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3[[folder:Another Character Interrupts]]
4'''Basic Trope''': Character is about to curse when another character interrupts.
5* '''Straight''': Bob says to himself loudly, "Son of a..." when John calls to him from another room, "Hey, Emily wanted to speak with you!"
6* '''Exaggerated''': Bob says to himself loudly, "Son of a..." when John calls to him from another room, "Hey, Emily wanted to speak with you!" Bob then tries to swear again, "Sodding bast..." when Emily opens the door and says, "Come on, you need to see this!" Bob tries to vent, "Look, I really need to fu--" meaning to end "--cking swear" but Emily grabs his arm and drags him off without him getting a chance.
7* '''Downplayed''': Bob is reprimanding his dog for misbehaviour by saying "Son of a...".
8* '''Justified''':
9** John didn't want Bob to curse, due to being in an area that frowns upon cursing.
10** "I'm going to kick your..." is a threat and John punching Bob is a correct response.
11* '''Inverted''':
12** Another character's talking is interrupted with Bob suddenly swearing.
13--->'''Emily:''' Aww, your cat left a gift fo--
14--->'''Bob:''' Bastard! Humans don't eat mice!
15** The interruption itself changes a character's word into a curse word.
16* '''Subverted''': Bob starts, "Son of a..". John calls from another room, "Hey, Emily wanted to speak with you!" Bob waits until he is done, finishes, "...bitch!" and ''then'' answers, "Okay, let her in."
17* '''Double Subverted''': Bob starts, "Son of a...". John calls from another room, "Hey, Emily wanted to speak with you!" Bob waits until he is done and is yelling, "" when the door opens and John says, "Hey, didn't you hear what I said?"
18* '''Parodied''': Bob is desperately trying to curse, but all of the characters suddenly decide that it's a great time to start telling him their life history.
19* '''Zig Zagged''': Bob starts, "Son of a...". John calls from another room, "Hey, Emily wanted to speak with you!" Bob waits until he is done and is yelling, "" when the door opens and John says, "Hey, didn't you hear what I said?" but Bob continues, "...bit--" and John calls again "You coming?"
20* '''Averted''':
21** Bob successfully shouts, "Son of a bitch!"
22** Bob doesn't attempt at swearing.
23* '''Enforced''': The writers wanted to keep Bob from swearing to prevent too high a rating, but they wanted to sneak something inappropriate past the censors, so they chose to have another character interrupting him.
24* '''Lampshaded''': "Damn John, you interrupting me again? What is this, some kind of kids' show where no one's allowed to swear?"
25* '''Invoked''': John knew Bob was going to swear and immediately interrupted him as soon as he started doing so.
26* '''Exploited''': John knows [[SirSwearsALot Bob has a filthy mouth]], and constantly does this [[TheGadfly in order to enrage him]].
27* '''Defied''': Bob closes all doors, so that he can hear nobody, and then shouts "Son of a bitch!" to prevent anyone from interrupting him.
28* '''Discussed''': "You know, Bob never manages to finish his sentences when there's John around."
29* '''Conversed''': "Cussing or no, it would be nice if John would let Bob finish a sentence."
30* '''Implied''': A background character is seen exclaiming and being interrupted. They are not heard, but the exclaiming one appeared to be saying, "Son of a bi--" due to the way their lips were moving.
31* '''Played for Laughs''': Bob almost swearing but being interrupted becomes a RunningGag.
32* '''Played for Drama''': Somebody interrupts Bob's curse with bad news.
33* '''Deconstructed''': Bob [[PrecisionFStrike swears only to relieve pain]], and his being interrupted just keeps him in needless pain for longer.
34* '''Reconstructed''': But his family has rules, so Bob isn't allowed to swear as long as he's with his family.
35%%Optional items, added after Implied, at your discretion:
36%%* '''Plotted a Good Waste''': ???
40'''Basic Trope''': Someone is about to curse but interrupts themself.
41* '''Straight''': Bob shouts "You damn c-- ... ah, whatever."
42* '''Exaggerated''': Bob shouts "Motherf--Agh, who cares." Five minutes later, he becomes angry again: "Agh, what the f -- Meh." Ten minutes later, Emily stomps on Bob's foot and Bob shouts, "You son of a bi -- Fine, OK."
43* '''Downplayed''': ???
44* '''Justified''':
45** Bob [[NotInFrontOfTheKid didn't want to curse in front of children.]]
46** He stopped caring mid-sentence.
47** He realized that he had to make a good impression on Alice.
48* '''Inverted''': Bob tries to avoid curse words, but in mid-sentence, he stops caring and curses.
49* '''Subverted''': Bob interrupts his own curse word ... to find a better one.
50* '''Double Subverted''': ... But he stops himself anyways.
51* '''Parodied''': ???
52* '''Zig-Zagged''': Bob shouts "You damn c-- ... ah, whatever." Then when Alice asks him, "What were you going to say?", it was revealed he was actually going to say "cat" because he'd tripped over a cat, then later he says, "What the f -- oh, forget it," but then he swears fully when he stubs his toe.
53* '''Averted''':
54** Bob just says it outright, he doesn't interrupt himself.
