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1->'' "This summer, all bets are off, the heat is on, the fix is in, the dogs are out, the game is up, the chips are down, the stakes are high, the odds are low, the danger is huge, the payoff is slim, friendships will be made, rules will be broken, wrongs will be righted, and no unturned stone will be left... uh..." ''
2-->-- '''A radio ad''', ''VideoGame/VampireTheMasqueradeBloodlines''
4Stock Phrases are a line of dialogue which get repeated very often in different fictional works, but always carrying the same meaning each and every time they are used. In many cases, they will only be uttered in a specific situation, and often with the same exact words each time. In [[BetterThanABareBulb lampshade-heavy]] works, may be followed with "IAlwaysWantedToSayThat".
6If the phrase is a signature line closely associated with a single character or specific work, it becomes their [[IndexOfCatchphrases catchphrase]].
8Closely related to the StockParodies. When you've heard the entire ''conversation'' before, it may have degenerated into a ClicheStorm. See also StockQuotes, which can be attributed to a single source but get quoted over and over in the same way each time.
10For "stock phrases" whose meaning is exclusive to Troper wiki culture, see the index of PredefinedMessages.
12See also ReviewerStandardComparisons.
14'''As of mid-2011, Administrivia/NoNewStockPhrases may be created.''' If you find yourself coming up with one, go to OtherStockPhrases.
21+ IAmAnIndex: Stock phrases that begin with "I am..."
22+ IndexOfCatchphrases: Stock phrases and quotes that a particular fictional character notably uses on a frequent basis.
23+ IndexOfGoodbyes: Stock phrases for when you leave someone's presence.
24+ InsultTropes: Classic ways of mocking people.
25+ LastWords: Final statements that people commonly say just before they die.
26+ OneLiner: Stock quips and remarks.
27+ OtherStockPhrases: A list of common phrases that don't have their own articles.
28+ ReviewerStockPhrases: Common phrases often used by critics when reviewing a work.
29+ SoundsOfScience: Common phrases used by [[TropesOnScienceAndUnscience scientists]] ({{mad|Scientist}} or otherwise).
30+ StockAmericanPhrases: Common phrases used in the United States.
31+ StockBritishPhrases: Common phrases used in the United Kingdom.
32+ UsefulNotes/StockJapanesePhrases: Common phrases used in Japan.
33+ StockLegalPhrases: A list of common phrases associated with [[TheCourtroomIndex courtroom trials]].
34+ StockQuotes: Famous statements attributed to various people ([[BeamMeUpScotty sometimes erroneously]]).
35+ TheseTropesShouldWatchTheirLanguage: Stock profanity and swear words.
36+ ThisTropeIsX: See the aptly named '''Stock Phrases''' folder.
37+ WhatIsThisIndex: Stock questions.
41* AbandonShip
42* AgainstMyReligion: A person refuses to do something because they protest that the action goes against their religious beliefs.
43* AgreeToDisagree
44* AllAccordingToPlan
45* AllOfThem
46* AlwaysWithYou
47* AmIRight
48* AnOfferYouCantRefuse
49* AndImTheQueenOfSheba: A character remarks about another character's seemingly improbable statement by making a claim about themselves that they themselves know isn't true in the least.
50* AndThenWhat: A character is asked to consider what they'll do once their plan finally succeeds.
51* AndThisIsFor: When inflicting violence on the enemy, the attacker declares that the attacks are given on behalf of people the enemy has directly or indirectly harmed.
52* AnyLastWords
53* AnythingButThat: A character pleads that they'll accept any punishment or torture except for this particular one.
54* AreWeGettingThis: A nearby news reporter or filming crew tries to videotape an unexpected, extraordinary event.
55* AreWeThereYet
56* AreYouSureYouCanDriveThisThing
57* AreYouSureYouWantToDoThat
58* ArentYouForgettingSomeone
59* AsYouKnow: A character tells information to another character that the other character should know already for the benefit of the audience.
60* AskAStupidQuestion (get a stupid answer)
61* AtLeastIAdmitIt: A character calls out another person for doing something bad, but is hardly a good person themselves. When this detail is pointed out, the person gives the excuse that at least they don't deny or lie about their transgressions.
62* AtomicFBomb: A character screams an obscenity as loud as they can.
63* AttackPatternAlpha
67* BecauseISaidSo
68* BeforeMyTime
69* BeingWatched
70* BestYearsOfYourLife
71* BetterThanSex: A character claims to find something so enjoyable that intercourse isn't that thrilling in comparison.
72* BigNever: Defiantly yelling out "Never!" in response to something undesirable.
73* BigNo: A character screams "No" in response to a misfortune that they really didn't want to happen.
74* BigOMG: Yelling out "Oh my God!" to express shock and surprise.
75* BigShutUp: Yelling at an annoying person to just "shut up".
76* BigStupidDoodooHead: A character resorts to using childish insults.
77* BigWhat: A character shouts "What?" in response to a revelation taking them by surprise.
78* BigWhy: A character screams "Why?" while lamenting a misfortune they've just suffered or a tragedy they've just witnessed.
