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Context Music / HilaryDuff

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3-> ''My name is Lizzie.''
5Hilary Erhard Duff (born September 28, 1987 in Houston, Texas) is an American actress, singer, songwriter, fashion designer and author active since 1997.
7Duff was inspired by Music/BritneySpears and her sister Creator/HaylieDuff (''Film/MaterialGirls'', ''Film/NapoleonDynamite'', various songs with/for Hilary) when she was a child to become an actor, singer and songwriter. After working in local theater plays and television commercials in her childhood, she gained fame for playing the title role in the Creator/DisneyChannel television series ''Series/LizzieMcGuire''.
9She subsequently ventured into motion pictures and has many successful films to her credit, including ''Film/CasperMeetsWendy'', ''[[TheMovie The Lizzie McGuire Movie]]'', ''Film/CheaperByTheDozen2003'', ''Film/ACinderellaStory'', ''Film/CheaperByTheDozen2'', ''Film/WarInc'', ''Film/AccordingToGreta'', and ''Stay Cool''. More recent roles of hers include Kelsey in ''Series/{{Younger}}'' and Sophie in ''Series/{{How I Met Your Father}}''. She also co-authored a trilogy of novels in the early 2010s as well as a picture book in 2021 named ''My Little Brave Girl'', and started several fashion lines including Stuff by Hilary Duff, Femme for DKNY, and the "Muse x Hilary Duff" collection.
11Duff also expanded her repertoire into pop music around the time of her ascent to fame as a teen actress, with three of her albums -- her debut ''Metamorphosis'', ''[[SelfTitledAlbum Hilary Duff]]'' and ''[[GreatestHitsAlbum Most Wanted]]'' -- being RIAA-certified Platinum. She has sold 13 million records worldwide.
13Duff is the mother of three children, a son and two daughters. The son was born in March 2012 from her first marriage to NHL player Mike Comrie, which occurred in 2010; they finalized their divorce six years later. She later got married to singer-songwriter Matthew Koma in 2019, with which she had the two daughters in October 2018 and March 2021.
15!! Filmography:
16* ''Film/CasperMeetsWendy'' (1998) as Wendy
17* ''Film/CadetKelly'' (2002) as Kelly Collins
18* ''Film/AgentCodyBanks'' (2003) as Natalie Connors
19* ''Series/LizzieMcGuire'' (2001 -- 2004) as Lizzie [=McGuire=]
20** ''[[TheMovie The Lizzie McGuire Movie]]'' (2003) as [[ActingForTwo Lizzie McGuire & Isabella Parigi]]
21* ''Film/CheaperByTheDozen2003'' (2003) as Lorraine Baker
22** ''Film/CheaperByTheDozen2'' (2005)
23* ''Film/ACinderellaStory'' (2004) as Sam Montgomery
24* ''Film/RaiseYourVoice'' (2004) as Terri Fletcher
25* ''Film/ThePerfectMan'' (2006) as Holly Baker
26* ''Film/MaterialGirls'' (2006) as Tanzania 'Tanzi' Marchetta
27* ''Film/WarInc'' (2008) as Yonica Babyyeah
28* ''Film/AccordingToGreta'' (2009) as Greta
29* ''Series/GossipGirl'' (2009) as Olivia Burke
30* ''WesternAnimation/{{Foodfight}}'' (2012) as Sunshine Goodness (voice)
31* ''Series/{{Younger}}'' (2015 -- present) as Kelsey Peters
32* ''Film/TheHauntingOfSharonTate'' (2019) as Creator/SharonTate
33* ''Series/HowIMetYourFather'' (2022 -- 2023) as Sophie
35!! Discography:
36* ''[[ChristmasSongs Santa Claus Lane]]'' (2002)
37* ''Metamorphosis'' (2003)
38* ''[[SelfTitledAlbum Hilary Duff]]'' (2004)
39* ''[[GreatestHits Most Wanted]]'' (2005)
40* ''[[NewSoundAlbum Dignity]]'' (2007)
41* ''[[GreatestHits Best of Hilary Duff]]'' (2008)
42* ''[[LiveAlbum Live at Gibson Amphitheatre: August 15, 2007]]'' (2008)
43* ''Breathe In. Breathe Out.'' (2015)
45!! Bibliography:
46* ''Elixir'' (2010)
47* ''Devoted'' (2011)
48* ''True'' (2013)
49* ''My Little Brave Girl'' (2021)
51!!Hilary Duff provides examples of the following tropes:
52* AlbumTitleDrop: Clearly in "Dignity" and "Metamorphosis"
53* AllGirlsWantBadBoys: She has a song dedicated to how rebellious and attractive Mr. James Dean was and how a suitor/stalker/random hanger on could never compare to his brilliance.
54** "Danger" also discusses this phenomenon.
55* AllWomenLoveShoes: Behind the scenes of the Metamorphosis tour she mentions how if she sees a clothing store she HAS to go in and check it out!
