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Context Main / RapunzelHair

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1Long hair is not a trope on its own. Here's a list of tropes that "Rapunzel Hair" might refer to:
3* BarbarianLongHair: Long hair is portrayed as a barbaric trait.
4* DistinctiveAppearances: Exceptionally long hair is used to give a character a distinctive silhouette.
5* LongHairedPrettyBoy: A PrettyBoy with {{long hair|IsFeminine}}.
6* LongHairIsFeminine: The longer the hair, the more feminine the character.
7* PowerMakesYourHairGrow: Characters get larger hair with their increase in power.
8* PrehensileHair: Hair that is so long it can be used to grapple objects.
9* RapidHairGrowth: Hair that grows faster than normal.
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