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Context NightmareFuel / TheBlackHole

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2[[caption-width-right:350:''He stands on a high cliff bathed in the red light of infernal flames and oversees the torments of the damned''...]]
3''As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You have been warned.''
5* The exact nature of the crew of the Cygnus. Lobotomized by Reinhardt into [[{{Brainwashed}} mindless, subservient drones]] who can only continue to perform their tasks aboard the ship. They literally don't even stop working as they're sucked out into space to their deaths, nor do they try to save Reinhardt after he is trapped under a collapsed viewscreen.
6** It's even worse as it's implied the surgery to transform them into that was practiced ''with no anesthesia at all''. The novelization lampshades this, Kate begging to be anesthesized as she lays on the operating table.
7*** Can be perceived as potential {{Squick}} in Kate’s case; what purpose would she have served aboard the ''Cygnus'' had Dan not rescued her? Assuming that the ''Cygnus'' had no female crew members, Reinhardt might have had some [[IHaveYouNowMyPretty terrible]] [[RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil plans]] for her.
8** [[FreezeFrameBonus There's a moment midway through the movie]], when Bob is showing Vincent around - just before they enter the "hospital" area where the crew are worked on, one of them goes under the device and you can see a human face briefly through the faceplate while the lasers are on.
9** The film leaves a lot open about the actual state of the crew, but the funeral suggests they could be still be human in the sense of feeling beings but bereft of free will of their own, unable to control their own bodies. It's unclear if Reinhardt instated funerals as an acknowledgment of his own crimes against their humanity, or if he permitted them to happen. The ceremonies could either be the vestiges of his humanity, or much worse, theirs, as they may experience {{AndIMustScream}}.
10* The ending of the film with regard to the crew. The last we see of [[BigBad Reinhardt]] and [[TheDragon Maximillian]] is Reinhardt's eyes darting madly to and fro from within Maximilian's visor, undeniably insane, as the new entity rules over the wreckage of the Cygnus, ''and its mindless, but entirely innocent crew'' in what looks to be a [[FireAndBrimstoneHell massive fiery cavern]].
11* The line graphs used to represent the titular space anomaly in the trailer and the opening, due to it looking so plain ''unnatural'' and being superimposed over the more terrifying moments of the film.
12* How do you stage a Haunted House story in the middle of space? By creating a steel-girder spaceship several miles long built with enough towers poking outward to look like a foreboding castle, then leave the lights off while another ship approaches to find out if anyone's still alive on-board. Oh, and have an eldritch force like a ''black hole'' swirling in the background.
13** It doesn't help that the music builds up ominously as the Palomino surveys the darkened Cygnus... only for the music to hit a crescendo ''when the lights turn on''. Even Vincent ducks his head when that happens.
14** The interior of the Cygnus is creepier. A massive edifice of steel and translucent walls using geometric patterns that are unsettling to the eye, with high ceilings suggesting a cathedral that's been emptied of people but left spotless by ''whatever'' stayed behind.
15* Just the brief glimpse of the "humanoid-robot's" face when Durant removes the reflective faceplate; although still clearly alive, the crewman's face almost looks like a corpse, and the eyes seem on the verge of hemorrhaging. That little raspy breath he lets out upon being unmasked doesn't help, either.
16** In the novelization is even worse. There, the eyes are replaced by seemingly cybernetic ones said to look like the faceplates they use.
17* [[KillerRobot Maximillian]], just by himself, is a perfect example. Between the [[ThisIsADrill whirly-blades]], [[ImmuneToBullets immunity to]] [[EnergyWeapon lasers]], some [[EnergyWeapon lasers]] of his own, a [[CyberCyclops single]] [[GlowingEyesOfDoom glowing]] [[RedEyesTakeWarning red eye]] with a particularly intimidating [[RageHelm furrowed shape]], his complete [[SilentAntagonist silence]] beyond the menacing hum of the servos as he moves, and the way he just [[ImplacableMan keeps coming]] while [[{{Flight}} completely ignoring terrain]], and eventually [[TurnedAgainstTheirMasters engulfs his own creator]] and [[{{Satan}} presides over hell itself]], how could you not have nightmares for years afterwards?
18* Maximillian's [[ThisIsADrill execution]] of Durant, which prompts Reinhardt himself to beg for protection from his creation. (Although he might just be playing the sympathy card -- he curses out Maximilian for killing Alex, but Alex ''had'' just found out Reinhardt's secret.)
19* Dr. Reinhardt's pleas to Kate to protect him from Maximillian are another case of NightmareFuel should they be taken at face value, considering the possibility of spending decades practically all alone and having to look constantly over your shoulder to make sure your physically superior [[TheDragon Dragon]] isn't trying to kill you.
20* What makes this all the more unsettling is that the movie [[BewareTheNiceOnes was produced by]] ''{{Creator/Disney}}!''
21* The heroes desperately fleeing across a flimsy gantry that's dwarfed by the huge fiery meteor that's rolling towards it.
22* In the novel, the very final moments of Reinhardt after the falling viewscreen traps him with the ''Cygnus'' being torn apart by the black hole's gravity, its lobotomized crew ignoring his pleas for help, Maximilian gone, and watching how both the ship is approaching to the hole and how the surviving Palomino's crew is able to escape just before dying of explosive decompression when the control tower is torn off.
