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1You may be looking for one of the following:
2* AccidentalMisnaming: When someone mistakenly calls another by the wrong name.
3* AdaptationNameChange: A character's name or term from the work is deliberately altered when adapted for another audience or media format.
4* AsLongAsItSoundsForeign: In the case of a misspelled or poorly transliterated foreign name.
5* DubNameChange: One or more characters have their name drastically changed once their work gets translated.
6** BarelyChangedDubName: A character's name is only slightly changed in translation.
7* InconsistentDub: A dub uses inconsistent naming or story telling in translation.
8* InconsistentSpelling: The creators of a work have multiple spellings for a name or term from the work. Previously known as "Spell My Name with an S".
9* MaliciousMisnaming: When someone maliciously calls another by the wrong name.
10* MyNaymeIs: A character InUniverse spells their name in an unusual way in order to stand out.
11* ViewerNameConfusion: Members of the audience have a mistaken impression of what a character's name is, which may include the name's spelling.
12* WritingAroundTrademarks: What do you mean this name was already trademarked!? Oh well, I'll just change it a bit!
13* ''Film/SpellMyNameWithAnS'': A film based on the short story of the same name by Creator/IsaacAsimov.
14* ''Literature/SpellMyNameWithAnS'': A 1958 short story by Creator/IsaacAsimov.
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