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1Here is a place to note the tropes which are opposites of one another.
3See also the CanonicalListOfSubtleTropeDistinctions, JustForFun/TropeGrid (which covers when there's more than one possible Opposite Trope), DistaffCounterpart for a list of tropes with gender counterparts (male vs female), and EvilCounterpart for a list of tropes with moral counterparts (good vs evil).
5SubTrope of InvertedTrope.
7%% Examples are sorted by which trope is alphabetically first. Right: FaceHeelTurn vs. HeelFaceTurn. Wrong: HeelFaceTurn vs. FaceHeelTurn.
10!!Opposite tropes:
14[[folder:# -- A]]
15* HundredPercentCompletion vs. MinimalistRun: Win the game by collecting everything vs. Win the game by collecting nothing.
16* AbusiveParents vs. GoodParents: Parent is cruel to their kids vs. parent is great with their kids.
17* AccidentalInnuendo vs. InnocentInnuendo: A statement which sounds suggestive by accident vs. a statement which sounds suggestive but is completely innocent.
18* AccidentalMurder vs. CreatingLifeIsUnforeseen: Accidentally causing death vs. accidentally causing life.
19* AccidentalNightmareFuel vs. NightmareRetardant: Not meant to be scary but is vs. meant to be scary but isn't.
20* AcousticLicense vs. ICantHearYou: Hearing vs. not hearing something when something loud is happening.
21* {{Acrofatic}} vs. GlacierWaif: A big guy you'd expect to be the MightyGlacier (or StoneWall) is actually the FragileSpeedster (or a LightningBruiser) vs. a small girl you'd expect to be the FragileSpeedster (or GlassCannon) is actually the MightyGlacier (or StoneWall).
22* ActionBasedMission vs. StealthBasedMission: A mission involving violence in a game with little violence vs. a mission involving stealth in a game with little stealth.
23* ActionGirl vs. DamselInDistress: A woman or girl who does action stuff vs. a woman or girl who ''other people'' need to do action stuff to save.
24* ActionHero vs. NonActionGuy: Someone who fights to solve problems vs. someone who doesn't.
25* ActionizedAdaptation vs. PacifiedAdaptation: An adaptation features more action vs. an adaptation features less action.
26* ActuallyPrettyFunny / PlayedForLaughs vs. DudeNotFunny: The joke was at someone's expense but they found it funny anyway/there is a joke, vs. topics that are ''too'' serious to be jokes.
27* ACupAngst vs. BigBreastPride: Character is ashamed of having small breasts vs. character is proud of having big breasts.
28* ACupAngst vs. DCupDistress: Character is upset about having small breasts vs. character is upset about having big breasts. Contrast to DCupDistress vs. PetitePride
29* ACupAngst vs. PetitePride: Grief vs. pride about having small breasts.
30* AdaptationalAttractiveness vs. AdaptationalUgliness: An unattractive character becomes more attractive in an adaptation vs. an attractive character becomes less attractive in an adaptation.
31* AdaptationalBadass vs. AdaptationalWimp: Character is made stronger in adaptation vs. character is made weaker in adaptation.
32* AdaptationalComicRelief vs. AdaptationalSeriousness: A character becomes goofier in an adaptation vs. a character becomes more serious in an adaptation.
33* AdaptationalCurves vs. AdaptationalSlimness: A character is made more muscular or curvaceous in an adaptation vs. a character being made more skinnier in an adaptation.
34* AdaptationalHeroism vs. AdaptationalVillainy: A villainous character becomes a hero in another adaptation vs. a heroic character becomes a villain in another adaptation.
35* AdaptationalJerkass vs. AdaptationalNiceGuy: A NiceGuy character becomes a {{Jerkass}} in another adaptation vs. a {{Jerkass}} character becomes a NiceGuy in another adaptation.
36* AdaptationalModesty vs. AdaptationalSkimpiness: A character's costume is less revealing in the adaptation vs. a character's costume is more revealing in the adaptation.
37* AdaptationExpansion vs. CompressedAdaptation: AdaptationExpansion takes a short work (e.g. a poem) and fleshes it out in to a larger piece (e.g. a movie). CompressedAdaptation takes a work with a lot of history and/or development and condensed down to fill a specific amount of time (e.g. an adaptation of a 50+ year old comic book in to a two and a half hour movie).
38* AdultsAreUseless vs. ReasonableAuthorityFigure: Adult characters are useless vs. adult characters are helpful.
39* AdvancingBossOfDoom vs. GetBackHereBoss: The boss chases after you vs. you chase after the boss.
40* AdventureRebuff vs. RefusalOfTheCall: Someone is told not to help vs. someone refuses to help.
41* AffablyEvil vs. GoodIsNotNice: Evil character who's nice vs. good character who isn't.
42* AfterBossRecovery vs. SuspiciousVideogameGenerosity: With an AfterBossRecovery, upon winning (or, if the boss is a HopelessBossFight) you get a ton of recovery items. With SuspiciousVideogameGenerosity, the game starts throwing very powerful and/or useful items at you (potion that will heal you or a teammate completely, items that resore magic points); it's the game's (and game developer's) way of warning you that there is a horrifically bad boss or challenging area close by, so you'd better save and make sure you use all the items being given to you.
43* AgentMulder vs. AgentScully: Believer vs. skeptic.
44* AIIsACrapshoot vs. BenevolentAI: ArtificialIntelligence goes rogue and becomes evil vs. ArtificialIntelligence that just wants to help its creators or do the job it was designed to do.
45* AintTooProudToBeg vs. DefiantToTheEnd or FaceDeathWithDignity: Character facing death who pleads their would-be killer for mercy vs. character facing death who is fearless or even mocking and insulting to their would-be killer.
46* TheAlcoholic vs. TheTeetotaler: Drinks a lot vs. doesn't drink.
47* AlcoholInducedIdiocy vs. DrunkenMaster: Character is incompetent when drunk vs. character who gets even more competent when drunk.
48* AliensAreBastards vs. InnocentAliens: Mean aliens vs. nice aliens.
49* AllergicToEvil vs. GoodHurtsEvil: Good guys are hurt by evil vs. bad guys are hurt by good.
50* AllergicToRoutine vs. CreatureOfHabit: Hates routine vs. loves it.
51* AllAmericanFace vs. ForeignWrestlingHeel: A patriotic wrestler that the fans love vs. a foreign wrestler that the fans hate.
52* AllGirlsWantBadBoys vs. SingleWomanSeeksGoodMan: A female character interested in men with 'bad attitude' vs. a female character interested in males with 'good attitude'.
53* AllMythsAreTrue vs. ArbitrarySkepticism: Believing in all myths vs. picking and choosing which myths are real.
54* AllPartOfTheShow vs. YouJustRuinedTheShot: An outrageous act is not part of the performance or is part of the performance.
55* AllStarCast vs. AmateurCast: The show has famous people in the cast vs. the show has unknown people in the cast.
56* AlmostDeadGuy vs. NotQuiteDead (or OnlyMostlyDead): Someone stays long enough to indulge information before dying vs. turning out to still be alive.
57* AlphaBitch vs. FallenPrincess: A popular jerk vs. an unpopular former jerk.
58* AlternateUniverseReedRichardsIsAwesome vs. ReedRichardsIsUseless: Heroic character who uses awesome technology and money to change the world for the better vs. one that keeps their toys to themselves because StatusQuoIsGod.
59* AluminiumChristmasTrees vs. RealityIsUnrealistic: Something which exists in RealLife is assumed to be fictional vs. something which is fictional is assumed to be real.
60* AlwaysChaoticEvil vs. AlwaysLawfulGood: A race is always villainous vs. always heroic.
61* AmazonChaser vs. NoGuyWantsAnAmazon: A guy is in love with or is repulsed by a strong woman.
62* AmericansHateTingle vs. GermansLoveDavidHasselhoff: Hate vs. love of a series outside its country of origin.
63* AmoralAttorney vs CrusadingLawyer: A lawyer who is morally evil vs. a lawyer who is morally good.
64* AncientConspiracy vs. AncientTradition: A malevolent ancient organization vs. a benevolent ancient organization. (However, they might overlap.)
65* SugarWiki/AndTheFandomRejoiced vs. TaintedByThePreview: Optimism vs. pessimism over an upcoming work after any pre-release announcement.
66* AndThenJohnWasAZombie vs. TomatoInTheMirror: AndThenJohnWasAZombie is when a character is turned into something bad at the end. TomatoInTheMirror is when the character turns out to have been the bad thing all along.
67* AndYouThoughtItWasAGame vs. AndYouThoughtItWasReal: A character believes that a real situation is fake vs. a character believes that a fake situation is real.
68* AngstWhatAngst vs. {{Wangst}}: Character whines a lot less than you think they should vs. character whines too much.
69* AnimalsHateHim vs. FriendToAllLivingThings: Animals hate someone vs. animals like someone.
70* AnticlimaxBoss vs. ClimaxBoss: A boss that's easy to beat despite its story importance vs. a boss that matches its story importance as far as difficulty.
71* AnticlimaxBoss vs. BossInMookClothing: A boss is easier to beat than expected vs. a mook is harder to beat than expected.
72* AntiHero vs. AntiVillain: A hero who lacks the qualities of a hero vs. a villain who lacks the qualities of a villain.
73* AntiHero vs. IdealHero: A hero who lacks moral uprightness vs. a hero who doesn't.
74* AntiHero vs. TheHero: A hero who lacks the qualities of a hero vs. a straight-laced protagonist.
75* TheAntiNihilist vs. StrawNihilist: "Life has no meaning...because it's up to us to give it one." vs. "Life has no meaning!"
76* AntiSue vs. CommonMarySueTraits: Character is a MarySue or MartyStu but doesn't have common traits of one/has rare traits of one, vs. character has traits common amongst Mary Sues and Marty Stus and may or may not be one themselves.
77* AnyoneCanDie vs. RedShirt: Important character gets killed off vs. only nameless extras get killed off.
78* ApeShallNeverKillApe vs. InYourNatureToDestroyYourselves: A race refuses to kill members of its own or exclusively kills members of its own.
79* ApologizesALot vs. TheUnapologetic: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." vs "I never apologize!"
80* AppealToNovelty vs. AppealToTradition: The new way is how we should do things vs. the old way is how we should do things
81* ArduousDescentToTerraFirma vs. CasualHighDrop (a character who has a difficult time going down to level ground due to safety concerns vs. a character who can easily and harmlessly fall to level ground).
82* ArrogantKungFuGuy vs. MartialPacifist: A martial artist who isn't afraid to use violence but has no discipline vs. a martial artist who is disciplined but refuses to use violence.
83* ArsonMurderAndJaywalking vs. BreadEggsMilkSquick: Mundane item in a list of horrible ones vs. horrible item in a list of mundane ones.
84* ArtificialBrilliance vs. ArtificialStupidity: The extremes of videogame AI.
85* AsLongAsThereIsEvil vs. AsLongAsThereIsOneMan: Evil or good will always persist.
86* AscendedDemon vs. FallenAngel: A demon becomes a heroic being vs. an angel becomes evil
87* AscendedFanon vs. {{Jossed}}: A fan theory that later gets confirmed by the WordOfGod ... or not.
88* AscendToAHigherPlaneOfExistence vs. DraggedOffToHell: Someone leaves Earth by going up to Heaven or getting dragged down to Hell.
89* AssholeVictim vs. SympatheticMurderer: A murdered person who was unsympathetic vs. a killer who has redeeming qualities.
