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1'''Basic Trope''': A [[TheSmartGuy smart character]] happens to be badass.
2* '''Straight''': Bob is a {{short|erMeansSmarter}}, genius {{bookworm}} with [[NerdGlasses glasses]] who also happens to be a black belt in karate.
3* '''Exaggerated''': Bob has [[ImprobablyHighIQ an IQ over 200]] with [[MusclesAreMeaningless no muscle mass whatsoever]], but still manages to [[OneManArmy take on an army]].
4* '''Downplayed''':
5** Bob wears glasses, majored in biology, and has a green belt in karate.
6** Bob [[NonActionGuy isn't very good at fighting]], but he's still great at using his [[GuileHero cunning]] and [[ScienceHero knowledge]] against enemies.
7* '''Justified''':
8** All of the books Bob reads are about all different forms of combat.
9** Bob lives in a post-apocalyptic AfterTheEnd scenario, where you have to be both intelligent and physically capable to have any hope of surviving.
10** Bob is TheAce, so being both smart and strong is part of his job description.
11* '''Inverted''':
12** [[GeniusBruiser Bob looks like a typical muscular strongman, but he turns out to have big brains as well.]]
13** Bob is weak and stupid.
14* '''Subverted''': Bob is short, wears glasses, and has a black belt in karate. But as soon as he [[SimpletonVoice opens his mouth]], it turns out he's not actually very smart.
15* '''Double Subverted''': Actually, he's a SouthernFriedGenius and your preconceived notions about Southerners just made you think he sounds dumb.
16* '''Parodied''':
17** Bob is portrayed as the typical nerd stereotype (glasses, pocket protector, bad fashion sense, etc.) but he is somehow capable of beating down an entire army while chuckling like a dork.
18** [[BadassBookworm Badass]] LiteralBookworm.
19* '''Zig Zagged''': Bob is a nerd who gets bullied so he [[TookALevelInBadass Takes a Level in Badass]] and works out, learns some martial arts, and otherwise toughens up. He casually beats down his former bullies but his sudden turn as a badass goes to his head and he stops pursuing academic pursuits. When someone makes him look like a fool in a battle of wits, he realizes he has to get back to studying.
20* '''Averted''':
21** Bob is just as weak as he looks, and has no physical prowess whatsoever.
22** Bob is stupid and incompetent.
23* '''Enforced''': The writers wanted to defy stereotypes.
24* '''Lampshaded''': "You may look really weak and into books, but you're pretty tough."
25* '''Invoked''': Bob, bullied for his brilliant grades, decides to train in kick-boxing to defend himself.
26* '''Exploited''': The chess club uses Bob's fighting skills to get back at a JerkJock.
27* '''Defied''': Bob wears contact lenses and bulks up so he'll look more like a badass and less like a bookworm.
28* '''Discussed''': Alice and her friends talk about Bob's mental and physical prowess, trying to figure out which is more impressive.
29* '''Conversed''': "I love this character. He is smart and badass."
30* '''Implied''': Bob is the top of the class and takes martial arts classes.
31* '''Deconstructed''': Bob is really smart but his constant fighting gives him a poor reputation amongst other intellectuals.
32* '''Reconstructed''': That is, until he performs a study and writes a long essay about his findings, detailing the benefits of being both badass and intelligent. He gets his respect.
33* '''Played For Laughs''': Bob beats up the BigBad while schooling him on the finer points of quantum mechanics.
34* '''Played For Drama''': Bob is an intellectual who would rather be left alone but he is thrust into violent situations which call for more "savage responses".
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