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1Tropes that result in or occur during a situation wherein one loves another who doesn't return the feelings.
5* AbhorrentAdmirer: A common victim of unrequited love is someone regarded as disgusting by the recipient of their love.
6* AbsenceMakesTheHeartGoYonder: A character's feelings fade after their love interest is gone for a long time.
7* AllLoveIsUnrequited: No romantic affections are returned.
8* AttemptedHomewrecker: Someone wants to be with someone who is already in a relationship and unwilling to cheat.
9* AttractivenessIsolation: When someone who is otherwise attractive has trouble getting a date due to potential suitors believing that person won't want to return their affections.
10* BalancedHarem: Every haremette has a chance with TheHero, but only one is going to win him ([[MarryThemAll usually]]).
11* CelibateHero: A common magnet of unrequited love is someone who wants nothing to do with romance.
12* ChasteHero: A common magnet of unrequited love is someone who can't even comprehend love and sexuality.
13* ChildhoodFriendRomance: A character has a crush on someone they've known since childhood, but the recipient of the crush only likes them as a friend.
14* CommitmentIssues: Character doesn't want to settle down into a relationship, so any potential suitors aren't likely to win their affections.
15* CompetingWithACorpse: Someone is still hung up on a deceased loved one and can't move on.
16* DefrostingIceQueen: They initially don't return someone's love, but come around after a while.
17* DidNotGetTheGirl: The end result of unrequited love is not hooking up with that person.
18* DisposableFiance: The RomanticFalseLead who loses their partner's affections.
19* DoggedNiceGuy: They just can't take a hint that the recipient of their love is just not interested.
20* EverythingButTheGirl: They can achieve or gain everything they want with the exception of their love interest's affections.
21* FalseSoulmate: Sometimes they're revealed to be this because they don't return a character's love.
22* TheFirstCutIsTheDeepest: A character's first relationship ended badly and now they have trouble returning other people's affections.
23* FootDraggingDivorcee: The character may be putting off or resisting the divorce because they still love their spouse.
24* GreenEyedEpiphany: A character only realizes they love someone after they get together with a different person.
25* GreenEyedMonster: A victim of unrequited love gets enraged at seeing the object of their affection with someone else.
26* HanahakiDisease: A terminal disease where someone vomits flowers because of unrequited love.
27* HeartbrokenBadass: Even badasses can be victims of unrequited love.
28* HopelessSuitor: They never had a chance of getting their feelings returned.
29* IfICantHaveYou: Commonly said when you're not good with being rejected by someone you love.
30* IgnoredEnamoredUnderling: A character loves the person they work under, but they don't love them back.
31* IncestantAdmirer: Similar to AbhorrentAdmirer, but said admirer [[IncestIsRelative is related to the object of their affections.]]
32* IncompatibleOrientation: Differing sexual orientation prevents romantic affections from being returned.
33* TheILoveYouStigma: Love is not returned because the word "love" makes the recipient uncomfortable.
34* IWantMyBelovedToBeHappy: A more positive outcome of unrequited love is when a character is willing to let the object of their affections go be with the one they really love.
35* JealousRomanticWitness: A character watches their LoveInterest being romantic with their rival suitor.
36* JustFriends: The recipient of an unrequited crush only likes the other person as a friend.
37* LoveCannotOvercome: [[TheHero The Hero's]] adventurous lifestyle scares their LoveInterest away from returning their feelings.
38* LoveDodecahedron: Almost everyone is in love with at least one other member of the cast but no two people are in love with each other.
39* LoveHungry: Character desperate for love goes out of their way to make their unrequited crush love them.
40* LoveMartyr: The object of their affections not only doesn't return their feelings, but actively treats them like crap yet they willingly put up with their abuse because they love them.
41* LoveTriangle: Two people like the same person, only one is liable to win this.
42* LoveWillLeadYouBack: Character pines after someone who left them and may never come back to them.
43* LovesMeNot: Someone with an unrequited crush plucks something to determine if they have a chance with the object of their affections.
44* LovingAShadow: They only love the idea of a person rather than the person themselves.
45* MadLove: The one who suffers unrequited love is too insane to take a hint that their crush doesn't love them.
46* MixtapeOfLove: Mixtapes can be a bad way to show your affection for someone.
