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2[[caption-width-right:350:[[VideoGameCrueltyPotential Press X to Trigger a Lifetime of Psychotherapy!]][[note]][[BullyHunter For the guy on the right, that is.]][[/note]] ]]
3->''"Every skool hav a resident buly who is fat and roll about the place clouting everybode."''
4-->-- '''nigel Literature/{{Molesworth}}'''
6The SuperTrope of JerkJock, AlphaBitch, and other bully characters. This is the SchoolyardBullyAllGrownUp in his heyday. The guy who gave you {{wedgie}}s and tied you to a flag-pole. The girl who humiliated you in front of the entire school and broke your self-confidence on your first day in. In WesternAnimation, it is required by law for the bully to refer to his victims by [[LastNameBasis last name only]], because, well... you're not exactly their friend. Like dangerous creature predators, it’s not always the case that bullies are villains; they typically just act antagonistic, and are often considered neutral characters.
8A bully is simply defined on [[ wiktionary]] as "A person who is cruel to others, especially those who are weaker or have less power." This sums this character up in a nutshell. They will target anyone who is less popular than they are, those who are unable to fight back, or [[ExtremeDoormat anyone who won't fight back]]. Comes in different flavours as listed below.
10Because AdultsAreUseless, frequently students have to take matters into their own hands to deal with these characters, leading to a BullyHunter. Alternatively, the bully may not get his comeuppance from his victims or their protectors, instead running afoul of a bigger villain, and having to be [[SaveTheVillain rescued by the very people he used to torment.]] Can lead to a ReformedBully, [[EmbarrassingRescue if the bully is willing to admit to it.]] Otherwise the [[StatusQuoIsGod status quo returns to normal]] despite [[UngratefulBastard past events.]]
12[[TooDumbToLive Particularly thick]] bullies [[YouthIsWastedOnTheDumb will often try picking on]] the (currently) [[ActualPacifist pacifist]] superpowered or extremely strong kid [[IWorkAlone who simply isn't very sociable]]. This is called BullyingADragon, and it ''always'' ends badly, unless the dragon ends up [[SaveTheVillain saving the bullies]] and thus shutting the bully right up. [[WhosLaughingNow This doesn't always happen]].
16[[AC:Types of bullies, bullying victims, and related characters]]
17* AbusiveOffspring: Where children are bullies to their own parents.
18* AbusiveParents: Where parents are bullies to their children.
19* AlphaBitch: The most popular girl in school is a bully to others who aren't popular. The most common female bully.
20** AcademicAlphaBitch: When the alpha bitch is also smart.
21** BetaBitch: The alpha bitch's second in command
22** GirlPosse: A group of girls who bully others, usually led by the alpha bitch.
23* AnnoyingYoungerSibling: The younger equivalent to BigBrotherBully.
24* BarbaricBully: The most common stereotype of bully in fictional works.
25* BefriendingTheBullied: A character or group of characters befriends a victim of bullying, giving them support and possibly helping them stand up to their bully.
26* BigBrotherBully: A character bullies their younger sibling(s).
27* BigJerkOnCampus: The most popular guy in school is a bully to those who aren’t popular.
28* BullyAndWimpPairing: A bully and their victim show-up as an ensemble, either as {{Foil}}s to each other, either as VitriolicBestBuds. Almost AlwaysMale.
29* BullyBulldog: As a DogStereotype
30* BullyHunter: Characters who fight bullies.
31* BullyMagnet: A character who attracts bullying, often to the point of becoming a ChewToy.
32* BullyingTheDisabled: People who bully others based on physical or mental impairments.
33* BullyTurnedBuddy: The bully who befriends their former victim.
34* ClassClown: Some class clowns can be a bit harsh with their brand of humor, crossing into bully territory.
35* CorneredRattlesnake: Often the victim of a bully, but can sometimes cross over into this territory if their actions are vicious enough.
36* {{Delinquents}}: There's often some overlap between schoolyard bullies and juvenile criminals.
37* DrillSergeantNasty: Being a bully is ''his job''.
38* FutureLoser: A character was a bully in High School, but now leads a crappy life.
39* TheGadfly: Often extends to {{Troll}}.
40* GangOfBullies: Where bullies come in numbers.
41* JerkJock: The male bully in a varsity jacket.
42* KidsAreCruel: Where young children are stereotyped as bullies.
43* LovingBully: Bullies their target to hide the fact they have a crush on them.
44* MeanBoss: A boss who bullies his employees.
45* TheNeidermeyer: The leader equivalent to the tropes directly below.
46* NerdyBully: Nerds can be bullies too.
47* PeerPressuredBully: A bully who is only a bully because of peer-pressure.
48* PopularIsEvil: All the popular kids in school are bullies.
49* RabidCop: Bullies with badges who like to [[PoliceBrutality beat the shit out of people]].
50* ReformedBully: When the bully stops being a bully.
51* SadistTeacher: Teachers who bully their students.
52* SchoolyardBullyAllGrownUp: When a mean kid grows up to become an evil adult.
53* SinisterSororitySisters: Sororities are especially full of bullies.
54* SmugSuper: A bully with super-powers.
55* TeensAreMonsters: Where adolescents are stereotyped as bullies.
56* ThinSkinnedBully: A bully who picks on the weak, but prove to be cowards if someone stands up to them.
57* {{Troll}}: Loves to mess with people ForTheEvulz.
59[[AC:Related bullying tropes]]
60* AllOfTheOtherReindeer: Where a character is bullied by other characters for being different.
61* BoxingLesson
62* BulliedIntoDepression: A character's mental health is negatively effected by bullying.
63* BullyBrutality: When bullies are out to severely hurt their target or even worse.
64* BullyingADragon: When bullies mess with people they have no business messing with.
65* CarloadOfCoolKids
66* TheChainOfHarm: A bullied character bullies another character and the cycle of bullying perpetuates.
67* ChallengingTheBully
68* CrushTheKeepsake: A bully takes something the victim really values and destroys it, usually by crushing it underfoot.
69* CrushingHandshake: A bully gives the victim a handshake in which he squeezes tightly as a means to inflict pain on said body part.
70* {{Cyberbullying}}: Bullying made via {{social media|IsBad}} (and not by just one person) to the victim.
71* DefacementInsult: When bullies write hateful and demeaning things upon their victim's desk or some other place the victim is known to frequent.
72* EnemyEatsYourLunch: Bullies will often beat people up for their lunch money, if not steal their victim's lunch and eat it right in front of them.
73* FightingBackIsWrong: When the victim fights their bully is seen as a bad thing that goes against them.
74* ForTheEvulz: A reason why a character is a bully.
75* GlassesCuriosity: When bullies steal other people's glasses and wear them to make fun of their victims.
76* HeWhoFightsMonsters: When a victim of bullying ends up being one themselves.
77* HeadlockOfDominance
78* HomeworkSlave: Bullying someone else into doing your homework for you.
79* HonorThyAbuser: When the victim learns to forgive their bully(s), usually if they've already reformed.
80* IfYouTauntHimYouWillBeJustLikeHim: The idea that getting back at a bully makes you just like them.
81* JerkassToOne: In cases where the bully is normally an okay person, but unfortunately, someone happens to be a walking BerserkButton for them, and gets the brunt of the bully's negative traits. In other cases, the bully will target one character more than they do with others.
82* KeepAway: Bullies will often steal something of their victim's and toss it to each other as they try to get it back.
83* KickTheDog: When it crosses the line beyond garden variety bullying and into straight up sadistic villainy.
84* LackOfEmpathy: Bullies always lack empathy for their targets.
85* PeriodShaming: Bullying someone for getting their period.
86* PickOnSomeoneYourOwnSize: When an adult or teenager bullies someone a lot younger than them.
87* SchoolBullyingIsHarmless: Where bullying is portrayed as not so serious.
88* SpeakingUpForAnother:A third-party comes to the defense of someone who is being demeaned or insulted
89* StockShoujoBullyingTactics
90* StopHittingYourself: Another common tactic, involving grabbing the victim's wrist and making them hit themselves.
91* StuffedIntoALocker: The classic bully tactic, involving stuffing and locking someone into a school locker.
92* StuffedIntoATrashcan: Bullies will often stuff their victim into the trashcan once they're done tormenting them.
93* {{Swirlie}}: When a bully dunks their victim's face into a flushing toilet.
94* TastesLikeDisdain: Rejecting or destroying an offer of food to express your dislike for someone else.
95* ThrewMyBikeOnTheRoof: Destroying someone's stuff for no gain at all is a time-honored bully tactic.
96** VandalismBackfire: Though occasionally, this tactic can backfire as they destroy something not belonging to their victim.
97* {{Wedgie}}
98* WhyDidYouMakeMeHitYou
101!!Examples in media:
103* TheBully/WesternAnimation
107[[folder:Anime & Manga]]
109%%% Please put your choices in alphabetical order.
112* ''Manga/{{Bleach}}'': This is [[DiscussedTrope discussed]] when Ichigo expresses concern that Ichika has wandered away from her parents without their knowledge, Rukia tells him not to worry because a Soul Reaper has nothing to fear from human opponents. This merely increases Ichigo's worry because he interprets Rukia's words to mean that Ichika likes bullying helpless humans.
113* In ''Manga/DailyLivesOfHighSchoolBoys'', [[spoiler:Habara,]] known as the [[RedBaron Archdemon]], was the menace of all boys eight years before the current events. She needed [[OneManArmy ten]] {{Bully Hunter}}s to barely make a draw with her, which forced her into [[RetiredOutlaw retirement]].
114* Takeshi "Gian" Goda (aka Big G) from ''Manga/{{Doraemon}}'' is probably the most well-known bully character in Japanese anime society. His victims are every boy in his neighborhood, though he picks on Nobita the most. Suneo (Sneech) is another of Gian's main targets, although he too enjoys bullying Nobita.
115* The kids at the orphanage who torment a young Lucy in ''Manga/ElfenLied''. [[BullyingADragon It ends]] [[LudicrousGibs badly]]. '''[[BreakTheCutie Very]]''' [[StartOfDarkness badly]].
116* ''Manga/FistOfTheNorthStar'''s Kenshiro deals a lot with vicious bullies and evil warlords of the wastelands, who use their strength and superpowered martial arts to make the innocent suffer. Kenshiro is a FriendToAllChildren and a quintessential BullyHunter, and when such bullies go too far, Kenshiro shows ''no mercy'' upon them.
