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1Here are tropes focusing on characters intimidating others with threats of violent harm to coerce them into doing their bidding or when someone did something they don't like. [[SelfDemonstratingArticle Now start looking at these tropes or someone will be sent to whoop yo' ass!]]
3Compare ViolenceTropes, ATorturedIndex, and AbuseTropes. See also AngerTropes.
8'''Also see:'''
9* IHaveYourIndex
10* IndexAtGunpoint
12* AbusiveAdvertising: Buy our products or else!
13* AggressiveNegotiations: Negotiations devolve into violence, whether it was planned or spontaneous.
14* AndNowYouMustMarryMe: The villain's EvilPlan is to force someone to marry them.
15* AndYourLittleDogToo: Next time you wrong me, it'll be your beloved who gets it!
16* AngerBornOfWorry: Don't you ever make me worry like that again or it'll be me who endangers you next time!
17* AngryFistShake: If I'm shaking my fist at you, that means you've seriously pissed me off!
18* AngryItemTapping: You're making me angry, so I may harm you with this blunt object I have in my hand until you stop!
19* AppealToForce: Agree with my viewpoint or I'll hurt you!
20* AuditThreat: As a government official, I order you to tell us what we want to know, or else we'll have to tax you!
21* BadassBoast: Now you're in trouble because I AM here to beat your ass down into oblivion!
22* BadassCreed
23* BadReviewThreat: You better do what I want or I'll give a review about how awful your company is!
25* BigBrotherInstinct: You harm one hair on my sibling's head and I'll gut you like a fish!
26* {{Blackmail}}: I know your secret, so you better do as I tell you or I'll let your little secret out!
27** BlackmailIsSuchAnUglyWord: And don't you dare call what I'm doing "blackmail", because I'm merely keeping you in your place!
28** FabricatedBlackmail: Even if your "secret" isn't real, you'll do what I say or else!
29** RevengePornBlackmail: You'll do what I say if you don't want to become an involuntary pornstar!
30* BreakInThreat: Intimidating/threatening a character by breaking into their abode and deliberately leaving evidence of the break-in.
31* BreathHoldingBrat: Either you give me what I want or I'll hold my breath and suffocate!
32* BrokenWindowWarning: Breaking someone's window as a threat, or throwing a warning message tied to a brick through someone's window.
33* BuyOrGetLost: If you're not going to buy anything, leave. Otherwise, there's going to be trouble...
34* CollectiveDeathGlare: An entire group glares at someone for doing/saying something dumb.
35* CountingToThree: I'll count to three for you to stop pissing me off! 1... 2... 2 and a half...
36* CastingCouch: Have sex with me, or you don't get the part.
37* CutHisHeartOutWithASpoon: I'm going to do something really bizarre to you!
38** IWillTearYourArmsOff
39* DarkShepherd: You better behave yourself or you're in for a world of consequences (particularly of the {{fire and brimstone|Hell}} kind)!
40* DeadAnimalWarning: Let this dead animal on your porch be a warning that I'm not bluffing about harming you!
41* DeadlyEuphemism: Telling you that I was going to "kill you" wouldn't be very polite, instead I'll just say that I'm "giving you the treatment".
42* DeathGlare: See me staring daggers at you? That means you better shut your mouth before I shut it for you!
43* DisproportionateRetribution: How dare you upset me with a minor mistake?! I will get my vengeance on you for that!
44* DontMakeMeDestroyYou: I'm warning you! I don't want to have to do this, but if you don't stop what you're doing, I'll have to hurt you!
45* TheEasyWayOrTheHardWay: You got two options, we can either settle this calmly or I'll have do something more drastic to you!
46* EmptyCopThreat: Withholding information from a police officer? That's not acceptable! Tell me what you know or you're under arrest!
47* EyeAmWatchingYou: So don't try to piss me off or I'm coming for you!
48* FalseReassurance: Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. [[FateWorseThanDeath I'm going to make you suffer]]!
49* ForgivenButNotForgotten: Sure I forgive you, but if you ever repeat that mistake again, there is gonna be hell to pay!
50* FreudianThreat: If you keep making trouble, I'll tear off your "equipment"!
51* GiveMeAReason: I don't need a good reason why I should hurt you! As soon as I find some excuse to hurt you, you're dead meat!
52* GoThroughMe: You wanna hurt my loved ones? You'll have to face me first!
53* GunboatDiplomacy
54* HappinessIsMandatory: Smile and be happy or you're dead meat!
55* HiddenHeartOfGold: Tell anybody that I'm [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold actually nice]] and I'll see to it you never see the light of day again!
56* HighAltitudeInterrogation: Tell me what I want to know or I'll throw you off this high ground!
57* HitYouSoHardYourXWillFeelIt: You're gonna hurt so bad that someone close to you will feel the pain once I'm done with you!
58* HomeworkSlave: Hey, loser! Do my homework assignment, or I'll turn you into hamburger casserole during gym class!
59* HostageForMacGuffin: If you care at all about your friend's life, you WILL hand over the item I'm looking for!
60* HowDareYouDieOnMe: You better not die or I'll never forgive you!
61* IdTellYouButThenIdHaveToKillYou: You want to know my big secret? Ok but you'll have to die afterwards. I'm not joking by the way...
62* IfICantHaveYou: You don't return my love? I'm gonna kill you for that!
63* IfIWantedYouDead: If I was going to kill you, I would have by now. Better get moving before I actually DECIDE to kill you!