90* AssKicksYou vs. LiteralAssKicking: Attacking ''with'' the buttocks vs. attacking the buttocks
91* AttackOfThe50FootWhatever vs. IncredibleShrinkingMan: Character grows vs. character shrinks
92* AuthorsSavingThrow vs. RescuedFromTheScrappyHeap: Attempting to fix/get rid of a perceived problem or TheScrappy vs. retooling the offending element to make it better.
93* AvoidTheDreadedGRating vs. GettingCrapPastTheRadar: Blatantly putting in adult humor vs. sneaking it in.
94* AvoidTheDreadedGRating vs. RatedMForMoney: Using non-family-friendly things to avoid being marketed exclusively to children vs. shamelessly going for adult audiences.
95* AwesomeButImpractical vs. BoringButPractical: It looks cool but has too many drawbacks vs. it looks boring but it's able to do the job effectively
96* AwesomeMcCoolname vs. AtrociousAlias: A character has a cool name vs. a character has an embarrassing name
100* BackFromTheDead vs. KilledOffForReal: A character dies and comes back to life vs. a character dies and doesn't.
101* BadGuyBar vs. GoodGuyBar: A bar where the villains or heroes hang out.
102* BadLiar vs. ConsummateLiar: Character is a terrible vs. skilled liar.
103* BadassArmy vs. RedShirtArmy: Army of extremely strong and capable fighters vs. army of striplings who die in droves.
104* BadassDecay vs. TookALevelInBadass: Originally badass character becomes less so over time vs. originally [[NonActionGuy non-badass]] character becoming more so over time.
105* BadassInDistress vs. DamselInDistress: A captured person that is a capable combatant vs. a defenseless civilian.
106* BadassPacifist vs. BloodKnight: Character is badass for not liking to fight vs. character is badass for liking to fight.
107* BaitAndSwitchCredits vs. SpoilerOpening: The opening credits are lying about something in the show vs. revealing a future plot point.
108* BalanceBuff vs. {{Nerf}}: Something is made more powerful in order to make a game more balanced vs. something is made less powerful in order to make a game more balanced.
109* BearsAreBadNews vs. BearyFriendly / BearyFunny: A bear who is dangerous and hostile vs. a bear who is amiable or amusing.
110* BeautifulAllAlong vs UglyAllAlong: Physically attractive or unattractive but hiding that fact.
111* BecauseDestinySaysSo vs. ScrewDestiny: Fate vs. free will.
112* BecauseYouWereNiceToMe vs. MistreatmentInducedBetrayal: Betraying someone because the opposing side treated them well vs. the original side treated them badly.
113* BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor vs. WishFulfillment: Dream turning into a nightmare vs. dream coming true.
114* BeigeProse vs. PurpleProse: Too little vs. too many words
115* BeingEvilSucks vs. BeingGoodSucks: Villainy or heroism is not fun.
116* BeliefMakesYouStupid vs. HollywoodAtheist: Believing in the supernatural makes you stupid vs. ''not'' believing in the supernatural makes you stupid.
117* BerserkButton vs KindnessButton: Doing something that makes a character angry vs. doing something that makes a character pleasant.
118* BestBeerEver vs. ATankardOfMooseUrine: Really good beer vs. really bad beer.
119* BetrayalByOffspring vs ParentalBetrayal: Children betraying their own parents vs. parents betraying their own children.
120* BetterAsFriends vs. JustFriends: Romantic relationship becoming platonic vs. platonic relationship becoming romantic
121* BigBad vs. BigGood: The ultimate villain vs. the ultimate hero.
122* BigBreastPride vs DCupDistress: Pride vs grief about having big breasts
123* BigBreastPride vs PetitePride: Both being buxom and havind flat chest have their assets.
124* BigNo vs. BigYes: Shouting, "No!" vs. shouting, "Yes!".
125* BigNo vs. LittleNo: Saying no loudly vs. quietly.
126* BigSleep vs. DiesWideOpen: Dies with closed eyes vs. dies with open eyes
127* BigStupidDoodooHead vs. FloweryInsults: Overly short and blunt insults vs. overly long and eloquent insults.
128* BigWhat vs. FlatWhat: Saying "what" loudly vs. in a monotone
129* BileFascination vs. HypeAversion: BileFascination is a peculiar attraction to a really bad work because of all of the negative buzz surrounding it. HypeAversion is intentionally avoiding a product because everyone and their mother loves to talk about how great it is.
130* BirdsOfAFeather vs. OppositesAttract: Partners are extremely similar vs. partners aren't similar at all.
131* BitchInSheepsClothing vs. JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Major {{Jerkass}} behind NiceGuy facade vs. guy who shows openly both his nice guy and jerkass persona.
132* BlackAndGrayMorality vs. WhiteAndGreyMorality: A moral setting where there are bad guys and no obvious good guys vs. a moral setting where there are good guys and no clear-cut bad guys.
133* BlackAndWhiteMorality vs. GreyAndGrayMorality: Unambiguously good heroes & unambiguously evil villains versus morally ambiguous heroes and villains.
134* {{Blackface}} vs. WhiteLikeMe: Person pretends to be black and embodies negative stereotypes of black people vs. person pretends to be white and embodies negative stereotypes of white people.
135* BlackLikeMe vs. WhiteLikeMe: A white person pretends to be black or a black person pretends to be white.
136* BlessedWithSuck vs. CursedWithAwesome: Good powers with a negative side vs. bad powers with a positive side.
137* BlindedByTheLight vs. HarmlessLuminescence: Opposite ends of how harmful light is, to eyes.
138* BloodlessCarnage vs. HighPressureBlood: No blood at all vs. an unrealistically-high amount of blood.
139* BlownAcrossTheRoom vs. LawOfInverseRecoil: Gunshots with way too much recoil vs. gunshots with no recoil.
140* BonusSpace vs. {{Whammy}}: A good space on a game show's game board vs. a bad space on a game show's game board (usually one that takes away all of your money).
141* BookDumb vs. {{Geek}}: Incompetent in academics but competent in other areas vs. competent in academics but incompetent in other areas.
142* BoozeBasedBuff vs. IntoxicationMechanic: The player character in a video consuming alcohol gives them a tactical advantage in gameplay vs. gives them a disadvantage.
143* BreakThemByTalking vs. NoMoreHoldingBackSpeech or HeroismMotiveSpeech: A villain deconstructs the hero's motives for fighting and tries to exploit his psychological weaknesses, versus a hero who deconstructs his motives for fighting and then reaffirms his will to surmount them.
144* BreakableWeapons vs. UnbreakableWeapons: Weapons that do or do not break.
145* BreakoutCharacter vs. ShooOutTheNewGuy: The EnsembleDarkhorse or UnpopularPopularCharacter gets a bigger role due to fan reaction vs. TheScrappy or CreatorsPet gets a smaller role due to fan reaction.
146* BreatherBoss vs. ThatOneBoss: A boss that is easy vs. difficult to beat.
147* BreatherEpisode vs. WhamEpisode: An episode that is light vs. heavy on plot. (TROPER GENERAL'S WARNING: putting these back-to-back can induce MoodWhiplash)
148* BreatherEpisode vs. VerySpecialEpisode: An episode meant to be entertaining in a lighthearted way vs. an episode meant to be educational in a serious way.
149* BreatherEpisode vs. UnexpectedlyDarkEpisode: The work takes a more lighthearted tone than usual vs. the work takes a more serious tone than usual.
150* BreathWeapon vs. {{Fartillery}}: An attack from the mouth vs. an attack from the... [[ToiletHumour other end.]]
151* BringMyBrownPants vs. StressVomit: Fear makes something come out [[{{Squick}} one end or the other]].
152* BroadStrokes vs. FanWank -- the former is the ultimate in {{Doylist}} interpretation, while the latter is the ultimate in {{Watsonian}} interpretation.
153* BroughtDownToNormal vs. FlowersForAlgernonSyndrome: Character temporarily loses an amazing trait vs. character temporarily gains one.
154* BuffySpeak vs. SpockSpeak: Simplistic dialogue vs. technical dialogue.
155* BullyingTheDisabled vs. DisabilityAsAnExcuseForJerkassery: Bullying a disabled person vs. a person with a disability using their disability as an excuse to why they can be mean.
156* BuryYourGays vs. PreserveYourGays: The gay character dies vs. the gay character doesn't die.
157* ButNowIMustGo vs. IChooseToStay: Choosing to leave or stay at a critical juncture.
158* ButchLesbian vs. LipstickLesbian: Lesbian women are either manly or very stereotypically effeminate.
159* ButtMonkey vs. KarmaHoudini: Someone is very unlucky vs. someone gets away with everything.
160* ButtMonkey vs. MarySue: A character who fails at pretty much everything versus a character who succeeds at pretty much everything. The opposite-ness can be explored further: People hate the MarySue played straight, but love to laugh at the ButtMonkey played straight. Inversely, people love to laugh at an exaggerated MarySue (ParodySue or ThirtySuePileup) but hates [[YanktheDogsChain yanking the dog's chain]] that comes about when you exaggerate the ButtMonkey.
161* BuyOrGetLost vs. FriendlyShopkeeper: A shopkeeper who's impatient vs. one who's very welcoming.
162* BystanderSyndrome vs. ChronicHeroSyndrome: Ignoring those in need of help vs. rushing to help everyone
166* CainAndAbel vs. SiblingTeam: Siblings that try to kill each other vs. siblings that help each other.
167* CampGay vs. ManlyGay: Gay men are either effeminate or very stereotypically manly.
168* CampStraight vs. StraightGay: Straight man with stereotypical CampGay traits included vs. gay man with no stereotypical gay traits.
169* {{Canon}} (or WordOfGod) vs. {{Fanon}}: The writers made it up vs. the viewers did.
170* CanonicalListOfSubtleTropeDistinctions vs. Opposite Tropes: Lists of similar vs. dissimilar tropes.
171* CantGetAwayWithNuthin vs. CantGetInTroubleForNuthin: Someone that keeps getting in trouble vs. someone that can't get in trouble.
172* CantGetAwayWithNuthin vs. KarmaHoudini: Someone always gets in trouble vs. never gets in trouble.
173* CantHoldHisLiquor vs. NeverGetsDrunk: Someone gets drunk easily vs. someone can't get drunk.
174* CardCarryingVillain vs. KnightTemplar: Proud of being a villain vs. the villain is convinced he's the hero.
175* CareBearStare vs. MindRape: A mental attack that is pleasant vs. unpleasant.
176* CareerResurrection vs. CreatorKiller or StarDerailingRole: A role that rebuilds or destroys a creator's career.
177* CasanovaWannabe vs. KavorkaMan (or EvenTheGuysWantHim): An attractive person that wants attention from the opposite sex but fails vs. an unattractive person that gets attention from the opposite sex vs. a person that's so attractive that members of the same gender are attracted to them.
178* CassandraTruth vs. SarcasticConfession: Someone tells the truth properly but no one believes them vs. someone deliberately hides the truth via a snide tone of voice.
179* CastIncest vs. IncestuousCasting: Actors who play relatives dating vs. actual relatives playing lovers.
180* CastingAShadow vs. LightEmUp: Darkness-based ElementalPowers vs. light-based ones.
181* CastOfSnowflakes vs. OnlySixFaces: Everyone looks distinct vs. everyone looks similar.
182* CategoryTraitor vs. YouAreACreditToYourRace: Condemning someone from one's own race vs. praising an individual from a so-called "enemy" race.