117* ''Manga/{{Lady}}'': Thomas and Mary Waverly physically and emotionally antagonize Lynn, from insults, hitting her, and breaking her things. They laugh when Lynn cries for the first time, and try to make her cry again.
118* ''Manga/RosarioPlusVampire'': For all his talk about "honor" and "justice," Kuyou is basically nothing more than a superpowered schoolyard bully who goes around taking people's lunch money. Unfortunately, the consequences for those that don't comply are ''far'' more grievous than the simple beating such thugs usually dish out, as the previous Newspaper Club can easily attest. [[spoiler: He continues this behavior after becoming a Fairy Tale top enforcer, and utterly fails to comprehend why almost nobody shows him any respect.]]
119* ''Anime/MazingerZ'' has Onimaru, a secondary character who attended Shiro's high school and was a {{Jerkass}} who bullied weak kids who could not defend themselves. He picked on Mitsuo, a nerdy, weak, shy kid, and tormented him frequently, insulting him, beating him and making him a fool of himself. It did not end up well for him, though, and he started to reconsider his attitude.
120%%* ''Anime/MidnightHorrorSchool'' has Tubee, Usop, and YumYum.
121* ''Manga/MyHeroAcademia'': [[Characters/MyHeroAcademiaKatsukiBakugo Bakugo Katsuki]], TheRival to TheHero Izuku Midoriya, was his personal bully for ten years as of the time the story starts, and he was allowed to bully Izuku because our hero (at least at the beginning) was Quirkless while [[EveryoneIsaSuper approximately 80 to 90 percent of humanity has a Quirk]] and FantasticRacism is a result, as well as Bakugo being TheAce of the class, and in the very first chapter Bakugo even [[SuicideDare dares Izuku to kill himself]]. When they get to U.A., however, CharacterDevelopment ensues, and Bakugo goes from being his bully to eventually becoming his SecretKeeper in regards to One For All, to [[spoiler:TakingTheBullet for him in the Paranormal Liberation War arc]]. It eventually culminates into [[spoiler:him apologizing to Izuku for everything in the Deku vs. Class 1-A arc, in order to help convince Izuku to return to U.A. and allow the class to help him in his FinalBattle with All For One]].
122* In ''Manga/MyNewDevilWife'', all the other mercenaries Theo, a 12-year-old orphan, had to work with, at first were grateful they had a willing porter, who would happily carry their luggage and dismantle the monsters they kill so they could focus on hunting, but quickly started seeing him as a burden, ignored or insulted his efforts, and his now dead adoptive "grandparents", beat him around, and literally kicked him out of the party so often he's lost count, over 2 long and difficult years. It culminates and ends in chapter 3 with the worst of the bunch, Carl, cornering Theo at the receptionist's counter and demanding that Theo '''share his wife''' like she's a common whore, or face a beating. To his credit, Theo loudly refuses, and the expected beating never comes, because Theo's wife ''is a devil'', took offense, and broke Carl's arm, and when he goes after her, a DeathGlare and a credible death threat had the coward running for the hills.
123* Being a deconstruction of the FightingSeries, ''Manga/RamenFighterMiki'' offers a deconstruction of TheBully by Miki and Megumi’s relationship:
124** Miki, despite being a beautiful young adult who uses WaifFu, not enormous in size, and not a DirtyCoward, fits the traditional depiction of a bully (dumb and enormous physical strength, caused Kankuro's HilariouslyAbusiveChildhood and [[ButForMeItWasTuesday she doesn't remember any of that]]).
125** Megumi, Miki’s lifetime TheRival, fits the RealLife description of a bully: A {{Hypocrite}} who is a BitchInSheepsClothing, [[VandalismBackfire destroys Miki’s work]], uses MaliciousSlander, {{Wounded Gazelle Gambit}}s, is adept to BreakThemByTalking against Miki, and whose only motivation to make friends is force a LetsYouAndHimFight with Miki. Oh, and [[LastNameBasis always refers to Miki as Onimaru]].
126** Kankuro shows the deconstruction of the ''[[BrokenAesop You have to stand for yourself]]'' attitude in dealing with TheBully Miki. After four years of college, he comes back to his old town to fight the SchoolyardBullyAllGrownUp and defeat her, deleting all those horrible memories of his HilariouslyAbusiveChildhood. To achieve that, he must do it the honorable way, [[DefeatMeansFriendship to win her respect]]. However, if Miki would be capable of respecting someone weaker than her, she would not have been TheBully in her youth: Miki treats him as the UnknownRival and [[ButForMeItWasTuesday doesn’t even remember his name]]. Kankuro is trapped in a CycleOfRevenge, incapable of leaving his old town and starting his own life because he simply CantCatchUp to Miki.
127* ''Anime/SailorMoon'': Rei is an example in the first season of the 90s anime, towards [[LoserProtagonist Usagi]] and [[ShrinkingViolet Ami]]. Rei constantly goaded Ami into snubbing Usagi along with her. And in an episode where Ami shyly suggests that Usagi might be suited for the role of leader, Rei pinches her leg, forcing Ami to reconsider. While she mellows out a bit throughout subsequent seasons, she still take chances to belittle Usagi
128%%* In ''AudioPlay/SaintBeast'', Kira acts as one to Rey, possibly because he always gets a reaction.
129* ''Manga/ShadowStar'' has [[AlphaBitch Aki Honda]] and her GirlPosse, who torment the main character's friend in horrifying ways. [[spoiler:When she snaps and releases her BondCreature, they die in even ''more'' horrifying ways.]]
130* Ishida Shouya, protagonist of ''Manga/ASilentVoice'', bullied a young deaf girl in his class constantly, usually alongside his fellow classmates. When they are finally forced to deal with it, the whole class, including the ''teacher'' use him as a scapegoat and shift all blame onto him, from then on tormenting and ostracizing him. After five years, the situation and the extremely guilty conscience he still holds for his actions have left him near suicidal. He decides to befriend Shouko before killing himself, though after befriending her he decides not to commit suicide.
131* Doi from ''Manga/WanderingSon'', and Oka to a more mild extent. They both bully Nitori for being feminine.
132%%* ''Manga/YuGiOh'':
133%%** In the original both Tristen and Joey acted this way towards Yugi. What finally made them stop is when ''they'' were antagonized by Tetsu Trudge, a ''worse'' bully, and Yugi tried - very ineffectively - to defend them.
134%%** And there were ''lots'' more jerks like this in the early manga, such as the upper classman Goro Inogashira from the infamous "Griddle Ice Hockey" story and the HollywoodToneDeaf singer Sozoji. There were plenty of {{Evil Teacher}}s too.
137[[folder:Comic Books]]
138* ''ComicBook/SpiderMan'':
139** Flash Thompson. The ''ComicBook/UltimateSpiderMan'' version of Flash is even worse, having none of the depth as his mainstream counterpart and taking far more pleasure in seeing Peter humiliated for no good reason. While the Flash Thompson of ''ComicBook/SpiderManLovesMaryJane'' is quite different as he gives Peter Parker a {{wedgie}} in the second issue but stops engaging in that kind of behaviour shortly thereafter due to {{character development}}.
140** Tombstone [[SchoolyardBullyAllGrownUp was one as a teenager and only got worse as an adult]], becoming a hitman by trade, with his tendency to bully people weaker than himself still obvious.
141** In the comic book ''Spider-Man’s Tangled Web'', {{Schoolyard Bully all Grown Up}} Carl King, now the {{supervillain}} The Thousand, mentioned that he made the {{loser protagonist}} Peter Parker his {{homework slave}} and punished for him for messing up his math paper by giving him a {{swirlie}}, dangling him from the Williamsburg bridge, pointing a knife towards his crotch and forcing him to eat dog poop.
142* ''ComicBook/{{Supergirl}}'' has had to deal with several bullies during her long career:
143** In UsefulNotes/{{the Silver Age|OfComicBooks}}, Nasthalthia 'Nasty' Luthor is an AlphaBitch who enrolls at Stanhope University as a student and begins a campaign of bullying students, hoping to lure Supergirl out. Later on, both she and Linda Danvers (Supergirl's SecretIdentity) work as rival photographers in KSF-TV news, and 'Nasty' constantly disparages Linda and picks on her. In ''ComicBook/DemonSpawn'':
144--->'''Linda:''' Perhaps you're right! Nasty is a rather good news photographer! ''[thinking]'' Though I hate to admit it!\
145'''Nasty:''' Rather good? Compared to you, I'm the whole Galaxy Broadcasting Service News staff rolled into one person!\
146'''Linda:''' Come off it, big mouth! I'm nearly as good a photog as you!\
147'''Nasty:''' Perhaps! But nobody really knows, since you're never around when a big story breaks!
148** Belinda Zee is Linda Lee's schoolmate in ''ComicBook/SupergirlCosmicAdventuresInThe8thGrade'' -- she is popular, smug, petty, manipulative, and loves making life miserable for Linda/Supergirl.
149%%* Jamal from ''ComicBook/MegaRoboBros''.%%Administrivia/ZeroContextExample
150%%* Quasim of ''ComicBook/MiniMonsters''.%%Administrivia/ZeroContextExample
151%%* Cruncher Kerr, a character in Roger the Dodger, a strip in the Britsh AnthologyComic ''ComicBook/TheBeano''.%%Administrivia/ZeroContextExample
152%%* ''ComicBook/CaptainAmerica'': The Red Skull. Worse, he thinks that ''everyone'' is a target.%%Administrivia/ZeroContextExample
153* ''ComicBook/XMen'':
154** [[Characters/MarvelComicsSabretooth Sabretooth]] loves making life miserable for ComicBook/{{Wolverine}}. Killing Logan's loved ones, eating food he just ordered, stalking him on his birthday and beating the crap out of him, manipulating Logan into killing his own son... it's all fun and games to Victor Creed.
155** Hellion from ''ComicBook/NewXMenAcademyX'', though he mellowed out considerably in the wake of Stryker's attacks on the school following M-Day, after many of his friends were killed.
156* A short comic book released by ''Magazine/NintendoPower'' shows that Wario's grudge against [[Franchise/SuperMarioBros Mario]] is because Mario acted like this towards him when they were kids, although [[MultipleChoicePast that's not how Mario remembers it]].
157* In one ''WebAnimation/DCSuperHeroGirls'' comic, Harley Quinn mentions being bullied by [[Characters/BatmanTheJoker a green-haired boy in kindergarten]].
