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2[[caption-width-right:290:Edge enjoys living on the edge.]]
4Some characters are just not that bright, competent, or wise. This is an index of tropes related to stupidity, absentmindedness, heedlessness, uselessness, and forgetfulness.
6Compare AntiIntellectualism and contrast IntelligenceTropes.
12* ContrivedStupidityTropes
14* OneDimensionalThinking: Someone confronted by a danger from one direction doesn't think to evade it by moving to the side.
15* AbileneParadox: A group decides to do something that none of the individual members actually want, because each member wrongfully assumes it's what everybody else wants.
16* AbsurdPhobia: Being easily frightened by something so mundane and harmless that it's ridiculous and illogical.
17* AchievementsInIgnorance: When being too stupid to understand things lets one do the impossible.
18* AdaptationalDumbass: When a character who was smarter in the source material is made dumber in an adaptation.
19* AdaptationalNonsapience: When a character who was smart enough to communicate in the source material no longer can in an adaptation.
20* AdultsAreUseless: Parents, teachers, and other adult figures who are too stupid to be helpful to the children they're supposed to be looking after.
21* AlcoholInducedIdiocy: Getting really drunk makes one do really stupid things.
22* AlmightyIdiot: Godlike powers zaps one of their intelligence and sanity. (Alternatively -- a character who happens to have godlike power and rocks for brains.)
23* AntiAdvice: Advice given out by morons can be happily ignored.
24* ApatheticCitizens: The townspeople must be real idiots if they don't care about the danger right in front of them.
25* ArousedByIdiocy: A character considers stupidity an attractive trait.
26* ArtificialStupidity: The computer AI for a video game does amazingly stupid things like getting stuck in a door.
27* ArtisticLicenseGunSafety: Stupidly handling guns in ways that would seriously hurt or kill someone.
28* AsianAirhead: Asian character who averts AsianAndNerdy and instead is not smart enough to tie their own shoes.
29* BecauseISaidSo: Authority figures (usually of the authoritarian type) who lack emotional intelligence don't bother to explain why the rules they set should be obeyed beyond the titular answer, feeling entitled to others' unquestioning obedience.
30* BeliefMakesYouStupid: Radical religious belief impairs one's intelligence.
31* BetterManhandleTheMurderWeapon: Arriving at the scene of a crime while the murder weapon is still there... and stupidly picking up the weapon just in time to make it look like you're the killer.
32* BetterToKillThanFrighten: Murdering someone when using fear tactics to ensure their compliance would have worked just as well, rendering the murder completely unnecessary and risking a RoaringRampageOfRevenge.
33* BewareTheSillyOnes: Sometimes even characters who aren't that smart can be dangerous when provoked.
34* BlatantLies: Lies so obvious only an idiot would fall for them.
35* BlindedByRage: A character is so angry that he starts making stupid mistakes, resulting in a loss.
36* BlindedByTheSun: Somebody foolishly looks directly at the sun, blinding them.
37* BlindShoulderToss: It's stupid to throw something over your shoulder without a second thought if the thing has value or it ends up hurting somebody.
38* BondVillainStupidity: A villain has the opportunity to kill the hero but instead decides to either stick him in an easily escapable trap or doesn't make sure that he's dead.
39* BookDumb: Stupid when it comes to academics but brilliant when it comes to "street smarts".
40* BrainChain: Some of the stupidest characters out there aren't without some facets of intelligence. The [[SortingAlgorithmOfTropes Sliding Scale of Stupidity vs. Intelligence]], in other words.
41* BrainlessBeauty: They have a pretty face and a gorgeous body, but they have nothing going on in their head.
42* BrainsEvilBrawnGood: They think their strength is good, but the smart ones are actually {{evil|Genius}}.
43* BrainsVersusBrawn: Intellect and strength are portrayed as opposites such that strong characters/societies are depicted as being dumb.
44* BroughtHomeTheWrongKid: Never trust an idiotic babysitter because they will confuse your baby for someone else's.
45* TheBrute: A savagely violent person or animal who lacks intelligence, sensitivity, or compassion.
46* BuffoonishTomcat: Instead of typical animals like dogs being portrayed as dumb or accident-prone in fiction, you have lovably silly, cartoony, clumsy & ludicrous felines (usually a tom-cat) who are prone to {{slapstick}}, full of or characterized by humor or are just shown to comically lacking tons of common-sense ''like [[PluckyComicRelief a clown]] or resembling and/or in the manner of [[TheDitz a buffoon]]'' in comedic works.