55** Bob doesn't swear.
56** He does get interrupted, but by another person.
57* '''Enforced''': The writers didn't want Bob to swear and Bob wasn't the kind of guy to swear often, but they did want to have a joke centered around swear words so they opted for this method.
58* '''Lampshaded''': "Huh. Just interrupted myself. They do that all the time in fiction."
59* '''Invoked''': Charlie slips a pill into Bob's drink that makes him not want to swear whenever he tries to.
60* '''Exploited''': ???
61* '''Defied''': Bob refuses to leave a sentence unfinished, regardless of whether it has cuss words.
62* '''Discussed''': "Was Bob about to say a naughty word before changing his mind there?"
63* '''Conversed''': "Why did that character interrupt himself and was he going to swear?"
64* '''Deconstructed''': Bob eventually grows tired of using euphemisms to replace swearing, that his language begins to lose sense whenever he's angry.
65* '''Reconstructed''': Bob controls his word choice when swearing, such as replacing "You sick piece of shit!" into "You sick piece of work!" and "Fuck you!" with "Screw you!"
66%%Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
67%%* '''Implied''': ???
68%%* '''Plotted a Good Waste''': ???
69%%* '''Played for Laughs''': ???
70%%* '''Played for Drama''': ???
73[[folder:Cut to Another Scene]]
74'''Basic Trope''': Someone is about to curse but then another scene is shown instead.
75* '''Straight''': Bob says "Son of a bi--" but the scene suddenly changes to a peaceful garden.
76* '''Exaggerated''': Bob is in the middle of a battlefield where everything is gory and dark, and he tries to curse outright -- only for the scene to switch to Valhalla itself.
77* '''Downplayed''': Bob says "You motherfuck--" and the scene changes.
78* '''Justified''': ???
79* '''Inverted''': John, in a peaceful scene, tries to say something normal, only the scene switches to Bob, interrupting him mid-sentence -- and Bob was just about to swear.
80* '''Subverted''': Bob pops up in the garden and swears.
81* '''Double Subverted''': He tries to swear, but then Diane pops up and tells him that the garden is a public spot where families are welcome and cursing is not allowed.
82* '''Parodied''': Another scene finishes the curse.
83* '''Zig-Zagged''': The scene keeps shifting and each time it shifts, someone tries to swear but gets interrupted.
84* '''Averted''': Bob says the curse outright, he isn't interrupted in any way.
85* '''Enforced''':
86** The writers didn't want Bob to curse and there was another plot thread hanging -- so they chose to interrupt him.
87** The show is for kids.
88** Bob's curse wasn't needed in the scene.
89* '''Lampshaded''': ???
90* '''Invoked''': ???
91* '''Exploited''': ???
92* '''Defied''': ???
93* '''Discussed''': ???
94* '''Conversed''': "Was he going to swear before that scene cut?"
95* '''Implied''': It's not known what Bob was about to say, but the way he moved his lips suggested he was about to swear.
96* '''Deconstructed''': Bob's curse gets interrupted to another scene, but the audience doesn't know what the word is, leaving the previous plot unsolved. The swearing itself is a key component to control the show's ratings, and switching to another scene as Bob starts cursing will lower its ratings.
97* '''Reconstructed''': Bob's curse is shown anyway as an outtake, to allow audiences to know what he was about to say before the scene changed. The show's ratings go back up drastically.
98* '''Played for Laughs''': The scene keeps shifting, Bob keeps trying to swear, and Bob complains about it because he has MediumAwareness.
99* '''Played for Drama''': It cuts from the cursing to a dramatic scene.
100%%Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
101%%* '''Plotted a Good Waste''': ???
104[[folder:Episode Ends]]
105'''Basic Trope''': Someone is about to curse but the episode or part of the work ends.
106* '''Straight''': Bob is about to yell "You son of a bi--" but the episode ends before he can.
107* '''Exaggerated''': The episode ends early just to prevent Bob from swearing.
108* '''Downplayed''': The episode ends when Bob says "You motherfuck--"
109* '''Justified''': The episode has reached the end of its scheduled runtime.
110* '''Inverted''': Bob is able to get his curse out, just as the show begins.
111* '''Subverted''':
112** Bob is about to yell "You son of a bi--" but the episode ends, only for Bob to finish his curse while the credits roll.
113** Bob is about to yell "You son of a bi--" but the episode ends. Next episode starts, however, with Bob who gets to finish his sentence.
114* '''Double Subverted''':
115** Bob is about to yell "You son of a bi--" but the episode ends, only for Bob to finish his sentence when the credits roll. It turns out he wanted to say "you son of a bad, bad mother."
116** Alternatively, Bob finishes his "bad mother"-sentence the next episode.
117* '''Parodied''':
118** Bob being interrupted this way is a OncePerEpisode RunningGag.
119** Bob starts out by swearing at other characters in-universe, but later he switches the target of his ire to [[MediumAwareness "those Hollywood producer shi—"]].
120* '''Zig-Zagged''': See Double Subverted, but Bob finishes his sentence with "...Who is one hell of a bitch!"
121* '''Averted''': The episode doesn't end while Bob is cursing.