158* In ''ComicBook/Robin1993'', there's a pair of bullies at Tim's school that target kids they see as weak nerds and Tim mostly leaves them be in order to protect his secret identity. They eventually kill one of their most frequent targets and the next time Tim comes across a school bully he does not allow them to get away with their behavior for a minute.
159* In the second ''ComicBook/{{Catstronauts}}'' book, Captain Meowser reveals that he spent some time with the Cosmocats as part of an exchange program, and that they were apparently pretty mean to him. [[spoiler:In reality, '''Meowser''' was the bully, and a hot-headed one. The Cosmocats were hard on him back in the day [[ToughLove because they wanted him to get better as an astronaut]].]]
160* The entire premise of ''ComicBook/BullyWars'' is that bullies compete in a tournament to determine who is the biggest bully of them all.
161* Bosse in ''ComicBook/KunskapensKorridorer'' will use black-mail against his class-mates some times. Karma will bite him in the behind though in a most satisfying way.
162* ''ComicBook/KidSherlock'': One of Sherlock's and Watson's classmates really likes giving the two a hard time.
163* ''ComicBook/JuiceSqueezers'': There's a kid named Stampo who ''loves'' giving the Juice Squeezers grief in school... even if he doesn't know they're Juice Squeezers.
164* ''ComicBook/Calico2020'': {{Flashback}}s to [[TheProtagonist Hector]]'s childhood show that back when he lived in San Francisco De Macoris, he had to put up with a kid named Guillermito, who was a rich kid. Guillermito's first scene has him crushing Hector's toy car, and his hand, under his foot, before pushing his friends over.
165* ''ComicBook/TheLostBoy'': Back when Walter lived in the town, there was a kid named Curly Bill who lead a gang of these. What few appearances he had in the comic showed that he was indeed a pretty cruel kid, attacking Tom Button, and chasing Walter into the Kingdom and leaving him to the creatures residing there.
168[[folder:Comic Strips]]
169* Moe of ''ComicStrip/CalvinAndHobbes''. Calvin sometimes takes advantage of his lack of intelligence, though, with mixed results.
170-->'''Calvin:''' Many years from now, when I am successful and he is in prison, I hope I'm not too mature to gloat.
171* ''ComicStrip/FunkyWinkerbean'': During the pre-first time jump era, "Bull" Bushka, who mercilessly tormented Les Moore. Bull softened by the end of the pre-first time jump, becoming friends with Les (after he stood up to Bull), and although he still has his feisty personality he -- as a teacher at Westview High -- has absolutely no tolerance for bullying.
174[[folder:Fan Works]]
175* ''Fanfic/CatRa'': Lonnie was a horrible one to Catra in their childhood. Catra naturally is thrilled at the opportunity to pay her back after turning against the Horde, though [[spoiler:her reaction to being left in the dark is so horrifying that Catra can't bring herself to do it. Lonnie later explains she didn't actually want to do any of it, and it was Shadow Weaver's influence.]]
176* ''Fanfic/{{Dermabrasion}}'': When she was in school, the teachers forced Fuyumi to sit next to an incredibly misbehaved kid named Rin in hopes of "being a positive influence". Rin cheated off Fuyumi for tests, stole or destroyed her stuff and even ''cut her hair'' in class. After that, her brother Touya went and beat the crap out of him, though he denies doing so to this day.
177* ''Webcomic/HetaliaAxisPowers'' fanfic ''[[à Gankona, Unnachgiebig, Unità]]'': A teen who wore an incredibly grotesque mask popped out of nowhere just to scare Italy. He looked down upon Italy for being beaten and nearly raped. Germany and Japan ''did not'' take this well.
178* In ''Fanfic/TheLionKingAdventures'', Anti-Haiba serves as this to Simba in ''The Love Triangle''. [[spoiler: He even beats him up.]]
179* In the ''Manga/LuckyStar'' fanfic ''Fanfic/TheDayEverythingChanged'', the main antagonist of the story, [[BigBad Sakura]] [[JerkAss Takahashi]], is a particularly nasty and surprisingly realistic example of this, [[NoHoldsBarredBeatdown particularly]] [[DisproportionateRetribution towards]] [[TheWoobie Kagami]].
180* In ''Fanfic/MegaManDefenderOfTheHumanRace'', Punk is this; he even bullies [=ProtoMan=].
181* In ''Fanfic/KitsuneNoKenFistOfTheFox'', Rokusho Aoi (a filler villain from the ''Manga/{{Naruto}}'' anime) uses his position as the chief hall monitor of Konoha High School to bully weaker students as he pleases.
182* In ''Fanfic/MyBravePonyStarfleetMagic'', Sombra was first seen as a bully named [[spoiler:Dusk Shine]], who enjoyed mocking Celesto for having three horns.
183* From ''Apartnement Gensokyo'', we have Yume Ni, otherwise known as "Yu", and she is aptly called "Yu the Bully", especially the case chapter 59 and the kids were terrified of her. Sakuya also noted that she is comparatively worse than Reimu.
184* In the ''WebAnimation/{{RWBY}}'' Fanfic ''Fanfic/VariousVytalVentures'' chapter 'Hike and Camp' the individual members of Team CRDL, all bullies, are on a camping trip with Team RWBY. During the night, individual talks between the two teams explore some of the reasoning and mentality behind CRDL's bullying.
185* ''Fanfic/RickAndMortyNewDramaAdventures'':
186** Duncan is the JerkJock of the story, physically stronger and more threatening than Morty. He is shown bullying Morty and his friends, especially Harold in Chapter 1 when he corners him in the hallway to verbally abuse and physically intimidate the redhead.
187** Courtney, who is Duncan’s on-again off-again girlfriend, picks up his attitude towards Morty and his group of friends.
188* ''Fanfic/TooMuchTooMuch'': [[{{Jerkass}} Giovanni]] is a cruel and arrogant young boy who likes to torment Luca and to play pranks on him.
191[[folder:Films -- Animation]]
192* ''WesternAnimation/AnAngelForChristmas'': The unnamed boy with a duo of friends who are introduced when they try to attack Wilfred and Angela with snowballs. He is even referred to as "the town bully".
193* Foxy Loxy from ''WesternAnimation/ChickenLittle''. She takes ''sadistic'' joy in things like making sure Chicken Little misses the bus, gets humiliated every chance she gets, faking out a high five when offering them, and even siding with his dad when [[spoiler:he fails to expose the aliens to the townsfolk]].
194* Brent from ''WesternAnimation/CloudyWithAChanceOfMeatballs'' used to bully Flint in school, mocking him for his flawed inventions. Later in the movie he's a SchoolyardBullyAllGrownUp, riding on [[FormerChildStar his fame as being the mascot for the local sardine cannery when he was a baby]].
195* As a preadolescent, Greenie from ''Animation/LeafieAHenIntoTheWild'' was bulled by other ducklings for being adopted by a hen.
196* Alvin from ''WesternAnimation/{{Paranorman}}'' is your typical school bully, but it's shown that his bullying is him lashing out because he's a loser who's barely above [[AllOfTheOtherReindeer Norman]] on the social totem pole.
197* In ''WesternAnimation/TurningRed'', Tyler is frequently antagonistic and insulting towards Mei. His [[EstablishingCharacterMoment first scene]] has him calling her an "overachieving dork-narc" before chasing her when she accidentally pops his basketball. He then deliberately draws attention towards her during the Daisy Mart incident and posts her drawings of Devon all over the school the next day.
200[[folder:Films -- Live-Action]]
201* The unseen antagonists discussed in ''Bully'', the critically acclaimed 2012 documentary film that became a rare box office hit of the genre. The five subjects of the film -- including those who had revealed themselves as homosexuals, or had Asperger's -- were all severely tormented by bullies. (The alleged bullies were not interviewed for this film.)
202* Biff Tannen of ''Franchise/BackToTheFuture''. Also a JerkJock. His favourite victim was Marty's dad, who in the original timeline he continued bullying into adulthood. He also lusted after Marty's mom[[spoiler:, and married her in [[Film/BackToTheFuturePartII the second movie]]'s BadFuture where he killed George]].
203* ''Film/BigBrother2018'': The rich kids at Tak Chi Secondary School bully the "poor" kids (Jack, Denan, Zufa, Bruce and Chris) and use their connections to get away with it. Their leader is the [[JerkJock Captain]] of the Basketball team. When he trips Bruce, Jack is enraged and they get into a scuffle, but the school only punishes Jack and his friends.
204* ''Film/TheBloodyMan'': Near the start of the movie, Perry is established as being a bully towards [[TheProtagonist Sam]], laughing at him for missing the bus, mocking his report topic, and throwing Sam's mom's comic in the garbage. [[spoiler:We find out at the end of the movie that the reason for this is because his family are as nasty as he is. Sadly, when Perry walks off, [[TheEndOrIsIt The Bloody Man is seen looking at him from behind a tree and smiling.]]]]
205%%* Conny of ''Film/LetTheRightOneIn''.
206%%* Bullies fight Goku in the movie version of ''Film/{{Dragonball|Evolution}}''. Also BullyingADragon.
207%%* Scut Farkus in ''Film/AChristmasStory'' - with yellow eyes, so help me God!
208%%* Butch, in the ''Film/TheLittleRascals'' shorts.
209* In ''Film/KeyLargo'', there is a grown-up example. Rocco is this way to everyone, even to his own {{mook}}s and alcoholic girlfriend Gaye.
210%%* Buddy Revell from ''Film/ThreeOClockHigh''.
211%%* Vanessa of ''Film/TheGrudge'', who doubles as the AlphaBitch.
212* ''Film/NapoleonDynamite'' features a somewhat-odd bully who always starts out by offering to trade something to other kids in exchange for letting him have or use something of theirs that he wants. Whenever they refuse, he switches into full-on bully mode and ''makes'' them comply.
213%%* All of the gang members in ''Film/DeadMansShoes'', but especially Sonny.
214* Joe and Jake from ''Film/SongOfTheSouth'' are {{Big Brother Bull|y}}ies to little sister Ginny, but they also antagonize Johnny. Notably, Joe and Jake's personalities are analogous to Br'er Fox and Br'er Bear, the antagonists of Uncle Remus's Br'er Rabbit stories.
215%%* Barry of ''Film/SingStreet'' who picks on the new kid, Conor
216%%* Shane Hawkins from ''Film/TheWorldsEnd'', in the group's schooldays, with consequences that echo through to the present-day plot.
217* In ''Film/X2XMenUnited'', Mitchell Laurio uses what little authority he has to screw with his prisoner(s).
