> Alice: "You ever notice that whenever Bob gets hit on the head, the first thing he forgets is who he is?"
23--> Bob: "Yeah, it's pretty bizarre. It's like you can knock him on the head again and he suddenly remembers who he is. Oh God, is he gonna form some DID from this?"
24* '''Conversed''': "Y'ever notice in shows like this, whenever a person gets hit on the head, the first thing they forget is who they are?"
25* '''Implied''': Bob wakes up in a different place with no memory of how he got here, strongly suggesting amnesia without explicitly stating it.
26* '''Deconstructed''': The story explores the psychological and emotional toll of amnesia, depicting the difficulties Bob faces in rebuilding his identity and relationships.
27* '''Reconstructed''': Through a series of events, Bob not only recovers his memory but also grows as a person, gaining new perspectives on his life.
28* '''Played For Laughs''': Every time Bob gets hit on the head, he takes on a new and absurd identity.
29* '''Played For Drama''': The amnesia is portrayed as a tragic event, with Bob struggling to piece together his past and coming to terms with the person he used to be.
30* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': The amnesia subplot takes up a significant portion of the narrative but ultimately serves little purpose in advancing the overall story.
32Back to [[IdentityAmnesia Fanservice]]... Erh? What do you mean by "you're not the link that redirects to that page"?