183* CelibateHero and EthicalSlut vs. SexIsEvilAndIAmHorny: A good character who refuses to have sex until they're married vs. a good character who happens to be sexually active vs. an evil character who shuns sex while struggling with their sexuality.
184* CelibateHero vs. UnholyMatrimony: Single aromantic hero vs. a villainous couple.
185** CelibateHero vs. NoLoveForTheWicked: A heroic single character vs. a villainous single character.
186* CerebusSyndrome vs ReverseCerebusSyndrome: A story starts as innocent, funny, and with no sense in its established narrative to turn in a tragical, serious, and with clear consequences in its development vs. a story starts tragical, serious, and with clear consequences in its development to turn in an innocent, funny and with no sense in its established narrative.
187* CharacterAlignment tropes tend to be constructed so as to yield opposite pairs -- as seen in the most commonly used system:
188** ChaoticEvil vs. LawfulGood: Polar opposites of the moral and ethical scale.
189** ChaoticGood vs. LawfulEvil: Same as the above.
190** ChaoticNeutral vs. LawfulNeutral: Polar opposites of the ethical scale.
191** NeutralEvil vs. NeutralGood: Polar opposites of the moral scale.
192* CheerfulChild vs. CreepyChild: A kid meant to be cute vs. a kid meant to scare you.
193* CheerfulChild vs. TroubledChild: A kid in good spirits vs. a kid who has issues.
194* ChewingTheScenery vs. DullSurprise: Overacting vs. underacting.
195* TheChewToy vs. TheWoobie: Seeing him [[ButtMonkey suffer]] makes you laugh vs. seeing him suffer makes you go "aww".
196* {{Chickification}} vs. {{Xenafication}}: A woman becomes less or more of an ActionGirl over time.
197* ChummyCommies vs. DirtyCommunists: The Reds are our allies against our current Number 1 enemies vs. the Reds are our Number 1 enemies.
198* CityMouse vs. CountryMouse: Someone from the city isn't used to living in the country vs. someone from the country isn't used to living in the city.
199* CityNoir vs. ShiningCity: Both in terms of visuals and character, one city is horrible to live in while the other is clean and awesome (think, [[Franchise/{{Batman}} Gotham City]] vs. [[Franchise/{{Superman}} Metropolis]]).
200* CityOfAdventure vs. NothingExcitingEverHappensHere: A city that is full of excitement vs. a city that is full of boredom.
201* ClarkesThirdLaw vs. MagicVersusScience: Magic is indistinguishable from science vs. magic and science are diametrically opposed forces.
202* ClonesArePeopleToo vs. ExpendableClone: Clones are treated like people or garbage.
203* CloseRangeCombatant vs. LongRangeFighter: A fighter that fights exclusively up close vs. far away.
204* ClusterFBomb vs. GoshDangItToHeck: Profanity-laden dialogue vs. mild curse words that aren't actual curses.
205* ClusterFBomb vs. PrecisionFStrike: Many curse words vs. one curse word out of nowhere.
206* ColdSnap vs. HeatWave: Unseasonably cold weather vs. unseasonably hot weather.
207* CollegeIsHighSchoolPart2 vs. ElaborateUniversityHigh: The work treats college like high school vs. the work's high school is big and complex enough to be like a college.
208* ComicallyCrossEyed vs. FishEyes: Eyes which deviate inwards vs. eyes which deviate outwards.
209* ComMons vs. OlympusMons: wimpy summon monsters vs. godlike summon monsters
210* TheComplainerIsAlwaysWrong vs. PeerPressureMakesYouEvil (or BlitheSpirit): The minority opinion is considered to be wrong by the writers vs. the majority opinion is considered to be wrong by the writers vs. the minority opinion convinces the majority opinion to agree with them.
211* CompleteMonster vs. IncorruptiblePurePureness: Purely evil vs. purely good
212* CompleteMonster vs. IdealHero: The ultimate ends of the morality scale.
213* ComplimentBackfire vs. InsultBackfire: A compliment is taken as an insult vs. an insult is taken as a compliment
214* ConfidenceBuildingScheme vs. ConfidenceSabotage: Trying to build up someone’s confidence vs. trying to make someone feel less confident.
215* ContinuingIsPainful vs. DeathIsASlapOnTheWrist: You can continue playing after you die but with a serious penalty that almost makes it not worth it, vs. death or failure that practically doesn't mean anything.
216* CoolShades vs. NerdGlasses (although nerds can be cool too)
217* CorruptChurch vs. SaintlyChurch: A church that is malevolent vs. a church that is benevolent.
218* CorruptCorporateExecutive vs. UnclePennybags: A businessman that is malevolent vs. a businessman that is benevolent.
219* CorruptionByAMinor vs. CorruptionOfAMinor: A child tricking an adult into committing a crime vs. an adult tricking a child into committing a crime.
220* CouldHaveBeenMessy vs. GoodThingYouCanHeal: Bringing up how bad an injury could have been vs. showing the injury but healing it soon afterwards.
221* CowardlyLion (or TheSoCalledCoward) vs. MilesGloriosus: Apparent coward, actual hero. vs. apparent hero, actual coward.
222* CrackFic vs. OriginalFlavour: Fanfiction which makes no sense vs. one that makes perfect sense.
223* CrapsackWorld vs. {{Utopia}}: In the CrapsackWorld, life is pointless and everything sucks. In {{Utopia}}, everything and everyone is perfect.
224* CreatorBreakdown vs. CreatorRecovery: A creator's work becoming DarkerAndEdgier as a result of personal problems vs. a creator's work becoming LighterAndSofter as a result of personal happiness.
225* CreatorsPet vs. TakeThatScrappy: The creators of a work fluffing up [[TheScrappy a hated character]] vs. them [[TakeThat making fun of him/her/it]].
226* CreatorsPet vs. TheyWastedAPerfectlyGoodCharacter: [[TheScrappy A character the audience hates gets too much screentime]] vs. [[EnsembleDarkhorse a character the audience likes doesn't get enough screentime.]]
227* CreatorsPet vs. UnpopularPopularCharacter: Character only the author seems to like vs. character only the fans seem to like.
228* CreepyBlueEyes vs. InnocentBlueEyes: Blue eyes are creepy vs. cute.
229* CreepyChild vs. PsychopathicManchild: Child who acts adult-like in an unsettling way vs. adult who acts child-like in an unsettling way.
230* CreepyCleanliness vs. UncleanlinessIsNextToUngodliness: Cleanliness vs. dirtiness is creepy
231* CreepyCrossdresser vs. WholesomeCrossdresser: A crossdresser is unsavory vs. a crossdresser is a perfectly fine person.
232* CreepyHighPitchedVoice vs. EvilSoundsDeep: Overly high-pitched voices are evil vs. overly deep voices are evil.
233* CripplingOverspecialization vs. MasterOfNone: Someone who specializes in one thing at the cost of everything else or someone who can do anything but isn't good at any one thing.
234* CruelElephant vs. HonorableElephant: Elephants are mean-spirited vs. elephants are noble.
235* CruelMercy vs. CruelToBeKind: Sparing someone to make them suffer vs. harming someone to help them survive
236* CruelMercy vs. MercyKill: Sparing someone to make them suffer vs. killing someone to end their suffering
237* CrutchCharacter vs. MagikarpPower: A video game character that gets weaker over time vs. a video game character that gets stronger over time.
238* CuddleBug[=/=]NoSenseOfPersonalSpace vs. HatesBeingTouched: Character likes touching/getting too close to people vs. character does not like people touching/getting too close to them.
239* CueTheRain vs. CueTheSun: The rain means things are getting bad vs. the sun means things are getting good.
240* CueTheSun vs. PartlyCloudyWithAChanceOfDeath: The sun rises to signify something good vs. clouds cover up the sun to signify something bad.
241* CuteGhostGirl vs. StringyHairedGhostGirl: A ghost girl that is meant to be cute vs. a ghost girl that is meant to be scary.
242* CuteWitch[=/=]HotWitch vs. WickedWitch: The witch is an adorable little girl (or a more mature woman who happens to be a knockout beauty) vs. the classic witch, old and possibly monstrous.
243* CutsceneIncompetence vs. CutscenePowerToTheMax: A video game character is weaker or stronger in the cutscenes than in the gameplay.
244* CuttingOffTheBranches vs. ThirdOptionAdaptation: One of the endings is canon vs. a new ending is made up.
245* {{Cyberpunk}} vs. RaygunGothic: A dystopian high-tech future vs. an optimistic low-tech future.
246** {{Cyberpunk}} vs. PostCyberpunk: A pessimistic future vs. an optimistic future.
247** {{Cyberpunk}}/PunkPunk in general vs. CrystalSpiresAndTogas: A rough, turbulent future society where technology is omnipresent vs. an elegant, sophisticated future where technology is discrete and unobtrusive.
248* TheCynic vs. TheIdealist: Pessimism vs. optimism
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252* DamselInDistress vs. DamselOutOfDistress: A damsel that has to be saved by outside forces vs. a damsel that can save herself.
253* DamselInDistress vs. DistressedDude: A woman/girl vs. a man/boy is in danger.
254* DamselScrappy vs. TheWoobie: A ButtMonkey, [[TheChewToy Chew Toy]], or DamselInDistress you despise vs. sympathize with.
255* DarkerAndEdgier vs. LighterAndSofter: A work gets more or less mature and serious over time.
256* DarkFic vs. SugarWiki/{{WAFF}}: A serious fanfiction vs. a cute fanfiction.
257* DarkIsEvil vs. DarkIsNotEvil: Something/somebody has spooky traits and is evil vs. something/somebody has spooky traits but isn't evil.
258* DarkIsEvil vs. LightIsGood: Something with dark traits and is actively malevolent vs. something with light traits and is actively benevolent.
259* DarkIsEvil vs. LightIsNotGood: Something evil has dark vs. light traits.
260* DarkIsNotEvil vs LightIsGood: Something good has dark vs. light traits.
261* DarkIsNotEvil vs. LightIsNotGood: Something seems spooky and ominous but genuinely good vs. something seems benign and friendly but is actually evil.
262* DarkMagicalGirl vs. MagicalGirl: A magical girl with a troubled past vs. a non-troubled past.
263* DeathbringerTheAdorable vs. FluffyTheTerrible: Cute monster with vicious-sounding name vs vicious monster with a cute-sounding name.
264* DecemberDecemberRomance vs. MayDecemberRomance vs. PuppyLove: a couple made up of old characters vs. a couple made of a younger character and an older one vs. a couple made up of young characters
265* {{Deconstruction}} vs. {{Reconstruction}} (or AffectionateParody): A trope is picked apart for its lack of realism, is changed to fit a more realistic setting, or is played for laughs in a respectful way.?
266* {{Defictionalisation}} vs. ProductPlacement: A fictional item becomes real vs. a real item is included in a fictional work.
267* DefinitelyJustACold vs. PlayingSick: A sick character pretends they're not sick or only have a minor illness vs. a healthy character pretends to be sick.
268* DeliberateValuesDissonance vs. PoliticallyCorrectHistory: Deliberately depicting regressive or offensive views for the sake of historical accuracy vs. deliberately downplaying/omitting regressive or offensive views even if it doesn't make sense for the time period
269* DeniedParody vs. ParodyRetcon: Something that seems like a parody but isn't vs. a handwave of a work's faults as a parody.
270* DepravedBisexual vs. NoLoveForTheWicked: Being willing to have sex with anyone makes you villainous vs. lack of desire to have sex with anyone makes you villainous.