79* BigYes: A charater triumphantly hollers "Yes" in response to things going their way.
80* BiggerIsBetter
81* BiggerThanJesus
82* BillBillJunkBill: A character goes through their mail while listing the stuff they weren't waiting to receive.
83* BlackmailIsSuchAnUglyWord: Insisting on referring to an immoral action with a term that downplays how wrong it is.
84* BlahBlahBlah
85* BluntNo
86* BluntYes
87* BowChickaWowWow
88* BrassBalls
89* ButThatIWouldBelieve
93* CantBelieveISaidThat
94* CarryTheOne
95* CheckPlease: Asking for the check to get out after some restaurant shenanigans.
96* ChewBubblegum
97* ChingChong: Racist gibberish used to refer to Chinese people.
98* ClassifiedInformation
99* ClosestThingWeGot
100* ClusterFBomb: Character repeatedly uses swear words in the same sentence.
101* ComeAlone
102* ComeOutComeOutWhereverYouAre
103* ComeToGawk
104* ComeWithMeIfYouWantToLive
105* CrackOhMyBack: Complaining about hurting one's back.
106* CrazyEnoughToWork
107* CurvesInAllTheRightPlaces
111* DeadManWalking
112* DefensiveWhat: A character exclaims "What?" in response to receiving awkward stares after their most recent action or statement.
113* DidIJustSayThatOutLoud
114* DidTheEarthMoveForYouToo
115* DidYouActuallyBelieve
116* DidYouDie: When a character is telling the story of a dangerous experience they went through, another asks if they survived even though it's obvious they did if they're around to tell the tale.
117* DidYouGetANewHaircut
118* DidYouThinkICantFeel
119* DidntSeeThatComing
120* DidntThinkThisThrough: A character learns the hard way that their plan failed to account for something that immediately makes it fall flat (or at least makes the plan a nightmare to carry out).
121* DidntWantAnAdventure
122* DidntWeUseThisJokeAlready
123* DiveDiveDive
124* DoIReallySoundLikeThat: A person hears a recording of themselves and expresses disbelief at how they apparently sound.
125* DoWithHimAsYouWill
126* DoYouTrustMe
127* DoesHeHaveABrother: Asking if a person one is attracted to but can't be with because they're spoken for if the person in question has a relative, implying an interest to at least hook up to the relative of the object of their affection.
128* DoesThatSoundLikeFunToYou
129* DoesThisMakeMeLookFat
130* ADogAteMyHomework: A child tells their teacher they haven't handed in their homework because the family dog chewed it up.
131* DontAnswerThat
132* DontAsk: Responding to a question by insisting the inquirer is better off not knowing the answer.
133* DontBeRidiculous: A character corrects another person making a ludicrous statement, then gives an observation that's just as (or even more) ridiculous.
134* DontDoAnythingIWouldntDo: You should behave yourself by following someone else's restraints.
135* DontLookAtMe
136* DontLookDown
137* DontMakeMeDestroyYou
138* DontSaySuchStupidThings
139* DontSneakUpOnMeLikeThat
140* DontTouchItYouIdiot: A character is warned not to touch something dangerous, but touches it anyway.
141* DontTryThisAtHome: A disclaimer appears in works of fiction featuring imitable behavior to warn audiences that they could get hurt, or even killed, if they try to mimic what the characters are doing.
142* DontYouDarePityMe
143* DoubleDontKnow
144* DrinkingTheKoolAid
148* TheEasyWayOrTheHardWay
149* EatMyDust
150* EatTheRich
151* ElevatorFloorAnnouncement
152* EspeciallyZoidberg
153* EvenBadMenLoveTheirMamas
154* ExpectingSomeoneTaller: Remarking that a famous person doesn't look like how you pictured them.
155* ExtraExtraReadAllAboutIt
159* FellOffTheBackOfATruck
160* FigureItOutYourself
161* FineYouCanJustWaitHereAlone
162* FinishHim
163* FirstNameUltimatum: Yelling a person's given name to let them know that they are in big trouble.
164* FlatWhat
165* FollowThatCar
166* ForScience: Excusing immoral actions on the basis that the actions are necessary for scientific progress.
167* ForYourOwnGood
168* ForYourPeopleByYourPeople
172* {{Gesundheit}}: A character uses a big word and is mistaken for sneezing.
173* GetAHoldOfYourselfMan
174* GetARoom
175* GetItOverWith
176* GetOut: Making it clear to someone that you want them to leave this instant.
177* GetYourMindOutOfTheGutter
178* GiveAManAFish
179* GiveMeAReason: A character eagerly looks for an excuse to inflict violence upon someone.
180* GiveMeASign
181* GiveMeASword
182* GiveMyRegardsInTheNextWorld
183* GladHesOnOurSide
184* GladIThoughtOfIt: Taking credit for ideas someone else came up with.
