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Context Manga / AliveTheFinalEvolution

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4->''We were alive on this planet, then they arrived.''
6Imagine ''Film/TheHappening'' turned into a shounen series.
8Taisuke is an OrdinaryHighSchoolStudent whose life is changed forever when a mysterious "suicide virus" spreads around the world and causes normal people to suddenly kill themselves. As he witnesses a young girl gleefully jump to her death, a strange thought goes through his head: "I'm so jealous..."
10Weeks later, after the epidemic has died down, a couple of bullies at Taisuke's school are brutally murdered and his best friend Hirose is the prime suspect. To his horror, Taisuke discovers that the survivors of the suicide virus--those who contracted the virus but did ''not'' commit suicide--have begun to manifest destructive supernatural powers and are being gathered by an enigmatic man named Katsumata. Hirose turns out to be one of these "Comrades", and is [[MindRape brainwashed]] into joining their cause, kidnapping Taisuke's childhood friend Megumi as he flees north.
12Determined to rescue Megumi and bring Hirose back to his senses, Taisuke leaves the city on his bike and pursues the "Comrades" to their gathering place up north. On the way he meets up with renegade Comrades Yuta and Nami- who reject the plans of Katsumata- and begins to manifest his own Comrade powers as he comes to grips with what it means to be "alive".
14The manga, written by Tadashi Kawashima and illustrated by Adachitoka, was serialized from 2003 to 2010 in ''[[Magazine/ShonenMagazine Monthly Shonen Magazine]]''. While there were plans for an an anime adaptation by Creator/{{Gonzo}}, the studio suffered financial problems and cancelled the project [[ in 2010]]. Kawashima passed away [[ on June 15th, 2010 due to liver cancer.]] [[DyingMomentOfAwesome In spite of that, he succeeded in completing]] ''[[DyingMomentOfAwesome Alive]]'' [[DyingMomentOfAwesome while hospitalized.]]
17!!This series provides examples of:
19* AbusiveParents: Yuta's dad actually kicked him out of the house. In his defense, he suspects Yuta is responsible for the death of his wife, and Yuta's {{creepy child}} behavior at the time certainly didn't help.
20* AccidentalMurder: Nami killed a Comrade who killed someone else in front of her on reflex. This leads to her mindset of IveComeTooFar and attempting to kill others until she gets talked out of it.
21* AccidentalPervert: Taisuke accidentally walks in on Nami getting changed at one point. Needless to say, he is lucky to be alive.
22* ActionGirl: Nami, Kanon, D4. All of them show a certain degree of WorfEffect and are pretty damn girly, but they do actually manage to be considerable powers with impacts on plot development despite this.
23* ACupAngst: Amamiya the reporter. [[spoiler:It saves her life at one point.]]
24%%* AllMonksKnowKungFu: Asou. He's a Catholic ''priest'', but the trope still applies.
25%%* AlwaysSaveTheGirl
26%%* AmbiguousGender: Mitama is evidently a girl.
27%%* AnIcePerson: Nami. Naturally, she's also a {{defrosting ice queen}}. A {{tsundere}} one.
28%%* AntagonistInMourning: Hirose after the events of the penultimate battle.
29%%* AntiVillain: Asou.
30* AnyoneCanDie: It is that kind of a series.
31* AwesomeButImpractical: Okada's power, as detailed below. As long as he can trick a person into forming a contract, he basically dominates them. The problem? It doesn't work on other Comrades, meaning there's absolutely no way he can directly harm another Comrade, and has to resort to taking hostages and letting others do the fighting for him.
32* AxCrazy: Most of the Comrades. Especially Kanon. This may be because that type of 'hole in your heart' makes it easier to resist the call of death than more ordinary damage does, or just that WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity, absent HeroicWillpower. Katsumata's brainwashing can't help.
33* BadassNormal: D2. The noseless guy.
34* BewareTheNiceOnes: Hirose. Or, alternately, Taisuke, once he TakesALevelInBadass.
35* BlindSeer: A minor Comrade. [[spoiler:He later kills himself, afraid of what's coming.]]
36* BrattyHalfPint: Aoi. Throw in SuperSpeed as well and she's essentially the female version of [[WesternAnimation/TheIncredibles Dashell Parr.]]
37%%* BrotherSisterIncest: Used for a brief gag between Taisuke and Yoko. It's kind of hard to tell if it's serious or not...