47* BullyingADragon: Yes, let's antagonize the guy who we just saw beat the crap out of another guy; it's not like he'll beat us up too, ya know.
48* BumblingDad: A father who is [[TheDitz a clueless idiot]].
49* BumblingHenchmenDuo: The villain's main subordinates are a pair of idiots.
50* BumblingSidekick: This person is [[TooDumbToLive way too stupid]] or inept to be a competent sidekick.
51* ButThouMust: An idiot tries passing off the same answer to a question as different answers.
52* CallousnessTowardsEmergency: Someone is clearly in danger, but the one who could help them is too stupid to be helpful in addition to being a {{Jerkass}}.
53* CannotSpitItOut: A stupid person can't say something important when it matters.
54* CannotTalkToWomen: In typical romance, whenever a female is present, this guy turns into a babbling idiot.[[note]]This can be applied to a [[GenderInvertedTrope reversed gender version]] of this when there are {{socially awkward hero}}ines or just [[ShrinkingViolet shy characters]] for example.[[/note]]
55* CannotTellFictionFromReality: Being unaware about what differences reality and fiction make.
56* ChaoticStupid: Someone so devoted to anarchy and nonsense that they lack common sense.
57* ChildhoodBrainDamage: A character's stupidity was likely caused by them getting hit on the head as a baby.
58* ClosedCircle: Not always due to stupidity, but often this happens when the characters only stay in a dangerous situation because the plot demands it.
59* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}: A character who has a rather... bizarre and sometimes nonsensical outlook on life.
60* CluelessChickMagnet: A guy who doesn't realize he's a ChickMagnet.
61* CluelessDeputy: This guy isn't really much of a threat to criminals...
62* CluelessDetective: Don't count on this idiot to solve the crime for you.
63* ComicalOverreacting: They overreact too much, even at the most ''slightest'' of problems.
64* ComicallyCrossEyed: In fiction, a cross-eyed appearance marks the sign of a dimwit.
65* ComicallyMissingThePoint: They're not smart enough to see the actual point of what is happening or what was said.
66* ConflictBall: Characters go at each other's throats for face-palmingly dumb reasons or no reason at all.
67* ContractualGenreBlindness: Characters make stupid mistakes on purpose because that's just the role that they're given.
68* CorneredRattlesnake: It's a sign of stupidity if one thinks that person they've got cornered wouldn't actually fight back in self-defense.
69* CouldHaveAvoidedThisPlot: The characters figure out too late that they didn't have to go through an IdiotPlot.
70* CountingToPotato: Stupid people don't know beans about counting numbers.
71* CreditCardPlot: What happens when an idiot is given a credit card? They max it all out on junk of course.
72* CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass: They may be generally incompetent, ineffectual, and/or not very bright, but they are quite competent at fighting when push comes to shove.
73* CultureBlind: How does this dumbass not know the basics of cultural norms?
74* CuriosityKilledTheCast: The plot kicks off because some idiot thought it would be a good idea to explore something suspicious-looking.
75* CutLexLuthorACheck: The villain doesn't seem to be smart enough to realize that they could make money off their evil inventions, instead wasting them on petty crime.
76* DamselFightAndFlightResponse: She had the upper hand on the villain and could've killed him right then and there, but she ran away like a moron instead.
77* DamselScrappy: YMMV; they constantly get themselves in danger because they're too dumb to take care of themselves, thus nobody likes them because of this.
78* DelayedReaction: They take a long time to realize something everyone else has long since gotten, and therefore a long time to react appropriately.
79* DependingUponTheUndependable: Yeah. Smart idea to hire this incompetent fool to perform a task. It's not like he's liable to screw it up for everyone.
80* DeerInTheHeadlights: Foolishly freezing in fear as you're being attacked.
81* DevilInPlainSight: A minority of characters [[OnlySaneMan can tell]] that an ObviouslyEvil character is, well, [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin evil]]; but the majority [[HorribleJudgeOfCharacter believe they're trustworthy]].
82* DeusExitMachina: The most powerful characters never seem to be there when it really matters.
83* DickDastardlyStopsToCheat: Why bother maintaining success when you can just [[VillainBall stop to do something evil]] right when things are going well for you?
84* DidntThinkThisThrough: Stupid people aren't good at coming up with well-thought-out plans.