122* '''Enforced''': The writers wanted to sneak an inappropriate joke past the censors, and they also wanted to end the episode on a joke, so they decided to do both at the same time.
123* '''Lampshaded''': The next episode begins with Bob saying "At least they're letting me finish the curse word now."
124* '''Discussed''': Alice breaks the fourth wall to comment on the episode always ending with Bob trying to swear.
125* '''Conversed''': "So the episode ended before he could swear, eh?"
126%%Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
127%%* '''Implied''': ???
128%%* '''Deconstructed''': ???
129%%* '''Reconstructed''': ???
130%%* '''Plotted a Good Waste''': ???
131%%* '''Played for Laughs''': ???
132%%* '''Played for Drama''': ???
135[[folder:Killed/Injured Mid-Sentence]]
136'''Basic Trope''': Someone is about to curse but then is killed/injured before cursing.
137* '''Straight''': Bob shouts, "Son of a bi--" when he is {{killed|MidSentence}} by the enemy.
138* '''Exaggerated''': Bob [[ClusterFBomb spouts a fountain of curse words]] and is immediately gruesomely killed before he can finish the last word.
139* '''Downplayed''': ???
140* '''Justified''':
141** Bob learned about something evil that this enemy has done.
142** The BigBad [[EvenEvilHasStandards just can't abide bad language]] [[DisproportionateRetribution and kills Bob there and then deliberately to prevent him from uttering it.]]
143* '''Inverted''': The enemy is about to kill Bob when he yells "BITCH!"
144* '''Subverted''': Bob [[DisneyDeath gets up]] after the enemy begins to walk away and screams "... bitch!"
145* '''Double Subverted''': Bob gets up to "it--" and is killed.
146* '''Parodied''': "What the fu--" Cue time over.
147* '''Zig-Zagged''': See DoubleSubverted, but when he gets to "it--", [[MadeOfIron he gets up again]] and finishes with "tch!"
148* '''Averted''': Bob is allowed to finish his curse.
149* '''Enforced''': ???
150* '''Lampshaded''': Ghost Bob gets up and says "At least have the decency to let me finish!"
151* '''Invoked''': The enemy kills Bob just as he is about to swear, timing it deliberately.
152* '''Exploited''': ???
153* '''Defied''': The enemy, for whatever reason, waits until Bob swears before killing him.
154* '''Discussed''': "Don't yell that out loud Bob. You might get killed in mid-sentence."
155* '''Conversed''': "His last words were almost profanity!"
156* '''Played for Laughs''': This is a BlackComedy joke meant to lighten up a war scene.
157* '''Played for Drama''': Bob is an important character, and him dying is very sad.
158%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
159%%* '''Implied''': ???
160%%* '''Deconstructed''': ???
161%%* '''Reconstructed''': ???
162%%* '''Plotted a Good Waste''': ???
165[[folder:Interrupted by Background Sound]]
166'''Basic Trope''': Someone is about to curse but a sound in the background is loud enough to render the curse inaudible.
167* '''Straight''': Bob is about to say a curse word, but it is covered by Emily honking the car horn.
168* '''Exaggerated''': Bob is about to say a curse word, but is covered by a Emily honking the car horn, an enormous car crash, and a plane taking off nearby.
169* '''Downplayed''': ???
170* '''Justified''': Emily knew Bob was going to swear, so she decided to bleep it the only way she knew how: by making a louder sound.
171* '''Inverted''': Bob is constantly interrupted due to background noise and curse words are the only speech you can hear from him.
172* '''Subverted''':
173** He swears after Emily honks her horn.
174** [[CensoredForComedy The smoke-detector's low-battery alarm only made it sound like he was swearing]].
175* '''Double Subverted''': She honks it again.
176* '''Parodied''': Alice has a "wacky censorship box" that she carries around and right when someone swears, she presses a button, which makes cartoony noises that bleep out the swears.
177* '''Zig-Zagged''': Bob tries to swear but is interrupted by Emily's horn a lot of times, and at the end he finally gets to swear.
178* '''Averted''':
179** Nobody tries to swear.
180** They do swear, but no sounds censor them.
181* '''Enforced''': The plot is about swearing, but having the swears audible to the audience would make the rating too high.
182* '''Lampshaded''': "So the horn doubles as a censor bleep?"
183* '''Invoked''': Emily times the honking of her horn to coincide with Bob's swearing.
184* '''Exploited''': ???
185* '''Defied''': Emily, for whatever reason, doesn't honk her horn until Bob is done swearing.
186* '''Discussed''': ???
187* '''Conversed''': "Did you hear that SoundEffectBleep that one episode?"
188* '''Played for Laughs''': Bob keeps trying to swear louder and louder, so Emily honks her horn louder and louder, then Alice walks over, complaining about the noise.
189* '''Played for Drama''': The sound that censors Bob's curse is someone screaming because the MonsterOfTheWeek is attacking.
190%%Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
191%%* '''Implied''': ???
192%%* '''Deconstructed''': ???
193%%* '''Reconstructed''': ???
194%%* '''Plotted a Good Waste''': ???
197Back to Main Page, you son of a--\
198''[[CurseCutShort Language, friend.]]''