185* GoThroughMe
186* GoToYourRoom
187* GodHelpUsAll
188* TheGoldenRule
189* GoneHorriblyWrong
190* GonnaNeedMoreX
191* GoodIsOldFashioned
192* GoodNewsBadNews
193* GoodNightSweetPrince
194* GoodbyeCruelWorld: A statement likely to be found on a suicide note or to be exclaimed by someone before they take their own life.
195* GravityIsOnlyATheory
196* GrudgingThankYou
200* HappyBirthdayToYou
201* HasTwoThumbsAnd
202* HaveWeMet
203* HaveYouComeToGloat
204* HaveYouToldAnyoneElse
205* HaventYouSeenXBefore
206* HavingAHeart
207* HeDidntMakeIt
208* HeHadAName: Calling a person out on dismissing someone they killed as inconsequential by pointing out that their victim had an identity.
209* HeWentThatWay
210* HehHehYouSaidX: A character laughs at someone else using a word that sounds dirty.
211* HelpImStuck
212* HereWeGoAgain: Characters point out that they're going through a repetition of the situation they've just gone through.
213* HesGotAWeapon
214* HeyThatsMyLine
215* HeyWait
216* HiMom
217* HisNameIs: A character dies before they can reveal crucial information.
218* HitYouSoHardYourXWillFeelIt
219* HowDareYouDieOnMe
220* HowDidThatGetInThere
221* Administrivia/HowDidWeMissThisOne
222* HowDidYouKnowIDidnt: After a character manages to solve the problem, they are asked how they knew what to do. The character replies that they didn't know what had to be done and that it's actually a coincidence that their actions solved the problem.
223* HowIsThatEvenPossible: A character witnesses an impossible event and asks how it could possibly happen.
224* HowManyFingers
225* HowMuchDidYouHear
226* HowTheMightyHaveFallen
227* HowWouldYouLikeToDie
231* IAlwaysWantedToSayThat
232* IAmAMonster
233* IAmBigBoned
234* IAmDyingPleaseTakeMyMacGuffin: A dying person gives a plot-important object to the heroes before dying.
235* IAmLegion
236* IAmNotHim
237* IAmOneOfThoseToo
238* IAmSpartacus
239* IAmTheNoun
240* IAmWhatIAm
241* IAmXSonOfY
242* IAmYourOpponent
243* IAteWhat: A character is disgusted upon realizing they just ate something really gross.
244* IBangedYourMom
245* IBelieveThatYouBelieveIt
246* IBrokeANail
247* ICanExplain
248* ICanLiveWithThat: A character responds to being told that the action they're about to take isn't in their best interests by stating that they're prepared to accept the consequences.
249* ICanSeeMyHouseFromHere
250* ICanSeeYou
251* ICantBelieveAGuyLikeYouWouldNoticeMe
252* ICantBelieveImSayingThis: A character acknowledges that they're saying something they didn't expect to ever say.
253* ICantDoThisByMyself
254* ICantFeelMyLegs
255* ICantHearYou
256* ICantSeeMyself
257* ICantSenseTheirPresence
258* IComeInPeace
259* IDidWhatIHadToDo
260* IDidntMeanToKillHim
261* IDidntTellYouBecauseYoudBeUnhappy
262* IDoNotDrinkWine
263* IDontLikeYouAndYouDontLikeMe
264* IDontPayYouToThink: The boss makes it clear that they don't give a fig about what their employees/underlings have to say.
265* IDontThinkThatsSuchAGoodIdea
266* IDontWantToRuinOurFriendship
267* IForgiveYou
268* IGaveMyWord
269* IHaveAFamily: A character pleads to be spared because they have a family.
270* IHaveJustOneThingToSay
271* IHaveMyWays
272* IHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing
273* IHaveNoSon: Disavowing one's own child due to not approving of what they did or how they chose to live their life.
274* IHaveThisFriend: A character asks for advice on how to deal with a problem they have, but they claim that it's a non-existent friend who has the problem to avoid embarrassing themselves.
275* IHaveYouNowMyPretty
276* IHaveYourWife: Threatening someone into doing what you want them to by holding a loved one of theirs hostage.
277* IHeardThat
278* IHitYouYouHitTheGround
279* IJustKnew
280* IKnewIt: What audiences are likely to say when it turns out that their speculations about the work are completely accurate.
281* IKnewThereWasSomethingAboutYou
282* IKnowKarate
283* IKnowYoureInThereSomewhereFight
284* IKnowYoureWatchingMe
285* ILied: Villain admits to not telling the truth.
286* ILikeMyXLikeILikeMyY
287* ILikeThoseOdds
288* ILoveTheSmellOfXInTheMorning
289* IMissMom
290* INeedAFreakingDrink: A character remarks that they need a drink to make it clear how exasperated or depressed they are about the current situation.
291* INeedToGoIronMyDog: Giving an excuse to leave that sounds improbable and blatantly made up.
292* IReadItForTheArticles
293* IRegretNothing: Character admits they have no remorse for anything they've done wrong.
294* IRememberBecause
295* IRememberItLikeItWasYesterday
296* IResembleThatRemark: A character objects to an insult in a way that proves it.