64* IfYouEverDoAnythingToHurtHer: You're in for some serious pain should you hurt my loved one!
65* IHaveYourWife: Do as I say or your beloved gets it!
66* IllKillYou: ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin! So don't you even think of doing me any wrong!
67* ImpliedDeathThreat: Don't get in my way again, unless you want me to send you to join the choir invisible.
68* ImYourWorstNightmare
69* IneffectualDeathThreats: You cross me and I will poke you with a stick.
70* InTheNameOfTheMoon: Beware my catch phrase, that's a sign that I mean business!
71* IsThatAThreat: Am I threatening you? Of course I am!
72* IWillPunishYourFriendForYourFailure: Should you fail me, it'll be your loved one who gets hurt!
73* IWillShowYouX: You want mercy? I'll give you "mercy"! I'll give you lots of "mercy"!
74* JackBauerInterrogationTechnique: Alright buddy, talk! Tell me what I want to know or you're in for some ColdBloodedTorture!
75* MandatoryMotherhood: BabiesMakeEverythingBetter and NotWantingKidsIsWeird, so you better get busy and make some or you'll be so sorry!
76* MakeAnExampleOfThem: You all WILL follow my rules unless you want to end up like the poor fools who last defied me!
77* MyNameIsInigoMontoya: What better way to let you know that you're in trouble then by me telling you exactly who you're dealing with!
78* AnOfferYouCantRefuse: You don't have a choice here! Either accept my demand or it's curtains for you!
79* OrderedApology: You better apologize to me or I'll beat one out of you!
80* PainlessDeathForAPrice: Tell me what I want to know, and I'll make your death quick and easy!
81* ParanoiaGambit
82* PreAsskickingOneLiner
83** PreMortemOneLiner
84* PrepareToDie: ...because I'm going to kill you!
85* ProveIAmNotBluffing: I am willing to make good on my threat to prove my point. So unless you give me what I want, '''''DO. NOT. PUSH. ME. AGAIN.'''''
86* PutDownYourGunAndStepAway: Drop your weapons unless you want me to kill your friend!
87* ScareEmStraight: If you don't behave like a good boy/girl, then bad, BAD things will befall you!
88* ScarpiaUltimatum: Have sex with me or I'll kill your friends.
89* SeeYouInHell: When I die, I'll go to hell and wait for you there!
90* ShameIfSomethingHappened: It would be a shame if something horrible happen to you if you cross me.
91* ShieldBanging: I'll whack my shield with my weapon as a way of demonstrating the ability of both.
92* ShotgunWedding: You WILL marry my daughter since you knocked her up or you'll get hurt!
93* StopOrIWillShoot: Don't move or I'll pull the trigger on you!
94** StopOrIShootMyself: Don't move or I'll pull the trigger on me!
95* StronglyWordedLetter: I'm so filled with righteous indignation that I'm going to make an entirely futile and symbolic gesture to express it!
96* SwordOfDamocles
97* TakingYouWithMe: If I die, I'll make sure you die too.
98* ThatWasntARequest: You should just give up while you still can. By "should" I mean you WILL give up or else!
100* ThisIsUnforgivable: You've gone too far this time... I'll never forgive you!
101* ThreatBackfire: I'm gonna break every bone in your body! [[TooKinkyToTorture Why the hell are you smiling]]?
102* ThreateningMediator: You two either settle your childish fighting or I'll do it myself! And it's NOT gonna be pretty.
103* ThreateningToCutTies: You either do as I say or I'm cutting ties with you!
104* ThroatSlittingGesture: You do what I want you to do or... ''Kttcch!''
105* ToThePain: I know hundreds of ways to torture you, and I'm going to describe every single one until you crack!
106* TroubleEntendre
107* VehicularKidnapping
108* VerbThis
109* TheVillainKnowsWhereYouLive: I know where you live so there's no sense in hiding from me!
110* VillainousFaceHold: I'll grab your face to show you I can do anything to you and you're powerless to stop me.
111* ViolentlyProtectiveGirlfriend: I'll break the necks of anyone who hurts my boyfriend!
112* WarningMistakenForThreat: I'm not threatening you, I'm warning you!
113* WeaponForIntimidation: I'll use this weapon to kill you, even though I hardly use it!
114* WeHaveWaysOfMakingYouTalk: If you won't tell me what I want to know, I'll just have to torment you until you sing like a canary!
115* WeWillMeetAgain: You may have defeated me, but the next time we cross paths, you will be on life support!
116* WhisperedThreat: I'm going to make a comment to you so threatening, it can only be whispered in your ear.
117* WithUsOrAgainstUs: Sorry but there will be no neutrality here, you're gonna either side with us or with them!
118** JoinOrDie: In this case, you should join US, the correct side, or you can kiss your ass goodbye!
119* YouHaveFailedMe: ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin. And for that, the punishment is death.
120* YouHaveNoChanceToSurvive
121* YouHaveOutlivedYourUsefulness: Good job... You've done well, and I'm very pleased. What a shame I'll have to kill you now as your reward, though.
122* YouKilledMyFather: You killed someone I loved! I'm gonna kick your ass as payment!
123* YouLeaveHimAlone: You keep away from them! Face off against me instead!
124* YouMonster: You've proven to be an irredeemable inhuman beast, and I'm gonna make you pay for what you did!
125* YouWouldntLikeMeWhenImAngry: Self-explanatory. When you piss me off, it's gonna be hell on earth for you!
126* YoureInsane: ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin. And I'm putting a stop to you and your madness right now!
