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Context PlayingWith / DidYouJustHaveSex

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1'''Basic Trope''': A character not known for their sexual prowess enters their workplace/school/wherever in an incredibly good mood. Another character picks up on the fact that the first person had sex recently.
2* '''Straight''': Bob comes into work humming jauntily to himself and looking much more active. His friend and coworker Jim correctly guesses that Bob got laid last night.
3* '''Exaggerated''':
4** Bob dances into his office, moonwalking to his cubicle. Jim smiles knowingly.
5** Bob prances around his workplace, singing a Disney-style musical number that eventually evolves into a CrowdSong about how he got laid.
6** Bob bursts into a [[WaxingLyrical musical number]]. [[Music/TheLonelyIsland Featuring Akon]].
7* '''Downplayed''': AliceAndBob walk out of a room, and Charles enters the room. The smell lingers in the air, and he just saw Bob walk out with Alice, so he puts two and two together.
8* '''Justified''':
9** Bob is usually quiet and reserved person and hasn't had any in a while.
10** Jim's been there himself, so he knows the signs.
11* '''Inverted''':
12** Bob comes into his workplace very happy because of the future likelihood of sex.
13** [[ChivalrousPervert Bob]] comes in to work depressed; his co-workers guess correctly that this is because his girlfriend/wife [[LysistrataGambit is punishing him by not having sex with him.]]
14* '''Subverted''':
15** Jim knows Bob had sex last night, but Bob comes into work tired and morose.
16** Bob was just in an unusually good mood due to other reasons, and so lied about sex to explain why.
17* '''Double Subverted''': But it was all an act in order to avoid any uncomfortable questions
18* '''Parodied''': Bob makes it so obvious that he had sex that Jim begins to wonder if he's just [[HaveIMEntionedIAmSexuallyActiveToday faking it]].
19* '''Zig Zagged''': Bob comes into work humming jauntily to himself. Jim guesses that Bob has just had sex with Alice, but Bob says that he hasn't. So Jim and Bob have sex instead.
20* '''Averted''':
21** Bob comes into work humming jauntily to himself because he's just had sex. No-one notices or cares.
22** Bob has sex and comes into work the next day acting no different than usual.
23* '''Enforced''': The writers aren't allowed to explicitly say that Alice and Bob had sex last night. To get it past S&P, they cut to Bob walking into work, and Jim giving him a knowing look.
24* '''Lampshaded''': Bob tries to hide his happiness, but Jim picks up immediately and badgers him for the details.
25* '''Invoked''':
26** Bob comes into work humming jauntily to himself because he's just had sex with Alice, but only because Jim made a bet with Alice.
27** Alice doesn't want Bob to openly reveal their relationship, so instead he just humms and jogs happily and acts coy when asked why.
28* '''Exploited''': Alice knows Bob is having a rough week, and so offers sex in an attempt to cheer her boyfriend up.
29* '''Defied''': Bob had sex with Alice, but he knows Jim will laugh at him, so he walks around the block to get the smile off his face.
30* '''Discussed''': ???
31* '''Conversed''': ???
32* '''Deconstructed''': Everyone in the office thinks Bob's happiness is kind of immature and only chalk it up to Bob being a massive loser and a wimpy lover.
33* '''Reconstructed''': Bob's happiness stems from the fact that he had never had sex before, with last night being his first time.
34* '''Played For Laughs''': Bob, normally a reserved sort who dresses conservatively, swaggers into work wearing shades and a [[TheSeventies seventies]] polyester suit with shirt opened to expose his chest, as a Barry White song plays in the background. When Jim remarks that he must've gotten lucky, Bob says, "Sure did! Last night I enjoyed my very first copy of ''Magazine/{{Playboy}}''."
35* '''Played For Drama''':
36** Alice tells Bob to keep silent about the consummation of their relationship, because she doesn't want her bigoted parents to know she's gotten serious with someone of a different faith. However, Bob can't keep himself from humming and glad-handing everyone at work the next day, and Jim teases the news out of him. Their coworker Biff, resentful over Bob being chosen over him for a promotion, overhears the conversation and ensures the gossip reaches Alice's parents, who disinherit her and consider her [[IHaveNoSon dead]] to them. As a result, Alice angrily breaks up with Bob.
37** Bob's workplace is so dreary that recently having sex is the only reason to have a positive mood.
39Back to DidYouJustHaveSex
41%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
43%%* '''Implied''': ???
