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Context Main / TokenYuriGirls

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5* BetaCouple: A secondary pairing (and {{foil}}) to the primary relationship.
6* FauxYay: An extended ruse where characters act homosexual.
7* GayOption: A same-sex OptionalSexualEncounter.
8* HomoeroticSubtext: Two characters of the same gender depicted in a similar way to romantic relationships.
9* HoYay: Moments of plot, dialogue, acting, etc., that fans interpret as homoerotic.
10* LGBTFanbase: A work garners a PeripheryDemographic among the LGBT+ community.
11* PseudoRomanticFriendship: Young friends' friendship looks a lot like romance.
12* WatchedItForTheRepresentation: Fans tune in to a work because of the representation it provides for minority group(s), such as LGBT individuals.
13* YuriFan: Someone who pairs girls together.
14* YuriGenre: A Japanese genre exclusively centered around female/female relationships
