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1The act of being a video game character is a bit of an odd one. You spend all day killing things, all night healing from wounds that should have killed you, and there's a better than eighty percent chance that your [[TomboyPrincess tomboy female friend is a lost princess]]. But what's a guy to do, eh?
6[[folder:Playable character types]]
7Protagonists that are controlled by the players themselves.
9* '''PlayerCharacter''': A character controlled by you, the player.
10* '''PlayerParty''': An entire team of playable characters.
11* AdventureDuo: A serious main character coupled with a weird or quirky partner.
12* AnAdventurerIsYou: A description of the class-based systems common to many {{Role Playing Game}}s.
13* AndNowForSomeoneCompletelyDifferent: When the player takes control of another different character partway through.
14* BareFistedMonk: A character who excels in melee attacks without wielding weapons.
15* TheBeastmaster: A type of character who uses the assistance of an animal, force of nature, or just some sort of not-highly-sentient creature to help them fight.
16* BlackMage: Magic user who specializes in offensive magic.
17** BlackMagicianGirl: A young female BlackMage with a [[PluckyGirl forceful personality]].
18*** LadyOfBlackMagic: An older female BlackMage with a [[LadyOfWar more reserved or mature personality]].
19** WhiteMage: Magic-user who specializes in healing and support magic.
20*** WhiteMagicianGirl: The female magic-using co-star of an {{RPG}}, who often wields a staff or rod.
21* BouncingBattler: A character whose primary form of attack is to jump or bounce off obstacles and enemies.
22* BraggingRightsOption: A character or option characters pick to show off with.
23* BrattyHalfPint: Snarky self-important kid who's usually the youngest in the party.
24* CharacterCustomization: The protagonist's physical appearance, in-game abilities, and other attributes can all be modified by the player themselves.
25* CharacterSelectForcing: The game forces you to choose different characters, even though you have the choice of not using them.
26* ChildMage: The main magic user is the youngest in the group.
27* CipherScything: Blank slate characters always get the short end of the stick in adapted works.
28* CombatMedic: Although he's the main healer and buffer, he can also dish out damage.
29* CombatAndSupport: The two roles video game characters often divide each other into when in groups.
30* CompetitiveBalance: The various character types in competitive games need to be balanced so no one character is automatically better.
31* ConfusionFu: A character whose main advantage is their unpredictability.
32* CriticalHitClass: A class or character's strategy is based on getting critical hits.
33* CrutchCharacter: Early game playable character who starts out powerful, but whose usefulness declines.
34* CuteBruiser: A young girl who has SuperStrength.
35* DamageOverTime: A character type that [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin deals damage over time]], wearing the enemy down.
36* TheEngineer: A character who specializes in the use and application of machines and technology. Usually a support unit, but many times quite capable of combat.
37* EliteTweak: A character or class that can be very effective, but needs a lot of work or strategy to reach its potential.
38* FantasyCharacterClasses: The most common character classes in a medieval fantasy setting.
39* FeaturelessProtagonist: An Ageless, Faceless, Gender Neutral, Culturally Ambiguous Adventure Person is [[AudienceSurrogate you!]]
40** NonEntityGeneral: The player is a general or commander in a strategy game who may not actually even exist.
41* FighterMageThief: The three most common character classes for {{Western RPG}}s.
42* FragileSpeedster: A character who's very fast, but has low defense.
43* GlacierWaif: A character of thin build who's nevertheless extremely strong and slow.
44* GlassCannon: A character who has powerful attacks but can't take a lot of damage.
45* AGodIsYou: Games that star a protagonist who's actually a god or who has godlike powers.
46* GuestStarPartyMember: Someone who joins your party temporarily as a "guest".
47* HealingHands: A character who has the ability to heal others.
48* HeavyEquipmentClass: A class or character that stands out due to their proficiency with heavy weapons and/or armour.
49* HeroicMime: A main character who never speaks.
50* HeroUnit: A unit, usually in a RealTimeStrategy game, that represents the player or a major character in the game's story on the battlefield.
51* ImmobilePlayerCharacter: When a PlayerCharacter has incredibly limited movement.
52* ItemCaddy: A character whose skills revolve around using items.
53* JackOfAllStats: A character who has good strength, speed, and defense, but is not great in any category.
54** MasterOfNone: The JackOfAllStats where the end result is an almost useless character, since their mediocre skills are never useful enough to be chosen over a specialist.
55* JobSystem: EasternRPG system whereby classes have distinct equipment and abilities but can be changed at any time.
56* JokeCharacter: Characters, often in the form of {{Easter Egg}}s, deliberately unbalanced in the negative sense.
