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1[[JustForFun/LousyAlternateTitles Alternate title]]: [[WhatDoYouMeanItsNotAnIndex What Do You Mean,]] {{Our|TropesAreDifferent}} UsefulNotes/{{Jesus}} [[DidYouJustIndexCthulhu and Cthulhu]] [[OurTropesAreDifferent Are Different]], [[ScrewThisIndexIHaveTropes So Screw The]] [[SortingAlgorithmOfTropes Sliding Scale of]] [[WhatMeasureIsAnIndex What Measure Is]] [[GoodAndEvilForYourConvenience Good and Evil]] TrueArt [[SortingAlgorithmOfTropes vs.]] [[ThisIndexWillBeImportantLater Chekhov's]] {{Nightmare|Fuel}} [[AppliedPhlebotinum Phlebotinum]]! [[GarnishingTheStory Everything's Better with]] [[AdverblyAdjectiveNoun Adverbly Adjective]] {{Hollywood|Style}}-{{Gambit|Index}} [[SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome Moments of]] {{Doom|yDoomsOfDoom}} [[InDexMachina Ex Machina]], [[ThisIsForEmphasisBitch BITCH!]] [[AC:([[Justforfun/RecycledINSPACE IN SPAAAAACEE!!!!]])]]
3It's a fairly common practice in the wiki to make puns based on pre-existing trope titles. Outside of this wiki, this is called a "snowclone", where in a sentence "X is the new Y", anything the speaker wants to use can be substituted for X and Y.
5The term "snowclone" originated on [[ Language Log]], from multiple examples of people claiming "[Culture X] has [Y] words for [concept Z.]" based on the statement that "Eskimos have 50 words for snow."
7But very often, this new trope will have nothing whatsoever to do with its namesake. ([[Administrivia/EverythingsWorseWithSnowclones And that's bad]].)
9The Title Bin was the place where silly wordplay used to go if it couldn't be justified by the trope description, as more creative ways of Administrivia/NamingATrope should be used. It was eventually deleted as too few of the entries displayed any actual humor.
11See also Administrivia/EverythingsWorseWithSnowclones for more reasons that you ''shouldn't'' name tropes this way.
13!!Index of Snowclones:
15* AdaptationDeviation (Adaptational X)
16* AdverblyAdjectiveNoun
17* AnimeReality
18* ArchaicWeaponForAnAdvancedAge (from ElegantWeaponForAMoreCivilizedAge)
19* ArtisticLicense
20* From BizarreAlienBiology:
21** BizarreAlienLimbs
22** BizarreAlienLocomotion
23** BizarreAlienPsychology
24** BizarreAlienReproduction
25** BizarreAlienSenses
26** BizarreAlienSexes
27* BloodIsSquickerInWater
28* From ButNotTooBlack:
29** ButNotTooBi
30** ButNotTooChallenging
31** ButNotTooEvil
32** ButNotTooForeign
33** ButNotTooGay
34** ButNotTooWhite
35* DidYouJustIndexCthulhu
36* DoomyDoomsOfDoom
37* FairyDevilmother (from FairyGodmother)
38* FooFu
39* From GarnishingTheStory:
40** EverythingsBetterWithX
41** GratuitousX
42* GodKartingWithBeelzebub (from GoKartingWithBowser)
43* GoodAndEvilForYourConvenience
44* HeelFaceIndex
45* HollywoodStyle
46* HumansAreIndexed
47* IndExMachina
48* JustForFun/IndexName
49* IndexOfTheWeek
50* InfauxmationDesk (from InformationDesk)
51* LiteralMoneyMetaphor
52* MacGuffinSnowclones
53* MadeOfIndex
54* From MoralEventHorizon (X Is a Special Kind of Evil):
55** ChildAbuseIsASpecialKindOfEvil
56** HateCrimesAreASpecialKindOfEvil
57** KinslayingIsASpecialKindOfEvil
58** RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil
59** SlaveryIsASpecialKindOfEvil
60** TreacheryIsASpecialKindOfEvil
61* NiceJobBreakingItHerod (from NiceJobBreakingItHero)
62* NoBadgeNoProblem (from NoPlotNoProblem)
63* NoExportForYou (from ''{{Series/Seinfeld}}'''s "no soup for you" {{meme}})
64** BadExportForYou
65** BetterExportForYou
66** LateExportForYou
67** NoDubForYou
68* OurTropesAreDifferent
69** OurMonstersAreDifferent
70* ThePowerOfIndex
71* PunkPunk
72* RealAwardFictionalCharacter (from RealTrailerFakeMovie)
73* RevolutionariesWhoDontDoAnything (from ThePiratesWhoDontDoAnything)
74* RuleOfIndex
75* ScrewThisIndexIHaveTropes
76* SettingGimmicks (Kitchen Sinks / World of X)
