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1Einstein once said he did not think God played with dice. Authors may not either, unless the dice are loaded.
6'''Related indexes:'''
7+ GambitIndex
8+ GamblingTropes
9+ LuckTropes
10+ SuspiciouslyConvenientIndex
11+ ThisIndexIsHighlyImprobable
13* AIIsACrapshoot: Artificial Intelligences are very likely to turn evil.
14* ArtisticLicenseStatistics: The creator of a work of fiction simplifies the use of statistics or probability to make the story more interesting.
15* BadLuckMitigationMechanic: A game rewards persistence by overriding an uncooperative RandomNumberGod in the player's favor.
16* BornLucky: Everything goes right for this character.
17* BornUnlucky: Everything goes wrong for this character.
18* BrokenWinLossStreak: An improbably long run of losses and bad luck is finally broken.
19* ContagiousAI: An AI expands by downloading itself into other computers.
20* ContrivedCoincidence: An extremely unlikely event happens for the plot's sake.
21* CrazyEnoughToWork: An insane, improbable idea works when more reasonable options don't.
22* DorkHorseCandidate: Someone unsuited for politics challenges a hitherto unopposed candidate.
23** DecidedByOneVote: An important election is won by one vote.
24* DownToTheLastPlay: Victory is won by one point near the end of the match.
25* FinaglesLaw: Anything that can go wrong will in the worst, most spectacular way.
26* FirstLawOfTragicomedies: In a tragicomedy, CerebusSyndrome ensues as tension rises.
27* GameplayRandomization: Gameplay mechanics that involve explicit randomization in some way or form.
28* GaveUpTooSoon: Would have succeeded if they had persisted just a little more.
29* HaplesslyHiding: A character makes themselves hidden, only to find themselves at the receiving end of humiliating humor or harmful suffering.
30* HeadsTailsEdge: A flipped coin lands on its edge.
31* IfMyCalculationsAreCorrect: A character claims that they made a prediction based on sudden foolproof calculations.
32* ItsASmallWorldAfterAll: Planet equals small town, leading to {{Contrived Coincidence}}s.
33* TheJinx: Bad luck occurs to those around this character.
34* LifesavingMisfortune: Something inconvenient that happens to someone ends up saving them from death.
35* LuckManipulationMechanic: Game mechanics that allow you to influence mostly random elements for a more favorable result.
36* TheMagicPokerEquation: The direr the situation and the more skilled player you are, the better your hand will be.
37* MissedHimByThatMuch: Two characters just barely miss running into each other.
38* MemoryGambit: Temporarily sacrificing your own memories for tactical advantage.
39* MoralLuck: Praising or blaming a character for an action dependent on blind luck.
40* MonkeysOnATypewriter: Given infinite time, even a monkey can produce meaningful text.
41* NeverTellMeTheOdds: Disregarding explicitly mentioned unfavorable odds.
42* NotMyDriver: When someone gets in a vehicle and does not realize that there is something evil driving.
43* OneDegreeOfSeparation: Every character is tangentially connected to almost every other character.
44* RandomDrop: Enemies drop randomly-determined rewards when they die.
45* RandomDropBooster: Anything in a game that improves the frequency and/or quality of RandomDrops.
46* RandomEffectSpell: A spell or item that pulls randomly from a pool of different effects.
47* RandomizedDamageAttack: An attack deals randomized damage or is low-damage but deals critical hits randomly.
48* RandomizedTitleScreen: When the StartScreen appearance changes randomly, either after being loaded, or determined before the screen appears.
49* RandomizedTransformation: Wanting to transform something or someone leads to changing, unpredictable results.
50* RandomNumberGod: [[AnthropomorphicPersonification Probability is sentient]], [[GodsNeedPrayerBadly and needs appeasing]], lest it afflicts you with downright rotten luck.
51* RollAndMove: Rolling a dice and moving playing pieces according to the result in a BoardGame.
52* SuperpowerfulGenetics: Regardless of origin, superpowers are hereditary.
53* TheoryOfNarrativeCausality: Things happen not because they are likely but because they are needed to tell a fictional story.
54* UnfinishedUntestedUsedAnyway: An untested tool is put to use at the insistence of higher-ups.
55* UnluckilyLucky: A character who gets out of trouble as easily as they get in said trouble.
56* UnpredictableResults: Something has effects impossible to predict beforehand.
57* WeOnlyHaveOneChance: Solving a situation can only be done with perfect timing of certain events.
58* WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong: TemptingFate by stating that nothing will go wrong causes things to GoHorriblyWrong.
59* WheelOfDecisions: A decision is made randomly by spinning a segmented wheel.