57** LethalJokeCharacter: A JokeCharacter who has one or two awesome skills which can lead to him being used very effectively.
58* KidHero: Slaying dragons and beating down goblins, but he still has a teddy bear when he goes to sleep.
59* LadyOfWar: A [[ActionGirl female fighter]] who retains [[TheHighQueen an air of grace and reserve not usually associated with violence]].
60* LightningBruiser: A character who has very good strength, speed, ''and'' defense.
61* MageMarksman: An archer or gunner who also delves in sorcery.
62* MagicallyIneptFighter: A fighter with great physical ability but lacking skills in the magic department.
63* MagicKnight: A wizard who can also swordfight or a swordfighter who can also use magic.
64* MascotWithAttitude: A snarky FunnyAnimal with [[TotallyRadical kickin']] powers and [[JumpPhysics improbable jumping abilities]].
65* MasterOfAll: A (usually [[PurposelyOverpowered broken]]) character with better stats than anyone.
66* MasterOfUnlocking: Opening doors is an art, don'tcha know.
67* MechanicallyUnusualClass: A character class whose mechanics are unusual in comparison to its fellow classes.
68* MightyGlacier: He's got great strength, but he isn't all that fast.
69* TheMinionMaster: Summon {{mooks}} to do the job for you!
70* ModernDaySciFiRPGClassEquivalents: A collection of character classes or equivalents of such for non-fantasy RPG settings.
71* MonsterAllies: Where monsters fight alongside the humans in [=RPG=]s.
72* MultiSlotCharacter: A single character is split into multiple different incarnations of themselves that act as different characters.
73* MutuallyExclusivePartyMembers: Several party members who, for whatever reason, cannot all be in the same party at the same time.
74* MysticalWaif: A young girl with a mysterious past who the villains are trying to exploit and the heroes are trying to protect.
75* OneManArmy: Video game protagonists are almost always very capable of wiping the floor with thousands of enemies.
76* OptionalPartyMember: Someone who may not join your party if you don't fulfill the requirements to get them.
77* OverratedAndUnderleveled: A character introduced as being really powerful ends up, statistics-wise, as being weaker than the main character.
78* PlatformingPocketPal: An adventuring companion in an {{action game}} who, for whatever reason, is not hindered by the action segments.
79* PlayerMooks: Nameless, personality-less characters that make up your team.
80* PowerupMount: An animal that the main character can ride on and is beneficial in some way.
81* PromotedToPlayable: A character who was an NPC or enemy in a previous installment becomes playable in a sequel.
82* ProtagonistWithoutAPast: You just sort of popped into being in the first village.
83* RebelliousPrincess: She's had enough of being pampered and wants to get down and dirty with the monster fighting!
84* TheRedMage: A magician capable of casting spells from two different or even [[MutuallyExclusiveMagic mutually exclusive]] schools of magic.
85* RequiredPartyMember: Someone who you have to have in your group, usually due to plot reasons.
86* SchrodingersPlayerCharacter: The game offers multiple characters to choose from with various backstories, but only the character you choose as your PC ever appears in the game.
87* SecretCharacter: A bonus character that the casual player may never see.
88* SoloClass: Classes capable of going alone where others are forced to team up.
89* SpaceMarine: Standard [[FirstPersonShooter FPS]] hero: A military man (often in bulky armor), who wields lots of big guns and kills lots of aliens.
90* SquishyWizard: [[{{WesternAnimation/Aladdin}} Phenomenal cosmic power]], itty bitty life bar.
91* StarterMon: If you want ToBeAMaster of {{Mons}}, you have to start somewhere.
92* StoneWall: A character with extremely high defense but lame offensive capabilities.
93* SupportPartyMember: A party member whose' primary abilities are mostly non-offensive.
94* SwissArmyHero: The player character can [[MultiformBalance change forms]] to cover many different situations or roles.
95* SwordAndSorcerer: When a physical fighter and magic user team up.
96* TeamPet: The default mascot of the party and usually the most outlandish of the bunch.
97* ThirdPersonSeductress: An implausibly curvy, twenty-something woman in a {{Stripperiffic}} outfit, who obeys the commands of the fellow behind the controller.
98* TheTurretMaster: A character with the ability to [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin summon a stationary turret]] that attacks enemies or an object that fulfills a similar role.
99* TomboyPrincess: A princess who behaves in a tomboyish manner.
100* UtilityPartyMember: The character you keep in your party for their non-combat skills.
101* WildMan: A usually [[WildHair shaggy]], musclebound and underdressed character who looks like he just came out of the jungle.