38%%* BullyHunter: Taisuke.
39%%* CharacterBlog: Used in an omake.
40%%* ChildhoodFriendRomance: Hirose towards Megumi.
41%%* CreepyChild: Ron and Yuta at one point.
42* CuteAndPsycho: Kanon is a cheerful, even kind of ditzy ThirdPersonPerson... and a completely casual murderer.
43* DamselInDistress: Megumi. To her credit, she made multiple escape attempts.
44* DeathSeeker: Yuta, at first. [[spoiler:As well as the immortals causing the suicide virus.]]
45** All Comrades, in a way. When infected by the suicide virus, one receives the order to seek death. The Comrades are just those who didn't take the direct approach.
46* DefeatMeansFriendship: Yuta and Asou. Inverted with Nami, who they had to recruit specifically because they ''couldn't'' beat her.
47* DesignatedGirlFight: D4 vs. Nami in all her {{fanservice}} glory. (She got Kanon in an earlier fight set, but that was [[YouKilledMyFather a matter of vengeance]].)
48* DrivenToSuicide: All victims of the suicide virus. Think ''Film/TheHappening'', but they're much more enthusiastic about it. Happy.
49* DrunkWithPower: A lot of Comrades go mad with their power.
50* EagleLand: Type III. For most of the plot, the U.S. Government is working against the protagonists to get possession of the [[AncientArtifact Heart of Akuro]] for their own ends, but [[spoiler:when Hirose gains possession of the Heart, [[WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity promptly goes crazy]] and [[OmnicidalManiac declares war on humanity itself]], they [[ConflictKiller put aside their differences]] and [[EnemyMine team up with the protagonists]] to stop him, showing that they know when enough is enough and they need to work together to save the world.]]
51%%* EnfanteTerrible: Mitama.
52* EscortMission: An odd manga variation in that Taisuke is stuck with Megumi clinging to his arm while other Comrades are all out to kill him. (Because if she lets go, she'll automatically and instantly die by superpower; she's not an ''idiot'',)
53%%* {{Gonk}}: Okada and Yura.
54* HealingFactor: Used and averted. All comrades have this as a secondary ability, but any wound inflicted by Taisuke can't heal, as Morio learned the hard way...
55* HeelFaceRevolvingDoor: Asou. To his credit though, he ''was'' BrainwashedAndCrazy...
56* HeelFaceTurn: [[spoiler:Yura, sort of.]] He also went through a bizarre species of ArtEvolution, from utterly disgusting to bishie.
57* HoistByHisOwnPetard: Comrades tend to die like this, succumbing to their own powers.
58* HospitalHottie: Yoko, a literal school nurse, and has no problem with using it to get what she wants. It comes back to bite her when one of her coworkers confesses to her right before killing himself.
59* HotBlooded: Taisuke.
60* HowDoIShotWeb: Taisuke and most others don't know how to use their powers originally.
61* IntrepidReporter: Amamiya and Oda. Subverted in that Oda isn't that enthusiastic and is mostly being dragged along by Amamiya.
62* KickTheDog: Hirose when he [[spoiler: erases Haruka]].
63* KissKissSlap: [[spoiler:Nami kisses Taisuke only to slap him afterwards in Chapter 73.]]
64* LaserGuidedAmnesia:
65** Katsumata did this Megumi for a while, in an effort to keep Hirose and her under control.
66** [[spoiler: Taisuke]] suffers from this at the beginning of the second story arc. It was pretty comprehensive, and rather disappointing, since he lost most of his CharacterDevelopment. He gets better.
67* LiteraryAllusionTitle: All the chapter subtitles are famous quotes.
68* LittleMissSnarker: Yuta. (A boy.)
69* MacGuffin: [[spoiler: The "Heart of Akuro"]]
70* MamaBear: Yukie, [[spoiler:who mind-controls and then massacres a military force in an attempt to rescue Aoi.]]
71* ManipulativeBastard: Katsumata, The Poet, possibly Yukie as well.
72* MercyKill: A handful of Comrades try to justify their behavior with this.
73* MessianicArchetype: Taisuke
74* MsFanservice: Yoko and Nami. Oh so much.
75* MySignificanceSenseIsTingling: Comrades can sense one another after they start awakening.
76* NietzscheWannabe: Hooooo boy. Nearly ''every single antagonist''.
