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Context PlayingWith / DuctTapeForEverything

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1'''Basic Trope''': Objects which are conspicuously held together with duct tape.
2* '''Straight''': Bob seals a leak around a pipe with duct tape.
3* '''Exaggerated''':
4** Most of the items in Bob's house are held together with duct tape.
5** Bob's '''SPACESHIP''' is held together with duct tape. And it works.
6** Bob's spaceship is ''made of'' duct tape.
7* '''Downplayed''': Bob seals a cardboard box with duct tape.
8* '''Justified''':
9** Bob is lazy.
10** Bob [[DoomItYourself doesn't have much handyman's skill]] and [[WhenAllYouHaveIsAHammer the only tool he really has is duct tape]].
11** The situation needs a temporary quick-fix, as there's no time to do an actual repair--or else, the materials for a more permanent fix aren't readily available.
12** Duct tape is very useful, and if it isn't involved with water then duct tape can be a VERY good fix for cracks or broken parts. It may just be better to work over the item with duct tape than to try something else.
13** Bob is using military-grade duct tape.
14* '''Inverted''':
15** Bob patches a strip of duct tape with a pipe.
16** Bob never uses duct tape, even when it would be the best solution.
17* '''Subverted''':
18** Bob notices the leaky pipe and considers using duct tape... but then sets out to fix it properly.
19** Bob considers using duct tape... but ends up calling the plumber, who comes over right away.
20** Bob tries to use duct tape, but it doesn't hold together.
21* '''Double Subverted''':
22** Tomorrow. Today, he's much too busy, so he takes 5 seconds and wraps a length of duct tape over it.
23** Who then uses duct tape to fix the pipe and charges Bob an arm and a leg.
24* '''Parodied''':
25** The house, Bob's clothes, in fact pretty much everything in town is held together with (or outright ''made of'') duct tape.
26** Bob has amazing duct-tape's superpowers that allow him to repair anything to perfect condition by just using it!
27** ''Duck'' Tape For Everything.
28* '''Zig Zagged''': Duct Tape works wonders sometimes, but other times it fails miserably.
29* '''Averted''':
30** All repairs are done using something other than duct tape, except where duct tape is appropriate.
31** No repairs are shown.
32* '''Enforced''': RuleOfFunny
33* '''Lampshaded''': "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it ''is'' broke, just put some duct tape on it!"
34* '''Invoked''': Alice asks Bob to fix the leaky pipe, but Bob just wants to watch the game on TV. So he wraps tape around the pipe and calls it good.
35* '''Exploited''':
36** The BigBad is GenreSavvy, and knows that Bob will use tape, so he sends in a slew of his {{Mooks}} who eat duct tape.
37** One person has [[AbsurdPhobia a fear of duct tape]], so another person calls Bob to scare him.
38* '''Defied''':
39** Bob feels that this job is a little too big of a fix for duct tape and does ''actual'' repairs.
40** Bob calls the plumber.
41* '''Discussed''': "Duct tape fixes everything!"
42* '''Conversed''': "The duct tape gag? Writers must like that one."
43* '''Implied''': Bob is TheGhost, and he is mentioned doing that.
44* '''Deconstructed''': Duct tape is meant to be a temporary solution. A few days later, everything falls apart again.
45* '''Reconstructed''':
46** It's only used for getting it to the shop for proper repairs.
47** But somehow, it holds together for hours, days, weeks, months, years, and Bob has more time to do things he wants to do.
48* '''Played for Laughs''':
49** It's part of a DoomItYourself project of some sort.
50** A hostage is duct taped to a chair.
51** Bob calls the plumber, who fixes the leak with duct tape and charges Bob an arm and a leg for the "repair."
52-->"Three hundred dollars?! For a tape job?! I coulda done that myself practically for free!"
53* '''Played for Drama''': Someone is seriously injured due to the duct tape's misuse.
54* '''Played for Horror''': Bob accidentally puts duct tape on a person. He rips the tape off, resulting in {{Gorn}} and {{Squick}}.
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