297* IShallReturn
298* IShouldHaveBeenBetter
299* IShouldHaveDoneThisYearsAgo
300* ISurrenderSuckers: A character appears to concede a fight, only to launch an attack the moment their opponent lets their guard down.
301* ITakeOffenseToThatLastOne: A character hears a bunch of insults directed at them, but only gets upset or the most offended by the last and/or weakest of the insults.
302* ITasteDelicious
303* IThinkYouBrokeHim
304* IWantGrandkids: A parent makes it clear that they want their child to be a parent themselves.
305* IWantMyMommy: A character in trouble pleads for their mother to come and save them, which can be played for comedy or drama.
306* IWantThemAlive
307* IWarnedYou
308* IWasBornReady
309* IWasJustJoking: A character makes a facetious statement and is shocked when their claim is taken seriously.
310* IWasJustPassingThrough
311* IWasNeverHere
312* IWasYoungAndNeededTheMoney
313* IWillShowYouX
314* IWillTearYourArmsOff
315* IWillWaitForYou
316* IWontSayImGuilty
317* IWorkAlone: A character refuses to allow partners and prefers to do their job by themselves.
318* IdTellYouButThenIdHaveToKillYou
319* IfICantHaveYou
320* IfIDoNotReturn
321* IfIHadANickel: A character remarks on what they'd be able to afford if they had enough of a specific unit of currency for every time something happened or every time they heard a specific phrase used.
322* IfIWantYourOpinion
323* IfIWantedXIWouldY
324* IfIWantedYouDead
325* IfMyCalculationsAreCorrect
326* IfWeSurviveThis
327* IfYouEverDoAnythingToHurtHer
328* IfYouKillHimYouWillBeJustLikeHim
329* IfYouThoughtThatWasBad
330* IfYouWontIWill
331* IllBeYourBestFriend: A character tries to get another to do what they want by promising to be their best friend if they comply.
332* IllKillYou: Directly threatening to murder someone.
333* IllTakeThatAsACompliment
334* IllTellYouWhenIveHadEnough: A character drinking at a bar gets hostile when the bartender tries to tell them that they need to go easy on the boozing.
335* ImADoctorNotAPlaceholder
336* ImColdSoCold: When a person is dying, they comment that they feel cold.
337* ImGoingToDisneyWorld
338* ImGoingToHellForThis: A character quips that they're likely to go to Hell for something they just did.
339* ImMelting
340* ImNotAHeroIm
341* ImNotAfraidOfYou
342* ImNotDoingThatAgain
343* ImNotHereToMakeFriends
344* ImNotHungry
345* ImOkay
346* ImStandingRightHere: An objection a character may give when someone is openly insulting them while they're in earshot.
347* ImYourBiggestFan
348* ImYourWorstNightmare
349* ImagineTheAudienceNaked
350* {{Incoming}}
351* InLoveWithLove
352* IsItSomethingYouEat
353* IsNothingSacred
354* IsThatAThreat
355* IsThatTheBestYouCanDo
356* IsThatWhatHeToldYou
357* IsThereADoctorInTheHouse
358* IsThisAJoke
359* IsThisThingOn
360* IsThisThingStillOn
361* ItAmusedMe
362* ItBelongsInAMuseum
363* ItCantBeHelped
364* ItDoesntMeanAnything
365* ItGetsEasier
366* ItHasBeenAnHonor
367* ItHasOnlyJustBegun
368* ItIsNotYourTime
369* ItMayHelpYouOnYourQuest
370* ItMeantSomethingToMe
371* ItNeverGetsAnyEasier
372* ItSeemedLikeAGoodIdeaAtTheTime
373* ItWasAGift
374* ItWasHereISwear
375* ItWasntEasy
376* ItsALongStory
377* ItsAllMyFault
378* ItsLikeIAlwaysSay
379* ItsNotYouItsMe
380* ItsPersonal
381* ItsQuietTooQuiet
382* ItsTheBestWhateverEver
383* ItsTheOnlyWay
384* ItsTheOnlyWayToBeSure
385* ItsWhatIDo
386* IveComeTooFar
387* IveGotAnXAndImNotAfraidToUseIt
388* IveHeardOfThatWhatIsIt: A character mentions something as if they know what it is, then asks what that thing is exactly.
389* IveNeverSeenAnythingLikeThisBefore
393* [[{{Jaccuse}} J'accuse!]]
394* JoeSentMe
395* JoinedYourParty
396* JumpIllCatchYou
397* JumpOffABridgeRebuttal
398* JustAKid
399* JustBetweenYouAndMe
400* JustFollowingOrders: The villain's minions try to avoid punishment with the excuse that it was their job to do as they were instructed.
401* JustOneMan
402* JustSmileAndNod
403* JustTestingYou
404* JusticeWillPrevail
408* KillHimAlready: The hero's allies demand that he kill the bad guy already.
409* KlaatuBaradaNikto
413* LadiesAndGerms
414* LeaveHimToMe
415* LeaveMeAlone
416* LeaveNoSurvivors
417* LeaveNoWitnesses
418* LetMeGetThisStraight
419* LetUsNeverSpeakOfThisAgain: Characters agree to never say a word of this incident ever again.
