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1A visual metaphor uses an image to represent something else entirely. Some have become standard through use and re-use -- some even to the point of having standard parodies or subversions.
3For internal emotions and sensations, visual metaphors mostly serve the RuleOfPerception. For external actions and events, they can serve as {{unusual euphemism}}s for [[NeverSayDie sex and violence]].
5See also BriffitsAndSqueans.
11* BackgroundHalo: saintliness or ChosenOne status.
12* BattleAura: passion/determination
13* BigLittleMan: something conveys size, but the person is actually small.
14* BigShadowLittleCreature: a ''shadow'' conveys size, but the ''animal'' is actually small.
15* CagedBirdMetaphor: confinement, usually for a young woman.
16* CanaryInACoalMine: while this is usually literal, it can be a metaphor for danger.
17* CardiovascularLove: Hearts used for romantic crushes.
18* CatchingSomeZs: snoring or sleep in general
19* CirclingBirdies: concussion
20* ConfusedQuestionMark: confusion, surprise
21* EndingByAscending: A character going up a staircase or ladder means their journey is coming to an end.
22* EyeColourChange: could mean a whole laundry list of things.
23* FireBreathingDiner: [[BlazingInfernoHellfireSauce hot, spicy food]]
24* FrustratedOverheadScribble: anger/frustration
25* HeartsAreHealth: health or life force
26* HighPressureEmotion: anger/embarrassment
27* HollywoodHacking: Visual metaphors used to interpret either real life coding terms or is just plain TechnoBabble. Sometimes they're combined.
28* Hot, strong emotions such as anger or lust:
29** Teakettle boiling: can be used to represent it building up and then reaching a peak when the kettle whistles.
30*** Same with a steam whistle on a boiler.
31** Volcanic eruption (see: ClimacticVolcanoBackdrop)
32** Explosion (see AngstNuke)
33** In anime, violently large [[{{Nosebleed}} nosebleeds]] (to indicate lust).
34* IdeaBulb: receiving inspiration
35* MarkedChange: acquisition of or increase in superpowers.
36* MusicIsEighthNotes: all music is represented by eighth notes (quavers).
37* OminousVisualGlitch: something glitches out, symbolising that something is going wrong. Might go hand in hand with HollywoodHacking.
38* PersonalRaincloud: sadness or depression
39* PowerDyesYourHair: superpower boost
40* PowerMakesYourHairGrow: becoming more powerful
41* SeparatedByTheWall: sympathy and disconnection, especially between lovers.
42* ShamefulShrinking: literally shrinking in shame
43* Spirals around the head: [[{{Brainwashing}} Mental tampering,]] usually forcefully.
44* ThinkingWheels: When a character is deep in thought, wheels are shown inside his head.
45* ThunderShock: shock
46* Small rising bubbles: Carries special meaning for drunkenness, but can also represent several other states of reduced mental function (including sleepiness, laziness and even hypnosis). Also known as [[BriffitsAndSqueans Squeans]].
47* SymbolicSereneSubmersion: Surrender, meditation, calm, overwhelm, isolation, or helplessness.
50* Drama:
51** DisturbedDoves
52* Excrement:
53** BowelBreakingBricks
54* Getting clocked:
55** Pile driver
56** Clock
57** BrokenFaceplate
58* Penis:
59** Banana
60** Hot dog (the fact that it's sometimes called a "wiener" helps)
61** Elephant (in Japanese things) - also eggplant (traditional phallic symbol) and turtle's heads (pun on a slang term for foreskin).
62** The ♂ symbol may also be used, with the arrow portion representing the penis itself.
63** [[PhallicWeapon A gun or a knife]]
64** Hose (especially to imply a man urinating)
65* Sex:
66** Large rocket lifting off
67** Train entering a tunnel
68** Jackhammering
69* Defloration[[note]]i.e. loss of a woman's virginity[[/note]]
70** A single falling flower petal, or a falling rosebud
71* Orgasm:
72** Geyser spouting
73** Fireworks
74** Champagne cork popping, followed by a frothy overflow
75** Screen awashes in white light
76** SomethingElseAlsoRises - visual metaphors for erections and/or orgasms.[[index]]
77* {{Phlegmings}} uses saliva or phlegm to suggest fear and fright.
78* PowerGlows uses glowing to show the presence of energy.
79* TimeCompressionMontage uses cuts to imply that a large amount of time has passed without showing the time directly.
80* AudibleSharpness is sometimes accompanied by the blade twinkling or shining as it makes the noise.
81* BigBallOfViolence uses a big cloud of smoke / dust to imply an intense fight going on.
82* TheFlameOfLife: Fire is used to represent life.
83* FloatingClocks big, spectral clocks to let you know you're [[TimeTravel traveling through time]].
84* Death:
85** X's on the eyes (can sometimes simply mean the person is unconscious).
86** A cut to a small animal dying.
87** {{Flatline}}s are sometimes used symbolically but can be used literally.
88** An item belonging to the dead/dying person lying discarded.
89** A character turning into an angel.
90** DyingCandle
91** Knife (to imply someone was murdered).
92** Coffin.
93** Tombstone.
94** Cutting to a church.
95* If fireworks or champagne corks aren't meant to symbolise an orgasm, they're often used to symbolise happiness, excitement, American patriotism (in the case of fireworks), or celebration. American patriotism is often symbolised by eagles as well.
96* Currency signs (e.g. "$") will symbolise {{greed}}, expense, or wealth.
97* A knife and fork in a thought bubble means a character is hungry.
98* The letter "X" is either used to [[XMarksTheSpot mark a spot]] or (especially if it's red) mean "no" or "prohibited".
99* A skull and crossbones means either "danger" or "pirates" depending on context. A skull by itself can mean either of those things or death.
100* A toilet in a thought bubble means someone's having a PottyEmergency.
101* Fish bones are used to mean something smells bad, an area is messy, or [[StockAnimalDiet a cat is nearby]].
102* Christmas:
103** Candy cane
104** Holly leaf
105** SantaClaus hat
106** Christmas tree
107* Babies:
108** Pacifier
109** Diaper pin
110** Kids' rattle
111** [[DeliveryStork Stork carrying a bundle]]
112** Crib
113** Stuffed animal
