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Context PlayingWith / EvilTwin

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1'''Basic Trope''': A character has or encounters an identical, evil (twin) sibling/clone/other family member.
2* '''Straight''': Bob encounters [[NameOfCain Kane]], his evil identical twin brother.
3* '''Exaggerated''':
4** Bob has ''multiple'' evil siblings who were born together with him (triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, etc.)
5** Bob encounters his AlternateUniverse self who was born in his place and DrivenToVillainy because of one minor difference in his otherwise identical upbringing to Bob.
6* '''Downplayed''':
7** Bob encounters Kane, his evil fraternal twin brother.
8** Bob encounters Kane, his {{jerkass}} identical twin brother.
9** Kane is AffablyEvil and [[EvenEvilHasLovedOnes genuinely loves Bob]], and wants to bond with his brother... by committing some unsavory crimes.
10* '''Justified''':
11** Bob and Kane were SeparatedAtBirth and given up for adoption. Bob had a rather normal upbringing living with loving GoodParents, while Kane was raised by a couple of supervillains (who may have even been {{abusive|Parents}} to boot).
12** Kane is a [[EvilKnockoff clone]] created by [[BigBad Emperor Evulz]] to be the perfect enemy of Bob.
13** Kane ''is'' Bob. Or rather, [[EnemyWithout Bob's inner darkness given its own body]].
14* '''Inverted''': Kane encounters [[CainAndAbel Avel]], his ''good'' twin.
15* '''{{Gender Inverted| Trope}}:''' Bob encounters Roberta, his fraternal twin sister who looks and acts a lot like him (aside from being female and, well, evil).
16* '''Subverted''': Bob's supposedly evil twin turns out not to be evil.
17* '''Double Subverted''': Kane was just playing a mind game with Bob. He was a bad guy all along.
18* '''Parodied''':
19** ''Both'' twins are evil, or one of them is a little ''more'' evil than the other.
20** Every time a pair of twins show up, Alice feels the need to ask which one of them is the evil one.
21* '''Zig Zagged''': Bob's twin Kane sometimes antagonizes him or commits evil deeds, but at other times he does not seem to be evil at all.
22* '''Averted''': Bob doesn't have an evil twin.
23* '''Enforced''': The writers want to create a new enemy for Bob, but are convinced he needs to be a much more personal nemesis for Bob than his previous adversaries.
24* '''Lampshaded''': "So you're my evil twin, huh? Then where's your [[BeardOfEvil goatee]]?"
25* '''Invoked''': Someone (perhaps even Bob himself) intentionally uses AppliedPhlebotinum to create an evil clone of Bob.
26* '''Exploited''': Bob takes the opportunity of Kane's visit to commit a crime he's always secretly wanted to do, because people will [[FramingTheGuiltyParty blame his]] [[ImpersonatingTheEvilTwin evil twin]].
27* '''Defied''': Bob's identical twin is prophesied to become his evil counterpart, so their parents do everything to instill Kane with kindness and good virtues.
28* '''Discussed''': "Bob has just discovered his identical twin. I'm telling you the guy must be evil or something, no way around it".
29* '''Conversed''': "In this episode Bob runs into his evil twin".
30* '''Played For Laughs''': Bob and Kane keep getting into hilariously awkward situations, [[IdenticalTwinMistake as people keep mistaking one for the other]], despite their obvious personality differences.
31* '''Played For Drama''':
32** [[KillAndReplace Kane murders Bob, and then impersonates him while committing crimes]].
33** Kane deliberately {{frame|Up}}s Bob for several crimes that he committed, causing Bob to be arrested for his brother's misdeeds.
34** Kane is an AngstySurvivingTwin on a RoaringRampageOfRevenge against Bob's killers.
36Back to EvilTwin
38%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
40%%* '''Implied''': ???
41%%* '''Deconstructed''': ???
42%%* '''Reconstructed''': ???