420* LetsDance
421* LetsGetDangerous
422* LetsGetOutOfHere
423* LetsHaveAnotherBaby
424* LetsJustBeFriends
425* LetsSplitUpGang
426* LieBackAndThinkOfEngland
427* LifeIsntFair: When someone complains about their misfortunes, another person (who may in fact be responsible for their suffering) tells them that life isn't (supposed to or said to be) fair and sometimes add that they therefore have no apparent right to complain about their greivences.
428* LikeASonToMe
429* LikeAnOldMarriedCouple
430* LittleDidIKnow: Foreshadowing life-turning events by mentioning the character's initial ignorance of them.
431* LittleNo
432* LookBehindYou: Tricking someone into looking away by claiming that something they'd be interested in seeing is nearby.
433* LookMaIAmOnTV
434* LostMyAppetite
435* TheLastThingYouEverSee
439* MakeAnExampleOfThem
440* MakesUsEven
441* [[AppealToFamilialWisdom Mama Said]]
442* MatterOfLifeAndDeath
443* MayIBorrowACupOfSugar
444* MetaphorIsMyMiddleName: A character claims that a certain quality or attribute is their middle name to emphasize that they are the right person for the job requiring said quality or attribute.
445* MirandaRights "You have the right to remain silent..."
446* MiseryBuildsCharacter
447* MisplacedADecimalPoint
448* MoveAlongNothingToSeeHere
449* MyCard
450* MyDadCanBeatUpYourDad
451* MyEyesAreUpHere: A woman calls a person out for staring at her breasts.
452* MyGodWhatHaveIDone
453* MyGodYouAreSerious
454* MyGrandmaCanDoBetterThanYou
455* MyLifeFlashedBeforeMyEyes
456* MyParentsAreDead
457* MyWayOrTheHighway: "You either do as I say, or you're out. No discussions, no excuses."
458* TheMenFirst
459* {{My X Is a Y}}
463* NameOne
464* TheNativesAreRestless
465* NeverBringAKnifeToAGunFight
466* NeverHeardThatOneBefore
467* NeverTellMeTheOdds
468* NeverWorkWithChildrenOrAnimals
469* NewLookSameGreatTaste
470* NiceKitty
471* NoAnimalsAllowed (often spoken as "No Pets Allowed")
472* NoIntelligentLifeHere
473* NoMatterHowMuchIBeg
474* NoOneCouldSurviveThat: Doubts are cast on a person's survival immediately before it turns out that, yes, the person is still alive.
475* NoPeekingRequest: A character requests another to turn away or not to look while they perform an action.
476* NoQuestionsAsked
477* NoTimeToExplain
478* NoYou: Responding to an insult by parroting the insult at the person who just gave it.
479* NoYouGoFirst
480* NoYouHangUpFirst
481* {{NOT}}: Exclaiming "NOT" after saying something to make it clear that what you just said wasn't sincere.
482* NotAGame
483* NotAfraidOfYouAnymore
484* NotBad
485* NotBigEnoughForTheTwoOfUs
486* NotHowImDyingDeclaration
487* NotInKansasAnymore
488* NotInMyBackyard
489* NotInMyContract
490* NotInTheFace
491* NotLikeOtherGirls
492* NotListeningToMeAreYou
493* NotMyDriver
494* NotNowKiddo: Dismissing children when they're trying to inform you of something important.
495* NotOnTheList
496* NotSafeForWork: Material on the Internet that could get you fired when viewed at work due to containing risque content.
497* NotThatKindOfPartner
498* NotWhatISignedOnFor
499* NotWhatItLooksLike: A character is caught in a compromising situation and tries to inform observers that what's happening isn't what it looks like.
500* NotWithTheSafetyOnYouWont
501* NotYourDaddysX: A phrase indicating that a reintroduced product from the past is much different from how it was before.
502* NotYourProblem
503* NothingCanSaveUsNow
504* NothingCanStopUsNow
505* NothingExcitingEverHappensHere
506* NothingPersonal
507* NowILayMeDownToSleep
508* NowItsMyTurn
509* NowWhat
510* NowYouTellMe
514* OhCrap: A character is shocked at the realization that they are in big trouble.
515* OhGodWithTheVerbing
516* OhNoNotAgain
517* OhNoYouDidnt
518* OhTheHumanity
519* OhWait
520* OnAScaleFromOneToTen
521* OnSecondThought
522* OnceUponATime: The first four words of many fairy tales.
523* OneThingLedToAnother
524* OpenAndShutCase: Ironic OneLiner about a case so obviously easy to close.
525* OrAreYouJustHappyToSeeMe: Asking someone if they have an erection while giving a less risque reason they could be having a bulge in their pants.
526* OrMyNameIsnt
527* OrSoIHeard
528* OwMyBodyPart
532* PermissionToSpeakFreely
533* PickOnSomeoneYourOwnSize
534* PleaseDontLeaveMe
535* PleaseIWillDoAnything
536* PleasePutSomeClothesOn: Requesting a naked person to get dressed.