218* In ''Film/KingsmanTheSecretService'', Charlie comes across as a fairly standard one towards Eggsy, looking down on Eggsy's lower-class background in comparison to him and his elitist friends.
219* Gabara from ''Film/AllMonstersAttack'' is the {{kaiju}} equivalent of one -- a big, ugly cat-toad-ogre who likes to beat on Franchise/{{Godzilla}}'s son because the little guy can't fight back and he's too much of a DirtyCoward to take on the Big G himself.
220* In ''Film/Cyberbully2011'', a girl named Lindsay, believing the protagonist Taylor subtly insulted her during a health class discussion, goes after Taylor with unbelievable viciousness. Although Lindsay is not the only cause of Taylor's problems (one of the perpetrators turns out to be [[spoiler:Taylor's own best friend]]), she is the most consistently vicious, and when Taylor [[spoiler:nearly commits suicide]] because of the teasing, Lindsay shows no remorse whatsoever.
221* ''Film/NowYouSeeIt2005'': Producer Hunter and his contestant Brandon treat Danny with open contempt, mocking his attempts to preform on stage and even convince the judges to knock off points at the end of his turn, based on a technicality. However, They aren't all bad, and end up befriending Danny after realizing he's a skilled and clever magician.
222* Of all of the popular kids in ''Film/WhenEvilCalls'', Kirsty seems to be the worst bully. She is both physically and verbally abusive to those below her in the school pecking order, and every scene of hers that isn't her alone with Molly features her tormenting people. Her cruelty is the direct cause of several students making wishes that destroy their lives.
223* Glazer in ''Film/TheBurning'', but only to Alfred. Other campers are certainly not scared of poking fun at him (although careful to far enough away from him when they do so that they can run).
224* ''Film/LovingAnnabelle'': Katherine, especially towards Colins. Annabelle defends Colins as best she can.
225* Manny from ''Film/RelativeFear'' force-feeds Adam dirt, then tells Adam's mother, "I kept telling him not to put that dirt in his mouth, but he wouldn't listen!"
226* ''Film/HeavenKnowsWhat'': When Harley is sent to a BedlamHouse during the opening credits, she's almost immediately accosted by a another female patient who taunts her and then physically attacks her. She's credited as "Psych Ward Bully." Because there is no dialogue during this sequence, we don't hear what she's saying.
227* ''Film/{{Holidays}}'': Heidi is constantly mocking Maxine, and shoves her into the pool off the diving board when she hesitates over jumping. She even stoops to mocking Maxine's dad's suicide.
228* ''Film/AGirlLikeHer'': An unsettlingly realistic portrayal in the form of AlphaBitch Avery, who relentlessly torments protagonist Jessica until she is DrivenToSuicide, [[spoiler:which she survives. Only after Avery is confronted with a [[CaughtOnTape video compilation]] of her abuse does she [[HeelRealization admit to her own misdeeds]].]]
229* ''Film/Blame2017'': Melissa leads the other kids in mocking Abigail over her mental illness, including writing cruel graffiti on Abigail's locker.
230* ''Film/TheWholeTruth2021'': Fame. His first scene in the movie has him playing video games with Putt in his house, suggesting they're friends. Of course, after he gets caught peeping on Pim, Fame then starts threatening Putt to help him get with Putt's sister. If he doesn't, Fame will distribute a clip of [[spoiler:Pim showering]] to everyone at school.
231* ''Film/AHauntingAtSilverFalls'': Robbie is a powerful boy who "gets away with murder" because his father is the police sheriff. He starts out the movie seeming relatively charming, but proves to be a jerk when he attacks Larry at lunch and is later called "the type of guy who believes "no" means "yes"."
235* This one captures the essence of bullying, so to speak.
236-->'''[[CunningLikeAFox Fox]]:''' Bear, I'm bored.\
237'''{{Bear|sAreBadNews}}:''' Yeah, me too.\
238'''Fox:''' I've got an idea! We beat up the hare!\
239'''[[{{Mook}} Bear]]:''' Yeah, great idea!\
240'''Fox:''' But we can't beat him up for nothing, we need a reason... I've got it: If he wears a cap, we tell him 'You have a stupid cap', and if he has no cap, we tell him 'Why don't you wear a cap, you want to get a cold?'\
241'''[[TheBrute Bear]]:''' Yeah, great idea!\
242(They go, meet the hare, he has no cap, they beat him up. Continue next day:)\
243'''Fox:''' Bear, I'm bored.\
244'''Bear:''' Yeah, me too... can we beat up the hare again?\
245'''Fox:''' Yeah, but we need a reason... I've got it: We ask him for [[GoodSmokingEvilSmoking a cigarette]]. If he offers us one with filter, we tell him 'Don't you know the filter kills the taste?', and if he offers us one without, we tell him 'Do you want to poison us?'\
246(They go, meet the hare.)\
247'''Fox:''' Hey, do you have a cigarette for us?\
248'''Hare:''' With or without filter?\
249'''Fox:''' Bear, have you noticed he still doesn't wear a cap?
253* In Michael C. Bailey's ''Literature/ActionFigures - Issue One: Secret Origins'', some exist so that Stuart can tell them to cut it out. [[spoiler: Until their victim is the bully who had accidentally kill Stuart's little brother. It takes Stuart some time to rise to the challenge then.]]
254* ''Literature/AlanAlone'': Bob, a pudgy and larger student, often picks on Alan despite Teacher Takara's warnings, from stealing his water bottle to knocking him over and also getting others to laugh at him.
255* ''Literature/AnimalInn'': Sparky, when first introduced in book 4, who's lashing out partly in reaction to suddenly moving to a new town and being angry at the local kids for not even giving her a chance. She stops after she gets to know Teddy and joins his circle of friends.
256* ''Literature/BazilBroketail'':
257** Helena of Roth is constantly trying to get Lagdalen into trouble while they're both Senior Novices at the Temple in Marneri, tattling about anything wrong she does no matter how minor. It's immensely satisfying to see an attempt blow up in her face.
258** Smilgax enjoys picking on those weaker than him, even ''his own dragonboy''.
259* Judy Blume's ''Literature/{{Blubber}}'' features an AlphaBitch named Wendy, who decides to bully overweight classmate Linda (psychologically ''and'' physically) on a whim and gets everyone in her class - including Jill, the narrator of the novel - to join in. Then, when Jill dares to challenge Wendy's authority, Wendy gets the class to bully Jill in exactly the same ways.
260* In ''Literature/{{Cape}}'', the first book of the ''"The League Of Secret Heroes"'' series, has Toby Hunter and his friends, who like mocking Josie and her brothers. One of his first actions in the series is stealing their bikes. And since he's the son of their landlord, she feels she can't stand up to him, or he'll go to his dad about how [[CrimeOfSelfDefense [=SHE'S=] bullying [=HIM=]]], and get his dad to evict her family from their apartment.
261* [[AntiHero Edmund Pevensie]], in [[Literature/TheLionTheWitchAndTheWardrobe the first book]] of ''Literature/TheChroniclesOfNarnia'', liked to bully and torment his younger sister, Lucy.
262%%* Bugs Meany of ''Literature/EncyclopediaBrown''.
263* ''Literature/EricOrLittleByLittle'': When Eric first starts attending Roslyn School, the worst bully of the lower forms is Barker, who expresses his jealousy of smarter boys by harassing and picking fights with them. His previous favourite target was Owen, who eventually told the headmaster, Dr Rowlands, about Barker's behaviour. Dr Rowlands gave Barker a public caning, which stopped the bullying [[NobodyLikesATattletale at the expense of Owen's standing with the other boys]]. When Eric starts school, Barker starts bullying him. It doesn't stop until [[PapaWolf Eric's father]] happens to be walking by the schoolyard when he sees Barker beating Eric and his best friend Russell. Eric's father beats Barker with a riding whip and threatens to beat him even worse if he ever hurts Eric again. Barker is later expelled for trying to [[FrameUp frame Eric for writing an insulting note to a teacher]].
264* Literature/{{Flashman}} was originally the school bully from Literature/TomBrownsSchooldays, until he was given his own series by Creator/GeorgeMacDonaldFraser. Arguably he's a case of SchoolyardBullyAllGrownUp then.
265* ''Literature/GetAGripVivyCohen'' has Coach K's son Kyle, who seems to have a huge problem with an autistic girl playing on his baseball team. He does everything he can to try to drive her off the team, both verbal and physical.
266* ''Literature/GoodOmens'' has "Greasy" Johnson, Tadfield's local bully and Adam's sometime rival. The narration says he's only a bully as a defense mechanism, as otherwise people would pick on ''him'' for being large and clumsy.
267* ''Literature/{{Goosebumps}}'' is prone to have these types of characters in at least one book. Special mention, of course, goes to Conan Barber from the ''Monster Blood'' series (who routinely beats up Evan for [[DisproportionateRetribution minor offenses]] and even for things that [[MisplacedRetribution weren't even Evan's fault]]), Judith from ''Be Careful What You Wish For'' (who constantly taunts Samantha), Chuck and Steve from ''The Haunted Mask'' (who take every opportunity to scare the living hell out of Carly Beth), and [[GangOfBullies Wart, Jared, David, and Brenda]] from ''Calling All Creeps'' (who are the main students who pick on Ricky and do whatever they can to make him as miserable as possible).
268* ''Literature/HarryPotter'':
269** Harry's cousin Dudley, [[spoiler:at least until his HeelFaceTurn]].
270** Draco Malfoy is very savvy about finding Berserk Buttons of hot-headed Gryffindors and pressing it to get a rise of out his opponents.
271** Harry is disapointed to find out that his father and godfather relentlessly bullied his least favorite teacher, Severus Snape.
272** Snape himself is a horrible bully to his students, Harry and Neville in particular. [[WordOfGod JK Rowling even says]] she considers this his worst trait. However, unlike many bullies, Snape is no coward and when push comes to shove he will protect his students with his life no matter how much he may dislike them.
273** When he was younger, Tom Riddle bullied other students, although he was mostly seen as a good student by his teachers, with the exception of [[BigGood Dumbledore]]. Tom got worse. [[BigBad Much, much worse.]]
274* ''Literature/HouseOfRobots'' has Cooper Elliot, who singles out Sammy (whom he calls "Dweebiac") and Trip for the brunt of his abuse.
