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2[[caption-width-right:342:What they're about to do most certainly won't be peaceful or pretty!]]
4This is a list of tropes about any form of violent conflict or acts of physical harm that are (deliberately) inflicted by one living being against another.
6This is the [[InvertedTrope inverse]] of PeaceTropes. Also see InjuryTropes, BloodyTropes, BreakingAndDestructionTropes. This index is often (though not always) related to DeathTropes, which has quite a bit of overlap.
12[[folder:'''Sub-categories and trope indexes''']]
13+ AbuseTropes: Tropes about the infliction of (usually non-lethal) mental and/or physical trauma against other people, making them suffer.
14+ BigTropeHunting: Tropes about hunters/predators methodically chasing down, then violently capturing or killing, their quarry/prey.
15+ ChildAbuseTropes: Tropes about children getting abused by their parents or other adults.
16+ ChoosingDeath: Tropes about suicide, which is an extreme form of violent self-harm.
17+ CivilUnrestTropes: Tropes about rioting and other forms of violent rebellion against authority or society in general.
18+ CombatTropes: Tropes about fighting between two or more combatants.
19+ DuelingTropes: One-on-one fights between just two combatants only.
20+ GenocideTropes: Tropes about the systematic, targeted mass murder of large groups of people.
21+ IHaveYourIndex: Tropes about kidnapping people and holding hostages captive, threatening them for personal gain.
22+ IndexAtGunpoint: Tropes about threatening people at (literal) gunpoint.
23+ MilitaryAndWarfareTropes: Tropes about wars, which are the largest and deadliest form of mass violence between people.
24+ MurderInTheFamily: Tropes about the act of killing one's own kin.
25+ MurderTropes: Tropes about homicide, which is when people (intentionally) kill other people.
26+ PublicExecution: Tropes about killing captive people (especially, but not limited to, capital punishment for condemned criminals in prison).
27+ SadismIndex: Tropes about violence committed primarily for the perpetrator's enjoyment at the expense of their victim.
28+ SexualHarassmentAndRapeTropes: Tropes about acts of sexual violence that are forced on people out of ruthless lust.
29+ TerrorismTropes: Tropes about violent actions that are committed in an effort to promote an extremist political ideology.
30+ ThisIndexSlaps: Tropes about slapping or spanking someone.
31+ ThreateningTropes: Tropes about intimidating people with threats of violent harm to coerce them into doing your bidding.
32+ ATorturedIndex: Tropes about painfully harming people as a method of interrogation, punishment, or just plain sadism.
35[[folder:General/miscellaneous violence tropes]]
36* DomesticAbuse: Violence between family members.
37* HomophobicHateCrime: Anti-{{UsefulNotes/LGBT}} violence.
38* InterplayOfSexAndViolence
39* MenUseViolenceWomenUseCommunication: Men are more likely to fight while women try to talk things out first.
40* MediaNotes/MohsScaleOfViolenceHardness
41* MurderSimulators: MoralGuardians claim that [[InsaneTrollLogic video games make people violent]].
42* RedIsViolent: Due to red being the color of anger, blood, and fire.
43* ViolenceDetector
44* ViolenceIsDisturbing
45* ViolenceIsTheOnlyOption
46* ViolenceReallyIsTheAnswer: Someone rejects pacifism or following a more peaceful resolution to a conflict.
49[[folder:Physical violence tropes]]
50* AcidAttack: Using a highly corrosive chemical substance as a weapon to give people painfully disfiguring injuries.
51* BeastlyBloodsports: A contest in which animals are forced to fight with each other to the death.
52* BeQuietNudge: Hitting someone to gesture that they should stop talking.
53* BigBallOfViolence: Two or more people get into a fight and end up appearing as a ball of smoke with fists and feet constantly poking out.
54* BitchSlap: Striking someone across their face with a bare hand.
55* BloodSport: A modified version of a sport with added violence.
56* BoomHeadshot: Shooting someone in the head.
57* BloodierAndGorier: The adaptation has more violence than the work it is derived from.
58* BloodyHilarious: Extremely bloody, gory violence that's played for BlackComedy.
59* BludgeonedToDeath: Striking someone on their head until they die.
60* BullyBrutality: TheBully inflicts extreme injuries on their victims.