537* PleaseWakeUp: A child attempts to wake a corpse up because they think the dead person is just sleeping.
538* ThePlotThickens
539* PopularSayingBut
540* PreemptiveApology
541* PreemptiveShutUp: Telling someone to shut up when they haven't even said anything.
542* PrepareToDie
543* PresentCompanyExcluded: Apologizing to someone after making a generalizing insult that you didn't intend to offend that person with.
544* PromiseMeYouWontX
545* PutDownYourGunAndStepAway
549* QuitYourWhining
553* RapidFireBut
554* RapidFireNo
555* RapidFireShutUp
556* RapidFireYes
557* ReadTheFreakingManual
558* ReadingsAreOffTheScale
559* TheRealHeroes: Ordinary servicemen everyday civilians deserve more respect and recognition for their misdeeds than any superhero.
560* ResistanceIsFutile
561* ARiddleWrappedInAMysteryInsideAnEnigma
562* RidiculousCounterRequest
563* RightBehindMe: A character insults someone who turns out to be standing behind them the whole time.
564* RightUnderTheirNoses
565* RuleNumberOne
569* AStormIsComing
570* SandInMyEyes
571* SawItInAMovieOnce
572* SayMyName
573* SeeYouInHell
574* SeizeThem
575* SendMeBack: Character becomes attached to the place they were sent away to. Upon returning home, they demand to be sent back.
576* ShameIfSomethingHappened
577* SheIsNotMyGirlfriend
578* SheWillComeForMe
579* ShootEverythingThatMoves
580* SickAndWrong
581* SignOfTheApocalypse
582* SilenceYouFool
583* SlicesDicesAndMakesJulienneFries
584* SlipIntoSomethingMoreComfortable
585* SoBeautifulItsACurse
586* SoLongSuckers
587* SoProudOfYou: A character makes it clear that they are proud of how far their loved one or pupil has gone.
588* SoWasX
589* SoWhatDoWeDoNow
590* SoYouWereSaying
591* SomeOfMyBestFriendsAreX: A racist or other bigot tries to defend themselves by claiming to be friends with some of the people they're bigoted against.
592* SomeoneHasToDoIt
593* SomeonesTouchingMyButt: A bunch of people are moving in the dark and someone complains that they're being touched in a personal place.
594* SomethingWeForgot
595* SorryImGay: Turning down the advances of a member of the opposite sex by claiming you're gay.
596* SpySpeak
597* StandardPoliceMotto (including "To protect and to serve")
598* StatingTheSimpleSolution
599* StayFrosty
600* StillGotIt
601* StockScream: Stock audio of screams that tend to be used in movies and television shows.
602* StopOrIWillShoot
603* StopSayingThat
604* TheStrengthOfTenMen
605* StupidestThingIveEverHeard
606* SuchAPhony: One character talks crap about another but pretends to be nice in their presence.
607* SureLetsGoWithThat: A character assumes what they think is the reason behind another person's actions and the other person agrees in a way that implies this wasn't the real reason they did it.
611* TakeCareOfTheKids
612* TakeMeInstead
613* TakeMeToYourLeader
614* TakeTheWheel
615* TakeUpMySword
616* TakingYouWithMe
617* TalkToTheHand
618* TastesLikeChicken
619* TellMeAboutMyFather
620* ThatDidntHappen
621* ThatLiarLies
622* ThatManIsDead
623* ThatWasntARequest
624* ThatsAnOrder
625* ThatsGottaHurt
626* ThatsWhatICallX
627* ThatsWhatIWouldDo
628* ThatsWhatSheSaid
629* TheThreeCertaintiesInLife
630* TheTropeFormerlyKnownAsX
631* ThereAreNoCoincidences
632* ThereAreNoRules
633* ThereAreTwoKindsOfPeopleInTheWorld
634* ThereIsAGod: A character is happy about something they wanted to happen and sees it as proof that God does exist.
635* ThereIsNoTry
636* TheseHandsHaveKilled: A character is upset at the realization that they just killed someone.
637* TheyCalledMeMad
638* TheyDontMakeThemLikeTheyUsedTo
639* TheyHaveTheScent
640* TheyKnewTheRisks
641* ThickerThanWater
642* ThinkNothingOfIt
643* ThisAintRocketSurgery
644* ThisCannotBe: Once defeated, the villain exclaims their disbelief that their downfall has happened.
645* ThisExplainsSoMuch
646* ThisIsACompetition and I'm here to win.
647* ThisIsAsFarAsIGo
648* ThisIsGonnaSuck: A character resignedly states that what's about to happen to them is going to be very unpleasant.
649* ThisIsNoTimeForKnitting
650* ThisIsNoTimeToPanic
651* ThisIsNotADrill
652* ThisIsReality: A joke where a fictional character addresses that the real world isn't at all like fiction.
653* ThisIsSomethingHesGotToDoHimself
654* ThisIsTheFinalBattle
655* ThisIsThePartWhere
656* ThisIsUnforgivable: Making it clear to someone that they've crossed the line and that they cannot be forgiven for their misdeed.