275** Jacob Gorski becomes Sammy's new bully in [[Literature/HouseOfRobotsRobotsGoWild the sequel]] after Cooper Elliot got expelled for [[spoiler:abducting and dismantling E in the previous book with the help of his brothers]].
276* ''Literature/ImOk2018'' has Asa Banks, who's first interaction with Ok in the book is to call him "Okie Dorkie", and essentially talk down to him. [[spoiler:It changes later on, when Asa asks Ok to start tutoring him on how to read.]]
277* Henry Bowers of ''Literature/{{It}}''. Later becomes a SchoolyardBullyAllGrownUp.
278* In Creator/RobertWestall's ''Literature/TheMachineGunners'' this role is filled by Boddser Brown, the Garmouth Grammar School bully and Chas [=McGill=]'s most avid rival in the great game of collecting war souvenirs.
279* ''Literature/TheManyMysteriesOfTheFinkelFamily'': On Caroline Finkel's first day of middle school, her classmate Marissa smashes the zebra she was making out of clay. Micah Perkowski tells Caroline that Marissa was just as bad in elementary school, that she made half the kids in fifth grade cry at some point, and that she spread a rumor that Micah peed his pants so people would call him Micah Pee.
280* As seen in the page quote, Nigel Literature/{{Molesworth}} is more than happy to share his "grate thorts" on the subject with his readers. He goes on to explain that bullies come in two varieties: fat bullies who can run, who are trouble, and fat bullies who "can't run for tofee", who may safely be taunted from a distance. Sadly [[JerkJock Grabber]] of [[BoardingSchoolOfHorrors st. custards]] is of the former type.
281* In ''Literature/TheNightGardener'', Alastair Windsor spends most of the book picking on his little sister. Near the end, he throws Kip's crutch — the only thing he has from his now-dead father — into the river. Luckily, he changes for the better not long after.
282* The cyberpunk novel ''Literature/{{Otherland}}'' could be interpreted as something of a SpaceWhaleAesop about bullying. The antagonists are all bullies of one sort or another; the most developed of whom, CorruptCorporateExecutive Felix Jongleur, describes a upbringing in a BoardingSchoolOfHorrors where he was the victim of the resident GangOfBullies. In revenge, he became a bully himself, meting out vicious summary punishment to anyone who dares offend him. His use of pain to control his subordinates comes full circle when PsychoForHire Dread pulls an EvilerThanThou on him and the Other, his [[AIIsACrapshoot quasi-AI]] computer system, finally snaps under the constant torture and tries to kill him.
283* Officer Felix of ''Literature/{{Outsourced}}'' is very much bullying Isaac Fisher. His introduction to the reader is him absently aiming his gun at Isaac, before asking him some questions.
284* Sonny Singer and Heck Bast in ''Literature/TheTalisman''.
285* ''Literature/TortallUniverse''
286** Ralon in ''Literature/SongOfTheLioness'' enjoyed picking on and beating up Alanna and other smaller boys in his classes, even breaking Alanna's arm at one point while getting away with it. Alanna put up a good fight and eventually beat him at his own game.
287** Joren and his crew in the first two ''Literature/ProtectorOfTheSmall'' books, using the excuse of routine hazing to pick on first-years relentlessly. Keladry and her friends eventually get them to stop entirely through force of numbers.
288* There are a fair few bullies in ''Literature/ToughMagic'', with the three that stand out the most being Nist, Brath and Rungar.
289* ''Literature/ASongOfIceAndFire'':
290** Many, many knights are basically thugs with a sword and a massive sense of entitlement. One of the major examples is Ser Meryn Trant, who is perfectly happy to beat the crap out of a helpless teenage girl and laughs in Barristan Selmy's face when Joffrey kicks him out of the Kingsguard.
291** Joffrey himself, and Ramsay Snow are basically what would happen if you took a vicious teenage bully and gave them command of a group of soldiers and total protection from consequences.
292** Gregor Clegane was a vicious bully even as a child, burning and nearly killing his younger brother Sandor for playing with a toy Gregor had already discarded. He got even worse as he grew up, becoming one of the aforementioned "thugs with a sword and a massive sense of entitlement". It really doesn't help that he's always angry due to chronic migraines and is always looking for someone to lash out against. He's also the WorldsStrongestMan and leads a posse of other vicious bullies. Like a lot of bullies, his favorite targets are people who can't possibly put up a real fight against him, such as unarmed women and children -- pillaging the smallfolk is a ''hobby'' of his. Fighting against people who can actually challenge and ''hurt'' him on the other hand makes him upset and [[VillainousBreakdown causes him to lose what little self control he still has]], much like a SpoiledBrat whining when things don't go his way.
293* ''Literature/{{TACK}}'': Red Jameson, the meanest kid at Monroe Elementary School. He often makes life miserable for the Sandy Harbor kids when they are grouped together for occasions like spelling bees and field days. He even broke Will's leg by "accident."
294* ''Llama Llama and the Bully Goat'' from Anna Dewdney's ''Literature/LlamaLlama'' picture book series is about Llama Llama and his friends having to deal with a bully named Gilroy Goat. In the AnimatedAdaptation, this issue will come up on the show as well. Promotional material states that deep down Gilroy wants to have friends but doesn't quite know how to go about it.
295* ''Literature/{{Worm}}'' has Taylor gain her superpowers due to the incredibly vicious bullying she suffers at school. She tries to become a superhero (but ends up becoming a frighteningly competent supervillain,) mostly out of a need to escape her hell of a school. The serial spends a lot of time looking at bullying in its different forms, motivations, what enables it, and consequences; Taylor believes there is a very real chance she would have been DrivenToSuicide without her double-life to escape to, and her tendency to lash out viciously against those she perceives (often, but not always, correctly) as trying to bully her or others is a direct cause of many of her more ruthless and brutal actions.
296* ''Literature/{{Ratburger}}'' has Tina Trotts who (at least until the end) slobbers on, teases, and hits Zoe.
297* In ''Literature/ABoyNamedQueen'', of the kids who make fun of the titular character's name, Connor and Parker are the worst.
298* ''Literature/{{Flawed}}'': After becoming Flawed, Celestine is harassed by kids at school, especially Logan and Natasha. Logan even goes so far as to pretend to be her friend, inviting her to his "18th birthday party", only to kidnap her along with Natasha, as well as their friend Gavin and her ex-friend Colleen. They spend the night abusing her and taunting her, and even strip her, before locking her in a thread overnight.
299* ''Literature/TheTribe'': The first book, "Homeroom Headhunters", has Riley Callahan, who takes joy in making Spencer's life in school miserable. [[spoiler:He also has history with some members of the Tribe.]]
300* ''Literature/TheWorstThingAboutMySister'' has three mean girls named Alicia, Ingrid, and Katie who tease Marty the protagonist and call her "Bluebottle".
301* ''Literature/RaceToTheSun'' has Mac, [[TheProtagonist Nizhoni]]'s younger brother, who is constantly bullied at school by Adrien Cuttlebush and his pals. Adrien beats Mac up and destroys his art supplies, which for Mac is even worse than beating. And then [[spoiler: Mac discovers his [[MakingASplash water powers]] and gets even]].
302* ''Literature/UnbelievablyBoringBart'': Bartholomew Bean has had to deal with three bullies since he moved to Rancho Verdugo, California.
303** Giselle "The Golem", who seems to go out of her way to make sure she bumps into Bart in the hallway.
304** Nick "The Mimic", who likes to sit behind Bart in class, and constantly poke him to get him to speak out in class.
305** Tigran "The Tyrant", who likes "borrowing" whatever he can from Bart and never returning it.
306* Nate from ''Literature/YouLookDifferentInRealLife'' was bullied in fifth grade by Aidan and Tony, two boys who tormented him over his devotion to his rabbit Nimbus. Things got so bad that Nate's grandfather visited Aidan's parents to rip them a new one. But the boys denied the bullying, and there wasn't enough proof, so [[KarmaHoudini neither was ever punished]].
307* ''Literature/AngelaNicely'': Tiffany Charmers and the Payne twins both like to give Angela and her friends a hard time, Tiffany by showboating and berating Angela, and the Payne twins by doing things like stealing her lunch.
308* ''Literature/TheWitchOfKnightcharm'' is set at an evil WizardingSchool whose incoming class has a gang of these. The gang is led by Lily, a witch who claims to be descended from Myth/{{Merlin}}. Lily and her gang ruthlessly bully the other students, even assaulting them with curses on occasion.
311[[folder:Live-Action TV]]
312* ''Series/SesameStreet'': Several classic Street stories and skits:
313** In episodes aired in 1973 and 1974, a character named Bad Barney came to the street to bully Big Bird around. In his first appearance, he spray-painted his initials ("B.B.") on several buildings and windows and threatens to pin the blame on Big Bird if he opens his mouth. The adults almost immediately catch on and help the Bird stand up to Barney before he is given his walking papers. In the second skit, Barney returns, looking for a patsy to do his chores, his homework, etc., and threatens to blame him for a theft from vegetable vendor Willy's cart. Big Bird follows through with the theft but then admits later what he had done when Barney continues to accellerate his threats; when Big Bird rats him out, Barney flees ... right into a cop, who takes him away. The latter skit was remade in 1985, with Telly as Barney's mark.
314** In 1975, a Gangsters' skit is made with Lefty – not the salesman, but a Fat Blue character as a scared kid – intimidated by a pair of gangsters. He's told to remember the "secret knock" (three knocks) and that he'd better answer the door when he hears the knock or else. Lefty eventually decides he doesn't want to be bullied anymore and leaves through a back door, leaving the gangsters stranded outside (and – as the skit ends beforehand – likely easy targets for arrest by the police, who have been searching for them).
315** A 2011 episode, “The Good Birds Club,” puts bullying in a modern context, when Big Bird is invited (by paper invitation) to a new club. There, the pigeons convince Big Bird that he’s not good enough because of various attributes, covertly bullying him in the process. In the end, Chris, Elmo and Abby get the Bird to realize he’s being bullied, and Big Bird eventually tells the lead pigeon to shove it. The other two members of the Good Birds Club follow Big Bird’s lead and join a new club, the “Happy To Be Me” club, where everyone is welcome.
316%%* Four of them feature in the ''Series/BuffyTheVampireSlayer'' episode "[[Recap/BuffyTheVampireSlayerS1E6ThePack The Pack]]".
317%%* Caruso from ''Series/EverybodyHatesChris''.
318* ''Series/GameOfThrones'':
319** Ser Alliser Thorne bullies his recruits and encourages bullying among them, though he claims this is necessary to toughen them up.
