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Context PlayingWith / GainaxEnding

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1'''Basic Trope''': An intentionally weird ending.
2* '''Straight''': The movie ''Bob's Adventure'' ends with every character in the movie [[RocksFallEveryoneDies exploding into]] [[Anime/NeonGenesisEvangelion orange liquid]] while Bob has a disjointed DyingDream about [[FauxlosophicNarration the meaning of life]].
3* '''Exaggerated''': ''Bob's Adventure'' ends with a [[NonSequitur random series of words and images in no particular order]].
4* '''Downplayed''':
5** TheEndingChangesEverything
6** AmbiguousEnding
7* '''Justified''': It was AllJustADream.
8* '''Inverted''':
9** The beginning of the movie is a disjointed series of random imagery and philosophical discussions. The rest of the work is much more coherent.
10** The beginning scene presents an AmbiguousSituation with numerous unanswered questions and MindScrew that the movie never answers, but the plot is pretty understandable for the rest of the run.
11** The ending is a MindScrewdriver.
12* '''Subverted''': The movie ends with everyone exploding into orange liquid, only for Bob to reform and go after Mr. Bad who did it ForTheEvulz.
13* '''Double Subverted''': But after Mr. Bad is defeated, Bob has a disjointed DreamSequence about [[FauxlosophicNarration the meaning of life]] instead and he turns into a pineapple.
14* '''Parodied''':
15** The movie ends with everyone exploding into orange liquid, at which point Bob has a disjointed DyingDream about how [[SpoofAesop humans really shouldn't drink so much orange juice]].
16** During a BolivianArmyEnding, the scene suddenly cuts to Alice dancing naked on stage for 30 minutes.
17* '''Zig-Zagged''': The movie ends with everyone exploding into orange liquid, only for it to turn out it was AllJustADream. OrWasItADream Then everyone suddenly flies into Mars and has a [[DancePartyEnding dance party with the aliens there.]]
18* '''Averted''': The movie ends in a perfectly sensible way that fits the rest of the story's tone.
19* '''Enforced''': "No grand finale will live up to fans' expectations and we're out of money. Let's just give them a MindScrew we can afford and let them figure it out."
20* '''Lampshaded''':
21** ''[[WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!"]]''
22** "Well... A MindScrew is better than NoEnding."
23* '''Invoked''': Bob is [[MushroomSamba dosed with hallucinogens]] in the hope his acid trip will teach them an important {{Aesop}}.
24* '''Exploited''': Knowing everyone will explode into orange liquid and he will enter a disjointed DyingDream like existence where anything can happen, Bob uses it as a means to be reunited with his deceased wife, Alice.
25* '''Defied''': Bob wills himself out of the disjointed DyingDream so he can [[EarnYourHappyEnding earn his happy ending]] instead.
26* '''Discussed''': "How did you think this would end? Everyone exploding into orange liquid? maybe a [[DreamSequence nonsensical dream or two]]? Sorry, [[ThisIsReality but reality is hardly that dramatic]]."
27* '''Conversed''': "Man, ''Bob's Adventure'' had a weird ending, didn't it?"
28* '''Deconstructed''':
29** Bob has been [[ThroughTheEyesOfMadness going insane through the entire story]], and suffered a final psychotic break.
30** The movie's fans go onto the internet to complain about how confusing and stupid the ending was.
31* '''Reconstructed''':
32** This final break convinces Bob to return to the mundane real world rather than stay in their psychotic fantasy.
33** The fans begin to theorize about the ending, and the movie gets more popular than ever.
34* '''Played for Laughs''': The ending emphasizes [[{{Surrealism}} Surrealist]] and BreakingTheFourthWall elements for the sake of {{Absurdism}}.
35* '''Played for Drama''':
36** Bob fears he is [[ThroughTheEyesOfMadness going insane]].
37** The weirdness is due to [[TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt the world ending]].
38** An OutsideContextProblem comes out of nowhere right at the end, and [[DownerEnding destroys all the characters ]] [[AllForNothing have worked for.]]
40Congratulations! Orange juice to GainaxEnding. *Chicken noises* END THE!
42%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
43%%* '''Implied''': ???