271* DescriptionCut vs. IResembleThatRemark: Saying someone will do something before cutting to them doing the opposite vs. reacting to a criticism in a way that proves it right.
272* DesignatedHero vs. DesignatedVillain: Someone who acts evil but is meant to be the hero vs. someone who acts good but is meant to be the villain.
273* DesignatedLoveInterest vs. PlatonicWritingRomanticReading: Romantic relationship accidentally comes off as platonic vs. platonic relationship accidentally comes off as romantic.
274* DarthWiki/DethroningMomentOfSuck vs. SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome: A series' low point vs. a series' high point
275* DeusExMachina vs. DiabolusExMachina: Out-of-nowhere win for the good guys vs. out-of-nowhere win for the bad guys.
276* DeusSexMachina vs. VirginPower: A DeusSexMachina is a power that requires [[SexTropes you-know-what]] to be triggered. A VirginPower is some sort of ability of AppliedPhlebotinum that relies on the user abstaining from you-know-what.
277* DeviousDolphins vs. FriendlyPlayfulDolphin[=/=]HeroicDolphin: Dolphins are evil and violent vs. dolphins are fun and helpful.
278* DickDastardlyStopsToCheat vs. DudleyDoRightStopsToHelp: A villain stops when victory is at hand to do something evil vs. a hero stops his quest to do something good.
279* DiegeticSwitch vs. LeftTheBackgroundMusicOn: Music switches from being diegetic to being a non-diegetic soundtrack, versus music that the audience assumed to be non-diegetic being revealed to be diegetic.
280* DigitalPiracyIsEvil vs. InformationWantsToBeFree: Villains engaging in digital piracy vs. heroes engaging in digital piracy.
281* DirtyCoward vs. LovableCoward: Someone is nervy and evil vs. someone is nervy and good.
282* {{Disneyfication}} vs. {{Grimmification}}: Making an adaptation more child-friendly than the original vs. making a story more adult-oriented than the original.
283* DisownedParent vs. IHaveNoSon: A child disowns a parent vs. a parent disowns their child.
284* DisproportionateRetribution vs. DisproportionateReward: Getting punished heavily for a slight offense vs. getting rewarded heavily for a mild good deed.
285* DistractedByTheSexy vs. NotDistractedByTheSexy or IgnoreTheFanservice: Someone is distracted by sexual attraction vs. someone is acting traditionally sexy but another person doesn't pay attention.
286* TheDitz vs. TheSmartGuy: A dumb character vs. a smart one.
287* TheDitz vs. TVGenius: A stereotypical dumb character vs. a stereotypical smart one.
288* DitzyGenius vs. GeniusDitz: A genius who's really bad at one thing vs. a ditz who is really good at one thing.
289* DividedStatesOfAmerica vs. ExpandedStatesOfAmerica: America splits into territories or expands into other countries.
290* DoesNotLikeSpam vs. TrademarkFavoriteFood: Someone hates vs. loves a food.
291* DoingInTheScientist vs. DoingInTheWizard: Retconning something that had a scientific explanation into having a magical one vs. retconning something that had a magical explanation into having a scientific one.
292* DoingInTheWizard vs. AWizardDidIt: explaining a seemingly impossible event in detail vs. {{hand wav|e}}ing it away as "just magic"
293* DownTheRabbitHole vs. UpTheRealRabbitHole: Someone escaping to a fantasy world and accepting it vs. someone going to a fantasy world and saying that theirs is the real world.
294* DownerEnding vs. HappyEnding: The ending is sad vs. happy.
295* DracoInLeatherPants vs. RonTheDeathEater: Both are character interpretation tropes. DracoInLeatherPants occurs when a character's flaws are downplayed and their virtues are promoted by a fan to make a character more appealing to them. RonTheDeathEater downplays a character's good traits, often exposing and exaggerating their flaws to [[DieForOurShip pave the way]] for the fan's OneTruePairing or because they simply dislike the character.
296* DragonRider vs. ShoulderSizedDragon: People riding dragons vs. dragons [[ParrotPetPosition sitting on people]].
297* DragonsAreDemonic vs. DragonsAreDivine: Dragons as evil and destructive vs. dragons as majestic and benevolent.
298* DramaticIrony vs. TomatoSurprise: The audience is aware of important information that the characters are not privy to, leading to a dramatic reveal vs. The characters are aware of important information that the audience is not privy to, leading to a dramatic reveal.
299* DreamTeam vs. RagtagBunchOfMisfits: The best of the best vs. the best they had on hand at the time.
300* DryDocking vs. {{Shipping}}: A fanfiction where an OfficialCouple is no longer a couple vs. a fanfiction that pairs characters up (maybe PlatonicLifePartners becoming a couple).
301* DugTooDeep vs. JourneyToTheSky: Embarking on a travel that takes the character too deep beneath the surface vs. embarking on a travel that takes the character too far above the surface. Though not necessarily a hard rule, the former usually leads to a horrifying discovery ({{Hell}}, a SealedEvilInACan, a very dangerous geological phenomenon, etc.), while the latter usually leads to a wonderful discovery (a FloatingContinent, GardenOfEden, outer space, etc.)
302* DumbIsGood[=/=]GoodIsDumb vs. GoodIsNotDumb: Being stupid or lacking wisdom with a friendly demeanor vs. being the opposite of stupid and unwise.
303* DumbassNoMore vs. TookALevelInDumbass: A dumb character becoming smart vs. a smart character becoming dumb.
304* DumpStat vs. OneStatToRuleThemAll: A stat that can be ignored vs. a stat that can be entirely focused on.
305* {{Dystopia}} vs. {{Utopia}}: A CrapsackWorld with serious sociopolitical issues vs. an ideal world.
306* EasilyForgiven vs. ReformedButRejected: A character does something bad and others forgive him without any repercussions vs. a character who is reformed, but others refuse to believe it.
307* EasyModeMockery vs. HardModePerks: Penalties for playing a game on an easy difficulty level vs. bonuses for playing the same game on a harder difficulty level.
308* TheEeyore vs. ThePollyanna: TheEeyore always sees the proverbial glass half-empty, while ThePollyanna is eternally optimistic about their circumstances in life.
309* EgomaniacHunter vs. GreatWhiteHunter: {{Jerkass}} or villainous hunter vs. NiceGuy or heroic hunter.
310* EliteArmy vs. ZergRush[=/=]WeHaveReserves: A small army of particularly powerful warriors vs. a massive army of CannonFodder.
311* EmbodimentOfVice vs. EmbodimentOfVirtue: The personification of a bad trait vs. a good trait.
312* EmotionlessGirl vs. GenkiGirl: A woman expresses no enthusiasm vs. a woman expresses a lot of enthusiasm
313* EnclosedExtraterrestrials vs ExposedExtraterrestrials: Aliens that are completely covered up vs. naked aliens.
314* EncounterBait vs. EncounterRepellant: Increasing vs. decreasing the frequency of RandomEncounters in a RolePlayingGame with an item or spell.
315* EndlessDaytime vs. TheNightThatNeverEnds: A place where it's always daytime vs. a place where it's never daytime.
316* EnjoyTheStorySkipTheGame vs. PlayTheGameSkipTheStory: A game with a good story but bad gameplay vs. a game with good gameplay but a bad story.
317* EnsembleDarkhorse vs. TheScrappy or CreatorsPet: The EnsembleDarkhorse is a character who gains an [[UnexpectedReactionsToThisIndex unexpected amount of popularity with an audience]] despite having a not-so-big role. TheScrappy is a character who becomes unexpectedly rejected by the fandom, for being considered annoying and/or unlikeable. If TheScrappy becomes prominent in a story and the audience still doesn't embrace the character, then that character is a CreatorsPet.
318* EscalatingWar vs. ZanySchemeChicken: A series of revenge plots that escalate over time vs. a series of schemes that get more ridiculous over time.
319* EverybodyKnewAlready vs. ThoughtTheyKnewAlready: Thinking people don't know something when they actually do vs. thinking people do know something when they actually don't.
320* EverybodyLives vs. EverybodyDiesEnding: In an EverybodyLives scenario, all of the main characters survive to the very end. In an EverybodyDiesEnding, a large portion of the cast/all of the cast are killed off.
321* EveryoneIsBi vs. NoBisexuals: All the characters are bi vs. none of the characters are bi.
322* EveryonesInTheLoop vs. PoorCommunicationKills: Characters are updated on important information vs. characters are not told or updated about important information.
323* EvilAllAlong vs. GoodAllAlong: Morally wrong or right but hiding that fact.
324* EvilChancellor vs. TheGoodChancellor: A villainous advisor vs. a heroic advisor.
325* EvilerThanThou vs. HolierThanThou: EvilerThanThou vs. EvenEvilHasStandards
326* EvilFeelsGood vs. GoodFeelsGood: Doing bad things or good things feels good.
327* EvilIsCool vs. ThisIsYourBrainOnEvil: Doing bad things makes you look more or less impressive.
328* EvilIsBurningHot vs. EvilIsDeathlyCold: Bad guys hang out in a hot area vs. bad guys hang out in a cold area.
329* EvilLuddite vs. NatureHero: Bad guy who ([[StrawHypocrite sometimes]]) loathes technology vs. good person who eschews technology to be in touch with the natural world.
330* TheEvilPrince vs. KnightInShiningArmor: A villainous royal vs. a heroic champion.
331* EvilReactionary vs. GoodOldWays: Villainous character who opposes social progress based on dated beliefs and/or interests vs. good-hearted character who dresses and/or behaves in an old-fashioned way.
332* EvilReactionary vs. TheRevolutionWillNotBeCivilised: Villainous character who opposes social progress vs. villainous character who demands social change regardless of the harm it causes to others.
333* ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin vs. NeverTrustATitle: The title explains everything exactly vs. the title lies
334* ExceededTheGoal vs. GoneHorriblyRight: Exceeding a goal has positive, or at the very least neutral, results vs. exceeding a goal has negative results.
335* ExecutiveMeddling vs. ProtectionFromEditors: Executives giving (often unwanted) input in a work vs. only the author deciding the direction of the story.
336* ExpressDelivery vs. LongestPregnancyEver: A unusually short (full-term) pregnancy vs. an unusually long one.
337* ExtremeOmnivore vs. PickyEater: A person who will eat just about anything vs. a person who is very selective about their food.
341* FaceHeelTurn vs. HeelFaceTurn: A FaceHeelTurn is when something happens to an established "good" character that makes them turn to the side of evil. A HeelFaceTurn is when something happens to an established "evil" character that makes them turn to the side of good. When used more than once, it can lead to the HeelFaceRevolvingDoor.
342* FaceOfAnAngelMindOfADemon vs. FaceOfAThug: A villain who looks pleasant and innocent vs. a hero who has a scary thuggish face.
343* FailedASpotCheck vs. HyperAwareness: A character with HyperAwareness can see even the smallest details without even trying. A character who FailedASpotCheck is oblivious to something that just about everyone else can see.
344* FailureHero vs. InvincibleHero: A hero who ''never'' wins, killing all tension vs. a hero who ''always'' wins, killing all tension.
345* FailureIsTheOnlyOption vs. SpringtimeForHitler: Someone tries to succeed but always ends up failing vs. someone tries to fail but always ends up succeeding.
346* FakeBoobs vs. SuppressedMammaries: A woman with small breasts tries to make them look bigger vs. a woman with large breasts tries to make them look smaller.
347* FakeRelationship vs. SecretRelationship: Pretending to be in a romantic relationship but actually ''not'' vs. secretly being in a romantic relationship but acting like it's non-romantic.
