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1Tropes about ex-significant others, and the various ways they affect the lives of their former lovers.
3ThisIndexBrokeUp covers tropes that involve break-ups. Naturally there is a lot of overlap.
5Compare (and contrast) LoveTropes and MarriageTropes. See also TheSinglesIndex. Not to be confused with ThisUsedToBeAnIndex.
8* AbsenceMakesTheHeartGoYonder: When a couple is separated, one of the pair starts a new relationship with someone else.
9* AmicableExes: Two people who broke up yet remain on good terms with each other.
10* BreachOfPromiseOfMarriage: A potential marriage is broken off after the man doesn't pay up his end of the bargain.
11* BreakUpBonfire: Destroying the ex's belongings with fire.
12* BreakupSong: A song about ending a relationship.
13* CelebrityBreakUpSong: A break-up song written by a celebrity about another celebrity.
14* CustodyBattle: Conflict ensues when a couple gets divorced and can't agree who should get custody of the children.
15* DerailingLoveInterests: The RomanticFalseLead is subjected to CharacterDerailment so that the lead can dump them and form the OfficialCouple.
16* DifferingPrioritiesBreakup: A breakup resulting from each person wanting things that will make the other unhappy.
17* DisneylandDad: A divorced parent who showers their children with lavish gifts and outings to win their love.
18* DivorceAssetsConflict: A divorcing couple demand they split up their possessions between each other, which leads to them going at each other's throats.
19* DivorceInReno: Reno, Nevada is an easy place to get divorced.
20* DivorceIsTemporary: Couples never stay separated for long.
21* DivorceRequiresDeath: When getting a divorce requires one half of the couple to die.
22* DryDockedShip: For when {{Fanon}} suspects that two characters once had a past romantic relationship.
23* DumpedViaTextMessage: Character sends a text message to their SO to tell them it's over, instead of talking to them in person.
24* TheExsNewJerkass: A character's ex's new significant other is a {{Jerkass}} to them and possibly others.
25* FairWeatherEx: A character who wants to get back with their ex because it's convenient for them.
26* FalseSoulmate: If they were in a relationship with the False Soulmate, they usually end up being an ex by the end.
27* FirstFatherWins: The ex-husband competes with his ex-wife's new husband over which of them the kid likes better. In the end, the child decides that they like their first father better than their stepfather.
28* FootDraggingDivorcee: When one spouse refuses to break up.
29* ForeverFling: A short-lived, youthful, passionate romance is the yardstick by which all the couple's subsequent romances are measured and fail.
30* TheGrovel: A person begs for their ex to take them back.
31* HeartbreakAndIceCream: Character gorges themself on ice cream in response to being dumped.
32* LookingForLoveInAllTheWrongPlaces: A character has many ex-lovers
33* LoveCannotOvercome: A character breaks up with their partner because their lifestyle is too stressful/dangerous, despite still loving them.
34* LoveWillLeadYouBack: Hoping that your ex will come back to you.
35* MinorFlawMajorBreakup: They got dumped over a miniscule reason.
36* TheMissusAndTheEx: A character's ex-significant other meets their current significant other.
37* TheMourningAfter: A character still pines for an ex.
38* NewOldFlame: A newly introduced character happens to be an ex-significant other of a main character.
39* OldFlameFizzle: A character is reunited with their former partner and finds they're no longer attracted to them.
40* TheOneThatGotAway: A character wishes they had gotten together with their LoveInterest.
41* OopsIForgotIWasMarried: A character finds out they're in a marriage they were unaware was legal.
42* PleaseDumpMe: Character deliberately tries to get dumped.
43* ProxyBreakup: Alice wants to break-up with Bob, so she has Cindy do it for her. Hijinks Ensue.
44* PsychoExGirlfriend: An ex-significant other who was NotGoodWithRejection.
45* RelationshipRevolvingDoor: Characters swing in and out on being together and being exes.
46* RelationshipSalvagingDisaster: Ex-lovers rekindle their romance following a life or death situation.
47* ReturningTheWeddingRing: Sign that a couple is no more is a wedding/engagement ring that is returned.
48* SecondActBreakup: The OfficialCouple temporarily breaks up in the middle of the story.
49* SerialRomeo: He has many ex-lovers that he previously hoped would be his OneTrueLove.
50* SerialSpouse: They've been married multiple times.
51* SexChangesEverything: Two characters who were ship teased finally get together only for their relationship with each other to start changing for the worse.
52* SexWithTheEx: Two people who are no longer a couple but still have sex.
53* SolomonDivorce: Divorced parents divide up custody of their children.
54* StarterMarriage: A character's first marriage didn't last very long.
55* SteppingStoneSpouse: A partner sacrifices for their spouse only to be left behind when fortunes increase.
56* ThrivingExCrush: A character discovers their ex has become successful since they broke up.
57* ToiletSeatDivorce: A divorce that was over something nonsensical.
58* TrueLoveIsBoring: When a couple doesn't stay together because them being happy together kills interest in the story.
59* VisitByDivorcedDad: A divorced father is allowed to visit his children.
60* WhyWouldAnyoneTakeHimBack: When a character gets back together with their ex despite said ex being unworthy of them.
61* WorkingWithTheEx: Being forced to work with an ex-significant other/friend.
62* YoYoPlotPoint: For when characters keep breaking up and getting back together, although that scenario is ''far'' from the only time this trope is used.
63* YouNeverDidThatForMe: Realizing that your crush doesn't love you by seeing how they treat others compared to you.