85* DiggingYourselfDeeper: An attempt at explaining away an offensive statement leads to more offensive statements.
86* DistressBall: Character endangers themself by being uncharacteristically stupid.
87* DitchTheBodyguards: Bodyguards who can't keep track of their clients have to be real idiots.
88* TheDitz: They are ''so'' stupid, you'd wonder how they're able to care or managed to survive for themselves.
89* DitzyGenius: A generally intelligent character who has his/her idiotic moments in certain other aspects.
90* DitzySecretary: How can someone as stupid as her have the job of a secretary?
91* DogsAreDumb: Dogs, stereotypically in fiction or non-fiction, are [[TooDumbToLive very]] [[TheDitz simple-minded]] creatures.
92* DoNotTauntCthulhu: Pissing off an all-powerful entity ''never'' ends well.
93* DontTouchItYouIdiot: A phrase told to [[TheDitz an idiot]] by a genius about them touching world-destroying devices.
94* DoofyDodo: Dodo birds get portrayed as stupid almost as much as [[DumbDinos dinosaurs are]].
95* DopeSlap: Someone gets slapped for being [[TheDitz an idiot]].
96* DramaticSlip: In chase scenes, the really stupid characters always fall down and can't get back up for some reason.
97* DrunkDriver: AlcoholInducedIdiocy with a motor vehicle. Often ends in a police arrest at best and [[TooDumbToLive lost lives at worst]].
98* DumbAndDrummer: The drummers for musical groups are stereotyped as brainless.
99* DumbassHasAPoint: [[TheDitz A stupid character]] manages to make an excellent point.
100* DumbassDJ: They're not good at being top class [=DJs=].
101* DumbassTeenageSon: Teenage boys in fiction are rarely, [[InvertedTrope if ever,]] portrayed as [[WiseBeyondTheirYears being]] [[TeenGenius intelligent.]]
102* DumbBlonde: Blonde hair is a sign of stupidity.
103* DumbButDiligent: Stupidity doesn't preclude persistence.
104* DumbDinos: If you wanna know how dinosaurs went extinct, it's cuz they were TooDumbToLive.
105* DumberThanTheyLook: Despite having a smart-looking appearance, this character is actually dumb.
106* DumbIsGood: Stupid people are nice and good-natured, while [[TheSmartOne smart]] people are [[{{Jerkass}} mean]] or even [[EvilGenius evil]].
107* DumbJock: He's a great athlete, but pathetic in anything intellectual.
108* DumbMuscle: Brawny characters tend to be lacking in brains.
109* EasilyImpressed: Stupid, naive characters are impressed by literally anything, no matter how unimpressive it really is.
110* EasilySwayedPopulation: A group that instantly believes something without bothering to think it over.
111* EatingPetFood: Stupid characters get pet food confused for people's food.
112* EitherWorldDominationOrSomethingAboutBananas: When an idiot translates another language, they'll come up with an absurd translation of it.
113* EnragedByIdiocy: A character who has absolutely no patience for stupid people.
114* EskimosArentReal: An idiot who actually believes that real things, such as ponies or Hawaii, don't exist.
115* ExhaustionInducedIdiocy: Fatigue leads to idiotic behavior.
116* ExplainingYourPowerToTheEnemy: One-way stupidity screws you over is by telling your enemy how your abilities work and what weakens them.
117* ExplosiveStupidity: When you [[LethallyStupid leave explosives in the hands of idiots]], [[TooDumbToLive they'll get themselves killed]] in the process.
118* FailedASpotCheck: How did they not notice that important detail that's right in front of them?
119* FanDumb: Fans taking their passions to idiotic levels.
120* FatIdiot: Fat people are [[InvertedTrope rarely]] [[GeekPhysiques intelligent]] in fiction.
121* FearInducedIdiocy: Someone does something stupid because they're afraid.
122* FearlessFool: Someone who's too dumb to realize the danger they're in when [[LeeroyJenkins charging into a fight]].
123* FeigningIntelligence: A stupid person who pretends to be smart in order to impress people, and fails at it.
124* FirstStepFixation: A character has a goal, and a plan to accomplish that goal -- then stupidly fixates ''that plan specifically'', to the extent that it overrides their original goal.
125* FishEyes: One way to spot an idiot is if their eyes are never focused.
126* TheFool: A stupid person who always survives danger through [[BornLucky dumb luck]].
127* ForgotAboutHisPowers: When a character is suddenly too stupid to realize they could use their powers to help themselves.