104[[folder:Fighting game characters]]
105Characters found in {{Fighting Game}}s (who may or may not be playable).
107* AssistCharacter: A non-playable character who assists a playable one.
108* BalanceSpeedStrengthTrio: The three most common character types for BeatEmUp and HackAndSlash.
109* CharacterRosterGlobalWarming: The series' character roster increases over time, but the number of MightyGlacier characters is kept constant.
110* DittoFighter: A character who copies the moveset of the other characters, sometimes with the added catch that the moveset is chosen randomly.
111* FightingClown: A character that looks and acts wackier to the rest of the cast, but actually plays like a normal character.
112* GuestFighter: A character from another franchise who shows up in a FightingGame.
113* TheGrappler: A character who specializes in {{grapple move}}s and punishes opponents who dare get too close.
114* HuskyRusskie: A Russian fighter who's [[MotherRussiaMakesYouStrong bik, stronk,]] and [[VodkaDrunkenski dreenks vodka]].
115* MechanicallyUnusualFighter: A FightingGame character with a bizarre playstyle and mechanics compared to others.
116* MovesetClone: Two characters given equal or similar abilities/appearances and playstyle. Earlier fighting games often wound up having these as their main characters.
117* PerfectPlayAI: An AI which continually walks forward, dodges or blocks all attacks, and attacks flawlessly once it reaches its target.
118* SkillGateCharacters: FightingGame characters that are a challenge to newcomers, but those with experience will easily mop the floor with them.
119* {{Shotoclone}}: Stock FightingGame character whose skillset includes a [[KamehameHadoken energy ball]] and [[{{Shoryuken}} uppercut]], and often wears a karate gi.
122[[folder:Non-playable characters]]
123Neutral (sometimes friendly) characters that cannot be controlled by the players.
125* '''NonPlayerCharacter''': [=NPCs=] are people and creatures controlled by in-game AI instead of the player's direct input.
126* '''NonPlayerCompanion:''' A friendly [=NPC=] ally who follows and assists the player character throughout the game.
127* ApatheticCitizens: A supervillain is conquering the world? You take care of it.
128* ArmsDealer: A merchant who sells weapons (and sometimes other useful items) to you, as long as you have enough cash to pay them.
129* CityGuards: The local authorities (police, soldiers, or security guards) of a particular place, patrolling around and standing watch. Usually neutral towards the player character, unless you provoke them into turning hostile by actively causing trouble and violating the local laws.
130* ContinueYourMissionDammit: Characters who nudge the player character back onto the main quest.
131* [[ShopliftAndDie Easily Angered Shopkeeper]]: If you steal something from a shop, you'll be attacked or zapped instantly.
132* ExpositionFairy: A recurring or sidekick character whose purpose is to [[MrExposition fill you in]] on elements of the interface and your abilities.
133** AnnoyingVideoGameHelper: Where your ExpositionFairy starts to get on the player's nerves.
134* GameplayAllyImmortality: Friendly [=NPCs=] who are following/fighting alongside you, but they can never actually be seriously injured or killed in combat.
135** InvulnerableCivilians: [[InnocentBystanders Neutral [=NPCs=]]] who cannot be harmed at all by the player or enemies.
136*** VulnerableCivilians: Neutral [=NPCs=] who actually ''can'' get hurt by the player or enemies.
137* NeutralsCrittersAndCreeps: Factions composed entirely of NPC's, who are, respectively, concerned more with their territory than victory, [[ApatheticCitizens completely ignorant]], or [[HardCodedHostility permanently hostile]].
138* PrecursorHeroes: A hero or group of heroes (often oddly similar to your own PlayerParty) that arose in the hour of need and [[SealedEvilInACan sealed the Ultimate Evil in its can]] [[ExactlyExtyYearsAgo 1,000 years ago]].
139* QuestGiver: An NPC who will give you a sidequest.
140* RecurringTraveller: A character who just keeps showing up throughout the game, usually thoroughly lost.
141* RedundantResearcher: A researcher who's trying to figure out all those ancient ruins and is invariably pre-empted by the hero.
142* RelationshipValues: A gameplay mechanic in which an [=NPC=]'s friendliness (or hostility) towards the PC is affected by the player's actions.
143* SkillPointReset: A trainer who can reset a PlayerCharacter's skill and ability scores, allowing you to redistribute them.
144* VoiceWithAnInternetConnection: The helpful person at the other end of the main character's earpiece.
147[[folder:Enemy character types]]
148Another kind of non-playable characters, except they're hostile to the player characters.
