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2[[caption-width-right:350:[-Veronica likely didn't get [[BeautyContest awarded Miss Congeniality]] either.-] ]]
4->''We are the champions\
5We are the champions\
6No time for losers\
7'Cause we are the champions\
8Of the world!''
9-->-- '''Music/{{Queen}}''', "We Are the Champions"
11Tropes about the results of competitions, battles, and contests, plus how they are caused and how they are handled.
16+ CelebrationTropes
17+ CompetitionIndex
18+ EndingTropes
19+ IndexedForSuccess
20+ IndexFailure
21+ QuittingTropes
22+ SportsStoryTropes
25* AintTooProudToBeg: After the hero is beaten, he pleads for the villain to go easy on him.
26* AssumedWin: Someone assumes they've won before being informed that they actually lost.
27* AwardSnub: A film doesn't win an award even though many people who've seen the film wish that it did.
28* TheBadGuyWins: The villain is victorious rather than the hero.
29* BestHerToBedHer: A woman who will only marry or have sex with whoever can defeat her in combat.
30* BlinkingLightsOfVictory
31* BribingYourWayToVictory: Winning a game by spending real-world currency.
32* BrokenWinLossStreak
33* CheckAndMate: The victor of the battle/match/war goes to explain how the loser lost, and/or how they won.
34* ConsolationAward
35* ContinueCountdown: In losing a video game, the player has a few seconds to decide whether to continue on or not.
36* ClaimingViaFlag: One side gains something and another loses it when a flag is planted.
37* CrackDefeat
38* DarkHorseVictory
39* DecapitationStrike
40* DecidedByOneVote
41* DefeatAsBackstory
42* DefeatByModesty: An opponent is forced to forfeit the fight or competition because they lost their clothes.
43* DefeatMeansFriendship: Defeating an enemy causes them to become your friend.
44* DefeatMeansMenialLabor
45* DefeatMeansRespect
46* DefeatedAndTrophified: You lose against them, your opponent keeps you as a living trophy of their victory.
47* DefeatingTheCheatingOpponent: The villains cheat, the hero plays fair, and the hero still wins.
48* DefeatingTheUndefeatable: Defeating an enemy who had previously never lost and/or was thought to be unbeatable.
49* DefiantToTheEnd: Showing defiance towards your opponent even when it's clear that you can't win.
50* DisqualificationInducedVictory: The person who actually won gets disqualified, which causes the next ranking participant to win by default.
51* DoomAsTestPrize: A competition where the winner's reward is getting killed.
52* DoomedMoralVictor
53* DoubleKnockout: The battle, game or match ends in a draw.
54* DrenchCelebration
55* DustingOffYourHands: When a character slaps their hands past each other to represent satisfaction at disposing of an individual.
56* FireworksOfVictory: For when a victory for the protagonists results in an impromptu light show.
57* FirstGirlWins
58* FlawlessVictory: Winning without taking any damage in a FightingGame
59* ForegoneVictory: A video game level that is impossible to fail.
60* GameOver: Running out of lives and continues in a video game results in the game ending on a screen that reads "Game Over".
61* GameOverMan: A character who appears to mock the player when they get a GameOver.
62* GoingHomeAgain: Making it to the big leagues, flunking, and returning home in shame or to clear the mind.
63* TheGoodGuysAlwaysWin: {{The Hero}}([[TheHeroine ine]])'s side ultimately wins.
64* GracefulLoser: A person who loses, but is content with not winning.
65* HeadsIWinTailsYouLose: A BossBattle where winning the fight results in the boss defeating you anyway.
66* HopelessBossFight: A BossBattle where victory is not meant to be possible and the story can only advance when the player fails to defeat the boss.
67* HospitalEpilogue
68* ILetYouWin
69* ISurrenderSuckers: When assuming you’re victorious because the opponent surrenders, make sure they’re not doing this.
70* IWasBeatenByAGirl: A man feels butthurt about losing to a woman.
71* InstantWinCondition
72* KneeFoldFallOfDefeat: Dramatically falling to your knees and hitting the ground after you're beaten.