128* ForgotICouldChangeTheRules: An authority figure stupidly forgets they can change the rules when the situation calls for it.
129* ForgotICouldntSwim: Stupidly throwing oneself into a situation while forgetting that you can't actually handle it.
130* ForgottenPhlebotinum: Useful techniques that never get used again because the cast is either too dumb or forgetful to remember them.
131* ForgotToFeedTheMonster: Moronic villains or {{Jerkass}}es starve their pets/minions to death by forgetting to feed them.
132* GameShowGoofballs: Game show contestants or panelists who have single-digit IQ scores.
133* GeneralFailure: Militaries shouldn't have such an utter moron as a commanding officer.
134* GeniusDitz: Stupid character who is actually quite knowledgeable in a certain field[[note]]or some fields[[/note]].
135* GenreBlindness: Too stupid to realize how their genre of fiction really works out.
136* GlobalIgnorance: Not knowing about other countries marks a sign of stupidity.
137* GoodIsDumb: Heroic characters are prone to boneheaded mistakes.
138* GreedMakesYouDumb: {{Greed}} causes a character to lose profit when not being greedy would have benefited them.
139* TheGuardsMustBeCrazy: Idiotic guards either suffering from GenreBlindness or are simply TooDumbToLive.
140* GullibleLemmings: Moronic citizens support the ObviouslyEvil villain.
141* GunsInChurch: A moron brings a weapon to a place where they'd get in serious trouble for doing so.
142* HalfWittedHillbilly: Characters from rural areas are stereotyped as being backward, ignorant, or stupid.
143* HanlonsRazor: An act of apparent malice might actually be mere idiocy.
144* HarmlessVillain: Villains who are [[PokeThePoodle too]] [[StupidCrooks stupid]] [[LaughablyEvil and silly to impose a threat]].
145* HateDumb: Detractors taking their hatred to idiotic levels.
146* HaveYouToldAnyoneElse: Someone has just acquired some information that, if spread, could be very dangerous to a morally bankrupt individual or group... so, naturally, the threatened individual or group is ''the first one'' they share the information with. No points for guessing [[HeKnowsTooMuch what happens next]].
147* HeroBall: TheHero screws him/herself over through sudden stupidity.
148* HistoricalCharacterConfusion: When used to show the character doing it is an idiot.
149* HoldingBackThePhlebotinum: Unless there's a good reason for it, withholding a powerful weapon or ability when it could help you is just a plain boneheaded move.
150* HoldingBothSidesOfTheConversation: Character pretends to be talking to someone who is not there, poorly done attempts at this fool only the really dense characters.
151* HonorBeforeReason: Sticking to your moral code is noble and all, but doing so in a way that screws you and other people over shows a lack of intelligence and/or good judgment.
152* HorribleJudgeOfCharacter: Too stupid to realize that someone is obviously not a good or in some cases bad person.
153* HotOnHisOwnTrail: A stupid character follows his own footprints/trail thinking it's someone else's.
154* HumansAreMorons: Humanity is the stupidest of all sapient species.
155* IdiotBall: Temporarily [[TookALevelInDumbass taking a level in dumbass]] because the plot needs it.
156* IdiotHero: TheHero[=/=]TheProtagonist is either dimwitted, ignorant, addled, and/or a total moron.
157* IdiotHoudini: Stupid people can get away with things on the basis that [[HanlonsRazor they didn't know any better]].
158* IdioticPartnerConfession: When you tell a stupid person something another character isn't supposed to know, of course, they're gonna blurt it out to everyone.
159* IdiotPlot: This plot can't go anywhere without the characters sacrificing their intelligence.
160* IdiotSavant: An idiot has savvy knowledge in one particular topic area.
161* IgnorantAboutFire: A character's clumsiness or idiocy makes them ignore the dangers of fire.
162* IgnoranceIsBliss: A common phrase that means if you don't know about something, you don't worry about it.
163* IgnorantOfTheirOwnIgnorance: This character is too stupid to realize that they're stupid.
164* IJustShotMarvinInTheFace: Don't ever let a stupid person handle guns; they don't know anything about or don't care about gun safety.
165* IllNeverTellYouWhatImTellingYou: The idiotic villain tells you what you want to know despite claiming that he's not telling you anything.
166* ImprobablyLowIQ: An IQ level that is so low that it's not possible for this person to actually function properly in real-life.
