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Context Main / SuperOCD

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1"Super OCD" may refer to:
2* ControlFreak: Someone who dictates exactly how they think things should go.
3* CreatureOfHabit: Someone who is a stickler for routine.
4* NeatFreak: A character that's obsessed with cleanliness.
5* NumberObsession: Characters who are obsessed with numbers and/or numerical order.
6* ObsessivelyOrganized: A trope for characters obsessed with rule and order.
7* ThePerfectionist: A character who strives for perfection in everything they do.
8* ScheduleFanatic: A character who is obsessed with planning out all of their activities.
9* UsefulNotes.PersonalityDisorders: Covers obsessive compulsive personality disorder, which fictional depictions of OCD sometimes resemble, at least to an extent.
10* UsefulNotes.ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder: Our UsefulNotes page on actual OCD.
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