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1The tropes on this wiki that are named in GratuitousFrench... or close enough.\
2Some may be bad French or mixed with English, and rarely bothered with the correct diacritics (accents) until the custom title system.
4'''Important note:''' anytime you see " l' ", "le", "la" or "les", consider them as articles akin to "the", and '''DON'T''' list them under "L" in indexes.
7See also:
8+ UsefulNotes/{{France}}
9+ UsefulNotes/FrenchLanguage]
12* AgentProvocateur = troublemaker agent
13* ArtNouveau = new art [[note]]At least how the Anglophones and the French name the genre; other countries name it with something else such as "Jungendstil" or "secession"[[/note]]
14* ArtDeco = retroactively named after the 1925 Paris [[ International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts]].
15* {{Chanson}} = song
16* TheChanteuse (''la chanteuse'') = the female singer
17* ChezRestaurant = at the restaurant
18* {{Cliche}} = Overused trope, phrase and so on
19* LesCollaborateurs = collaborators (with the enemy)
20* {{Commune}} = groups of housings, small towns, etc. The trope uses it as "community".
21* UsefulNotes/LesCopsSportif (''la police sportive'') = the athletic police[[note]]This is a JustForFun/{{Punny Trope Name|s}} derived from ''Le Coq Sportif'', the sports equipment manufacturer.[[/note]]
22* CordonBleughChef = blegh ribbon chef[[note]]This is a JustForFun/{{Punny Trope Name|s}} derived from ''cordon bleu'', which means SupremeChef in French, and it's also the name of a dish.[[/note]]
23* TheCoup = shorthand for "coup d'État," colloquially "a blow against the State" or "putsch"
24* CoupDeGrace = blow of mercy
25** CoupDeGraceCutscene
26* DejaVu = already seen
27* {{Denouement}} = unknotting, unravelling
28** DenouementEpisode
29* {{Detournement}} (''le détournement'')
30* DisposableFiance = "fiancé" (engaged, to be married) is a French word originally
31* DoubleEntendre = double meaning
32* DroitDuSeigneur = right of the lord
33* EndangeredSouffle = "soufflé" ("blown") is a French word originally
34* EnfantTerrible = terrible child[[note]]Or "terrific child", but that wouldn't fit the trope.[[/note]]
35* FeeFiFauxPas = fee fi false step
36* FemmeFatale = deadly woman
37* FemmeFataleSpy = only the first two words "femme fatale" are French.
38* AFeteWorseThanDeath = only "fête" ("party") is French.
39* FilleFatale = deadly girl
40* LeFilmArtistique = artistic film
41* FilmNoir = black film
42* FleurDeLis (''fleur de lys'') = flower of lily
43* GrandeDame = big lady
44* GrandFinale = big finale
45* TheGrotesque = gross and ridiculous at the same time
46* {{Homage}} = tribute
47* TheIngenue (''l'ingénue'') = naïve woman
48* {{Jaccuse}} = I accuse
49* JeanneDArchetype = Joan of archetype[[note]]pun on [[UsefulNotes/JoanOfArc Jeanne d'Arc]][[/note]]
50* MalMariee = badly married woman
51* MeleeATrois = fray of three[[note]]This is a JustForFun/{{Punny Trope Name|s}} derived from ''ménage à trois'', a.k.a. threesome.[[/note]]
52* MilitaryCoup (''le coup d'État militaire'')
53* MisereGame = destitution
54* {{Montages}} = assemblies
55* MoustacheDePlume = quill mustache
56* NomDeGuerre = war name
57* NomDeMom = mother's name
58* NouveauRiche = new rich
59* {{Pastiche}} = pâté or pie filling mixed from several ingredients
60* LeParkour = word used for freerunning derived from "parcours" (course/route with obstacles on the way)
61* [[PhlebotinumDuJour Phlébotinum du Jour]] = phlebotinum of the day
62* {{Portmanteau}} (''le portemanteau'') = coat hanger[[note]]The trope isn't about coat hangers![[/note]]
63* UsefulNotes/TheRenaissance = rebirth
64* LaResistance = the resistance
65* {{Reveille}}
66* RomanAClef = novel with key
67* SpookySeance = spooky session
68* {{Tableau}} = painting/panel
69* ThwartedCoupDeGrace
70* {{Touche}} = touched/being hit
71* TreeBuchet = trébuchet [[note]]A JustForFun/{{Punny Trope Name|s}} combining "trebuchet" with the English word "tree"[[/note]]
72* TroubleEntendre
73* VigilanteMan = watchman
76!! Other French phrases:
77* ''danse macabre'' = [[TheDeadCanDance dance of death]]
78* ''ménage à trois'' = [[ThreeWaySex couple of three]]
79* ''princesse lointaine'' = [[PeerlessLoveInterest faraway princess]]
80* ''raisonneur'' = [[AuthorAvatar one who argues]]