167* ImThinkingItOver: Having to think over a situation that could ''save your freakin' life'' shows tremendous density.
168* IncompetenceInc: A company that's ineffectual because of idiotic employees and/or management.
169* IncompetentGuardAnimal: A guard animal that is so inept or [[TheSlacker too]] [[LazyBum lazy]] at protecting or doing its job.
170* IneffectualSympatheticVillain: A villain who fails persistently because of their buffoonery, incompetence, [[SuperGullible gullibility]], [[TheKlutz klutziness]], or [[TooDumbToLive self-destructive foolery]] getting the better of them, preventing them from causing any harm and thus making them easily sympathetic.
171* InfantilizationRetaliation: Maybe don't treat a person or animal like a baby, especially babies. They may bite.
172* TheIngenue: A naive young woman who unwittingly causes trouble.
173* InsaneTrollLogic: An incredibly idiotic and nonsensical logical fallacy.
174* InspectorLestrade: While this detective is good at getting the pieces of a problem, they are lacking in skills with observation because of their sheer incompetence.
175* InsufferableImbecile: Rude people who lack brains.
176* IRejectYourReality: A character cannot accept any other way than theirs, facts be damned.
177* ItSeemedLikeAGoodIdeaAtTheTime: That so-called "good idea" you had turned out to be a really stupid mistake.
178* IveHeardOfThatWhatIsIt: A stupid person who asks what something is after acting as if they knew already.
179* JugglingLoadedGuns: Idiots using guns incorrectly because it's funny.
180* JustEatGilligan: The solution to a problem is plainly obvious, but nobody appears to be smart enough to realize this.
181* JustBetweenYouAndMe: The villain thinks it's a smart idea to reveal his whole plan to the hero since it looks like the hero is about to die, and is invariably proven wrong.
182* KindheartedSimpleton: Not the brightest characters around, but they're [[TheCutie sweet]] and [[AllLovingHero very likable]].
183* TheKlutz: A character whose defining traits are clumsiness, awkwardness or foolishness.
184* KnowNothingKnowItAll: A character who constantly brags about the knowledge that they obviously don't have.
185* LawfulStupid: Being devoted to following the rules without stopping to really think about it.
186* LawfulStupidChaoticStupid: Stupidity lies on both sides of the OrderVsChaos spectrum.
187* LeeroyJenkins: He doesn't know the meaning of the words "planning", "caution", "restraint", "stealth", or "subtlety". Actually, all he ''does'' know is "charge in and whack things", every symptom of impulsive behavior.
188* LeftYourLifesaverBehind: Stupidly putting yourself in danger by forgetting to bring your weapon with you.
189* LethalKlutz: A character's clumsiness endangers those around them.
190* LethallyStupid: So stupid they could get themselves or other people killed.
191* LikeIsLikeAComma: A true sign of stupidity is using 'like' in every other word.
192* LiteralMinded: So stupid that they take everything ''too'' literally.
193* LoveMakesYouDumb: Falling in love makes one do irrational or boneheaded things.
194* LustMakesYouDumb: Letting Your Libido do the thinking for you makes you do stupid things.
195* MadeOutToBeAJerkass: You stood up to the {{Jerkass}} who made your life hell... but idiotic onlookers think ''you're'' the one being mean.
196* {{Manchild}}: Adults with childlike personalities are [[TheDitz dumb]] and [[SuperGullible naive]].
197* ManiacTongue: Characters who stick out their tongues all the time are likely not all that bright in the head.
198* MentalHandicapMoralDeficiency: Characters with abnormally low IQ are more likely to be depicted as evil.
199* MercyLead: Think letting your enemy have a head start is a smart idea? Think again, moron!
200* {{Metaphorgotten}}: An analogy that starts ranging from being understandable to completely nonsensical and inane.
201* MikeNelsonDestroyerOfWorlds: Someone's stupidity accidentally destroys the world.
202* TheMillstone: A character whose sheer stupidity is detrimental to everyone around them.
203* MissConception: Someone is too stupid to understand how people get pregnant.
204* MissingStepsPlan: An plan with only starting and ending steps, and nothing bringing them together.
205* MisspellingOutLoud: Truly stupid people don't know how to spell words properly.
206* MookDepletion: A side effect of a villain killing off his minions.
207* MooseAreIdiots: Moose tend to not be very intelligent creatures in fiction as much as [[DogsAreDumb dogs are.]]
