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1Monster Sob Story is a disambiguation to the following tropes:
3* CryForTheDevil: For whatever reason, the audience feels sorry for the villain.
4* DrivenToVillainy: Tragic circumstances drive a person to commit evil deeds.
5* ForcedIntoEvil: A person who only does evil deeds under duress.
6* FreudianExcuse: A villain's propensity towards evil is shaped by childhood trauma.
7* {{Necromantic}}: The tragic death of a loved one drives a character to pursue questionable means to bring them back, even if it means dooming the rest of the world to achieve that.
8* StartOfDarkness: The point which causes a person to start a path of descent towards villainy. It may or may not involve tragedy, trauma or other misfortune that makes them sympathetic.
9* SympathyForTheDevil: The heroes sympathize with the villain due to their circumstances.
10* ThenLetMeBeEvil: The character isn't evil at first, but the difficulties they face after being accused and treated as one cause them to snap.
11* TorturedMonster: A monstrous being (or a group of them) that lashes out against the world because they are not in control of themselves.
12* TragicVillain: A villain driven to his deeds by tragic circumstances.
13* WoobieDestroyerOfWorlds: An OmnicidalManiac who's been through enough misery, and now wants to take it out on the whole world as payback.
