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2->''"Since saving New York, the Ghostbusters have been sued and lost all their money. Ungrateful shits. Did the ''fire department'' get sued after 9/11, as well?"''
3-->-- '''WebVideo/{{MikeJ}}''' on ''Film/GhostbustersII''
5Heroes save people, [[SaveTheVillain even enemies.]] What's more, if a hero saves a [[TheRival rival]] or villain enough times, you'd expect them to change their attitude towards the hero into one of at least [[TheOnlyOneAllowedToDefeatYou grudging]] respect or having [[NobleDemon honor dictate]] that [[YouWillBeSpared they]] "[[IWasJustPassingThrough owe them one]]".
7You'd be wrong.
9Heroes don't always [[HundredPercentHeroismRating get gratitude]], [[DudeWheresMyRespect recognition]], or even a basic [[ComplainingAboutRescuesTheyDontLike "thank you"]] for their efforts, and sometimes, any thanks are patently insincere. Rivals and enemies in particular tend to treat these saves with the same gratitude for the air they breathe (read, none). And that's if they aren't actively angry at being put through [[EmbarrassingRescue the ignominy of being saved]] by [[YouRebelScum those filthy]] ''[[AllOfTheOtherReindeer freaks]],'' they'll usually [[TheFarmerAndTheViper betray]] such mercy at the first opportunity. Ungrateful Bastards or Bitches. Nothing says better that someone is an irredeemable, honourless scumbag more than treating the (often unwarranted) mercy and kindness as nothing or even worse as a weakness to be exploited.
11There are odd times nevertheless, where the lack of gratitude may be explained or even more surprisingly justified by a number of reasons that make the subject less of a bastard and more of a rational fed-up individual. For instance, who can blame characters for being "ungrateful" if they were put in danger by the good intentions of the HeroicWannabe, and whose "rescue" possibly led to their injury or destruction of their property? This becomes more understandable if the "hero" has previously antagonized or outright harmed the character, or provides or even ''forces'' UnwantedAssistance upon them. A DeathSeeker getting saved from certain death has little reason to be happy in the short term since the cause for seeking death remains unchanged, but they will come across as less scummy and indignant compared to instances like the DirtyCoward who feigns indignation at being saved to try and salvage a facade of bravery.
13This is true even if it's a forced EnemyMine situation, and they never even acknowledge the service rendered or are grateful, much less gets CharacterDevelopment or a change in their relationship to {{reset|Button}}. This might be done either to show how utterly evil (or at least callous) the enemy is, and [[StatusQuoIsGod avoid having the show's formula change]] with the BigBad growing unable to kill or hate someone who has saved them so often.
15See also NeverAcceptedInHisHometown for cases where the hero's own people act like this, UngratefulTownsfolk or TheFarmerAndTheViper for people who carry it to the point of outright hostility or betrayal, WhatHaveYouDoneForMeLately for people being particularly blunt about their lack of gratitude, and ZeroApprovalGambit for situations where the hero ''wants'' to be disliked.
17Contrast GrudgingThankYou, BecauseYouWereNiceToMe, and ''definitely'' IOweYouMyLife, where gratitude is given or shown in little to no uncertain terms and in the latter cases, results in the favor being actively repaid as often as not if only to even the score. Probably not related to the Film/{{inglourious|Basterds}} kind. See also EntitledBastard who not only doesn't thank the heroes, but also expects them to save them anyways.
24* UngratefulBastard/AnimeAndManga
25* UngratefulBastard/ComicBooks
26* UngratefulBastard/FanWorks
27* UngratefulBastard/{{Film}}
28* UngratefulBastard/{{Literature}}
29* UngratefulBastard/LiveActionTV
30* UngratefulBastard/VideoGames
31* UngratefulBastard/WesternAnimation
32* UngratefulBastard/OtherMedia