208* MoralPragmatist: Someone is doing evil, but doesn't realize that they're hurting their own goal.
209* MsRedInk: This woman's not smart enough to handle finances properly.
210* MuggingTheMonster: A character picks a fight with someone who turns out to be ''way'' more powerful than them.
211* NaiveAnimalLover: You may mean well in trying to help an animal, but not taking into account how dangerous it could be to you shows a lack of common sense.
212* NaiveEverygirl: An innocent young woman who's [[SuperGullible very gullible]] and oblivious to mature culture.
213* NaiveNewcomer: Newcomers are inexperienced and have trouble fitting in.
214* NerdsAreNaive: Nerdy and geeky characters are portrayed as being SuperGullible and ignorant of the world around them outside of their hobbies and interests.
215* NeverRecycleYourSchemes: An "mastermind" never bothers to reuse or even revise their failed plans, regardless of the circumstances behind the failure -- instead, they start from scratch ''every single time''.
216* NobodyEverComplainedBefore: It sure took this person long enough to get wise about how unacceptable their behavior is.
217* NobodysThatDumb: [[TemptingFate Don't express disbelief that anybody could be stupid enough to perform an incredibly ill-advised action.]] You will inevitably be proven wrong.
218* NoMeansYes: An idiot never recognizes when someone really means it when they say no.
219* NoOneElseIsThatDumb: Smart characters ask a question in order to recognize the not-so-bright characters as their friends by confirming their idiocy to do so.
220* NoPeripheralVision: A character fails to notice anything that isn't '''directly''' in front of them, as if they're wearing blinders.
221* NotAZombie: Genuine idiots would never survive a ZombieApocalypse, they'd assume the zombies were still living people.
222* NumberTwoForBrains: TheLancer (or TheDragon) is [[TheDitz an imbecile]].
223* ObfuscatingStupidity: A smart person ''pretends'' to be stupid to deceive people.
224* ObliviouslySuperpowered: A character has powers but is either so stupid or in so much denial that they simply aren't aware of them -- even while using them.
225* ObliviousToHints: Subtlety is completely lost on this guy -- if you want him to understand something, you have to tell him ''exactly'' what point you're trying to get across.
226* ObliviousToHatred: Characters who are too dumb to realize that someone hates them.
227* ObliviousToLove: Characters who are too dumb to realize that someone has a crush on them.
228* ObliviousToHisOwnDescription: Someone who is so stupid they can't recognize themselves in the mirror.
229* OnceIsNotEnough: No, you can't just whack the monster once and be done with it.
230* OpenMouthInsertFoot: Somebody doesn't think through what they're saying.
231* OutOfSightOutOfMind: Clueless heroes think throwing out the ArtifactOfDoom and/or the villain will instantly save the day.
232* OvenLogic: The person is stupid enough to think that swapping two components (such as temperature and time) will yield the same results.
233* OverlyGenerousFool: A person is so generous that they suffer from financial problems.
234* PairTheDumbOnes: Two characters get together because they are both [[TheDitz dumb]] since IgnoranceIsBliss.
235* PaperThinDisguise: Only an idiot would fall for this disguise or actually think it would work.
236* PhlebotinumInducedStupidity: The substance that drives the plot has the side-effect of impairing higher cognitive functions.
237* PingPongNaivete: A character oscillates between trusting and not trusting someone who shouldn't be trusted.
238* PlanesTrainsAndImbeciles: Everybody who works in the travel industry is idiotically unhelpful.
239* PlayerExclusiveMechanic: A mechanic in a video game that only humans can use because programming the AI to be capable of it would be too damn hard (or make the game too damn hard).
240* PlotSensitiveSnoopingSkills: A character who tries to secretly gather information will be exactly as successful at it as the plot needs them to be.
241* PointyHairedBoss: The boss is a complete moron.
242* PoliceAreUseless: The cops are a bunch of [[CluelessDetective incompetent morons]] who can't do their jobs right.
243* PoorCommunicationKills: Failure to communicate important information with your friends and family is a boneheaded move to make.
244* PopularIsDumb: The popular kids in school are as dumb as grass.
245* PowerfulButIncompetent: A character who has great power or ability, but is too dumb to actually accomplish anything with it.
246* QuirkyDoctor: A doctor who is weird in a comedic way, and is often very incompetent.
247* RealityShowGenreBlindness: How in blazes do these morons auditioning for this well-known reality show not know how this show works?
