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1Did a character die between episodes, and the only reason you know is [[BusCrash because someone tells you]]? Did Godzilla just make [[TheTokyoFireball some city burn down]], only to have it [[OffscreenRebuilding rebuilt by the time the next movie comes around]]?
3Here is a list of tropes where the writers decided to keep certain details offscreen.
6* AgeCut - It's amazing how fast characters can age with movie magic.
7* AmbiguousCriminalHistory - A character committed crimes offscreen.
8* AnswerCut - A character asks a question or makes a statement, then the scene shifts to the answer.
9* BehindTheBlack - Sometimes it's just less work to keep those characters out of sight.
10* BottomlessBladder - Anyone ever notice that [[Series/TwentyFour Jack Bauer]] never spends one minute in a bathroom? [[{{Squick}} Even to wash his hands]]?!
11* BusCrash - That character the writers PutOnABus? Think he's going to show up again in later episodes? Think again, cause the writers decided to say that he died.
12* {{Butlerspace}} - Where did that butler come from?
13* CataclysmBackstory - The society went downhill and set off the plot, but it happened quite a while back so logically, it's offscreen.
14* CensoredChildDeath - A child dies, but their death is never seen onscreen.
15* ChargeIntoCombatCut - Two people or groups of people get ready to fight, but the scene shifts.
16* CharacterDevelopment - A character changes off-screen
17* DidTheyOrDidntThey - Two characters did something offscreen. It could have been sex, but we just don't know.
18* DiscretionShot and most of its subtropes:
19** AbuseDiscretionShot - Abuse not being shown onscreen.
20** BattleDiscretionShot - They're fighting, and although we might hear it, we don't see it.
21** DeadHatShot - We didn't see them die, we just see one of their belongings.
22** GoryDiscretionShot - Blood or brains are seen splattering against a surface, but we [[NothingIsScarier don't see]] what ''made'' them splatter.
23** KissingDiscretionShot - Two characters lean in to kiss one another, but we never see them kiss.
24** RapeDiscretionShot - Even the ''idea'' of rape can be scary, so seeing rape would be ''too'' scary for this type of work. This is what happens when you want to add rape in a situation like this.
25** SexyDiscretionShot - When the answer to DidTheyOrDidntThey is definitely "they did", but we still don't get to see it.
26** ScreamDiscretionShot - We hear someone screaming, but we don't see what made them scream.
27** ShadowDiscretionShot - Something bad is happening, but we don't see it, we only see a shadow of it.
28** SoundOnlyDeath - We hear a character die/something kill a character, but we don't see the death.
29** TransformationDiscretionShot - A scene of a character transforming offscreen.
30** VomitDiscretionShot - Someone throws up, but we don't [[VomitIndiscretionShot see it]].
31** VillainyDiscretionShot - A character does something ''extremely'' immoral offscreen.
32* DistractedFromDeath - A character dies off screen in the few seconds or minutes that another character is distracted
33* EmpathyDollShot - A kid died. We don't see the death or the body, but we see one of the kid's toys.
34* ExpositionCut - One character gets required information, but we don't need to hear it, so we don't.
35* TheGhost - A mentioned character who never physically appears.
36* GilliganCut: A protagonist's companion is shown performing an unpleasant task, despite refusing to do so in the previous scene, and may even wonder as to how they were convinced to do so.
37* GreatOffscreenWar - A war happened, but it was before the events of the series so we never saw it.
38* HeWhoMustNotBeSeen - A work goes to ridiculous lengths to avoid showing a character
39* HeelFaceReturn - A villain reforms offscreen.
40* HookedUpAfterwards - Two characters look like they'll hook up, but then it ends.
41* HyperspaceWardrobe - Someone can change clothes in the few seconds they're offscreen, or even just spin around so fast they resemble a small tornado to change.
42* ImpliedLoveInterest - Someone has a lot of love-interest-related tropes, but we never see anything romantic around that character.
43* InferredHolocaust - Something bad will logically happen, but we never see it happen.
44* InfiniteSupplies - Somebody has a whole lot of things that are logically hard to obtain and we don't know how they obtained them.
45** OffscreenVillainDarkMatter - It's unknown how a villain affords their evil supplies.
46* InformedAbility - When a character is stated to have an ability they never demonstrate.
47* InstantExpert - Because why [[ScrewLearningIHavePhlebotinum spend time learning]] when you can just assume you did?
48* InvisibleCelebrityGuest - The characters meet a celebrity but we never see said celebrity.
49* ItsALongStory - A great way to avoid boring your audience.
50* JumpCut - One scene jumps to another.
51* KilledOffscreen - We never see a dead character die.
52* LightFlickerTeleportation - When a character has moved after the lights flicker.
53* NobodyPoops - Because no one wants to see that.
54* NoodleIncident - It was important to the character, but the details aren't given because they don't influence the story.
55* NothingIsScarier - ...than a scary lack of something.
56* OffscreenBreakup - Two characters are a couple in one scene, and they've broken up in another, but we don't see what led to the breakup.
57* OffscreenCrash - We hear a crash, but don't see what went crash.
58* OffscreenKarma - No one saw the villain getting punished.
59* OffscreenMomentOfAwesome - Did no one see your InUniverse SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome?
60* OffscreenRealityWarp - The scene shifts from one scene to another and back to the first, but something is different. We never see how the change happened.
61* OffscreenRebuilding - A city was destroyed and rebuilt and we never see the rebuilding.
62* OffscreenRomance - Two characters are not in a relationship, they [[PutOnABus disappear]], they [[TheBusCameBack come back]] in a relationship.
63* OffscreenStartBonus - The level of a game starts. There is more than one path one of which leads offscreen. Taking this path leads to a bonus.
64* OffscreenTeleportation - Someone can move so fast they might as well be teleporting, as long as we don't see them move.
65* OffstageVillainy - We don't see the villain do anything evil.
66* PostApocalypticTrafficJam: We see the aftermath of the chaos and destruction which occurred during the apocalypse, but not the event itself.
67* PostCoitalCollapse: Characters collapse into bed to imply they were having sex.
68* RelaxOVision - The writers don't want us to see something bad, so they show us something good (if a little sappy/boring) while the bad thing is happening.
69* RespawningEnemies - Enemies you defeated are somehow alive again when you return.
70* SequelNonEntity - I hope the character who disappeared wasn't your favorite.
71* SingleStrokeBattle - During a duel, both characters leap in the air and strike, but we don't see what happens, and when they land, one is dead.
72* SmashCut - A scene abruptly switches to another.
73* SnapBack - How did that turn back to normal?
74* SoapOperaRapidAgingSyndrome - Similar to AgeCut but they've grown older too fast for it to make sense InUniverse.
75* StealthHiBye - Not only did we never see this character enter or leave, the other characters didn't either.
76* TakeOurWordForIt - Because sometimes, you're better off not knowing.
77* TeleportingKeycardSquad - You pick up a plot-relevant item. Suddenly, enemies appear in previously cleared areas.
78* ThatPoorCat - It seems to bear the brunt of objects that were on-screen but were/are thrown/crashing/falling offscreen. At least we're spared having to see the effects on [[KickTheDog the cat]].
79* TimeSkip - Lots of time is skipped over between two scenes.
80* UndisclosedFunds - We're not gonna show you how much money this is, but trust us, it's a lot.
81* UnrevealAngle - A shot is framed to show a secret being revealed without revealing said secret to the audience.
82* TheVoice - We hear this character, but never see them.
83* VoiceOnlyCameo: A cameo that is only heard as TheVoice but not seen.