348* FallingInLoveMontage vs. LostLoveMontage: Lovers that spend a montage falling in love vs. a former lover that reminisces about the good times after a breakup.
349* FalseDichotomy vs. GoldenMeanFallacy: Strawman argument where only one of two choices is right vs. one where both choices are wrong and the only "correct" answer is somewhere in the middle.
350* FalseReassurance vs. SuspiciouslySpecificDenial: Twisting bad news into good news with wordplay vs. denying bad news in a suspicious manner.
351* FalselyReformedVillain vs. ReformedButRejected: A villain that pretends to reform and is accepted vs. a villain that wants to reform but is rejected.
352* FamilyFriendlyFirearms vs. KineticWeaponsAreJustBetter vs. TheEnemyWeaponsAreBetter: Lasers are used in place of guns vs. guns are used in place of lasers vs. the enemy's weapons are better regardless of the tech involved.
353* {{Fandom}} vs. {{Hatedom}}: A group of people who like something vs. a group of people who dislike it.
354* FanDumb vs. HateDumb: Fans being stupid vs. haters being stupid.
355* FansPreferTheNewHer vs. UnnecessaryMakeover: A character's makeover is treated as a bad thing even though the fans like it vs. the makeover is treated as a good thing even though the fans don't like it.
356* FatBastard (or VillainousGlutton) vs. LeanAndMean: Fat villain vs. skinny villain.
357* AFatherToHisMen vs. TheNeidermeyer: A well-respected vs. a much-despised commanding officer.
358* FauxAffablyEvil vs. HiddenHeartOfGold: Evil character with a nice, friendly façade vs. good character with a mean or "evil" façade.
359* FeigningIntelligence vs. ObfuscatingStupidity: Pretending to be smart vs. pretending to be dumb.
360* FictionIsntFair vs. SurprisinglyRealisticOutcome: Disregarding vs. following what would happen in the real world
361* FireAndBrimstoneHell vs. FluffyCloudHeaven: Stereotypical hell vs. stereotypical heaven.
362* FireIsMasculine vs. WaterIsWomanly: Men that use (and whose masculine traits are highlighted by) fire vs. women that use (and whose feminine traits are highlighted by) water.
363* FirstGirlWins vs. LastGirlWins: The first girl introduced is the love interest vs. the last girl introduced is the love interest.
364* FirstKiss vs. LastKiss: The first time a couple kisses vs. the final time a couple kisses.
365* {{Flashback}} vs. FlashForward: A look into the past vs. a look into the future.
366* FlashyTeleportation vs. StealthyTeleportation: Teleportation with lots of bright visual effects vs. teleportation vs. little to no visual effects.
367* FlawedPrototype vs. SuperPrototype: The prototype is of a worse or better quality than its successors.
368* FMinusMinus vs. RankInflation: The grade is much lower or higher than a traditional grade.
369* {{Foil}} vs. MirrorCharacter: Highlighting a character's traits by differences vs. highlighting them by similarities.
370* ForeignQueasine vs. ImpossiblyDeliciousFood: Food that is very disgusting or tasty.
371* ForgetsToEat vs. ObsessedWithFood: Character rarely thinks about food to the point that they miss meals vs. character thinks about nothing but food.
372* ForgotICouldntSwim vs. RememberedICouldFly: A character suddenly forgets or remembers a skill they possess.
373* ForGreatJustice vs. ForTheEvulz: Doing something because you know it's good/just vs. doing something because you know it's evil.
374* FreakyIsCool vs. WhatMeasureIsANonCute: "Non-cute" animals are cool vs. they aren't cool.
375* FreeLoveFuture vs. NoSexAllowed: A future where everyone ReallyGetsAround vs. a future with enforced sexual abstinence.
376* FriendlyEnemy vs. VitriolicBestBuds and WithFriendsLikeThese: Enemies who treat each other like friends vs. friends who treat each other like enemies.
377* FreudianExcuse vs. VillainousLineage: being a villain because of some traumatic event (nurture) vs. being a villain because ItRunsInTheFamily (nature)
378* FridgeBrilliance vs. FridgeLogic: You suddenly realize something that happened makes perfect sense vs. you suddenly realize something that happened doesn't make sense.
379* FriendToAllLivingThings vs. WalkingWasteland (or EnemyToAllLivingThings): FertileFeet vs. WalkingWasteland (simply existing causes the surrounding area to grow and flourish vs. simply existing causes the surrounding area to die and rot)
380* FriendlyNeighborhoodSpider vs. SpidersAreScary and SneakySpider: The spider is nice and maybe even cute vs. the spider is definitely something you should be wary of.
381* FullyAbsorbedFinale vs. PoorlyDisguisedPilot: A series ends or begins in another series.
382* FutureBadass vs. FutureLoser: A character gets more or less cool in the future.
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386* GagPenis vs. TeenyWeenie: A large vs. a small penis.
387* GameBreaker vs. JokeCharacter (or JokeItem): A character or item that makes the game a joke vs. a character or item that is intentionally bad as a joke.
388* GargleBlaster vs. KlatchianCoffee: A drink that gets you instantly and insanely drunk or sober.
389* GeniusDitz vs. ModernMajorGeneral: An incompetent character who's good at one thing[[note]] or ''some'' things[[/note]] vs. a competent character who is good at most of his jobs except for one of 'em.
390* SugarWiki/GeniusProgramming vs. DarthWiki/IdiotProgramming: The opposite extremes of programming expertise.
391* GenreBlindness vs. GenreSavvy: A character that is unaware or aware of the genre they're a part of.
392* GentleGiant vs. TheNapoleon: A GentleGiant is a character who looks big and menacing, but actually has a kind and softer side. TheNapoleon looks small and non-threatening, but is very dangerous, ''especially'' if you should make fun of his/her height.
393* GentlemanAndAScholar vs. InsufferableImbecile: A NiceGuy with an intellectual inclination vs. a rude, argumentative and likely violent idiot.
394* GeorgeJetsonJobSecurity vs. UltimateJobSecurity: Always getting fired vs. never getting fired.
395* GetItOverWith vs. ScheherezadeGambit: Pleading for someone to kill them vs. pleading for someone to let them live.
396* GetTheeToANunnery vs. HaveAGayOldTime: A word that gets less or more raunchy over time.
397* GhibliHills vs. {{Mordor}}: Lush, colorful landscape vs. dark, frightening landscape. See also SceneryPorn vs. SceneryGorn.
398* GiantMook vs. MiniMook: Big enemy vs. little enemy.
399* GirlsHaveCooties vs. PuppyLove: Children of opposite genders that shy away from or fall in love with each other.
400* GirlyGirl vs. {{Tomboy}}: A female character with feminine traits vs. a female character with masculine traits.
401* GladToBeAliveSex vs. PreClimaxClimax: Sex after surviving a dangerous event vs. sex right before a dangerous event.
402* GlassCannon vs StoneWall: Can dish out damage and move fast but is easy to defeat vs. can't dish out damage or move fast but can tank hits.
403* AGodAmI vs. AGodIAmNot: A mortal believes they're god out of madness, vs. a god-like being refusing the label of god to stay sane.
404* GodGuise vs. GodInHumanForm: A human that pretends to be a god vs. a god that pretends to be a human.
405* GodIsEvil vs. SatanIsGood: The Christian God portrayed as a villain vs. the Devil portrayed as a hero.
406* GodModeSue vs. TheLoad: "Why are we even here? He can do everything!" vs. "Why is this guy even here? He can't do anything!"
407* GoodIsDumb vs. GoodIsNotDumb: The heroes are dumb or smart.
408* GoodTimesMontage vs. SadTimesMontage: A montage showing fun vs. depression.
409* GoryDiscretionShot vs. SexyDiscretionShot: You don't want to see it versus you want to see it.
410* GoYeHeroesGoAndDie vs. RousingSpeech: Motivational speech that... [[EpicFail isn't]] vs. motivational speech that works.
411* GratuitousForeignLanguage vs. SugarWiki/SurprisinglyGoodForeignLangauge: Bad or good use of foreign languages.
412* GreyRainOfDepression vs. HappyRain: Rain indicates that someone is sad vs. rain makes someone happy.
413* GrowingTheBeard vs. JumpingTheShark: GrowingTheBeard is a moment when a particular show or series reaches a point where everything gets better. JumpingTheShark is when it hits a new low, and everything is perceived to get ''worse'' from then on.
414* HairOfGoldHeartOfGold vs. WhiteHairBlackHeart: Good character with light hair vs. evil character with light hair.
415* HairRaisingHare vs. RighteousRabbit: Rabbits or hares depicted as violent and frightening vs. rabbits or hares depicted as cute and heroic.
416* HandsOffParenting vs. HelicopterParents: Parents aren't involved in raising their kids vs. parents are too involved in raising their kids.
417* HandsomeLech vs. KavorkaMan: A handsome CasanovaWannabe vs. an unattractive [[TheCasanova Casanova]].
418* HappinessTropes vs. SadnessTropes: Tropes about happiness vs. sadness
419* HarmlessVillain vs. VillainSue: A villain that can't do anything vs. a villain that is very overpowered.
420* HarsherInHindsight vs. HilariousInHindsight: Something funny seems serious looking back vs. something that isn't funny seems funny looking back.
421* HatePlague vs. LoveIsInTheAir: A virus that causes people to get angry with vs. fall in love with each other.
422* HesDeadJim vs. HesOkay: A character announcing that someone is dead vs. a character announcing that someone is alright.
423* HeartIsAnAwesomePower vs. WhatKindOfLamePowerIsHeartAnyway: An unconventional superpower is considered to be great or useless.
424* SugarWiki/HeartwarmingMoments vs. NightmareFuel: Something that's touching vs. something that's terrifying.
425* HerbivoresAreFriendly vs. PredatorsAreMean: Animals who don't eat meat are passive vs. animals who eat meat are aggressive.
426* HerbivoresAreFriendly vs. XenophobicHerbivore: Plant-eaters are kind to others vs. plant eaters are mistrustful and prejudiced against others.
427* TheHermit vs. HatesBeingAlone: A character who enjoys being alone vs a character who hates being alone.
428* HeroBall vs. VillainBall: Hero does something dumb vs. villain does something dumb.
429* HeroesActVillainsHinder vs. VillainsActHeroesReact: The heroes are the active party vs. the villains are the active party.
430* HeroAntagonist vs. VillainProtagonist: An antagonist with good traits vs. a protagonist with evil traits.
431* HeroesFrontierStep vs. MoralEventHorizon: A character's first step into noble heroism or irredeemable villainy.
432* HeroicComedicSociopath vs. PsychopathicManchild: A mentally ill comedic hero vs. a mentally ill scary villain.
433* HeroProtagonist vs. VillainAntagonist: A protagonist with good traits vs. an antagonist with evil traits.
434* HeroicSeductress vs. TheVamp: Heroine who uses sex for good vs. Villainess who uses sex for evil
435* TheHeroSucksSong vs. TheVillainSucksSong: A song insulting a hero vs a song insulting a villain.
436* HeroWithBadPublicity vs. VillainWithGoodPublicity: A hero is hated by the public vs a villain who isn't.
437* HeterosexualLifePartners vs. LikeBrotherAndSister: Very close same-sex friends vs. Very close opposite-sex friends
438* HidingTheHandicap vs. ObfuscatingDisability: A disabled character tries to hide the fact that they're disabled vs. A non-disabled character pretending that they are.