248* RecognitionFailure: You know someone is stupid if they don't even recognize a renowned celebrity.
249* ReedRichardsIsUseless: Not smart enough to realize that they could use their awesome powers or gifts to help people.
250* RememberedICouldFly: An idiot is in danger, and they remember that they have powers to help them at the last minute.
251* RetroactiveIdiotBall: Something that is introduced in a later installment retroactively makes an action a character took in an earlier installment dumb.
252* RevealingCoverup: Hiding something in such a way that just draws attention to it.
253* RevengeBeforeReason: A character pursues a grudge at the expense of all notions of sanity or self-interest.
254* ReverseTelescopicVision: Stupid characters always look through the wrong ends of telescopes and binoculars.
255* RichInDollarsPoorInSense: A character who's extremely wealthy and extremely dumb.
256* RunsOnIgnorance: This thing literally can't function except around stupid people.
257* SanityHasAdvantages: Those who are intelligent and reasonable fare better than those who are not.
258* SarcasmBlind: Someone who is oblivious to sarcastic remarks.
259* SchmuckBait: Being either [[SuperGullible foolishly gullible]], stubborn, or short-sighted enough to fall for an obvious trap or scam without any second thoughts that come across as so obvious towards other characters.
260* SeeminglyProfoundFool: Everyone thinks this guy is a genius, but he's really a dumbass or just a naïve fool.
261* SelectiveObliviousness: A character intentionally ignores anything they wish to remain unaware of.
262* SelectiveStupidity: Cherry-picking a survey's responses to make a certain demographic look stupid.
263* SidetrackedByTheAnalogy: Don't try using metaphors with idiots, they just won't get them.
264* SimpleMindedWisdom: Wisdom that is lacking refined any kind of worldly knowledge, subtlety, tastes or is just told in a basic way.
265* SimpletonVoice: Showing dopey characteristics by having the vocals of an idiot, moron, or just the dialect of a silly sounding character usually characterizes themselves as [[TheDitz one]] (This along with the StupidlyLongFillerSound helps out this main factor as well.)
266* SkewedPriorities: An idiot only thinks of the less important things.
267* SmartJerkAndNiceMoron: [[KindheartedSimpleton A well-meaning moron]] paired with [[InsufferableGenius a smarter but meaner character]].
268* StatingTheSimpleSolution: The characters are faced with a problem with a blindingly obvious solution... apparently the "blinding" part was literal, because only one guy can see the solution, and has to go out of their way to tell everyone else what it is.
269* StopDrowningAndStandUp: A character ends up in the water and blindly panics until they're informed that the water is ''far'' too shallow for them to actually drown in.
270* StrangerSafety: A stupid person always trusts complete strangers; never mind that this stranger could be an ax murderer or a thief.
271* StrategySchmategy: When a character says "Tactics are for the weak!", they [[DidntThinkThisThrough should've thought that through]].
272* StupidCrooks: Criminals who are completely incompetent and have no idea what they're doing.
273* StupidEvil: A villain does bad deeds without considering the bad consequences of doing so.
274* StupidFuturePeople: In the future, everyone will be ''really'' '''dumb!'''
275* StupidGood: A character who's so pure-hearted and idealistic that they are hilariously [[SuperGullible easy to take advantage of]].
276* StupidityInducingAttack: A combat technique that actively reduces the victim's intelligence.
277* StupidityIsTheOnlyOption: The only way the plot can advance is through a character making a boneheaded mistake.
278* StupidlyLongFillerSound: The classic 'ol: [[DelayedReaction "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."]]
279* StupidNeutral: People who don't pick good or evil make some really dumb choices as a result.
280* StupidSacrifice: A character performs a HeroicSacrifice that was completely unnecessary.
281* StupidScientist: A scientist whose pursuit of knowledge serves as a demonstration of their lack of it.
282* StupidSurrender: A character throws in the towel while they're not even losing.
283* SuicidalOverconfidence: These guys make a habit out of MuggingTheMonster.
284* SunkCostFallacy: A character continues to pursue an unworkable strategy because if he stops, he feels it will mean all his previous effort was for nothing.
285* SuperGullible: Characters so stupid or naïve that they'll believe anything they're told, no matter how many times they get tricked, manipulated or were misguided.
286* SurroundedByIdiots: The sentiment of [[TheSmartGuy a smart person]] being frustrated by his colleagues' relative lack of intelligence.