61* BystanderActionHorrorDissonance: An action sequence shifts to a much darker tone when we see how it's affecting those who aren't part of the fight.
62* ChunkySalsaRule: A video game goes for realism by having certain violent actions be as lethal as they would be in real life.
63* ComedicStrangling: Strangling somebody for laughs.
64* CorporalPunishment: Inflicting painful injuries as a punishment for one's misbehavior.
65* CorporateWarfare: When regular nonviolent competition between rival [[MegaCorp mega-corporations]] aren't enough, they decide to take up arms and go to literal war with each other.
66* DeadlyGame: A violent competition in which contestants are required to survive life-threatening dangers in order to win.
67* DopeSlap: Hitting someone for saying or doing something stupid.
68* DoubleStandardViolenceChildOnAdult: If a kid attacks a grownup, it's not considered to be as big a problem as the reverse.
69* FamilyUnfriendlyViolence: When children's media shows someone suffering unexpectedly gruesome injuries. Often combined with FamilyUnfriendlyDeath.
70* FirstRuleOfTheYard
71* FoodSlap: Assaulting someone with a piece of food.
72* GasolineDousing: Gasoline being poured onto a person or object and then being lit.
73* GetAHoldOfYourselfMan
74* GladiatorGames: A contest in which humans must fight with each other in mortal combat.
75* GloveSlap
76* {{Gorn}}: Graphic depictions of extremely bloody, gory violence for shock factor.
77* JackBauerInterrogationTechnique: Painfully torturing someone to force them to reveal information.
78* KillOnSight
79* LaceratingLoveLanguage: Expressing your affection through physical violence.
80* LudicrousGibs: Deaths which are extremely bloody, gory, and often explosive.
81* MobWar: A violent conflict between rival [[OrganizedCrimeTropes criminal organizations]], usually fought over control of territory or [[CycleOfRevenge retaliation for previous violence]].
82* MurderDotCom: A video of someone getting killed is uploaded on the Internet.
83* NoHoldsBarredBeatdown: Someone receives a very severe, one-sided beating.
84* PainlessDeathForAPrice: Someone on death's doorstep is offered a MercyKill in exchange for something valuable.
85* PoliceBrutality: When cops use unnecessary physical force against criminal suspects or innocent people.
86* PreViolenceLaughter
87* PrisonRiot: Mass violence in a prison, usually involving a [[GangWar fight between rival gangs]], or the inmates rebelling against the guards.
88* RugbyIsSlaughter
89* ShoeSlap: Assaulting someone with footwear.
90* {{Slapstick}}: [[AmusingInjuries Cartoonishly comedic violence]] that's PlayedForLaughs.
91* SnuffFilm: A recorded film of someone being murdered.
92* TailSlap: A creature uses their tail to smack someone.
93* TakesTenToHold
94* WithinArmsReach: During a fight scene, a character finds something in arm's reach that allows them to fight back.
95* ZenSlap: A Zen master hitting their disciple for the purpose of enlightening them.
98[[folder:Psychological violence tropes]]
99* DeadGuyOnDisplay: Publicly showing someone's corpse to instill fear.
100* FingerInTheMail: Mailing the dismembered pieces of someone you've kidnapped/killed to your victim's loved ones.
101* ForcedToWatch: Someone is forced to watch a violent act.
102* HostageVideo: Kidnappers produce a video featuring their hostage to make threats and ransom demands about them.
103* InsaneEqualsViolent: Being crazy automatically means you have no reservations towards harming or killing people.
104* IWillPunishYourFriendForYourFailure
105* MakeAnExampleOfThem
106* ScareEmStraight: Scaring people out of misbehavior by convincing them that horrible things will happen to them if they stray from the straight and narrow.
107* SeveredHeadSports: After [[OffWithHisHead decapitating somebody]], throw and kick their head around to add further insult to injury.
110[[folder:Violent characters]]
111* AxCrazy: A violently insane person who eagerly attacks people with little or no provocation.
112* BadPeopleAbuseAnimals: Sadists who really enjoy inflicting unnecessary pain and suffering on helpless animals, just for their own sick amusement.
113* BarbaricBattleaxe: Barbarians usually wield battleaxes as their weapon of choice.