439* HighHeelHurt vs. HighHeelPower: Wearing high heel shoes weakens or strengthens the wearer.
440* HighFantasy vs. LowFantasy: HighFantasy is a world wildly different from ours, with widespread magic use and fantastical elements and epic scale conflict (massive wars, the rise and fall of nations, gods walking the earth, the very real threat of TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt). LowFantasy might not look too different from our world, magic and monsters are very rare if not non-existent, and scale tends to be down to a single hero or a small group and their trials and tribulations rather than what affects the entire world.
441* HillbillyIncest vs RoyalInbreeding: Incest among extremely poor, rural, low-status people and incest among extremely rich, urban, high-status people.
442* HistoricalHeroUpgrade vs. HistoricalVillainUpgrade: A historical figure is made to be more good or evil than they were in real life.
443* HiveMind vs. SplitPersonality: One mind in many bodies vs. many minds in one body.
444* HobbesWasRight vs. RousseauWasRight: People are naturally awful until they're dictated by a higher power vs. people are naturally innocent until they suffer negative circumstances.
445* HollywoodHomely vs. InformedAttractiveness: Character isn't as unattractive as the show would have you believe vs. character isn't as attractive as the show would have you believe.
446* HollywoodSpelling vs MyNaymeIs: Names are standardized vs. names are spelled eccentrically.
447* HonestAdvisor vs. YesMan: An advisor that speaks their mind vs. an advisor that sucks up to their leader.
448* HookerWithAHeartOfGold vs. PredatoryProstitute: A heroic sex worker vs. a villainous sex worker.
449* HopelessBossFight vs. ZeroEffortBoss: A boss fight you can't win vs. a boss fight you can't lose.
450* HomeSweetHome vs. InHarmsWay: Wanting to stay home instead of go on a journey vs. putting yourself in danger to avoid getting bored.
451* HostileWeather vs. WeatherSavesTheDay: Weather conditions are inconvenient or harmful vs. weather conditions are beneficial.
452* HotterAndSexier vs. TamerAndChaster: A character or work gets more or less sexually charged as they go on.
453* HugeGuyTinyGirl vs. TinyGuyHugeGirl: The man is much larger than the woman or the woman is much larger than the man.
454* HumansAreBastards vs. HumansAreGood and HumansAreSpecial: Humans are inherently evil or heroic or special.
455* HumansAreDiplomats vs. HumansAreWarriors: Humans are peaceful vs. humans are warlike or violent.
456* HumansAreSpecial vs. InsignificantLittleBluePlanet: Humans are significant or insignificant as far as the rest of the universe is concerned.
457* HystericalWoman vs. WomenAreWiser: An irrational female character vs. a wise female character.
461* IAmNotShazam vs. IconicCharacterForgottenTitle: The title of the work is assumed to be the name of the main character vs. a character's name overshadows the title of the work.
462* IAmNotSpock vs. IAmNotLeonardNimoy: An actor/actress is known for being the face of a certain character/s vs. a character/s is/are known for being portrayed for a certain actor/actress.
463* IAlwaysWantedToSayThat vs. YouJustHadToSayIt: The speaker says what they have always wanted to say vs. the recipient chides the speaker for saying what they said.
464* IndecisiveParody vs. RedundantParody: The parody accidentally copies the tone of the original vs. the parody accidentally copies the jokes of the original.
465* INeedAFreakingDrink vs. NoMoreForMe: A character thinks they need to drink vs. a character thinks they need to ''not'' drink.
466* InstantHomeDelivery vs. ProductDeliveryOrdeal: A package is sent to someone instantaneously without any difficulty vs. a package is sent to someone with great difficulty and effort.
467* IdiotBall vs. SmartBall: Unnatural act of idiocy vs. unnatural act of competence.
468* IdleRich vs. NonIdleRich: Rich people who don't do anything vs. rich people who actually do things.
469* IfICantHaveYou vs. IWantMyBelovedToBeHappy: A spurned lover can't give up the one they failed at a relationship with or allows them to be with the one they truly love.
470* IfYouKillHimYouWillBeJustLikeHim vs. KillHimAlready: Someone who doesn't want the hero to kill the villain vs. someone who does.
471* IfJesusThenAliens vs. NoSuchThingAsSpaceJesus: Everything paranormal exists including gods vs. the only powerful beings are aliens.
472* IJustWantToBeNormal vs. IJustWantToBeSpecial: Someone with superpowers who wants to be a normal person vs. a normal person who wants to have superpowers.
473* IJustWantToHaveFriends vs. IWorkAlone: Someone who wants friends vs. someone who works solo by choice.
474* ILikeThoseOdds vs. NeverTellMeTheOdds: Someone who likes hearing about their chances vs. someone who doesn't.
475* ImperialStormtrooperMarksmanshipAcademy vs. ImprobableAimingSkills: At the ImperialStormtrooperMarksmanshipAcademy, a character (usually a bad guy) is incapable of hitting the broad side of a point blank range. With ImprobableAimingSkills, a character can hit just about anything with a firearm [[AcceptableBreaksFromReality in ways that shouldn't be humanly possible]].
476* ImpossiblyCoolClothes vs. RummageSaleReject: Cool clothes that would not exist in real life vs. shoddy clothes that would exist in real life.
477* IAmXSonOfY vs. YoureNotMyFather: Proudly declare vs disown their parentage
478* InadequateInheritor vs. TurnOutLikeHisFather: Failure to turn out like your father despite all pressure to do so vs. failure to not turn out like your father despite all pressure to do so.
479* InfiniteSupplies vs. PerpetualPoverty: A character that is always rich vs. poor.
480* InstantDeathBullet vs. OnlyAFleshWound: A wound that instantly kills someone vs. a wound that someone brushes off as minor.
481* InsufferableGenius vs. KindheartedSimpleton: [[SmartJerkAndNiceMoron A smart character who is mean vs a dumb character who is nice]].
482* InsufferableImbecile vs. KindheartedSimpleton: An dumb character who is a bozo that is stupidly rude or mean vs. a dumb character who is warm-hearted, open-hearted, and nice.
483* InsultOfEndearment vs. TermsOfEndangerment: Rude nicknames being used by friends vs. kind nicknames being used by enemies or at least insincere people.
484* InTouchWithHisFeminineSide vs. {{Tomboy}}: A male character has feminine traits vs a female character who has masculine traits.
485* InUniverseGameClock vs. TakeYourTime Game time flows constantly vs. game time flows only when the plot requires it.
486* IronWoobie vs. SympatheticSue: A character that the audience feels sorry for but takes their issues in stride vs. a poorly written character meant for the audience to feel pity for.
487* ItsAllMyFault vs. NeverMyFault: Believing that it's your fault despite it isn't vs. blaming others when it really is your fault.
488* ItsPopularNowItSucks vs. QualityByPopularVote: A work that is hated or loved for its popularity.
489* ItsProbablyNothing vs. ThrowingTheDistraction: [[TheGuardsMustBeCrazy Guards]] ignore an accidental sound made by an intruder vs. guards are distracted by a deliberate sound made by an intruder.
490* ItsTheSameNowItSucks vs. TheyChangedItNowItSucks: A work staying the same or changing is brought up as a negative.
491* IWantMyBelovedToBeHappy vs. MurderTheHypotenuse: A character allows their failed lover to move on with someone else or tries to kill them.
492* IWasJustJoking vs. MyGodYouAreSerious: The speaker admits they are joking or serious.
493* IWasQuiteALooker vs. SilverFox: Elderly characters who were once more attractive than they are currently vs. Elderly characters who retain their outer beauty well into their old age.
494* IWasQuiteTheLooker vs. SheIsAllGrownUp: Someone who got less or more attractive over time.
495* ItWillNeverCatchOn vs. ThisIsGoingToBeHuge: Something expected to fail succeeds like crazy vs. something expected to be a smash-hit turns out to be a flop. HilariousInHindsight applies to both tropes.
496* {{Iyashikei}} vs. {{Utsuge}}: Visual Novels that give you a SugarWiki/WarmAndFuzzyFeeling vs. Visual Novels that '''''will''''' [[TearJerker make you cry yourself to sleep.]] Particularly notable in that the terms translate to "healing" and "depressing", respectively.
499[[folder:J -- L]]
500* JadedWashout vs. SmallNameBigEgo: A loser who used to be influential vs. a loser who thinks they are influential.
501* {{Jerkass}} vs. NiceGuy: Someone is mean vs. someone is nice.
502* JumpedAtTheCall vs. RefusalOfTheCall: Wanting to do something heroic at the first opportunity vs. refusing to do anything heroic.
503* JumpingTheGenderBarrier vs. UnsettlingGenderReveal: Falling in love with or being repulsed by someone who switched genders.
504* KarmaHoudini vs. LaserGuidedKarma or KarmicDeath: Little to no punishment for bad deeds vs. apropos punishment.
505* KeepAway vs. MacGuffinDeliveryService: Two parties work together to keep the {{MacGuffin}} away from the heroes vs. the {{MacGuffin}} switches hands between the parties often.
506* KickTheDog vs. PetTheDog: Showing that a bad guy is bad vs. showing that a bad guy isn't all that bad.
507* KickTheDog vs. WhatYouAreInTheDark: Showing villainy in public vs. showing heroism in private.
508* KiddieKid vs. WiseBeyondTheirYears: A teen, pre-teen or child who acts more immature than their usual age vs. a pre-teen or child who acts mature.
509* KissKissSlap vs. SlapSlapKiss: "I love you! ... I hate you!" vs. "I hate you! ... I love you!"
510* [[CombatPragmatist Krav Maga]] vs. LeParkour: A martial art based solely on disarming and defeating your opponent, and a martial art based solely on avoiding/escaping conflict in the first place.
511* KneelBeforeFrodo vs. KneelBeforeZod: Decided to kneel before a hero vs. forced to kneel before a villain
512* TheLadette vs. ProperLady: Woman lacking in feminine grace vs. woman full of feminine grace.
513* LargeHam vs. TheStoic: Expresses heaps of emotion vs. expresses no emotion.
514* LateExportForYou vs. ShortRunInPeru: The work gets dubbed in other countries much later or earlier than its home country.
515* LegacyImmortality vs. MyGrandsonMyself: Successive mentors and students pretend to be the same immortal person over a long period of time vs. an immortal or long-lived character tries to evade detection by pretending to be their own descendant.
516* LeslieNielsenSyndrome vs. TomHanksSyndrome: An actor mainly known for dramatic roles transitions to mainly comedic roles vs. an actor mainly known for comedic roles transitions to mainly dramatic roles.
517* LetMeGetThisStraight vs WhatIsGoingOn: Summarizing an explanation vs. demanding an explanation.
518* LetsGetDangerous vs. NotSoHarmlessVillain: low-key hero becoming powerful vs. low-key villain becoming powerful.
519* LetsSplitUpGang vs. NeverSplitTheParty: Splitting into teams vs. sticking together as one group.
520* LieBackAndThinkOfEngland vs. ThinkUnsexyThoughts: Character doesn't enjoy sex but has to have it, so thinks pleasant thoughts as a distraction vs. character enjoys sex but can't have it at that moment (or wants to prolong it), so thinks [[FanDisservice unpleasant thoughts]] as a distraction.
521* LifeImitatesArt vs. TruthInTelevision: Something happens in fiction before real life vs. something happens in real life before fiction.
522* LightIsGood vs. LightIsNotGood: Traits stereotypically associated with positivity are good vs. are evil.