77* SortingAlgorithmOfTropes (Mohs Scales / Sliding Scales)
78* SuspiciouslySimilarSong (from SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute)
79* ThatOneIndex
80* "This Index" Indices
81** ThisIndexBarks -- tropes about dogs
82** ThisIndexBlows -- tropes about air and wind
83** ThisIndexBrokeUp -- tropes about break-ups
84** ThisIndexDoesNotExist -- tropes on existence
85** ThisIndexEarth -- tropes about earth
86** ThisIndexFightsDirty -- tropes about fighting dirty
87** ThisIndexGlows -- tropes about light, glowing, or illumination
88** "This Index Has" Indices
89*** ThisIndexHappenedOffscreen -- tropes about things that happened offscreen
90*** ThisIndexHasAMindOfItsOwn -- tropes about 'living' inanimate objects
91*** ThisIndexHasAPoint -- tropes about characters that make a good point
92*** ThisIndexHasHadAHardLife -- tropes about characters who have had a hard life
93*** ThisIndexHasLeftTheBuilding -- tropes about character exits
94*** ThisIndexHasMagicProperties -- tropes about magic items and their properties
95*** ThisIndexHitsForMassiveDamage -- tropes about massive damage attacks or weak-point exploitation
96** "This Index Is" Indices
97*** ThisIndexIsABitch -- tropes about antagonistic or villainous women
98*** ThisIndexIsAClue -- tropes about clues
99*** ThisIndexIsAnachronistic -- tropes about anachronisms
100*** ThisIndexIsAJoke -- tropes about jokes
101*** ThisIndexIsARealPain -- tropes about pain
102*** ThisIndexIsBrown -- tropes about brown things
103*** ThisIndexIsCopypasted -- tropes about copycats
104*** ThisIndexIsCursed -- tropes about curses
105*** ThisIndexIsExpendable -- tropes about the expendable
106*** ThisIndexIsHavingACowMan -- tropes about cows
107*** ThisIndexIsInTheWay -- tropes about object, place, and character obstacles and methods
108*** ThisIndexIsNotAnExample -- tropes with names that differ from their meanings
109*** ThisIndexIsNotMyGirlfriend -- tropes about insisting characters are not in a relationship
110*** ThisIndexIsNotToScale -- tropes about the scale of things in real life
111*** ThisIndexIsOnFire -- tropes about fire or combustion
112*** ThisIndexIsOnPurpose -- tropes about deliberate authorial choices
113*** ThisIndexIsReadyToRumble -- tropes about boxing, fists, or fistfights
114*** ThisIndexIsStuck -- tropes about being stuck somewhere or with something/someone
115*** ThisIndexIsUseless -- tropes about things that are useless in fiction though probably not RealLife
116*** ThisIndexIsUnstoppable -- tropes on characters who are tough to stop or slow down
117*** ThisIndexIsNotLikeHisFamily -- tropes about familial differences
118** ThisIndexKnowsKungFu -- tropes about InUniverse martial arts
119** ThisIndexKnowsWhatItsTalkingAbout -- tropes about experts in their fields of knowledge
120** ThisIndexMeansTrouble -- tropes that almost always lead to conflict
121** ThisIndexMeows -- tropes about cats
122** ThisIndexQuacks -- tropes about waterfowl
123** ThisIndexTouchesItself -- tropes about masturbation
124** ThisIndexWillBeImportantLater (ChekhovsTropes) -- tropes about foreshadowing
125** ThisIndexWillKillYou -- tropes about things that can injure or kill
126** ThisIndexWillLiveForever -- tropes about immortality and cheating death
127* ThisTropeIsX
128* ATroperIsYou
129* TropesOnABus
130* TropeyTheWonderDog
131* JustForFun/TVTropesHowToGuides
132* WeWillNotUseAnIndexInTheFuture
133* WhatDoYouMeanItsNotAnIndex
134* WhatMeasureIsAnIndex
135* WhereEverybodyKnowsYourFlame (from the ''Series/{{Cheers}}'' ThemeSong, "Where Everybody Knows Your Name")
136* WingsDoNothing (from GogglesDoNothing)
137* WithGreatPower Comes Great X:
138** WithGreatPowerComesGreatHotness
139** WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity
140** WithGreatPowerComesGreatOpposition
141** WithGreatPowerComesGreatPerks
142** WithGreatPowerComesGreatResponsibility