114* BloodKnight: An enthusiastic combatant who really enjoys fighting with other people.
115* BrutishCharacterBrutishWeapon: A big, heavy weapon goes with a brute of a character.
116* ColonelKilgore: A military officer or soldier who really enjoys being deployed for battle.
117* CombatSadomasochist: Someone who enjoys both inflicting harm on (and also ''receiving harm'' from) other people.
118* CuteAndPsycho: They look sweet and charming, [[BitchInSheepsClothing but are much more violently unstable than they appear to be]].
119* DarkActionGirl: An evil ActionGirl ready to harm others just for personal gain.
120* EgomaniacHunter: An amoral sport hunter who really enjoys the thrill of pursuing and subduing their quarry a little too much. [[BadPeopleAbuseAnimals They don't really have much respect for the welfare of wild animals]], and the most bloodthirsty examples [[HuntingTheMostDangerousGame view human beings as just another type of game]].
121* EvilPoacher: A hunter who has no qualms with illegally killing endangered/protected wildlife for meat or trophies, or capturing live specimens to sell them off to another client.
122* ExaltedTorturer: A character who uses torture is presented as the good guy.
123* TheExecutioner: Someone whose job is to execute a death sentence, killing convicts for CapitalPunishment.
124* GeneralRipper: A bloodthirsty, warmongering military commander who has [[WeHaveReserves very little respect for their own troops' lives]], and even less mercy for enemy forces or unlucky civilians who get in their way.
125* TheGreatExterminator: Someone famous for exterminating or driving out a pestilent species.
126* HairTriggerTemper: Someone who is ridiculously easy to get angry, often to the point of violent aggression.
127* HostileHitchhiker: Drivers may pick up this suspicious stranger off the road at their own risk.
128* ImmortalAssassin: An undying killer who is pursuing a specific target.
129* InsaneAdmiral: An unstable, warmongering Flag Officer.
130* KillerRabbit: A cute creature that is still very violent and dangerous.
131* LilliputianWarriors: {{Lilliputians}} who are violent.
132* MadBomber: Someone who plants and detonates explosives to blow up as much shit as they can.
133* MonsterClown: An evil clown who is often homicidal.
134* OmnicidalManiac: The villain wants to wipe out all life in the world (or universe).
135* ProfessionalKiller: Someone who regularly commits murder as a paid job.
136* ProudWarriorRaceGuy: A member of a militaristic society of people who enjoys physical combat and proving their martial prowess.
137* PsychoElectro: A violently crazy person with [[ShockAndAwe electrical superpowers]].
138* PsychoForHire: A hired thug who really enjoys getting paid to hurt other people.
139* PsychopathicManchild: A violently insane villain with disturbingly childlike or immature tendencies. These types often treat hurting other people as some sort of game.
140* {{Pyromaniac}}: Someone who loves to set things on fire or blow them up. May include a deadly desire to [[KillItWithFire incinerate other people]] as well.
141* {{Sadist}}: A person who really enjoys hurting people.
142* SerialKiller: A murderer who gradually kills a series of victims.
143* SerialRapist: Someone who regularly engages in sexual violence as a sick hobby.
144* SociopathicSoldier: A ruthless war criminal who has zero qualms over committing violent atrocities against enemy prisoners or innocent civilians.
145* SpreeKiller: A mass murderer who kills many people during a quick rampage.
146* TortureTechnician: Someone who is an expert user of tools that can inflict intense pain on people.
147* UndyingWarrior: An immortal fighter devoted to a martial lifestyle.
148* ViolentlyProtectiveGirlfriend: Mess with her significant other, and you're dead (or at least you'll wish you were).
149* {{Warhawk}}: A warmongering politician or activist who's eager to see their (real or imagined) national enemies getting bombed to oblivion. If they're unwilling to enlist in the military and experience combat on the front lines themselves, then they are also [[DirtyCoward chickenhawks]].
150* WouldHarmASenior: A younger person has no qualms with attacking elderly people.
151* WouldHitAGirl: A male explicitly rejects any qualms regarding physical violence against females.
152* WouldHurtAChild: An adult/teenager has no qualms with physically harming children/younger teenagers.
153* {{Yandere}}: A person who is extremely obsessive and clingy over the person they admire, and will do ''anything'' to make their love true.