523* LimaSyndrome vs. StockholmSyndrome: Captor develops feelings for prisoner vs. prisoner develops feelings for captor
524* LimitedWardrobe vs. UnlimitedWardrobe: Character never changes their clothes vs. character keeps changing their clothes
525* LivingForeverIsAwesome vs. WhoWantsToLiveForever: Living forever is fun vs. living forever sucks.
526* TheLoinsSleepTonight vs. RagingStiffie: Guy wants an erection and can't get one vs. guy doesn't want an erection and has one.
527* LonerTurnedFriend vs. UsedToBeMoreSocial: An antisocial character that becomes more social vs. a social character that becomes more antisocial.
528* LongRunners vs. ShortRunners: Franchises that have been around for a long time vs. franchises that ended very soon after they began.
529* LostInMediasRes vs. ProlongedPrologue: Too little exposition in the beginning vs. too much exposition at expence of action in the beginning.
530* LowerClassLout vs. UpperClassTwit, TheUpperCrass and AristocratsAreEvil: A negative stereotype of the working class vs. a negative stereotype of the upper class.
531* LukeIAmYourFather vs. LukeYouAreMyFather: A parent reveals their parentage to their child vs. a child reveals their parentage to their parent.
535* {{Macekre}} vs. {{Woolseyism}}: A {{Macekre}} is a loose translation of a work that barely resembles its source material. A {{Woolseyism}} is a translation of a work that maintains the spirit of the original work, while still making it palatable for its intended audience.
536* MacabreMothMotif / MothMenace vs. PrettyButterflies: Moths or butterflies are sinister or dangerous vs moths or butterflies are harmless and beautiful.
537* MadeOfIron vs. MadeOfPlasticine: Character is unrealistically hard to injure vs. character is unrealistically easy to injure.
538* MadeOutToBeAJerkass vs. PunishedForSympathy: Being branded as a bad person for fighting off a bad person vs being branded as a bad person for being nice to a bad person.
539* MadScientist vs. ScienceHero: A nutty, evil scientist vs. a level-headed, heroic scientist.
540* MageBornOfMuggles vs. MuggleBornOfMages: A superpowered person with normal parents vs. a normal person with superpowered parents.
541* MagicallyIneptFighter vs. SquishyWizard: A physical fighter who can't use magic vs. a magical fighter who can't take physical hits well.
542* [[MagicVersusScience Magic and Science]] vs. [[GunsVsSwords Swords and Guns]]. The brains of fantasy and science-fiction, respectively, versus the brawns of said genres.
543* TheMagicComesBack vs. TheMagicGoesAway: Magic returns to or fades away from a setting.
544* MagicKnight vs. SquishyWizard: A character who fights with both magic and weapons vs. a character who fights with only magic.
545* MagicSkirt vs. MarilynManeuver: A woman's skirt never goes up in the air vs. a woman's skirt goes up in the air.
546* MagicSkirt vs. PantyShot: A woman's undies don't show vs. they do.
547* MagnificentBastard vs. SmugSnake: While a MagnificentBastard can sometimes pull off [[GambitRoulette ridiculously complicated plans]] and [[ManipulativeBastard get people to do what he/she wants]] and still come out smelling like a rose, the SmugSnake only ''thinks'' they can, and often comes across as a deluded {{Jerkass}}.
548* MajorInjuryUnderreaction vs. MinorInjuryOverreaction: Someone reacts well to a large wound or reacts poorly to a superficial wound.
549* MakeWrongWhatOnceWentRight vs. SetRightWhatOnceWentWrong: A time traveler that uses their gifts for evil or good.
550* ManChild vs. WiseBeyondTheirYears: An adult who acts immature vs. a pre-teen or child who acts mature.
551* ManiacMonkeys vs. SillySimian: Monkeys and apes portrayed as evil vs. monkeys and apes portrayed as funny.
552* TheMcCoy vs. TheSpock: Someone who follows emotions vs. someone who follows logic.
553* MechanicalLifeforms vs. OrganicTechnology: Machines that are alive vs. technology made from biological matter.
554* MenAreBetterThanWomen vs. WomenAreWiser: Men are smarter than women vs. women are smarter than men.
555* MexicansLoveSpeedyGonzales vs. OffendingTheCreatorsOwn: Members of a specific social group enjoying a work by outsiders despite what might be considered stereotypical depictions, vs. members of a social group getting offended by their portrayal in a work by a creator who is actually in that group.
556* MightyWhitey vs. TokenWhite: The one white guy in the setting is the most powerful one or just a normal person.
557* ModestyShorts vs. ZettaiRyouiki: Clothes cover the upper part of the leg below the skirt vs. clothes emphasize it.
558* MookChivalry vs. ZergRush: Mooks attacking one at a time vs. mooks attacking all at once
559* MonsterClown vs. NonIronicClown: The clown is terrifying and dangerous vs. clown who is whimsical and fun to be around.
560* MonstrosityEqualsWeakness vs. PowerUpgradingDeformation: Being more monstrous making you less dangerous vs. more powerful.
561* MoreHeroThanThou vs. WhoWillBellTheCat: Characters strive to do the dangerous deed vs. characters retreat on learning that they might personally have to do the deed.
562* DarthWiki/MostAnnoyingSound vs. SugarWiki/MostWonderfulSound: The audience hates a sound vs. the audience likes a sound.
563* MotorMouth vs. TheQuietOne: A character who talks a lot vs. a character who doesn't.
564* MundaneMadeAwesome vs. UnusuallyUninterestingSight: Something normal treated as cool vs. something cool treated as normal.
565* MugglePower vs. WithGreatPowerComesGreatResponsibility: Normal people feel the need to speak out against superheroes or superheroes are responsible for normal people.
566* MyCountryRightOrWrong vs. MyCountryTisOfTheeThatISting: Fighting for or supporting your country of origin regardless of perceived or real wrongs vs. SelfDeprecation and rage aimed at own nationality.
567* MyGirlIsASlut vs. MyGirlIsNotASlut: On one hand you have the usual "woman who dares to have sex = whore" and its contrary, a woman who isn't put down or insulted for having an active sex-life but rather sought after ''because'' of that.
568* MyBelovedSmother vs. WhenYouComingHomeDad: Parents that do nothing but control their children vs. parents that never have time for their children.
571[[folder:N -- O]]
572* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast vs. NamesToTrustImmediately: Names that are scary or nice.
573* NatureHero vs. ScienceHero: [[MotherNatureFatherScience Heroic primitive with strong ties to the natural world vs. technologically-adept hero who uses their knowledge for good.]]
574* NeatFreak vs. ThePigPen: Character who is obsessively clean vs. character who cares little for cleanliness. [[HilarityEnsues Combine for hilarity.]]
575* NecessarilyEvil vs. WellIntentionedExtremist: Someone who does evil because it's necessary vs. someone who does evil because they had good intentions behind it.
576* NetworkToTheRescue vs. ScrewedByTheNetwork: The network saves or ruins a show.
577* NeverHurtAnInnocent vs. YouCantMakeAnOmelette: A villain refuses to harm civilians or will harm civilians if it comes down to it.
578* NiceJobBreakingItHero vs. NiceJobFixingItVillain: The hero accidentally causes something bad to happen vs. the villain accidentally causes something good to happen.
579* NightmareFuel vs. SugarWiki/SweetDreamsFuel: Scary vs. very positive.
580* NobleDemon vs. UnscrupulousHero: A villainous character with an admirable CodeOfHonour vs. an AntiHero who is exceedingly ruthless and flawed.
581* NobleWolf vs. SavageWolves: A wolf that is heroic vs. a wolf that is villainous.
582* NoBloodTies vs. ThickerThanWater: Family is unimportant or very important.
583* NoFourthWall vs. ThisIsReality: Characters are totally aware they're fictional vs. characters think they're real.
584* NoOneGetsLeftBehind vs. TheUriahGambit: One character risks their life to save someone else vs. one character sends someone else in the hope that they die.
585* NoPunctuationPeriod vs. WantonCrueltyToTheCommonComma: There isn't any punctuation vs. there's too much and it's used incorrectly.
586* NoSidepathsNoExplorationNoFreedom vs. WideOpenSandbox: video game where you're railroaded down a single path vs. one where you're allowed to do almost anything (within technical limits)
587* NoSuchThingAsWizardJesus vs. ReligionIsMagic: Gods and magic are separate or the same.
588* NoSympathyForGrudgeholders vs. PunishedForSympathy: Being called out for holding a grudge against a person vs being called out for being forgiving towards a person.
589* NotAllowedToGrowUp vs. SoapOperaRapidAgingSyndrome: If a character remains the same age for a good portion of a series (especially if it's a [[LongRunners Long Runner]]), then he/she is NotAllowedToGrowUp. SoapOperaRapidAgingSyndrome denotes quick aging changes, where a character can be aged up a few years without explanation.
590* NothingCanSaveUsNow vs. NothingCanStopUsNow: Someone laments their failure before they are quickly saved vs. someone celebrates their victory before they are quickly defeated.
591* NothingIsTheSameAnymore vs. StatusQuoIsGod: Everything changes over the course of the show or stays the same throughout.
592* NotSoHarmlessVillain vs. VillainDecay: Non-threatening villain becomes more dangerous over time vs. threatening villain becomes less dangerous over time.
593* ObfuscatedInterface vs. ViewerFriendlyInterface: An interface display that obscures the processes being computed vs. the one that is tweaked so the viewer can easily track them.
594* OfferingAnotherInYourStead vs. TakeMeInstead: Trying to sacrifice someone else to save yourself vs. trying to sacrifice yourself to save another.
595* OfficialCouple vs. OneTruePairing (or FanPreferredCouple): The ship that is canon vs. the ship that the fans want to be canon.
596* OfficialCouple vs. PlatonicLifePartners: Romantic couple vs. platonic couple.
597* OffingTheOffspring vs. SelfMadeOrphan: Parents murdering their own children vs. children murdering their own parents.
598* TheOneGuy vs. TheSmurfettePrinciple: Only one male vs. only one (or very few) female/s.
599* OneSceneTwoMonologues vs. TwoScenesOneDialogue: Two characters talk about different things in the same location vs. talk about the same thing in separate locations.
600* OneSteveLimit vs. PlanetOfSteves: Only one character has a particular name to avoid confusion vs. a large group of people all have the same name.
601* OnlyIdiotsMayPass vs. OnlySmartPeopleMayPass: Only the ignorant or the knowledgeable can get through.
602* OnTheNext vs. PreviouslyOn: A teaser for the next episode at the end or a look back at previous episodes at the start.
603* TheOtherDarrin vs. YouLookFamiliar: Different actors play the same character vs. the same actor plays different characters.
604* {{Overcrank}} vs. {{Undercrank}}: Slow motion vs. fast motion.
605* OutOfCharacterAlert vs. SomethingOnlyTheyWouldSay: Pointing out that someone is out-of-character vs. pointing out that someone is ''in''-character.
608[[folder:P -- R]]
609* PaddedSumoGameplay vs. RocketTagGameplay: Everyone has mutually ineffective weapons vs. mutually ineffective defenses.
610* PainfullySlowProjectile vs. VeryHighVelocityRounds: bullets that move incredibly slow vs. bullets that fly ridiculously fast
611* PatchworkMap vs. SingleBiomePlanet: Several biomes compressed into tiny area[[note]]Though the trope is wider than that.[[/note]] vs. an entire planet covered in a single biome.
612* PercussiveMaintenance vs. PercussiveShutdown: Hitting something to make it work properly vs. hitting something to stop in from working
613* PeripheryDemographic vs. PeripheryHatedom: Love vs. hate of a series outside its intended audience.
