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Context PlayingWith / AllWomenAreLustful

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1'''Basic Trope''': Women think about nothing but sex.
2* '''Straight''': Alice--like other women--regularly goes out to chase men who chastise them for their lack of interest in the finer things.
3* '''Exaggerated''':
4** Women are barred from entering the work force, military groups like the army and the navy and even going for positions of power (like CEO of a company and President of a country) [[DefiedTrope because they keep]] [[DoubleStandardRapeFemaleOnMale molesting and sometimes forcing themselves on their male co-workers.]]
5** Every single female on the planet constantly think about nothing but sex, to the point that they [[DoubleStandardRapeFemaleOnMale rape]] every single male [[PsychoLesbian (or sometimes female)]] they come across.
6** No matter the women of the cast are [[NaughtyNuns nuns]], [[DirtyOldWoman old women]], [[FilleFatale little girls]], [[PsychoLesbian lesbians]], [[MyBiologicalClockIsTicking hitting menopause]], or [[InfidelityIndex already married]]. Having a vagina is enough to make the ladies chronically eager for sex.
7* '''Downplayed''':
8** The women are horny, [[AllMenArePerverts but men are just as much]].
9** The only one or very few [[TokenWholesome prudish, chaste women]] exist, but most women are lusty.
10** The women are lusty, but ''[[SafeSaneAndConsensual only]]'' [[SafeSaneAndConsensual towards men they like and trust]], [[SingleWomanSeeksGoodMan and who treat them well]]; they don’t throw themselves at men who don't respect them as human beings.
11* '''Justified''':
12** [[MyBiologicalClockIsTicking Women in this world have only a few years of fertility]] and thus want to reproduce sooner than later.
13** [[ImprobablyFemaleCast All women in the cast]] [[CastFullOfGay are lesbians]] and AllGaysArePromiscuous.
14** [[WomenAreDelicate Women are portrayed as emotional and irrational in this setting]], so they can't control their sexual urges.
15* '''Inverted''': AllWomenArePrudes.
16* '''Gender Inverted''': AllMenArePerverts.
17* '''Subverted''':
18** Alice is told that it's ok for a woman to sleep around a lot, only to later find out that this mindset doesn't really benefit her since she doesn't accomplish anything of worth while having sex.
19** Alice acts this way… but Carol and Donna don't.
20* '''Double Subverted''':
21** Alice still prefers sex over anything else in life and decides to become a HighClassCallGirl.
22** But they [[CovertPervert think the same thoughts,]] and eventually Alice teaches them to embrace thier inner sexuality.
23* '''Parodied''':
24** A contest is held where a dozen nuns need to go for 7 days without sex or masturbating so they win $100,000. Every single one fails spectacularly. And not even a full hour in.
25** Alice can't so much as look at something potentially sexual without collapsing in desire.
26** The town's RedLightDistrict doesn't cater to ''men'' (at least, not straight men), but to ''women''. There are male prostitutes waiting for "business," Chippendale dancers, porn theatres showing PornWithPlot, etc.
27** Not only are the women constantly having sex with people, even those [[UsefulNotes/{{Asexuality}} who aren't sexually attracted to anyone]] are implied [[CovertPervert to have an addiction]] to masturbation.
28* '''Zig Zagged''':
29** Alice had sex and isn't sure if she's now a stud or a slut.
30** The women of the cast aren't too lustful usually, but the work also avoids NoPeriodsPeriod and certain parts of a woman's menstrual cycle release hormones that can increase libido. So in some stories, the women are noticeably hornier than in the others.
31* '''Averted''': Sexuality is not part of the plot.
32* '''Enforced''':
33** "We can't have [[AllWomenArePrudes prudes]] while making a porno."
34** "We want more MsFanservice in our work, let's make them as horny as our ChivalrousPervert protagonist to avoid being complained about [[RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil sexual harassment issues]]."
35** The writer is a [[SexIsGood sex-positive feminist]], who wants to get rid of [[MyGirlIsNotASlut constant]] [[AllWomenArePrudes stereotypes]].
36* '''Lampshaded''': "Come on, [[AllMenArePerverts Bob]], on this planet, we'll definitely get laid!"
37* '''Invoked''':
38** Bob's spaceship crash-lands on Alice's [[LadyLand all-women planet]]. [[GreenSkinnedSpaceBabe Alice]] is strangely intrigued by Bob's alien physique.
39** The [[AllMenArePerverts men of the planet]] convert all the women into perverts so they are always available for sex.
40* '''Exploited''': DistractedByTheSexy
41* '''Defied''':
42** Alice is a religious woman and/or has other priorities in life than sex, even though she doesn't deny her sexuality.
43** Alice is asexual, or a CelibateHeroine.
44* '''Discussed''': “Why is every person with a vagina such a whore?”
45* '''Conversed''': “I hate how the media portrays women as nothing but brainless, sex-crazed bimbos.“
46* '''Deconstructed''':
47** Alice is so caught up in her sex drive and so indiscriminate with her choice of partners that she eventually becomes HIV positive.
48** Alice indulged so much in the satisfaction of her sex drive that she turns 50 before she knows it, having achieved nothing of worth in her life, and ends up a DirtyOldWoman, a caricature of what she used to be.
49** Word spread about Alice's lustful nature and she has to pay the consequences (i. e. most, in not all men, don't want to have sex with her due to being a whore with possible diseases, not being able to hold down a job, being accused to abandoning children if she has any.)
50* '''Reconstructed''': Alice eventually understands that SexIsGood but that it's not the meaning of life and, even though she still enjoys it, she learns to master her sexual desire.
51* '''Played For Laughs''': On Alice's all-woman sex planet, everyone is starving to death because they're too busy making out.
52* '''Played For Drama''': The women in the show all have kids from an unknown father who they gave to adoption or who they neglect because the only thing that matters to them is sex and their own sexual pleasure, not their kids' welfare.
54Back to AllWomenAreLustful.
56%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
58%%* '''Implied''': ???
59%%* '''Untwisted''': ???
