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Context PlayingWith / AwkwardlyPlacedBathtub

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1'''Basic Trope''': A bathtub is placed out in the open.
2* '''Straight''': Alice's bathtub is in her living room.
3* '''Exaggerated''': Alice's bathtub is on her front lawn.
4* '''Downplayed''': Alice's bathtub sits smack in the middle of her bathroom, away from all the walls; and anyone can look in through the window and see the tub.
5* '''Justified''':
6** Alice doesn't have running water; instead, she heats buckets of water and fills a washtub as needed.
7** Alice is a CloudCuckoolander with unusual decorating practices.
8** Alice only has one room in her house or apartment.
9** Alice is [[ShamelessFanserviceGirl eager]] or [[InnocentFanserviceGirl blasé]] about being nude around other people.
10** The bathroom floor collapsed.
11* '''Inverted''':
12** TheCouch is an integral part of the bathroom.
13** Alice's place is a TrashOfTheTitans-level mess, but the bathtub is (thankfully) the only thing she can reach conveniently.
14* '''Subverted''':
15** Alice's bathtub is in an en suite bathroom.
16** It's just a showroom model [[SexSells Alice is presenting]].
17* '''Double Subverted''':
18** of whose walls is a large window overlooking the beach.
19** Due to her lack of running water, Alice must bathe in a lake, hot spring, river, etc.
20* '''Parodied''':
21** Alice walks around wearing her bathtub.
22** Alice has a serviceable bathtub and effective plumbing, but whenever she needs a bath she goes out in public. She even arranges to get a public nudity exemption for the purpose.
23** There is a working bathtub in the middle of Alice's classroom, in which she regularly bathes, to the annoyance of her classmates and teacher.
24** Alice has lived her entire life from her bathtub. She does ''everything'' there, from eating to working to giving birth to defending her [=PhD=] -- and, yes, all in the nude. Her own mother, Betty, did the same before her, as did Betty's mother, Carol.
25* '''Zig-Zagged''': Things in Alice's bathroom break down periodically, requiring her to bathe in public. While there are no problems, she can bathe in her own bathroom.
26* '''Averted''':
27** Alice's bathtub is in her bathroom.
28** Alice doesn't bathe.
29* '''Enforced''': We need some FanService.
30* '''Lampshaded''':
31** "Rub-a-dub-dub, watching TV, in my tub!"
32** "EEEK! Do people never deign to '''knock'''?!" "Before coming into the ''kitchen''? Not usually, no..."
33* '''Invoked''': Alice moves into a house or apartment that has no room for her beloved claw-foot bathtub.
34* '''Exploited''': [[ReluctantFanserviceGirl Alice]]'s enemies [[DefeatByModesty attack her while she's in her highly visible bathtub]].
35* '''Defied''': Alice decides she'll make do with the shower in her bathroom and sells the tub.
36* '''Discussed''': "Why does Alice seem to enjoy being naked and wet around just about everyone?"
37* '''Conversed''': [[IdiotBall "She really should have considered the possibility of arrest for indecent exposure."]]
38* '''Implied''': Alice mentions that she likes to multitask while soaking in the bath.
39* '''Deconstructed''': May lead to a PleasePutSomeClothesOn situation.
40* '''Reconstructed''':
41** Alice keeps a set of clean clothes handy so she can talk to other people who come into the house without embarrassing them.
42** Alice is positive or neutral about being seen nude, [[MsFanservice and everybody else agrees with her]] (or learns to live with her nudity).
43* '''Played for Laughs''': NakedFirstImpression, or more generally, NakedPeopleAreFunny.
44* '''Played for Drama''': Alice is [[DeadlyBath killed in her bath]].
45* '''Played for Horror''': Alice moved her tub from her bathroom because a demon has taken up residence there and will not leave.
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49%%Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