614* PermaShave vs. PermaStubble: Someone who is permanently clean-shaven vs. someone who is permanently scruffy.
615* PerpetualFrowner vs. PerpetualSmiler: A character who never smiles vs. a character who can't stop smiling.
616* PleasePutSomeClothesOn vs. TakeOffYourClothes: Character asks a naked character to get dressed vs. character asks a fully-dressed character to get naked.
617* PolarOppositeTwins vs. SingleMindedTwins: Twin characters who think differently from each other vs. twin characters who think alike.
618* PolishedPort vs. PortingDisaster: Transitioning a game from one system to another makes the new game better than the original vs. a transition where it makes the end result worse
619* PositiveFriendInfluence vs. ToxicFriendInfluence: Character that brings out the best in their friends vs. character that brings out the worst in their friends
620* PostCyberpunk vs. {{Solarpunk}}: Bright future that accepts high technology, globalism and resource exploitation vs. bright future that idealizes small communities, sustainable ecology and artisan craftsmanship.
621* PowerBornOfMadness vs. WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity: superpower that relies on the user being insane vs. superpower that slowly drives the user insane
622* PragmaticVillainy vs. StupidEvil: Villain doesn't do something evil only because it hurts their interests vs. Villain does something evil even though it will hurt their interests
623* PredationIsNatural vs. PredatorsAreMean: Hunting is a necessary part of life for predators vs. predators are wrong to hunt other animals.
624* PredatorsAreMean vs. XenophobicHerbivore: Meat-eaters are hostile towards plant-eaters vs. plant-eaters are hostile to meat-eaters.
625* PressXToDie vs. PressXToNotDie: A quick time event where you do not or do press a button to avoid a game over.
626* PrettyFlyForAWhiteGuy vs. TheWhitestBlackGuy: A white guy acting black vs. a black guy acting white.
627* PrimaryColorChampion vs. SecondaryColorNemesis: Heroes wear red, blue, and yellow; Villains wear [[ColorContrast green, orange, and purple.]]
628* ProHumanTranshuman vs. SuperSupremacist: A superpowered individual who fights on the side of normals vs. a superpowered individual who regards normals as slaves.
629* RagsToRiches vs. RichesToRags: A poor person becomes rich or a rich person becomes poor.
630* RankScalesWithAsskicking vs. WeakBossStrongUnderlings: The leader is the strongest vs. the leader is the weakest
631* TheReasonYouSuckSpeech vs. YouAreBetterThanYouThinkYouAre: A speech that puts one down vs. a speech that brings one up.
632* RedemptionDemotion vs. RedemptionPromotion: Character works better as a villain than a hero vs. character works better as a hero than a villain.
633* RedemptionEarnsLife vs. RedemptionEqualsDeath: A villain avoids death or dies after turning good.
634* RedundantParody vs. ShallowParody: A parody is too similar to the original to work vs. a parody is too different from the original to work.
635* RefugeeFromTVLand vs. TrappedInTVLand: A fictional character trapped in the real world vs. a real person trapped in a fictional world.
636* RevengeIsNotJustice vs. TheVillainMustBePunished: One should not give retribution to the villain or one ''must'' give retribution to the villain.
637* RevengeIsSweet vs. VengeanceFeelsEmpty: Revenge is satisfying or revenge is unsatisfying.
638* TheRunnerUpTakesItAll vs. SecondPlaceIsForLosers: The second-place winner is more or less popular than the winner.
642* SanitySlippage vs. SanityStrengthening: A character loses their mind or becomes more sane over the course of the story.
643* SarcasmMode vs. SincerityMode: Irony vs. honesty.
644* SaveTheVillain vs. VillainousRescue: The hero saves the villain vs. the villain saves the hero.
645* ScaryBlackMan vs. IntimidatingWhitePresence: Black men freak out white characters vs. white characters freak out black characters.
646* ScienceHero[=/=]ScienceIsGood vs. ScienceIsBad: Heroes use science vs. villains use science.
647* ScrewTheMoneyIHaveRules vs. ScrewTheRulesIHaveMoney: Turning down money due to moral standards vs. using wealth to break rules.
648* SecretChaser vs. SecretKeeper: Someone wanting to know a secret vs. someone who finds out a secret.
649* {{Sequelitis}} vs. SurprisinglyImprovedSequel: A sequel that is worse or better than the original.
650* SevenDeadlySins vs. SevenHeavenlyVirtues: Representations of the biblical sins vs. the biblical virtues.
651* SexIsEvil vs. SexIsGood: Sex is considered to be morally wrong or right.
652* SheatheYourSword or TalkingTheMonsterToDeath vs. ViolenceIsTheOnlyOption: Defeating that same opponent through pacifism or a RousingSpeech vs. defeating an opponent with violence.
653* SheCleansUpNicely vs. UnkemptBeauty: character is dolled up to look sexy vs. character looking sexy even without fancy clothes.
654* ShoutOut vs. TakeThat: A positive reference to another work vs. a negative reference to another work.
655* SilenceIsGolden vs. SpeechCentricWork: A story gives primary focus to the visuals vs. a story that gives primary focus to the dialogues
656* ShutUpHannibal vs. ShutUpKirk: The hero tells the villain to shut up vs. the villain tells the hero to shut up.
657* SillyRabbitCynicismIsForLosers vs. SillyRabbitIdealismIsForKids: Being cynical gets the character called out vs. being idealistic gets the character called out.
658* ASimplePlan vs. ZanyScheme: A simple plan that gets more complicated over time vs. a plan that is convoluted from the get-go.
659* SlutShaming vs VirginShaming: Shaming someone for being sexually active vs. shaming someone for not having sex.
660* TheSnarkKnight vs. StepfordSmiler: A character that freely snarks at everything and is negative vs. a character that hides their true self behind a mask of positivity.
661* SoBadItsGood vs. DarthWiki/SoBadItsHorrible: A work that is entertaining despite its bad quality vs. a work that is so bad that it's not entertaining.
662* DarthWiki/SoBadItsHorrible vs. SugarWiki/SoCoolItsAwesome: A work that is low vs. high in quality, critical reviews, and audience reception.
663* SoProudOfYou vs. WhyCouldntYouBeDifferent: A parent is proud of or dismissive of their child.
664* SpannerInTheWorks vs. UnwittingPawn: A hero accidentally/surprisingly stops villain's EvilPlan vs. a hero accidentally/surprisingly helps it.
665* SpecialEffectFailure vs. SugarWiki/VisualEffectsOfAwesome: Special effects that are bad or good.
666* TheSquad vs. CommandRoster: The frontline soldiers fighting and dying on the battlefield, compared to the commanding officers issuing orders to said soldiers at home base.
667* {{Squee}} vs. {{Squick}}: Reaction to something favorable vs. reaction to something repulsive.
668* StableTimeLoop vs. TemporalParadox: Time travel is consistent or inconsistent due to dimensional interference.
669* StandardSciFiArmy vs. StandardSciFiFleet: The former being reserved for ground combat, the latter being reserved for space combat.
670* StarDerailingRole vs. StarMakingRole: The role that broke or made an actor's career.
671* StoicWoobie vs. {{Wangst}} or {{Emo}}: A character that the audience feels sorry for who keeps up a poker face vs. a character that the audience doesn't feel sorry for due to how whiny they are.
672* StoneSoup vs. TooManyCooksSpoilTheSoup: A character's eccentricities force people to work together vs. people working together causes the project to fail.
673* StrawmanEmotional vs. StrawVulcan: A stereotypical emotional character vs. a stereotypical logical character.
674* StrawmanEmotional ''and'' StrawVulcan vs. EmotionsVsStoicism: Stereotypes of emotions and logic vs. conflicts between emotions and logic.
675* [[SuperRobotGenre Super Robots]] vs. [[RealRobotGenre Real Robots]]: HumongousMecha that can bend and break the laws of physics, versus those that abide to said laws of physics at all times.
676* SurprisinglyHappyEnding vs. SuddenDownerEnding: An apparently sad ending is turned into a happy one vs. An apparently happy ending is turned into a sad one.
677* SympathyForTheDevil vs. SympathyForTheHero: A hero feels sympathetic towards the villain vs. a villain feels sympathetic towards the hero.
680[[folder:T -- Y]]
681* TactfulTranslation vs. TrollingTranslator: The translator doesn't translate something rude or purposefully mistranslates for fun.
682* TastesLikeChicken vs. TastesLikeFeet: Something tastes like food or something impossible to eat.
683* TheTeaser vs. TheStinger: A stand-alone scene before the opening credits vs. a stand-alone scene after the end credits.
684* TheTeamNormal vs. TokenSuper: The one non-powered or superpowered character on a team.
685* TechnologicallyBlindElders vs. WhatAreRecords: Old people that don't know how to use new technology vs. young people that don't know how to use old technology.
686* ThatOneBoss vs. ZeroEffortBoss: Very hard boss vs. very easy boss.
687* ThingsGetReal vs. TrainingAccident: Trainees get into a real mission before they're ready or find themselves in a real situation during training.
688* ThisIndexIsNotAnExample vs. ThisTropeNameReferencesItself: Trope names that are not examples of the tropes they represent vs. self-referential tropes.
689* TokenEvilTeammate vs. TokenGoodTeammate: Only one bad egg in a group of good people vs. only one decent person in a group of bad people.
690* TokenRichStudent vs. PennyAmongDiamonds: A student is incredibly wealthy but goes to a regular school vs. a character that is poor is sent to a school for rich people.
691* TookALevelInJerkass vs. TookALevelInKindness: A nice character who becomes mean vs. a mean character who becomes nice.
692* {{Tsundere}} vs. {{Yandere}}: A {{Tsundere}} is a (usually female) character who acts cranky and standoffish on the outside, but sometimes shows signs of genuine tenderness. A {{Yandere}} is someone who tries to act nice, but really is unpleasant underneath...sometimes coupled with [[MadnessTropes mental instability]].
693* UnintentionallySympathetic vs. UnintentionallyUnsympathetic: The writers make an antagonist who the audience sympathizes with vs. the writers make a good character who the audience doesn't sympathize with.
694* UnskilledButStrong vs. WeakButSkilled: A strong character with no training vs. a trained character with no strength.
695* VideoGameCaringPotential vs. VideoGameCrueltyPotential: The potential to do nice or mean things in video games.
696* ViewersAreGeniuses vs. ViewersAreMorons: The work treats the audience like they're intelligent or stupid.
697* VillainWithGoodPublicity vs. ZeroPercentApprovalRating: Everyone loves the bad guy vs. everyone ''hates'' the bad guy.
698* VomitDiscretionShot vs. VomitIndiscretionShot: You don't see someone throw up vs. you do.
699* WakeUpCallBoss vs. WarmUpBoss: Surprisingly hard early boss vs. surprisingly easy early boss
700* WalkingTechbane vs. WalkingTechfix: Someone who breaks machines with ridiculous ease vs. someone who can fix them just as quickly
701* WarmHeartedWalrus vs. WilyWalrus: A walrus that is good vs. a walrus that is evil.
702* WhatDoYouMeanItsForKids vs. WhatDoYouMeanItsNotForKids: Viewers being surprised that a work genuinely intended for children has disturbing or vulgar content vs. viewers mistakenly believing that an adult work is for children because of its superficial aspects or because of other work by its creators.
703* YearInsideHourOutside vs. YearOutsideHourInside: Potential effects of time dilation.