73* LastGirlWins
74* LastSecondVillainRecovery: A seemingly-defeated villainous combatant rallies just long enough to endanger the hero.
75* ALessonInDefeat: An arrogant student is set up to fail to deflate their ego.
76* LoserGetsTheGirl
77* LoserLeavesTown
78* LosingIsWorseThanDeath
79* MeaninglessVillainVictory: The villain wins, but an occurrence or revelation at the last minute renders their victory pointless.
80* MisereGame: A game where players win by losing.
81* MonumentOfHumiliationAndDefeat: After the villain wins, they celebrate their victory by building a monument with the purpose of rubbing it in that the people they've conquered have lost.
82* MyopicConqueror: When TheConqueror has no plans or interests for a place he conquers.
83* NearVillainVictory: The bad guy almost succeeds, but they're beaten at the last minute.
84* NeverFilledOutOfficialPaperwork: A character loses a competition due to not signing paperworking declaring them an official participant.
85* NonstandardGameOver: A video game has an exclusive cutscene for when the player loses at a certain point in the game or in a certain way.
86* NotSoInvincibleAfterAll
87* OneJudgeToRuleThemAll
88* OnlyTheLeadsGetAHappyEnding
89* OutGambitted (winner in a contest of schemes)
90* PleaseIWillDoAnything
91* PostGameRetaliation
92* PosthumousVillainVictory: The bad guy wins after his death.
93* PostVictoryCollapse
94* PyrrhicVictory: The characters succeed, but their victory has the cost of undermining their intended goal.
95* RealAwardFictionalCharacter
96* RejectingTheConsolationPrize
97* RelievedFailure: A character is actually grateful to have lost.
98* TheRunnerUpTakesItAll: A person who didn't win the competition ended up becoming more popular than the winner in the long run.
99* SecondPlaceIsForLosers: A character sees as meaningless anything other than placing first in a competition.
100* SecondPlaceIsForWinners: Not getting first place ended up resulting in a better outcome.
101* SecondPrize: A character was expecting a different outcome in a competition.
102* ShockingDefeatLegacy
103* SmoochOfVictory: The winner gets a kiss from their love interest.
104* SoreLoser: A person who tends to get angry when they lose and willing to harm the people who beat them just to spite them.
105** ButNotTooChallenging: A character is too proud to take an easy victory, but is also too much of a Sore Loser to accept actually losing.
106* StatusQuoGameShow
107* ATasteOfDefeat
108* TeamRocketWins: Ineffectual villains manage to achieve a minor victory.
109* TooQuirkyToLose
110* {{Touche}}
111* ToWinWithoutFighting
112* UnderdogsNeverLose
113* UnsportsmanlikeGloating: The winner of a competition is pretentious enough to mock the other competitors for losing.
114* VictorGainsLosersPowers
115* VictorStealsInsignia
116* VictoriousLoser
117* VictoriousRoar: When a character just has to let everyone know they won, they do it LOUDLY!
118* VictoryByEndurance: Winning simply by lasting longer than the other participants.
119* VictoryFakeout
120* VictoryGuidedAmnesia
121* VictoryIsBoring: Achieving your goal has the downside that you can no longer experience the fun of trying to accomplish it.
122* VictoryPose
123* VictoryPoseOnPerson: Performing a VictoryPose while having a foot on the body of the defeated to bask in your victory. Or humiliate your opponent even further.
124* VictoryQuote
125* VictorySex
126* VictoryThroughIntimidation
127* VillainousUnderdog
128* VillainsWantMercy
129* WeWinBecauseYouDidnt
130* WhiteFlag
131* AWinnerIsYou: Beating a video game rewards the player with nothing but a message congratulating them for completing the game.
132* WinsByDoingAbsolutelyNothing
133* WinWinEnding
134* WonTheWarLostThePeace
135* WorthyOpponent: A person respects their opponent for beating them.
136* YouLoseAtZeroTrust
137* ZeroEffortBoss: A BossBattle so easy that losing is either extremely difficult or outright impossible.