320** Rast bullies Sam at the Wall, then later on he ironically gets bullied by Karl once Karl [[spoiler: kills Jeor Mormont]].
321** Lommy and Hot Pie try to bully Arya, but are mostly just putting on a tough front. After an initial altercation, they all get along fairly well.
322** [[Characters/GameOfThronesJoffreyBaratheon Joffrey Baratheon]] gets his kicks tormenting others.
323*** Joffrey is a Deconstruction: He is The Bully ''with actual power and status'', and adults who normally have little to fear from this stock character are in as much if not more danger from him. [[OffWithHisHead As Ned Stark can testify.]]
324** [[Characters/GameOfThronesCerseiLannister Cersei Lannister]] gets a kick out of throwing her weight around and making underlings squirm. Pycelle is probably her favorite punching bag.
325** Gregor's idea of a good time is raping and killing people — especially those who can't feasibly fight back. A woman and her baby in the backstory, his own little brother when they were both children, a surprised Loras Tyrell who had nothing but a wooden shield while he was swinging a huge sword, a bunch of helpless unarmed prisoners...and it's mentioned that he regularly goes raping and pillaging the smallfolk. Facing an actually challenging opponent like his brother Sandor and Oberyn Martell just makes him even angrier.
326** The Waif takes a lot of glee in bullying Arya whenever she can. Unlike Lommy and Hot Pie, she is a legitimate threat, and her bullying only escalates when Jaqen is not present.
327* As a LongRunner set in a British high school, ''Series/GrangeHill'' has had its fair share of bullies. The most iconic of these is arguably Norman 'Gripper' Stebson, who was feared by teachers as well as students, and had a penchant for extortion and racism.
328* The brother on ''Series/StrangersWithCandy''. To be fair, he bullies his sister, who at times can be something of a bully herself.
329%%* Harley Keiner of ''Series/BoyMeetsWorld''.
330* Whitney Fordman in the first season of ''Series/{{Smallville}}''. Slowly gained some CharacterDevelopment over the season, and when he left to join the army, he and [[Comicbook/{{Superman}} Clark]] had a grudging respect for each other, and he even asks Clark to keep Lana safe for him. [[spoiler: Then he is pretty quickly revealed to have been [[BusCrash KIA]].]]
331%%* [[Series/OneHundredDeedsForEddieMcdowd Eddie [=McDowd=]]]
332%%* Sam on ''Series/{{iCarly}}''. Also, Jocelyn from "iMake Sam Girlier".
333* ''Series/MalcolmInTheMiddle'': In early seasons Reese often tortures his younger brothers and is a violent, feared bully even at school. It becomes a plot point in the episode "Bully" when he temporarily decides to become nicer, but without Reese as the "head bully", the school descends into total anarachy and [[EvilPowerVacuum results in dozens of wannabe bullies jockeying for his position]].
334* Bulk and Skull from the early seasons of ''Franchise/PowerRangers'' are particularly mild examples of this trope, though as [[WebVideo/AtopTheFourthWall Linkara]] points out, they "weren't particularly good bullies since it was obvious any ONE of the rangers was capable of [[BullyingADragon kicking their asses]]". However, they acted more like [[ClassClown comic relief by cracking jokes than anything]]. They were more or less on friendly terms with the Rangers (in their own way) and Skull even had an obvious crush on Kimberly. And when real bullies showed up they fled in terror. However, by season three they'd grown out of the bully/class clown persona and became junior police officers and would hold down various jobs in later seasons. Each had major PetTheDog moments beginning in season two.
335* Hutch was this to Kip in the original season of ''Series/TheJoeSchmoShow'', messing up his photo album, teasing him about not wanting to go in the pool and threatening to shove him in the pool and such. Part of the appeal of Matt was him standing up for Kip and saying that he understands about phobias and such.
336* Tony and Gibbs can be considered this toward [[ButtMonkey McGee]], regularly insulting him, forcing him to do demeaning things, and otherwise doing things that are considered 'bullying'.
337%%* Greg from ''Series/KidNation''.
338* Played straight, then Inverted in an episode of ''{{Series/Supernatural}}''. One episode had Dean and Sam return to one of several High Schools they'd attended while travelling cross-country with their father. Sam has {{Flashback}}s to a boy who had bullied him for being small, until Sam turned the tables by [[CurbStompBattle beating the tar out of him]]. They moved again shortly afterwards, and in the present, Sam discovers that after the beating, the rest of the school started to bully the bully, to the point that [[spoiler: his ghost became a vengeful spirit that [[BullyHunter killed other bullies]]]].
339* Grayson the School Bully from the Series/RippingYarns instalment ''"Tompkinson's Schooldays"'' is another parody of the Flashman character from the Literature/TomBrownsSchooldays.
340--> "In return for not hitting any of the masters, the Head had allowed Grayson certain privileges, such as having unmarried Filipino women in his room, smoking opium, and having a sauna instead of prayers."
341* Sandra was one of these in her youth ''Series/NewTricks'' to the point that when she attended a school reunion in one episode, her class picture had been defaced to give her devil horns and a goatee. It is implied she was also one in her police academy days too.
342* Bullying was a central theme in ''{{Series/Glee}}''. Most of the football players and cheerleaders bullied the original Glee Club kids (especially Kurt and Rachel), even those who later became part of the Glee Club. David Karofsky is somewhat of a leader of the jock posse, and in season 2 he's the main antagonist who bullies Kurt to the point of sexual harassment and death threats.
343** Later he's redeemed and becomes the victim of bullying himself.
344* Kubiak in ''Series/ParkerLewisCantLose'' is presented as such at first, especially due to his giantic size and menacing personality, but later episodes showed that he was actually a GentleGiant only doing what society expected from him.
345* ''Series/ControlZ'': Gerry and his buddies never leave Luis be, picking on him brutally every day.
346* ''Series/CobraKai'': Good God, where do we begin?:
347** Season 1 introduces Kyler and his gang who relentlessly harass Miguel by calling him 'rhea (after seeing him a bottle of Pepto-Bismol that he bought for his grandma) in addition to picking on less popular kids like Eli and Demetri. If that's not all, Yasmine and her clique are also shown making fun of Aisha for her weight. It gets to the point where Johnny Lawrence's (the original bully from the Karate Kid) Cobra Kai becomes a safe haven for bullied kills, and even their top students (Hawk, Aisha, Miguel) eventually become bullies themselves.
348** Season 2 subverts Miguel in which he learns his lesson after attacking Robby's injured shoulder in the All-Valley finals. However, Hawk begins to fully embrace his bully mindset by attacking Demetri (after he posts a bad review of the Cobra Kai dojo on Yelp), vandalizing Miyagi-Do (and stealing Mr. Miyagi's Medal of Honor in the process), and [[BloodKnight escalating the All Valley School Brawl.]] This season also introduces Tory, who makes Sam her biggest target (due to the latter's privileged background and previous relationship with Miguel). Oh, and John Kreese returns, ready to turn Cobra Kai into the [[ThugDojo thug dojo it was in the Karate Kid trilogy,]] and successfully does so after making a deal with Armand to take it from Johnny.
349** Throughout Season 3, the entire Cobra Kai dojo is fully established as this (with Kreese as the top dog, and Hawk and Tory as its biggest thugs). This season also reintroduces the despicable Kyler and Brucks (the latter of which gets a well-deserved no-holds-barred-beatdown by Hawk), with the former becoming a member of the Cobra Kai dojo after beating up Mitch during a sparring. Shawn Payne becomes this to Robby during his time in juvie, ruthlessly tormenting him (until Robby manages to nearly beat him using Kreese's strike-first philosophy). Hawk eventually [[ReformedBully redeems himself]] after realizing how far he's gone as a person.
350* ''Series/FirstDay'': Isabella, a girl from Hannah's former school who knew her pre-transition and thus knows her previous name, bullies Hannah using this knowledge. However, over time she warms up to Hannah (who's very kind to her in spite of this, as she sees Isabella has suffered abuse due to bruises on her arms), and stops it.
351* Parodied in a ''Series/KeyAndPeele'' skit, with [[ a bully who openly spouts]] various generic {{Freudian Excuse}}s used by TV bullies all the while still acting like a schoolyard bully.
352* ''Series/{{The Boys|2019}}'': Behind his PhysicalGod status, Homelander's pretty much a grown-up bully that revels in the fear and suffering of others and is impotent in the face of those he can't intimidate or kill. He ramps it up hard in season 3.
353** After Edgar makes Annie co-captain, he takes it out on A-Train, [[YouAreFat fat shaming him]] and then [[DisproportionateRetribution threatening him when he replies fuck you under his breath]]
354** After finding out Stormfront killed herself, he forces a suicidal young woman he was supposed to rescue to kill herself even after she changes her mind.
355** He re-recruits the Deep as a power move on Annie then forces her to pretend to be his girlfriend.
356** He welcomes the Deep back by having a seafood dinner and then forcing him to eat his friend Timothy the Octopus alive, knowing full well the Deep can hear him talk and beg for mercy.
357* ''Series/MotherlandFortSalem'': When Cadet Cortez innocently asks why the Mothertongue class has been canceled, Jarrett interrupts Professor Grafton's explanation in a brusque manner with his own rant about witches having their own secret language. His body language and dominating tone when he asks if she has further questions silence her.
358* ''Series/MohawkGirls'': Iostha is the leader of some bullying women in Kahnawake who police how others act and lead roudy protests against Mohawks in relationships with white people.
359* ''Series/MyWorldAndWelcomeToIt'': Lydia is asked by two boys to a school dance in "The Mating Dance." She agrees to go with the uncouth Leonard, but it turns out his brainy rival Elbert backed off from pursuing Lydia because Leonard bullied him to stay away from her. John encourages Elbert to stand up to Leonard, telling him a story about how his grandfather bested three members of a bullying family. But things backfire when [[ChallengingTheBully Elbert stands up for himself]] and punches Leonard -- [[ThinSkinnedBully the latter backs down crying]] and Lydia feels sorry for him.
363* Fans who [[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotDidactic have tried to analyze]] "Particle Man" by Music/TheyMightBeGiants have interpreted Triangle Man this way, noting that he ''hates'' Particle Man and Person Man, and fights them because he wins, but ''never'' messes with Universe Man.
364* "Bully" by Music/{{Shinedown}} is a song about calling out a bully.
365* [[ A handy Bully Song Index]] compiled for you.