150* '''BossBattle''': A special fight against a Boss, which is an unusually tougher enemy. They have enough sub-tropes for their own index.
151** BossInMookClothing: A battle with a "normal" enemy that, as it turns out, can wipe the floor with you.
152** DegradedBoss: Once you beat the boss, it comes back as a normal enemy later.
153** FinalBoss: The last enemy fought in the game, usually the most powerful of them all, and is often the [[BigBad main villain/antagonist]].
154** MiniBoss: A minor boss or powerful enemy fought about halfway through the level, though not quite as tough as the true boss at the end of the level.
155** ThatOneBoss: A particularly frustrating boss that would put the DemonicSpiders and GoddamnedBats to shame.
156* '''GoddamnedBats''': Enemies that don't pose much of a threat on their own, but can frustrate, annoy, and get in your way when working together.
157** DemonicSpiders: Enemies that frustrate you by killing you in unfair ways, which make them innately more dangerous than other normal enemies.
158** LedgeBats: Enemies that knock you back in the middle of jumps, often to your death.
159** AmbushingEnemy: Monsters that lurk within the environment and never fully appear until you walk close to them, at which point they suddenly lunge out and try to grab you.
160* '''{{Mooks}}''': A slang term for the hordes of standard-issue, disposable bad guys whom the hero regularly fights and defeats.
161** ActuallyFourMooks: An enemy in an RPG that appears as a single entity on the overworld, but turns out to be a whole party of baddies once the fight starts.
162** AirborneMook: Mooks that can fly.
163** BanditMook: An enemy that can steal the player's items.
164** BossInMookClothing: See above under the BossBattle entry.
165** CowardlyMooks: Enemies that run away from the player, either instantly or after being hurt enough.
166** CuteSlimeMook: A mook resembling a BlobMonster with a cutesy design.
167** FakeUltimateMook: A massive monster of terrifying appearance that's no real threat.
168** HardModeMook: An enemy that only appears when playing on higher difficulty modes.
169** HeavilyArmoredMook: An ordinary mook, but with hard steel accessories.
170** InstakillMook: A mook that can defeat you in one hit.
171** MascotMook: A recurring minor enemy that's become iconic enough to double as a SeriesMascot.
172** MookBouncer: An enemy that can teleport you to a specific location whenever they touch you.
173** MooksAteMyEquipment: Enemy that eats your stuff (and might eat you as well).
174** NightOfTheLivingMooks: [[TheUndead Zombies, skeletons, mummies, oh my]]!
175** PatrollingMook: A mook that patrols around a certain area, alerting its allies if it spots something suspicious or an intruder.
176** PushyMooks: A mook that does no damage on its own but pushes the player into hazards.
177** ShieldBearingMook: A mook with a shield to protect against frontal attacks.
178** SlaveMooks: Mooks that are actually enslaved by the villains.
179** SleepyEnemy: An enemy that prefers to sleep, only fighting when disturbed.
180** SmashMook: A big, strong enemy that does nothing but smash you with straight physical attacks.
181* '''StandardFPSEnemies''': Those generic baddies seen in nearly every {{First|PersonShooter}}/ThirdPersonShooter you've ever played.
182* '''StockMonsters''': Those generic baddies seen in nearly every RolePlayingGame you've ever played.
183* AsteroidsMonster: A creature of significant size that, when killed, splits into several miniature versions of itself.
184* BorderPatrol: A monster or other hazard introduced specifically to prevent the player from wandering too far without resorting to the immersion-breaking InvisibleWall.
185* ChestMonster: An enemy or hazard that has disguised itself to look like something positive, like [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin a treasure chest]].
186* ClairvoyantSecurityForce: Manages to always appear the second you try to steal something.
187* {{Cumulonemesis}}: An enemy in the shape of an animated cloud that attacks with wind and lightning.
188* DropInNemesis: Where an enemy or obstacle comes out of nowhere and kills you, generally in a {{cutscene}}.
189* ElementalEmbodiment: When the elements that are the [[ElementalRockPaperScissors basic building blocks of the universe]] get up and [[EverythingTryingToKillYou come for you]].
190* EnemyChatter: Enemies (or other [=NPCs=]) can be very talkative in some games.
191* EnemySummoner: An enemy who can summon additional enemies to join them in combat, while also causing some damage themselves.
192** MookMaker: An enemy or object that can produce more enemies to fight you, although they don't usually attack the player directly.
193* EverythingTryingToKillYou: Almost everything in the world is out for your blood.
194* EvilChancellor: The helpful and suspiciously toadying assistant to the monarchy whose morality is usually inverse to the head of state.