47* MurderTheHypotenuse: In extreme cases, a character might try to bump off their love rival.
48* MutualPining: Two characters have mutual feelings but are so convinced that their feelings are unrequited that they suffer over it instead of pursuing them.
49* NoGuyWantsToBeChased: Male characters don't return the feelings of women who actively pursue them.
50* NotGoodWithRejection: Not getting romantic affections returned can cause the victim to [[LoveMakesYouEvil turn evil]] or [[SpurnedIntoSuicide off themself]] (or their love interest. [[MurderSuicide Or both]]).
51* ObliviousToLove: A character's love interest doesn't even realize they have romantic feelings for them.
52* TheObstructiveLoveInterest: The LoveInterest who constantly rejects someone crushing on them due to misinterpreting their behavior.
53* PatientChildhoodLoveInterest: If they're unlucky, their friend may never return or even notice their affections.
54* PeerlessLoveInterest: Usually considered to be way out of their league (possibly with an added dose of LovingAShadow).
55* PiningAfterProtagonistsParent: One of [[TheHero The Hero's]] parents has an unrequited suitor.
56* PrinceCharmingWannabe: He thinks he's a woman's perfect guy, she disagrees.
57* RejectedMarriageProposal: Often because the one being proposed to doesn't return the proposer's feelings.
58* RejectionAffection: Continuing to chase after an unrequited crush no matter how often they reject you.
59* RomanticRunnerUp: They could've been [[TheHero The Hero's]] main LoveInterest, but ultimately, they never get any feelings returned.
60* RunawayBride: The bride decides she doesn't actually want to get married on the day of the wedding.
61* RunawayFiance: A character accepts a marriage proposal but then decides to run off before the big day.
62* SelfProclaimedLoveInterest: They consider themself to be someone's LoveInterest, but the other person disagrees.
63* ShipSinking: Something happens in the story that prevents a couple from ever getting together, even if one of them has feelings for the other.
64* SighOfLove: Sighing longingly when in the presence of a LoveInterest that you know you can't have.
65* SleepsWithEveryoneButYou: A promiscuous character won't have sex with this person despite being willing to shag just about everyone else.
66* SpurnedIntoSuicide: A person kills themself when their LoveInterest won't return their feelings.
67* StalkerWithACrush: A common unrequited love victim is the character who creeps out the recipient of their affections by stalking them.
68* {{Starboarding}}: Romantic pairings that are one-sided.
69* StringingTheHopelessSuitorAlong: A HopelessSuitor is trying to move on, but the one they love won't let them. But the person still doesn't want the suitor.
70* SupportingHarem: The supporting cast of a HaremGenre story who have one-sided crushes on one of the leads ([[TopWife usually]]).
71* TorchSong: Sentimental ballads often sung about unrequited love, thus "holding the torch" for the one who doesn't love them back. Often sung by female characters.
72* TwiceShy: Two characters with mutual love are both too shy to openly return the other's feelings.
73* UnbalancedByRivalsKid: The child of an unrequited crush and a love rival causes distress for a character.
74* UnluckyChildhoodFriend: A ChildhoodFriendRomance never happens between the ChildhoodFriends no matter how much one of them would want it to.
75* UnnecessarilyCruelRejection: A character rejects someone's love in a meanspirited way.
76* UnrequitedLoveLastsForever: Continuing to love someone you can't have.
77* UnrequitedLoveSwitcheroo: A crush is not returned so the crusher gets over it, only for the crushee to develop feelings for the former.
78* UnrequitedTragicMaiden: She's hopelessly in love with a man she can never be with.
79* UnwantedHarem: When one character is the love interest for multiple people and would rather not be.
80* UnwantedSpouse: A character's whose spouse doesn't want to be married to them (can be a mutual feeling but not always).
81* VillainousCrush: Evil character crushes on TheHero, naturally they don't return their feelings.
82* VillainessesWantHeroes: Female villain has a one-sided crush on TheHero.
83* WomanScorned: Her LoveInterest doesn't return her feelings, and now she's vengeful about it.
84* {{Yandere}}: A common victim of unrequited love who tries to murder anyone they see as a threat to their love.
85* YouNeverDidThatForMe: Realizing that your crush doesn't love you by seeing how they treat others compared to you.
86* YoureNotMyType: Not returning someone's affections because that person doesn't fit your ideal mold.