77* {{Otaku}}: Okada, who's the stereotypical fat, {{Gonk}}y otaku.
78* OmnicidalManiac: [[spoiler:Hirose,]] once he goes OneWingedAngel.
79** It's not exactly OneWingedAngel; it's after he takes that form that he becomes impossible to harm.
80* OneHitKill[=/=]AlwaysAccurateAttack: Okada's power allows him to make contracts with people by making them promise something. If they break the promise, Okada's personal GrimReaper kills them almost instantly. Though Yuta's power can delay the victim's death by blocking the GrimReaper from reaching them, the only way to permanently stop it is for Okada to annul the contract.
81* ParentalAbandonment: Taisuke and Yoko's parents are dead, [[spoiler:which Taisuke is indirectly responsible for.]] Yuta's mom succumbed to the suicide virus right in front of him. Nami's dad is missing, and her mom has gone insane. And then there's Hirose...
82* PlayingWithFire: Taisuke [[spoiler:or so it seems...]]
83* ThePowerOfFriendship: [[spoiler:How Taisuke, Yuta and Nami survived the second coming of the suicide virus.]]
84* PowersViaPossession: [[spoiler: Comrades gain their powers from the knowledge of the arcane workings of the universe contained within the DeathSeeker ghost trying to make them kill themselves.]]
85* PromotedToParent: Taisuke's sister had to raise him after his parents died.
86* QuirkyMinibossSquad: The Comrades.
87* RazorWind: Morio's power.
88* RivalTurnedEvil: Hirose.
89* SexyPriest: Asou.
90* ShoutOut: Yukie's 3 youngest children are nicknamed [[Manga/OsomatsuKun Osomatsu, Karamatsu, and Choromatsu]].
91* SpannerInTheWorks: [[spoiler:Hirose. Really, Katsumata, if you mind rape a kid and give him enough power to destroy the world, make sure you can ''control'' him.]]
92* TheStoic: Nami.
93* StuffBlowingUp: Kanon's power is to make anything metallic explode.
94* SupremeChef: Taisuke. Just look at the food he manages to make while on the road. [[spoiler:Eventually trains to become an actual chef because of this.]]
95* SuperPowerLottery: Hirose hits this by the end.
96* SwordOverHead: Taisuke and Hirose's final battle.
97* TakenForGranite: Asou's power.
98* TalkingAnimal: The owl Comrade. Lampshaded at least once. His power is even allowing other animals to talk for biting them in the spine, and having them die when he's done using them. [[{{Squick}} Yes, it's as bad as it sounds.]]
99* TearsOfRemorse: Taisuke and Hirose in the final three chapters.
100* ThirdPersonPerson: Kanon.
101* ThouShaltNotKill: Taisuke [[spoiler: never kills anyone in the whole of the series.]]
102* TouchedByVorlons: If you get the suicide virus, you either kill yourself, or get superpowers that [[WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity may or may not drive you insane.]] Yay.
103* TranshumanTreachery: Yura considers humans to be fossils early in the series after gaining his powers and using them to kill anyone he wants.
104%%* {{Tsundere}}: Megumi and Nami.
105%%* TwoGuysAndAGirl: Taisuke, Hirose, and Megumi.
106* UnexpectedGenreChange: The thing starts off as a supernatural thriller, but around the time we meet Yuta, the thing turns into a full-blown action series. And then it changes back to thriller!
107* UnlimitedWardrobe: The protagonists swap clothes quite a bit, which is a little odd when you remember that Taisuke, Nami, and Yuta are all runaways surviving on whatever Taisuke can earn with short, part-time jobs. Partially justified in that they get into fights and require a change of clothes afterward, but sometimes it seems to be just for the sake of a new outfit.
108* WellIntentionedExtremist: Nami is out to kill all Comrades, regardless of whether they're allied with Katsumata or not. [[spoiler:Subverted in that not only does she get better, but it turns out she wasn't willing to go to the extremes she thought she was.]]
109** Also, [[spoiler: Katsumura himself was actually only doing everything in an attempt to kill Mitama and (he believed) save humanity.]]
110* WhoWantsToLiveForever: [[spoiler:How the suicide virus came about. It's actually the result of immortal minds possessing people so that they can kill themselves along with the mortal bodies.]]
111%%* YourHeadASplode: Yura's preferred method of execution.