657* ThisIsWrongOnSoManyLevels
658* ThisMeansWar
659* ThisSongGoesOutToTvTropes
660* ThoseWereOnlyTheirScouts
661* ThreeTwoOne
662* {{Timber}}
663* TimeForPlanB
664* TimmyInAWell
665* TiredOfRunning
666* ToAbsentFriends: Proposing a toast to the deceased, usually reserved for heroes.
667* ToMakeALongStoryShort
668* TodayXTomorrowTheWorld
669* TogetherWeAreX: Members of an {{ensemble|s}} introduce themselves first individually and then as a team.
670* TooSlow
671* TooYoungToDieLamentation: A character in danger of getting killed laments that they don't want to die yet because of how much they haven't experienced yet.
672* TrialBalloonQuestion
673* TrustMeImAnX
674* TryNotToDie
675* TurnOffTheCamera
676* TurnYourHeadAndCough
677* TwoOutOfThreeAintBad
678* TwoWordsAddedEmphasis: A character emphasizes their point by saying "Two (or any number of) words", followed by the number of words relevant to what the character is trying to say.
679* TwoWordsICantCount: An attempt at TwoWordsAddedEmphasis is flubbed by the person not getting the number of words right.
683* UnaccustomedAsIAmToPublicSpeaking
684* UnstoppableForceMeetsImmovableObject
688* VerbThis
692* WaitHere
693* WalkThePlank
694* WalkThisWay
695* TheWarHasJustBegun
696* WasItAllALie: Someone starts to sense that they've been lied to by a loved or otherwise trusted one and begins to wonder if the fabrication means everything about the relationship was insincere.
697* WasJustLeaving: An intense or embarrassing situation causes a character to excuse themself or be dismissed by another
698* WasntThatFun
699* WeAllDieSomeday: Pointing out this notion or statistic, often casually.
700* WeAreEverywhere
701* WeGottaStopMeetingLikeThis
702* WeHaveWaysOfMakingYouTalk
703* WeMeetAgain: Two enemies acknowledge that they've crossed paths again.
704* WeNeedToGetProof
705* WeOnlyHaveOneChance
706* WeWait
707* WeWillMeetAgain: After his plan is thwarted, the villain promises that he will be back someday to have his revenge against the hero.
708* WelcomeToHell
709* WelcomeToMyWorld
710* WellSeeAboutThat
711* WentToTheGreatXInTheSky: A common euphemism for death is to say that the person went to the great (place appropriate to the deceased's personality, interests or habits) in the sky.
712* WeveGotCompany
713* DarthWiki/WhatAnIdiot: What audiences might say about a character doing something profoundly stupid.
714* WhatASenselessWasteOfHumanLife
715* WhatAreYouInFor: A person in jail is asked by their cellmate what they did that resulted in their incarceration.
716* WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong: You want to avoid a TemptingFate? NEVER ask this question!
717* WhatDidIDoLastNight: Someone wakes up after a night of heavy drinking or drug use and tries to remember what happened while they were drunk or high.
718* WhatDidYouExpectWhenYouNamedIt
719* WhatDoesSheSeeInHim
720* WhatDoesThisButtonDo
721* WhatHaveIBecome
722* WhatHaveYouDoneForMeLately
723* WhatHeSaid: Saying "What (that person just) said" to make it clear that you are in agreement with them and that you have nothing to say that the other person already said.
724* WhatIsGoingOn
725* WhatIsThisX
726* WhatTheHellAreYou
727* WhatWereYouThinking
728* WhatWouldXDo
729* WhatYearIsThis
730* WhatsAnXLikeYouDoingInAYLikeThis
731* WhatsHeGotThatIAintGot: A character jealous of the attention and praise another person gets asks what their competition has that they are lacking.
732* WhatsInItForMe
733* WhenIWasYourAge: An older person rambles on how things were when they were younger.
734* WhenItRainsItPours
735* WhenLifeGivesYouLemons
736* WhenYouComingHomeDad
737* WhereDaWhiteWomenAt
738* WhereDidWeGoWrong
739* WhereIsYourXNow
740* WhereWereYouLastNight
741* WheresTheFunInThat
742* WhoAreYou
743* WhoDares
744* WhoWatchesTheWatchmen
745* WhoWouldBeStupidEnough
746* WhoWouldWantToWatchUs: A joke in a television series where the characters laugh at the idea of someone making a show about their exploits.
747* WhoYouGonnaCall
748* WhyAreYouLookingAtMeLikeThat
749* WhyCouldntYouSaveThem
750* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes
751* WhyDidntIThinkOfThat
752* WhyDontYouJustShootHim: When the villain tries to kill their enemies, they never take the easy way out.
753* WhyDontYouMarryIt
754* WhyIsntItAttacking
755* WhyWeCantHaveNiceThings
756* WhyWontYouDie: A character tries to kill someone, only to exasperatedly demand to know why their would-be victim keeps surviving every attempt at doing them in.