287* SuspectIsHatless: A character isn't smart enough to properly describe the suspect of a crime they just witnessed, instead giving a vague, nonsense description that doesn't narrow down to anyone.
288* SwallowTheKey: It's very stupid to swallow the key to a door you just locked because you would not be able to use the key again to unlock it later. Usually used in classic cartoons, however.
289* ATaleToldByAnIdiot: When [[TheDitz the dumb one]] tries explaining what actually happened with... results.
290* TheyJustDontGetIt: Characters who simply don't perceive obvious implications of what has been said [[OnlySaneMan by another]].
291* ThinksOfSomethingSmartSaysSomethingStupid: A character says something stupid, despite thinking of something smart to say.
292* ThirdActStupidity: Character suddenly loses their intelligence at the end of the story in order to drag out the ending.
293* TooDumbToFool: A character who proves that they are immune to deception by virtue of not even getting the point the liar's trying to make.
294* TooDumbToLive: Characters ''so'' stupid that it's amazing they haven't gotten themselves killed or defeated yet (or it's not surprising if they ''do'' get themselves killed or defeated).
295* TookALevelInDumbass: They weren't always ''this'' stupid in the past.
296* TooIncompetentToOperateABlanket: Characters who unusually have problems with doing a simple task with a mundane object(s) out of sheer incompetence.
297* TreacherousSpiritChase: A hallucination and/or delusion of a lost, loved one leads another character into peril.
298* UnintentionallyKarmic: A well-meaning but somewhat clueless and ditzy NiceGuy who’s efforts to help a {{Jerkass}} ends in well-deserved bad luck for the jerk.
299* UnwiseOwl: An owl is portrayed as not being as intelligent/wise as one expects.
300* UselessProtagonist: TheProtagonist either has no skill whatsoever or is completely inept at everything.
301* UpperClassTwit: A character who's high on the social ladder... and not so high in common sense. Living proof that money can't buy intelligence or wisdom.
302* UpsideDownBlueprints: A character can't tell that they're looking at a set of plans wrong and follows them anyway, resulting in an upside-down construction.
303* UselessWithoutCellPhones: Lacking common sense when it's not related to using cell phones.
304* ValleyGirl: Women (usually teenage girls) who are more concerned with fashion than intelligence or any kind of acumen and also have an [[SimpletonVoice annoyingly exaggerated form]] of a California accent and always uses the word [[LikeIsLikeAComma "like" as if it's a comma]].
305* VaryingCompetencyAlibi: A character is proven innocent when they're shown to be too competent or incompetent to do.
306* ViewersAreMorons: TV network executives seem to think their viewers are complete morons.
307* VillainBall: Villains always lose because they can't be evil in a smart and competent way.
308* VillainExitStageLeft: The villain escapes after being defeated because the heroes just stand there like idiots and let him.
309* VirginityMakesYouStupid: Lacking sexual experience impairs one's intelligence or common sense.
310* ViolationOfCommonSense: A situation where the proper course of action involves doing something a sane person would most likely be unwilling to do.
311* WeWantOurIdiotBack
312* DarthWiki/WhatAnIdiot: Doing incredibly stupid things that no sane person would actually do.
313* WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong: Overconfidence that everything will go as planned, which leads to things going wrong ([[TemptingFate usually the moment this question is asked out loud]]) because the planner [[DidntThinkThisThrough didn't think]] to take precautions in case anything did go wrong.
314* WhatWereYouThinking: The {{Stock Phrase|s}} used to call an idiot out on their idiocy.
315* WhereWhere: Failing to realize that people who are shocked at seeing you are reacting to ''you''.
316* WhoWouldBeStupidEnough: If anyone says "Who would be stupid enough to fall for that?" or anything like it, you can be almost guaranteed that someone will demonstrate that, yes, they ''are'' stupid enough.
317* WildCardExcuse: A stupid person uses the same excuse over and over no matter what situation they're in.
318* WithCatlikeTread: [[NoIndoorVoice Being loud]] while you're doing stealth for a purpose/reason is very fallible and not the smartest move to make when doing so.
319* WorkingClassPeopleAreMorons: Poor commoners who aren't very bright or well-educated.
320* WrongRestaurant: Stupid people try to buy food or other things at restaurants/businesses that obviously don't sell them.
321* YourBrainWontBeMuchOfAMeal: A brain-eater finds stupid people repulsive.
322* YouthIsWastedOnTheDumb: Children and teenagers can be really stupid.