56* AloneInACrowd: ''What's wrong with me, I get lonely in a crowd/everybody's smiling, but I make myself left out'' in Burned
57* AntiLoveSong:
58** "Little Voice"
59---> ''I know I sound insane''
60---> ''Like I'm playing games''
61---> ''cuz all I really want is you''
62---> ''But there's some things a girl won't do''
63** "Beat Of My Heart" also plays with this.
64** "So Yesterday" is basically about telling your ex "I'm over you".
65** In "Between You and Me", Hils tells this guy who's been cruising her to leave her alone.
66* BookEnds: "Come Clean" (Let's go back, back to the beginning), "Underneath This Smile (What I'm standing on is sinking in), "Fly" (Just one moment)
67* BreakUpSong: In a variety of ways: "Happy", "Outside Of You", "I Wish", "The Getaway", "Who's That Girl", "Stranger", "Beat of My Heart", "Break My Heart", "Holiday", "Jericho", "Crash World", "Hide Away"
68* CaptainObvious: So Yesterday: "If the light is off, then it isn't on!" [[SarcasmMode Gee, I never knew that!]]
69* ChristmasSongs: Her debut album, ''Santa Claus Lane'', consists entirely of these.
70* CoverVersion: "Our Lips Are Sealed" (For ''Film/ACinderellaStory''), "My Generation" (At Most Wanted tour), "I Can't Wait" (Originally by Brook Clement), and "Little Voice" (Basically rewrote the lyrics and the aim of the song)
71** She recorded a cover of [[Music/FleetwoodMac Fleetwood Mac's]] "Little Lies" for a ''Series/{{Younger}}'' episode.
72* DarkerAndEdgier: Her music got darker in her self titled era, and her movies went way off the deep end in "War Inc" (Bringing the Sexy for the first time) and ''According To Greta'' (As far as character goes).
73* DeadpanSnarker: "Between You & Me", "Little Voice", "Do Ya Want Me?", "Dreamer", "Mr James Dean", "Weird", she tends to be cynical and snarky in her music when dealing with unwanted suitors..
74** She also delivered much of it when voicing [[GreekChorus Animated Lizzie McGuire]], and her fair share as [[Series/{{Younger}} Kelsey]].
75* DrivenToSuicide: In "Greta".
76* EasterEgg: Used on her first and some versions of her second musical [=DVDs=].
77* EpicInstrumentalOpener: 30 second instrumental opening to "Happy" with obligatory symphony and off beat beat.
78* ExhortTheDiscJockeySong: "Wake Up" (As well as a RockstarSong)
79--> ''Give me a dancefloor/Give Me a DJ/Play me a record''
80--> ''Forget what they say''
81* FollowYourHeart: "Fly", "Rock This World", "Girl Can Rock", "No Work, All Play", "Cry", "I Am", "Inner Strength", "Supergirl, "Come Clean", "Haters", "The Last Song", "Someones Watching Over Me", "Jericho".
82* FormerChildStar: Averted. She's often held up as one of the go to examples of a child/teen star who transitioned to a stable and successful adult career and avoided any major scandals.
83* GenreMashup: Metamorphosis (The Song) has acoustic, electronic, rap and rnb elements.
84** Dignity is a mash up of dance beats, rock instruments, Bollywood/Indian music, trip pop and power pop.
85* GenreShift: "Dignity" removed previous elements of pop/rock for a more dance, dubstep and electronic sound.
86* GreatestHitsAlbum: Due to executive meddling mostly (Both times).
87* GriefSong: "Someone's Watching Over Me"
88* HairOfGoldHeartOfGold: She has blonde hair (albeit naturally brunette) and her characters are usually friendly, kind and sweet-natured. She is also often described as being the same in real life.
89* HeartbeatSoundtrack: Beat Of My Heart introduction.
90* HeroicRROD: Narrowly averted with her musical break after the "Dignity" era and her time out before "Dignity" came out.
91** Her slower pace of work without coming to a complete stop during 2010 and 2011. Getting married and all also helped her avert this assumed trope.
92* HotGypsyWoman: While performing Stranger and the other woman in Gypsy Woman.
93* HotterAndSexier: ''Dignity'' mildly, but her music from ''Reach Out'' was quite raunchy (although only compared to her music from her Disney days.) And then of course, there was her role in Film/WarInc.
94* IdolSinger: Starting with her performances in [[TheMovie The Lizzie McGuire Movie]], until her last album, Best of Hilary Duff.
95** Has decided to give it another go...
96* IHaveBoobsYouMustObey: Her character in the film ''Material Girls'' did this, and PlayedForLaughs.
97* IntercourseWithYou: "Reach Out" and "Sparks", although the latter is far more subdued than [=RCA=] labelmate Music/MileyCyrus.
98* LetThereBeSnow: "When the Snow Comes Down in Tinseltown"
99* ListingCities: ''Could be in New York, maybe Hollywood and Vine, London, Paris, maybe Tokyo'' in Wake Up.
100* LonelyAtTheTop: The implication in "Burned".
101---> What's wrong with me?/I get lonely in a crowd,
102--->Everyone is smiling/But I made myself left out.
103* LoveWillLeadYouBack: "Jericho" takes this tone.