195* FlyingSeafoodSpecial: Fish that float in the air. And generally try to kill you.
196* GiantHandsOfDoom: A character who fights only with giant hands.
197* TheGoomba: The most basic enemy in the game, has a simple movement pattern, and is reassuringly easy to beat.
198* HalfHeartedHenchman: A normal henchman who's lazy, unmotivated, or otherwise unwilling to do his job.
199* HarmlessEnemy: An enemy that can't directly damage you.
200* IncrediblyDurableEnemies: When the basic mook is an unstoppable killing machine, you know you're in a difficult game.
201* IncreasinglyLethalEnemy: When an enemy gets harder to beat if the fight goes on for too long.
202* InvincibleBoogeymen: Powerful enemies that cannot be killed, defeated, or even fought; you can only run and hide from them.
203** InvincibleMinorMinion: A weak enemy who is nevertheless completely impossible to harm in any way.
204* InvisibleMonsters: You can't see them, but they can probably hurt you.
205* KillerRabbit: Any monster that's far more dangerous than it looks.
206* MoleMonster: An enemy that hides in the ground, attacking only when the PlayerCharacter's close.
207* MoneySpider: An enemy creature that drops money or other rewards when defeated.
208** MetalSlime: An enemy that appears and runs away very quickly, is hard to hit, but gives very good rewards.
209** PinataEnemy: An enemy target sought out by the player, because they are (relatively) easy to kill, and have a very high cash payout.
210* PersonalSpaceInvader: A monster who grabs onto you and must be shaken off.
211* PuppetFighter: A character who can control one or more entities separate from itself.
212* RatStomp: Finally, you get to the adventuring part! But first, fight some rats.
213* RespawningEnemies: Enemies which can be defeated or killed indefinitely, but under certain circumstances they'll somehow reappear again or be replaced by more enemies.
214* RevivingEnemy: An enemy which can be temporarily defeated or "killed", only to rise back up to full health soon afterwards.
215* RoamingEnemy: An enemy which appears randomly under various circumstances.
216* SavageSetpiece: A character that is peaceful to your character unless he attacks it. Then it demolishes you.
217* ScratchDamageEnemy: An enemy which takes ScratchDamage from all attacks.
218* SegmentedSerpent: An enemy which is made up of lots of mostly identical segments, and moves like a worm or snake.
219* TheSpiny: A PlatformGame enemy that will damage or kill you if you try to jump on it.
220* TeleportingKeycardSquad: Whenever you take something important, a slough of new enemies suddenly rushes in.
221* UndeadCounterpart: Zombie-version {{Mooks}}.
222* UndergroundMonkey: Exactly the same as a regular monkey - but underground, and therefore has better stats.
223* UnderratedAndOverleveled: A character whom the plot provides no reason to be particularly strong turns out to be quite powerful in statistical terms when they join your party.
224* TheUnfought: A major antagonist who you don't fight in the actual game.
225* UniqueEnemy: An enemy that only shows up once in the whole game, but is otherwise fairly unremarkable.
226* WaddlingHead: A stock monster that resembles a colored oval with eyes and feet.
227* WeaponizedOffspring: A creature gives birth to CannonFodder as a defense mechanism.
228* WhackAMonster: You see lots of holes in the ground: you know you're going to have to fight a bunch of monsters that pop up, attack, and pop back in.
231[[folder:Other/unclassified characters]]
232Miscellaneous video game character tropes.
234* BalancePowerSkillGimmick: A setup of four playable choices with a balanced choice, one choice at one end of a stat scale, one choice at the other end, and one choice different from all three.
235* GameOverMan: A character shown on the GameOver screen.
236* GlitchEntity: A video game character whose existence is due to a [[GoodBadBug glitch]], rather than them being deliberately coded into the game.
237* LadyNotAppearingInThisGame: A sexy female in a game's promotional material who's not actually in the game itself.
238* LiveItem: A character or creature that the game treats as an item.
239* MassiveRaceSelection: When your player character can come from any of several cultures or species.
240* PetInterface: An interface in which you are given a sidekick, usually a pet, that acts as a guide/virtual pet of sorts in the world.
241* PrestigiousPlayerTitle: You and your fellow players are yourselves, but you're given a fancy title to call yourselves by.
242* TrainingDummy: Some (usually) immortal character that you can return to, to practice your moves on.
243* TwoGuysAndAGirl: The main character and his RivalTurnedEvil spend most of the game fighting over the girl.
244* WithAFriendAndAStranger: The game starts off with the hero, his or her childhood friend, and [[MysteriousWaif another person, often a girl, from out of nowhere]] who needs his help.
