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1Virginity, and all the aspects of it, is such a prevalent aspect among many cultures, that there are loads of tropes relating to it, and how they treat virginity.
6'''Related indexes:'''
7+ ChasteTropes: Non-sexual tropes that are not virgin specific.
8+ PurityPersonified: People whose innocence may preclude sexuality.
9+ TheSinglesIndex: Tropes about single people.
12* BloodstainedDefloration: A virgin woman's first time having sex results in mild vaginal bleeding.
13** ConsummationCounterfeit: Putting blood on the sheets of a wedding bed to pretend the bride was a virgin on her wedding night, and/or that the couple actually had sex.
14* HaveIMentionedIAmSexuallyActiveToday: Mostly used by virgins (especially men) to avoid being seen as losers by their more sexually active peers.
15* TheIngenue: A sweet-natured, polite, virginal young lady.
16* LetsWaitAWhile: A couple decide to hold off TheirFirstTime.
17* MadonnaWhoreComplex: Moderate sexuality isn't acknowledged--all women are either pure and perfect virgins or disgusting and despicable whores.
18* MustNotDieAVirgin: You're gonna die, so you need to get laid.
19* NatureAbhorsAVirgin: Virgins wish they weren't virgins.
20* NatureAdoresAVirgin: Virgins are highly desirable.
21* NerdsAreVirgins: Nerds don't have sex, not even with other nerds.
22* OfCourseImNotAVirgin: An offhanded reference to a character not being a virgin.
23* ProfessionalSexEd: Hiring a prostitute for someone's first sexual experience.
24* SexAsRiteOfPassage: Intercourse turns you into an adult.
25* TechnicalVirgin: Has never had the kind of sex that someone thinks "counts", but has done other sexual stuff.
26* TheirFirstTime: Two people engaging in sex for their first ever.
27* UnexpectedVirgin: A character you wouldn't think is a virgin actually is.
28* UnicornsPreferVirgins: Unicorns prefer the company of virgins.
29* VirginityFlag: Some sort of viable indicator of virginity or lack thereof.
30* VirginityMakesYouStupid: Virgins are dumb -- not only have they never had sex, but they ''know'' nothing about sex, or about the world in general for that matter.
31* VirginInAWhiteDress: A white dress that symbolizes the wearer's virginity.
32* VirginPower: Virginity gives someone magic powers.
33* VirginSacrifice: The HumanSacrifice of a virgin.
34* VirginShaming: Shaming someone for their sexual inexperience.
35* VirginTension: Tension caused by a threat to someone's valued virginity.
36* VirginVision: "I can ''tell'' you just had sex for the first time. I can just ''tell''."
