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1{{Tropes}} about {{series}} and {{sequel}}s, and their quality and trends. This is specifically designed to look at the series as a ''whole'' and its progression, rather than individual episodes or entries.
3Not to be confused with LiveActionTVTropes.
8* AbandonedCatchphrase: A character has a catchphrase early on, only for it to fall out of favor.
9* AccidentalDownerEnding: A work ends on a down note with hints and promises that it will be continued, but it does not.
10* AnachronicOrder: A series' installments are deliberately released in an order different from when the events chronologically occur.
11* AscendedFridgeHorror: [[FridgeHorror Audiences' concerns on what could potentially be happening in the work based on what the actual work only implies]] becomes ''real'' canon.
12* CerebusRollercoaster: A work [[ZigzaggedTrope constantly switches]] between Comedy, Dramedy, and Drama.
13* CliffhangerWall: A long-running franchise follows up an installment ending with a SequelHook by doing several prequels and interquels instead, leaving the overall timeline on a cliffhanger.
14* CutShort: The series ends without a proper conclusion to the story.
15* EarlyInstallmentWeirdness: The early episodes of a series are vastly different than the later installments.
16* EndOfSeriesAwareness: The final episode or installment of the series actually has the characters acknowledge in-universe that the series has ended.
17* EnsembleCast: A series that centers on a cast of characters rather than a single protagonist.
18* FinaleMovie: A non-movie series has its story wrapped up in a feature-length film.
19* FirstInstallmentWins: The first installment of a series is the most well-known or considered the best.
20* FormulaWithATwist: A work that's StrictlyFormula except for a gimmick or two.
21* FranchiseCodifier: An entry in the franchise with major influence on all future entries.
22* FranchiseDrivenRetitling: When an earlier installment in a series is given a new name based on what the overall franchise comes to be called through sequels.
23* FranchiseKiller: A work that kills off any interest in the franchise.
24* FromTheAshes: A fictional work's ending is the starting point of a SpinOff.
25* GoingCosmic: A work begins to incorporate more philosophical and theological themes.
26* GrandFinale: The final episode or installment of a series, specifically one that brings the series' story to a proper conclusion.
27* GrowingTheBeard: The point in a series' run where it gets notably better.
28* GutPunch: A single moment that makes a work considerably darker.
29* IdiosyncraticEpisodeNaming: Every episode is named in the same way.
30* JumpingTheShark: The point where a series is officially undergoing SeasonalRot.
31* KudzuPlot: Many plot threads are started at once, and are not resolved for a long time, if at all.
32* LaterInstallmentWeirdness: A long-running series' more recent updates deviate greatly from its earlier fare.
33* LayoutOfASeason: The kinda StrictlyFormula structuring of a show's seasons.
34* LongRunner: TV shows, books, and other forms of media that have been around forever.
35* MeetYourEarlyInstallmentWeirdness: Characters in a Long Runner meet themselves the way they looked when the run first began.
36* MythArc: A storyline that takes the entire series to resolve.
37* NonIndicativeFirstEpisode: The first episode is not indicative of the rest of the series' tone.
38* OddballInTheSeries: One game in the series which is the "odd man out" for whatever reason.
39* OneCastMemberPerCover: A series has a different cast member on the cover of each volume.
40* OutgrowTheTrope: A series has been using a specific trope multiple times, only for it to fall out later
41* PilotMovie: A feature-length film that is intended to serve as the beginning of a television series.
42* RecurringElement: Common in-world element [[MythologyGag consistent to a series or a creator.]]
43* RevisitingTheRoots: Series reboot or followup that reuses more aspects of the series' earliest entries.
44* RotatingProtagonist: A series with an EnsembleCast has each episode focus on a different character.
45* SequelFirst: A sequel is released in a foreign market before the first installment.
46* SequelSeries: A new series that takes place after the events of the original.
47* StillbornFranchise: The movie was intended to be the first of a series, but wasn't successful enough to warrant making further installments.
48* StoryArc: A storyline that takes multiple episodes to resolve.
49* StrictlyFormula: When a series rarely (if ever) deviates from a standard plot formula.
50* SwitchingPOV: The story is told from another character's P.O.V.
51* SymbolicCastFadeout: A cast list that is marked throughout the story whenever a cast member dies or exit the story.
52* ToneShift: When a series goes from being comedic to dramatic, or vice versa.
53** BloodierAndGorier: A work becomes more graphically violent.
54** CerebusSyndrome: A light, comedic work becomes darker and more dramatic.
55** DarkerAndEdgier: A work becomes darker and grittier in tone.
56** DenserAndWackier: A work becomes sillier and more gag-oriented.
57** HotterAndSexier: A work adds more nudity and fanservice.
58** KinderAndCleaner: A work contains less profanity than the original.
59** LighterAndSofter: A work becomes more lighthearted and kid-friendly.
60** ReverseCerebusSyndrome: A dark, dramatic work becomes more episodic and comedic.
61** RuderAndCruder: A work contains more profanity and/or inappropriate material than the original.
62** TamerAndChaster: Reducing the amount of sexual content in the work.
63** YoungerAndHipper: A work's characters are retooled to be younger.
64* ThematicSeries: A series based on themes and settings, as opposed to a specific narrative.
65* TorchTheFranchiseAndRun: The creator doesn't want anyone to continue the series without them having a say in it, so they deliberately end the series in a way that it is impossible to continue the story further, often by killing off all or most of the main characters.
66* UnfinishedEpisode: A television series has an episode that gets scrapped before production could be finished.
67* WhamEpisode: An episode that permanently changes the status quo, shocking the viewership.
68** MidSeasonTwist: A WhamEpisode that happens midway through the season.