369* The Big Shot on ''Pinball/DrDude'', who constantly taunts the player. Naturally, hitting him yields big points.
373* Each candidate in the ''Podcast/PlumbingTheDeathStar'' episode "Which Smash Bros. Character Would Make the Best Stepdad?" is measured by how they would handle it if they found out a stereotypical bully was hassling their kid. By the end of the episode, the bully has to deal with [[Franchise/TheLegendOfZelda a mute kleptomaniac]], [[Franchise/SuperMarioBros magical deadbeat Italians]], and actual wild animals who all come down on him with extreme force. After getting eaten and spit back out by the final stepfather, the bully doesn't even want to associate with his victim and just wants to stay away from his terrifying family members.
376[[folder:Pro Wrestling]]
377* In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Nick Busick (a state law enforcement officer from Georgia) used a "bully" [[TheGimmick gimmick]] as a heel in both Georgia Championship Wrestling and later, the Wrestling/{{W|orldWrestlingFederation}}WF. His 1991 WWF run was his best known, where he was known as simply "The Bully." To sell the gimmick, he'd commit various acts such as hassling ring announcer Mike [=McGuirk=] when she got his name wrong, or popping a child's balloon with a pin. After bullying several jobbers, he moved to the mid-card and had moderate success against wrestlers like "Superfly" Wrestling/JimmySnuka and "The Texas Tornado" Kerry Wrestling/{{Von Erich|Family}}, but never got higher as – after a well-publicized match where he was completely squashed by Sid Justice – the "bully" gimmick was effectively destroyed and Busick left shortly after that match.
381* ''Theatre/CyranoDeBergerac'': This play is not placed in High School, but uses -- and deconstructs this trope:
382** Played straight with De Guiche, who is a JerkJock using his power to bully Roxane into being TheMistress and makes a DareToBeBadass to De Valvert to punish Cyrano.
383** Deconstructed with Cyrano: he is very cruel to others, (Montfleury, The Bore, De Guiche and everyone who Cyrano doesn't like) but it's subverted because De Guiche has a lot more power than Cyrano. Given his enormous nose and living in a shallow society that firmly believes BeautyEqualsGoodness, he obviously has been bullied all his life... and now Cyrano is the most badass swashbuckler, a real OneManArmy... [[WhosLaughingNow who can bully everyone because]] [[HeWhoFightsMonsters he is the most powerful warrior there is]]. Lampshaded by Roxane at Act V scene II, after Le Bret comments Cyrano still is making new enemies:
384--->'''Roxane:''' Ah! but his sword still holds them all in check;\
385[[TemptingFate None get the better of him]].
386** Invoked by De Valvert and Christian, but they are merely victims of PeerPressureMakesYouEvil.
387* In ''Street Scene'', Vincent Jones harasses Rose on the street. When Sam tries to intervene, Vincent calls him a "little kike bastard" and hits him, then protests that he has a weak heart. Rose tries to tell Sam that "he's nothing but a loafer... ten years from now, he'll still be driving a taxi," but Sam is in his usual despair.
390[[folder:Video Games]]
391* ''VideoGame/{{Bully}}'', as you might have guessed, [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin centers around these]]. In fact, the first clique that the main character has to fight and take over is made up entirely of bullies, ironically making them pushovers for most of the game and allowing the player to [[CatharsisFactor have a blast putting them through the same torment they've been unleashing on the weaker students at Bullworth Academy]].
392* Butch at the beginning of ''VideoGame/Fallout3''.
393* You meet bullies in ''VideoGame/{{Fable}}'' 1 and 2 [[DoNotDoThisCoolThing and beat the crap out of them for the greater good]].
394* Bobby Zilch of ''VideoGame/{{Psychonauts}}.'' Not a very effective one though.
395* Spider from ''VideoGame/TheAdventuresOfWillyBeamish''. Want to make it past him unscathed? [[GiveMeYourInventoryItem Give Him Your Inventory Item]].
396* ''Franchise/TheLegendOfZelda'':
397** Mido from ''VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaOcarinaOfTime'' bullies Link because [[AllOfTheOtherReindeer he doesn't have a fairy]] and because he's best friends with the girl Mido likes, Saria. To a lesser extent, he's mean to the other Kokiri, particularly one boy he forces to mow Saria's lawn, something ''Mido'' offered to do as a favor for Saria. Of course, [[spoiler:seven years later, after Saria accepts her destiny as a Sage]], Mido admits that he was a jerk and asks the adult version of Link (whom he doesn't recognize) to apologize to Link on his behalf.
398** Groose from ''VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaSkywardSword''. It ultimately turns out he's not ''that'' bad at heart and when the chips are down, he [[LetsGetDangerous Gets Dangerous]] and helps save the day.
399* ''VideoGame/PokemonScarletAndViolet'' has Team Star, a gang of teenage delinquents plaguing the region's AcademyOfAdventure who initially formed to protect themselves from bullies [[HeWhoFightsMonsters but ended up becoming bullies themselves]] as they pressure other kids to join up with them. Part of the game's story revolves around the PlayerCharacter becoming a BullyHunter and forcing them to disband. [[spoiler:At the end of the storyline it's revealed that while some of the grunts could be pushy, Team Star never actually bullied anyone [[HeroWithBadPublicity and it was all just rumors stemming from the leaders' former bullies dropping out in fear of them]].]]
400* ''VideoGame/ThePrinceOfLandis'': Jason is established as [[PlayerCharacter Evan]]'s bully in the first cutscene. He calls Evan a mean name, insults his father, and then beats him up. Dustin's father says it's because Evan's own father used to beat Jason's father up when they were kids.
401** Jason is also seen making fun of Tommy for his back.
402* Bisco from ''VideoGame/{{Robopon}}'', who even holds sway over teachers.
403* ''VideoGame/SaturdayMorningRPG'': Episode 2 introduces Billy, [[WhatDoesSheSeeInHim the boyfriend of Marty's crush]] who also likes to pick on Marty. He cuts Marty off on his way to his locker, claims it as his own, and then takes Marty outside, intending to beat him to a pulp in front of the school. However, by then, Marty already has his notebook, and quickly turns the tables on Billy ([[NiceJobBreakingItHero though he accidentally prematurely activates Commander Hood's giant cannon in the process]]).
404* ''Every single'' enemy in ''VideoGame/NinjaPizzaGirl'' acts out this trope to a T. Partly they are [[PunchClockVillain just doing their job]] in trying to sabotage their boss' competition by making Gemma late on her pizza runs, they are also clearly enjoying their jobs a little too much and seem to take a savage delight in putting her through petty abuses and trying to break her spirit.
405* Sean in ''VideoGame/{{Hewitt}}''. He keeps stealing Hewitt's food until he can find a way to get rid of him.
406* In ''VideoGame/TheClassroomTrilogy'', you play as Alex, a bully who cheat on a geek to get good grade in the first and third game. In the second game though, someone ''force'' you to copy on him.
407* [[TheDragon Carson Moss]] in ''VideoGame/SplinterCellDoubleAgent'' is this to the rest of the members of the [[WesternTerrorists JBA]], going out of his way to be a massive swinging dick to everyone below him for no reason whatsoever than [[ItAmusedMe he's a sadistic asshole]]. He finds reasons to be a jerk to Sam even if your trust with the JBA is 100% and you've excelled at everything you've ever done, if you're in the right place at the right time you can catch an argument between him and Jamie spurred by Moss being an asshole for no good reason, and you'll frequently overhear JBA {{Mook}}s griping about how he treats all of them. According to his NSA profile, he's been this way since his youth where he was implicated in a series of [[PoliticallyIncorrectVillain racially-motivated beatings]] but never arrested. [[spoiler:You ''finally'' get to give this guy what-for if you manage to get the best ending in the game, where he serves as the true FinalBoss and you get to snap his neck aboard a stolen Coast Guard ship]].
408* ''VideoGame/LostJudgment'' has bullying and its fallout as a major plot point, and some of the earliest antagonists Yagami has to face in his investigation. [[CatharsisFactor And yes, this does mean pounding them into the pavement with martial arts]]. [[spoiler: Takes a darker turn when the main villain is revealed to be a murderous BullyHunter who tracks down and kills former bullies who appear to have gotten away with their crimes]].
409* ''VideoGame/LittleNightmaresII'' features Bullies as a type of enemy in The School. Apparently made of porcelain, they are fierce and feral and spend every waking moment either causing trouble or trying to kill you. The only time they behave is when told to by [[TheDreaded The Teacher]], who has no qualms about chaining them up, beating them, or outright killing them if she catches any slight infraction of the rules. To quote the game itself:
410--> Proof that all children don't get to be innocent, The Bullies aren't tragic figures, no cruel parents to blame, and don't secretly crave your friendship. They are Bullies, and they will get you if you don't get them first.
411* The aptly-named It's A Bully from ''VideoGame/BaldisBasicsInEducationAndLearning'', naturally. This big jerk will stand in a hallway, block you from passing unless you surrender an item to him, and is immune to BSODA or the Grappling Hook. You ''can'' fight back, in a sense, by letting Principal Of The Thing see him bully you, which will get him sent to detention for 90 seconds.
414[[folder:Web Animation]]
415* ''WebAnimation/AbilityNoX'': Kanzaki was a former bully who used her ability to steal vision from a classmate, blinding her. The classmate later died due to an accident on her way home.
416* ''WebAnimation/CampCamp'': Nurf fits this role stereotypically at first glance, being a large delinquent who picks on the other kids and has even the camp counselors scared of him thanks to his raw strength. During his first time in the spotlight, Nurf proves to be a PunchClockVillain who only bullies when he deems it appropriate, a PoliticallyCorrectVillain who doesn't engage in intolerance, and a GeniusBruiser capable of screwing with people psychologically. Max, David, and Gwen are left bewildered by trying to figure him out.
417%%* The "Buli" from the first episode of ''WebAnimation/DaAmazinOTAdvenchr''. [[spoiler:He dies two episodes later.]]
418%%* ''WebAnimation/DSBTInsaniT'': Dave. In fact, [[CharacterizationMarchesOn this used to be his only trait.]]
