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1These are the "Mad-Libs" tropes. Each of these tropes is a basic concept + one element that changes (represented by "X" or a similar placeholder). For TitleTropes, such as CharacterNameAndTheNounPhrase, this is simply a matter of filling in the blank(s). For StockPhrases, this becomes [structure of the phrase] + X, where X = [any word].
3In a way, these are quintessential tropes, as easy storytelling devices. Fill in the blank, and BAM! instant recognition.
5Compare {{Snowclones}}, the trope-naming equivalent of these StockPhrases.
7Not to be confused with XMakesAnythingCool or LetXBeTheUnknown.
12%% NOTE: This is NOT an index of "tropes with 'X' in the title." Please check the list on the Discussion page to make sure the trope you are adding is an example.
23+ PlotMagnet
26[[folder:'''Plot/Characterization Tropes''' that follow this pattern]]
27* AttackOfThe50FootWhatever: The story has a giant (something) going on a rampage.
28* ABoyAndHisX
29* HowTheCharacterStoleChristmas: A WholePlotReference to ''WesternAnimation/HowTheGrinchStoleChristmas'' where X is the protagonist.
30* InCaseOfXBreakGlass
31* MyXIsAY (as plot)
32* NoTrueScotsman
33* StartXToStopX
34* TheatrePhantom
35* ThroneMadeOfX
36* WeaponOfXSlaying
37* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes
38* XMustNotWin
39* XOnAStick
42[[folder:'''Title Tropes''' and '''Naming Conventions''' that follow this pattern]]
43* AdjectiveAnimalAlehouse
44* TheAdjectivalMan
45* TheAdjectivalSuperhero
46* AdvancedTech2000
47* AgeOfTitles
48* AmericanTitle
49* ArtistAndTheBand: A music act is named after a main artist, while the other members are portrayed as a backing band.
50* BalladOfX
51* CaptainColorbeard: A pirate has a name referring to what kind of beard they have.
52* CaptainSuperhero: A superhero whose codename begins with "Captain".
53* TheCaseOf
54* CharacterNameAndTheNounPhrase
55* TheCrimeJob
56* {{Descriptiveville}}
57* ADogNamedDog: Naming an animal its species.
58* {{Egopolis}}: A city is named after its ruler or founder.
59* EnterEponymous
60* EpisodeFinishesTheTitle
61* TheEponymousShow
62* TheFantasticTropeOfWonderousTitles
63* FooFu
64* FourX: A subgenre of strategy games which involves four things using 4X as a shorthand, X-plore, X-pand, X-ploit, and X-terminate.
65* FrankenX: A pastiche of FrankensteinsMonster is named a variant on "Frankenstein".
66* TheFullNameAdventures'
67* TheGreatWhodini
68* HelloInsertNameHere (for a more active role in the substitution)
69* {{iProduct}}
70* ImMrFuturePopCultureReference
71* TheJoyOfX
72* {{Ladyella}}
73* TheLastTitle
74* TheLegendOfX
75* ALizardNamedLiz: A non-human has a name based on their species.
76* LukeNounverber
77* MadameFortune
78* MadeInCountryX
79* TheMagnificent
80* MissXPun
81* MisterDescriptor
82* MyVerbinNoun
83* {{My X Is A Y}} (as title)
84* NameAndName: The work's title consists of the names of the two main characters.
85* NamedworldAndNamedland
86* {{Name McAdjective}}
87* {{NameTron}}
88* NewNeoCity
89* TheNotableNumeral
90* TheNounAndTheNoun
91* TheNounWhoVerbed
92* NounVerber
93* OperationBlank
94* ParodiesForDummies
95* APigNamedPorkchop: An animal is named after the meat, food, or other animal products that could come from it.
96* ProtagonistAndFriends
97* {{Scandalgate}}
98* SesquipedalianSmith: A character has a fancy first name and a mundane surname.
99* SirVerbALot
100* SomethingBlues
101* TheSomethingForce
102* {{Somethingitis}}: The tendency for fictional illnesses to end with "-itis", even though the suffix actually means "inflammation" rather than "disease".
103* SomethingNauts
104* SomethingPerson
105* TheSomethingSong
106* SpaceX
107* SpellMyNameWithAThe
108* SpoofsRUs
109* TheTalkShowWithHostName
110* TheTitleSaga
111* TheTitling
112* TheTropeKid
113* VersusTitle
114* AVillainNamedZrg
115* TheVonTropeFamily: A character's surname has "Von" in front of it.
116* {{Whatevermancy}}
117* TheXOfY
120[[folder:'''Stock Phrases''' that follow this pattern]]
121* AndThisIsFor
122* {{Crunchtastic}}
123* GonnaNeedMoreX
124* HaventYouSeenXBefore
125* HehHehYouSaidX (when that exact phrase is used)
126* HitYouSoHardYourXWillFeelIt
127* IAmTheNoun
128* IAmXSonOfY
129* IfIWantedXIWouldY
130* ILikeMyXLikeILikeMyY
131* ILoveTheSmellOfXInTheMorning
132* ImADoctorNotAPlaceholder
133* IveGotAnXAndImNotAfraidToUseIt
134* IWillShowYouX
135* MadLibsCatchphrase: A character has a catchphrase where certain parts are a different word every time it is spoken.
136* MetaphorIsMyMiddleName: A character jokingly claims that an attribute or quality is their middle name to emphasize that they are the right person for the job requiring said attribute or quality.
137* MyXIsAY
138* NotYourDaddysX
139* PopularSayingBut
140* PromiseMeYouWontX
141* SomeOfMyBestFriendsAreX
142* SoWasX
143* ThatsWhatICallX
144* TheThreeCertaintiesInLife (Death, Taxes, and X)
145* TheTropeFormerlyKnownAsX
146* TodayXTomorrowTheWorld
147* TogetherWeAreX: Members of an {{ensemble|s}} introduce themselves first individually and then as a team.
148* TrustMeImAnX
149* VerbThis
150* WentToTheGreatXInTheSky: A common euphemism for dying where the deceased person is said to have gone to "the great (insert place appropriate to the deceased's personality, habits, or interests) in the sky".
151* WhatDidYouExpectWhenYouNamedIt
152* WhatIsThisX
153* WhatsAnXLikeYouDoingInAYLikeThis
154* WhatWouldXDo
155* WhereIsYourXNow
156* XCalledTheyWantTheirYBack
157* JustForFun/XMeetsY
158* YouCalledMeXItMustBeSerious
159* YouKnowWhatTheySayAboutX
160* YouPutTheXInXY
161* YouRemindMeOfX
162* YouWatchTooMuchX