757* WithDueRespect
758* WithOrWithoutYou
759* (You're either) WithUsOrAgainstUs
760* WordSchmord: Expressing dismissal towards something by saying a word and the same word with the beginning consonents replaced with "Schm".
761* WorstWhateverEver
762* WorthIt: A character has suffered because of their actions, but is content with it because they still got what they wanted anway.
763* WouldRatherSuffer: A person makes it clear how much they hate something by claiming they'd rather do something very unpleasant.
764* WouldYouLikeToHearHowTheyDied
765* WroteTheBook
769* XCalledTheyWantTheirYBack
773* YearsTooEarly
774* YouAndWhatArmy
775* YouAnsweredYourOwnQuestion
776* YouAreACreditToYourRace: A bigot compliments a member of the minority they discriminate against in a backhanded way by calling them "one of the good ones".
777* YouAreAlreadyDead
778* YouAreFat: Bluntly calling someone fat.
779* YouAreGrounded
780* YouAreInCommandNow
781* YouAreNotAlone: Telling a troubled person that they're not the only one facing their kind of problems.
782* YouAreNotReady
783* YouBastard: The audience is called out for enjoying the characters' suffering.
784* YouCalledMeXItMustBeSerious: A character realizes they're in big trouble when someone addresses them in a way they aren't normally addressed.
785* YouCanKeepHer
786* YouCanRunButYouCantHide
787* YouCanSayThatAgain
788* YouCanSeeMe
789* YouCanTalk
790* YouCantMakeAnOmelette
791* YouCantMissIt
792* YouCouldHaveUsedYourPowersForEvil: The villain considers it a waste that the hero used his powers to do good.
793* YouCouldHaveUsedYourPowersForGood: The hero laments that the villain could have done good deeds with his powers instead of evil ones.
794* YouDidEverythingYouCould
795* YouDidTheRightThing
796* YouDidntAsk: A character is asked why they didn't say anything about the detail the others learned the hard way and the character rationalizes that the others never asked them about it.
797* YouDidntSeeThat
798* YouDoNotHaveToSayAnything
799* YouDoNotWantToKnow: Answering a question by insisting that the inquirer is better off not knowing the answer.
800* YouExclamation
801* YouFool
802* YouGotGuts
803* YouHadUsWorriedThere
804* YouHaveFailedMe: The villain executes an underling as punishment for screwing up.
805* YouHaveGotToBeKiddingMe
806* YouHaveNoChanceToSurvive
807* YouHaveNoIdeaWhoYoureDealingWith
808* YouHaveOutlivedYourUsefulness: The villain executes an underling once their services are no longer needed.
809* YouHaveToBelieveMe
810* YouJustHadToSayIt
811* YouJustRuinedTheShot: The hero thinks someone is in danger and rushes in to help, only to be yelled at by the director for ruining a movie scene being filmed.
812* YouKilledMyFather
813* YouKnowImBlackRight
814* YouKnowWhatThatMeans
815* YouKnowWhatTheySay
816* YouKnowWhatTheySayAboutX
817* YouKnowWhatToDo
818* YouKnowWhatYouDid
819* YouLeaveHimAlone
820* YouLookLikeYouveSeenAGhost
821* YouMakeMeSick
822* YouMeddlingKids
823* YouMonster: Calling someone a monster to make it clear that you find their actions loathsome and horrid.
824* YouNeedABreathMint: Commenting on someone having bad breath.
825* YouNeedToGetLaid: Remarking on someone's obsessive behavior by implying they'd mellow out if they had sex.
826* YouNeverDidThatForMe
827* YouOweMe
828* YouPutTheXInXY
829* YouRebelScum
830* YouRemindMeOfX
831* YouSaidYouCouldntDance
832* YouSaidYouWouldLetThemGo: The villain is called out for not keeping their promise of not hurting someone.
833* YouShouldHaveDiedInstead: A person whose loved one has died wishes that it was a person they despised who died instead.
834* YouSquared
835* (Are) YouTalkinToMe
836* YouTalkTooMuch
837* YouTaughtMeThat
838* YouWannaGetSued
839* YouWatchTooMuchX
840* YouWillBeSpared
841* YouWillKnowWhatToDo
842* YouWontFeelAThing
843* YouWontLikeHowITaste: A character about to be eaten tries to talk the person ready to consume them out of eating them by claiming they taste horrible.
844* YouWouldDoTheSameForMe
845* YouWouldntBelieveMeIfIToldYou
846* YouWouldntHitAGuyWithGlasses
847* YouWouldntLikeMeWhenImAngry
848* YourAnswerToEverything
849* YourFavorite
850* YourLittleDismissiveDiminutive
851* YourMom: Annoying someone by insulting their mother.
852* YourOtherLeft: A person tells someone to move to their left and resorts to instructing "other left" when the other person goes the wrong way.
853* YoureCuteWhenYoureAngry
854* YoureInsane: Calling someone insane to make it clear that you find their actions/intentions to be utterly ridiculous, if not extremely dangerous.
855* YoureJustJealous
856* YoureNotMyFather
857* YoureNotMyType
858* YoureNothingWithoutYourPhlebotinum