104* LyricalDissonance: "Dreamer" a song about a stalker and the media who hounds her constantly and is expressed singing wise very sarcastically, the background has "Bum bum bum, da da bum" and extremely happy background music with a smooth beat and chirpy background vocals.
105** Similarly, "Between You and Me" has the girl telling some random guy to piss off, all together with very preppy, almost cynical background music.
106* {{Metamorphosis}}: her non-Holiday music debut pop album was called this, as it was about her metamorphosis from actor to singer.
107** ButterflyOfTransformation: Used in the visuals of the final page of the album.
108* MsFanservice: Many of her post-teenage roles have seen her play characters who are ''very'' comfortable showing skin as seen in ''Film/WarInc'' and a few episodes of ''Series/{{Younger}}''. She even famously did a nude photo shoot [[ in 2022]] and talked about her journey in becoming more comfortable with her body.
109* NewSoundAlbum: ''Dignity'' is this compared to Hilary Duff and Metamorphosis as she exploited the techno and electronic powers of pop music...and started songwriting the majority of the album for the first time.
110* NiceGirl: Has some amazing, positive press, fan experiences and is in general accepted as being a good kind girl and star. She made fun of this image on a talk show, after becoming pregnant by her husband. "Everyone thinks I'm a good girl, but I figured it out." She is also known for playing many characters who are this.
111* NonAppearingTitle: "Between You and Me" does not feature the phrase "Between You and Me".
112* ObsessionSong: "Do You Want Me"
113* OneWomanSong: Australian '''Popstars''' winner Scott Cain's second album ''Roller Coaster'' includes a song called [[ "Hilary Duff"]] (aka "I've Got A Crush On Hilary Duff").
114* TheRival: Creator/LindsayLohan back in the day.
115* RockstarSong: "Wake Up"
116---> ''Could be in New York, maybe Hollywood and Vine, London, Paris, maybe Tokyo''
117---> ''Somethings goin on everywhere I go tonight''
118** And
119---> ''There's people talking/They talk about me/They know my name''
120---> ''They think they know everything/But they don't know anything''
121---> ''About me''
122** and "Haters", "Burned", "Dignity", "Crash World", "Who's That Girl".
123* RoguishRomani: "Gypsy Woman" contains the lyrics "She can rob you blind with just one look, from those eyes. Out of all the thieves that trained her, none of them could tame her."
124* {{Sampling}}: "Reach Out" samples Music/DepecheMode's "Personal Jesus".
125* ScrewThisImOuttaHere: [[WordOfGod According to]] [[ an "impromptu interview"]] a fansite gave her in 2013, Hilary felt after the end of the ''Dignity'' tour very overwhelmed at her fame and success and very confused about which direction to go to next. She claimed she shut down her clothing line, fired her manager, left her record label, and deliberately laid low for a while, learning to fend for herself and live a normal life, even pondering going to college to study in interior design. In the meantime, she met her future husband and settled down to domestic life for a few years.
126* SelfEmpowermentAnthem: "Fly" being the most obvious one, but Rock This World, Girl Can Rock, Wake Up, No Work All Play, Inner Strength, Belong and Workin' It Out all also apply.
127* SelfTitledAlbum: Her second album was self titled.
128* SillyLoveSongs: ''Where Did I Go Right?, Anywhere But Here, Never Stop''
129* SpokenWordInMusic: "Inner Strength" and "Gypsy Woman" has a spoken intro.
130* StalkerWithACrush: Implied by "Mr James Dean", "Between You and Me", "Dreamer", "Little Voice"...and others.
131** Also dealt with a stalker while dating Joel Madden.
132* StudioChatter: Used in "Workin' It Out" amongst others on her first two albums.
133* TakeThat: ''Dignity'' to the various controversial people in 2007 including Creator/LindsayLohan, Creator/ParisHilton and Music/BritneySpears. ''Who's That Girl'' about how her boyfriend cheated on her with Lindsay Lohan and ''Haters'' to general gossip culture and people spreading lies to make themselves feel better about themselves...[[RuleOfThree also]] Lindsay Lohan.
134* TeenIdol: She was the "It" girl when she was about 16 when she really hit it big and started relaxing her fame when she was about 20 and took less jobs and focused more on having a life.
135* ThatSyncingFeeling: Hilary Duff's performance of "Come Clean" live at MTV New Year's Eve 2004. The pre-recorded vocals glitch up and skip at 2 points in the song, causing the vocals to audibly desync from the backing band.
136* ThisIsASong: In full force in "I Wish".-''I guess that's why I'm writing you this song''.
137* TitleTrack: Metamorphosis and Dignity
138* TypeCast: At this point, she seems to have two types. In the years immediately following ''Series/LizzieMcGuire'', every character she played was basically "Lizzie [=McGuire=] with a different name" and she still plays these sort of roles now and then. ''Film/WarInc'' established another type for her, the popular, likely spoiled starlet and/or rich girl -- in other words, [[AdamWesting an exaggerated version of herself]].
139* VerbalTic: In her younger years, she was constantly stuttering her "I's".
140* {{Yandere}}: "Do You Want Me?"