419* ''WebAnimation/EtraChanSawIt'':
420** [[ Akamatsu and Tachibana]] are a duo of bullies who pushed Kuroki into a train to be "spirited away", fortunately, a train conductor was able to open the door for him before the train leaves. When Kuroki transferred to another school, Akamatsu and Tachibana switched their attention to Karin for standing up to him and started bullying her. On the graduation day, Akamatsu and Tachibana steal Karin's diploma in an attempt to lure her into a train to be "spirited away". [[spoiler: However, Akamatsu and Tachibana become confused after Karin doesn't follow them, nobody else is inside the train, being given weird looks by other bystanders, and the doors of the train eventually close, trapping them inside, causing them to beg Karin to help them. Karin then tells them they are going to be the ones to be "[[HoistByHisOwnPetard spirited away]]" and the train eventually leaves with them trapped inside, which is revealed to be an out-of-service train going back to the garage. Because of this incident, Akamatsu and Tachibana are scolded by their respective parents and Karin was given her diploma back.]]
421** [[ Akane]] is this towards Yuzuriha just because [[DisproportionateRetribution her crush preferring someone like Yuzuriha over her]], causing her and her friends to bully Yuzuriha for several times. Yuzuriha tries to tell a teacher about the bullying, but she gets ignored by her. [[spoiler: Akane eventually crosses the line by burning Yuzuriha's school uniform, forcing her to take her shirt off in front of her classmates, Akane and her friends then continue to insult Yuzuriha for taking her shirt off in the classroom. Feeling embarrassed by this, Yuzuriha runs away from her classroom and falls down the stairs, causing her to be admitted into a hospital. Eventually, the school finds out about the bullying, Akane and her friends get transferred to a different school and the teacher who ignored Yuzuriha's complaint also gets fired for ignoring the bullying.]]
422** [[ Akane]] bullies her employee, Yuzuriha, after she was witnessing her affair with one of her employees, Akamatsu. She eventually fires Yuzuriha to humiliate her furthermore. [[spoiler: It comes to bite Akane in the ass when Yuzuriha turns out to be her superior in the nursing home she is working at, and eventually her photos of the affair are spread through her workplace, causing her to be fired.]]
423** [[ Hiiragi]] [[spoiler: turned out to be a big bully since middle school. His bullying was really severe, it caused some students to stop coming to school. He also pretended to be a model student to hide his real personality.]]
424** [[ Akamatsu]] ruined Tachibana, Hiiragi and Akane's lives during middle school. He and his minions attempted to rape Akane and also took a picture of her in her underwear, they framed Hiiragi to prevent him from enrolling at the high school of his choice, and they also blackmailed Tachibana to be their slave. Even after years have passed, Akamatsu continues harassing Tachibana by coming to his ramen store and also harassing a female regular who often visits the store. [[TheDogBitesBack The trio eventually works together to make Akamatsu pay for the consequences]], which ends up in his arrest and imprisonment.
425** [[ Hiiragi]] bullies Kuroki for being an introvert, later Akamatsu joins in as well. Kuroki's teacher Akane also ignores the bullying because [[SchoolBullyingIsHarmless she thinks bullying is just another form of friendship]]. One day, they force Kuroki to visit a {{Yakuza}} house so they will stop bullying him for one week. The duo and Akane end up getting scolded by the gang for their actions. In the end, Hiiragi and Akamatsu completely stop bullying Kuroki.
426** [[ Yuzuriha, Akamatsu and Tachibana]] physically bullied Hiiragi when they were in middle school. Years later, [[TheDogBitesBack Hiiragi decides to plan a revenge against them]] by going after Akamatsu and Tachibana first before targetting Yuzuriha, the main culprit of his misery.
427* ''WebAnimation/TheMostEpicStoryEverToldInAllOfHumanHistory'': [[BigBad Ridiculously Epic]] in his more [[EvilIsPetty petty]] moments. He even [[LampshadeHanging lampshades]] this in “The Most Epically Inspirational Sports Movie Ever”, with the line “Nothing like antagonizing random teenagers for no reason!”
428%%* ''WebAnimation/{{RWBY}}'': Cardin Winchester's defining trait, particularly towards [[{{Blackmail}} Jaune Arc]] and [[FantasticRacism Velvet]]. Also, his teammates on Team CRDL, to a lesser extent.
429* ''WebAnimation/ShareMyStory'': Brandon seems like a cool guy, but in reality, he is a JerkAss who picks on weaker students.
430* ''WebAnimation/{{Shishihara}}'': [[ Shuto]] bullies many people in the football team and brags about his supposed past as a leader of a delinquent gang to them so he can threaten them to do what he wants. His luck runs out when he runs into Sota and Yurika.
431* ''WebAnimation/TerribleWritingAdvice'' criticizes the use of this trope in its "Magic Schools" video by pointing out how bullies are either one-dimensional {{Straw Character}}s with no redeeming qualities, or a [[WriteWhoYouKnow caricature of someone the writer knows in real life]].
435* ''Webcomic/{{Aisopos}}'': Kollos is this to Aesop and Bri (although his treatment towards them has some psychopathic tendecies, as he beats them frequently and one time, he even tried to murder the protagonist).
436* ''Webcomic/TheAngelWithBlackWings'': Danilo Tamaraw and Leina Kaye Tenor are the biggest bullies in Ray's school life.
437* ''Webcomic/{{Annyseed}}'': Charlotte Peechi decided from the moment she first met Anny that she would forever be her inconvenience.
438* ''Webcomic/{{Bastard|2014}}'': Manny Kim, Pann Han, and Beau Park are a trio of bullies ranking from most to least powerful with Beau being a bully victim himself. Manny eventually grows out of this.
439* ''Webcomic/TheBullysBully'' is all about the heroine dealing with bullies although in a variation, she's usually helping others and not merely defending herself from bullies.
440%%* ''Webcomic/DistortionNuzlocke'' has Johnny's nameless bully, who he imagines as Blue Oak.
441* Briar in ''Webcomic/FindingYourRoots'' demeans anyone she perceives as weaker, which is pretty much everyone, even her own teammates.
442%%* Rahan in ''Webcomic/TalesOfTheQuestor''. Also, the Redcaps and other gangs in the Tumbledowns of Sanctuary City.
443%%* Jeremy from ''Webcomic/OzyAndMillie''.
444* ''Webcomic/{{Homestuck}}'': Vriska and Cronus could be seen as this in different ways. Vriska is basically a 13 year old SerialKiller with a bad case of ChronicBackstabbingDisorder who paralyzes Tavros and later on puts him in a house full of stairs while making him try to ''"apologize for being a cripple"''. Cronus on the other hand, hits on Mituna (who is brain damaged and HatesBeingTouched), takes advantage of him, and openly insults him.
445* Skeeter in ''Webcomic/MinionComics'' forces new minions to play one of two games: Stab-Twist-Gurgle or Mama Bird.
446* ''Webcomic/{{Selkie}}'': Jeremy Trunchbull bullies the eponymous heroine relentlessly. His father [[ refuses to see his son as a bully]] and has successfully strong-armed several schools in the past to drop all punishments.
447* ''Webcomic/SleeplessDomain'': Undine first meets Zoe while the latter is being bullied by a fellow MagicalGirl for being too afraid to fight monsters. When Undine (who had just [[SoleSurvivor lost her entire team]] less than a week prior, and yet had already returned to the nightly patrol) tries to intervene, the unnamed bully proceeds to use her as an example to make Zoe feel even worse about herself. [[TranquilFury Undine has no patience for this.]]
448* ''Webcomic/WizardSchool'': Gavin Gothicus mocks Graham's magical tattoo and [[ brags about all his father's numerous possessions.]] Too bad he's up against a bigger {{Jerkass}}...
451[[folder:Web Original]]
452* ''Series/CobraKai'': Kyler and Yasmine to a T. He is an unashamed JerkJock who delights in tormenting others (especially Miguel physically and Sam through social media) but is also a DirtyCoward, engaging only when his GangOfBullies is with him. She is a gleeful AlphaBitch who never hesitates to mock Aisha's weight (whether in person and on social media). [[spoiler:Kyler only gets worse when he joins the titular, and now antagonistic Cobra Kai dojo, while Yasmine [[TookALevelInKindness lightens up somewhat]] after becoming an outcast herself and develops an attraction to Demitri.]]
453* Creator/{{Ukinojoe}}:
454** In Great: The Show 5, the opening segment, "Meme High School", has Pizza Frank, who gives the main character- also named Frank, incidentally- a hearty punch in the face for seemingly trying to steal his likeness.
455** A segment from Great: The Show 8, titled "Replacement Bully", has a subversion of this trope: the title character "bullies" another student at school by unknowingly "replacing" his possessions (such as his #2 pencil with a mechanical one and his lunch pizza with a vegan grandma pizza). This gradually escalates further until he eventually replaces the kid's sidewalk with a conveyor belt and eventually literally replaces his dad with himself.
456* Hilariously parodied with the "[=AcountaBully=]" series on Tik Tok, where the bully always corners the POV character in the hallway between classes to give them a hard time about... not accepting trans people, refusing to vote, SlutShaming female classmates, and other harmful behaviors. He's aggressive and rude, but comes off as a JerkWithAHeartOfGold, since while he bullies the POV character, he's actively standing up for others at school. He also never actually punches the POV character despite often threatening to, since [[RunningGag the bell always conveneintly goes off right when he's about to do it]]. This leads some commenters to speculate that he times it that way on purpose, allowing him to maintain a "tough guy" front without actually hurting anyone. [[EveryoneHasStandards He also backs off in one video where he realizes the POV character is struggling with depression]]. The series blew up both for the actor's glorious parody of a stereotypical high school bully, and because the character proved to be oddly endearing.
457* Heavily discussed by ''Creator/DougWalker'' in his ''Top 10 Worst Cliches'' list where "The Bully" takes the #1 slot because he finds them to be unfunny, uninteresting, undeveloped "characters" with no real backstory or motivation being being a dick to the protagonist to spur the story forward. He brings up bullies like [[WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons Nelson Muntz]], [[Film/HappyGilmore Shooter McGavin]], and Creator/JackBlack as the bully in ''Film/{{Airborne}}'' and ''[[Film/TheNeverEndingStoryIIIEscapeFromFantasia The Neverending Story III]]'' as rare positive examples of The Bully, explaining that ''these'' characters are written as funny, entertaining characters who are actually motivated by their own amusement and are played in a self-aware way, unlike most that are just "cardboard cutouts of stereotypes".
458* ''WebVideo/ViralTexts'': [[ Liza]] bullied Jenny in high school and even when they grew up, she threatened Jenny and even went as far as to steal her husband. When Jenny and her husband divorced, he lost his job and Liza is forced to work three jobs to provide for him.
