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Context Main / WhipItGood

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1Using a whip is not a trope on its own. One of the following may apply instead:
3* ClothingCombat: When a type of cloth is used as a whip in combat.
4* CombatTentacles: Tentacles used for combat.
5* KnowsTheRopes: Using ropes in combat.
6* LightningLash: Whips that are electrified or made of electricity.
7* MultipurposeTongue: When a tongue is used as a whip in combat.
8* PrehensileHair: When hair is used as a whip in combat.
9* SnakeWhip: Using a snake as a whip.
10* TailSlap: The use of tails in combat.
11* ATasteOfTheLash: A character is flogged as a punishment.
12* VineTentacles: The use of vines as weapons by people with plant-based powers.
13* UtilityWeapon: The rope-like properties of a whip allow it to be used for non-combat purposes
14* WeaponBasedCharacterization: Weapon usage used to add to characterization.
15* WeaponSpecialization: A character has a signature weapon.
16* WhipOfDominance: Using a whip as a symbol of dominance, control, authority, or sadism.
17* WhipSword: A sword that can extend into a whip.
19If a direct wick has led you here, please correct the link so that it points to the corresponding article.
