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2[[caption-width-right:320:[-''The Order of Release'' by Sir John Everett Milais-] ]]
4For when you don't quite reach DeathTropes -- or even miss them by a mile.
6See also ATorturedIndex, BloodyTropes, {{Indexitis}}, ThisIndexIsARealPain, ToxicTropes, and WeaponsAndWieldingTropes.
14+ AnatomyAgony
15+ ScarTropes
18* AccordionMan: When crushing a cartoon character makes them fold up like an accordion.
19* AfterActionHealingDrama: After an action scene, a person is seriously injured and must be healed.
20* AfterActionPatchup: Someone gets helped for injuries after an action scene, but they're not seriously injured.
21* AgonizingStomachWound: A stomach wound which may lead to a long, painful death.
22* AgonyOfTheFeet: Someone hurts their foot.
23* AmputativeSentencing: A criminal is punished by having a limb or appendage cut off.
24* AmusingInjuries: Injuries are PlayedForComedy.
25* AndShowItToYou: Someone kills someone else by tearing their heart out and showing it to them.
26* AnnoyingArrows: A main character gets shot with arrows, but is not killed or seriously injured even when they should be.
27* AntiRegeneration: HealingFactor is nullified for some reason.
28* AnArmAndALeg: Someone loses a limb.
29* AssShove: Sticking something up someone's rectum.
30* AttackTheInjury: Someone tries to attack an existing injury, usually in an attempt to gain the upper hand in a fight.
31* AttackTheMouth: Someone is hurt or killed by being attacked in their mouth.
32* AttackTheTail: An animal gets attacked in their tail.
33* BaitAndSwitchGunshot: It looks like someone is getting shot, but it turns out that either the gun is not loaded, the shooter gets shot, or someone else gets shot.
34* BandagedFace: Someone has bandages over their whole face.
35* BandageWince: Someone winces at getting bandaged up.
36* BarelyMissedCushion: A character tries to break their fall on something soft, but misses it by ''that'' much.
37* BeefBandage: Using meat as a bandage.
38* BelatedInjuryRealization: Someone gets hurt, but doesn't notice.
39* BlindedByTheLight: Someone is blinded (or at least annoyed) by having a light shone in their face.
40* BlindingCameraFlash: When Blinded By the Light is caused by a camera flash.
41* BloodFromEveryOrifice: Someone bleeds out of their mouth, nose, ears and/or eyes.
42* BloodFromTheMouth: Someone bleeds out of their mouth.
43* BloodlessCarnage: Violence happens, but nobody bleeds.
44* BloodyHandprint: A hand-print in blood.
45* BludgeonedToDeath: Repeated head trauma.
46* BottledHeroicResolve: A medicine that cures even the worst injuries instantly.
47* BreastAttack: A woman gets hit in the breast.
48* BulletHolesAndRevelations: Two characters are fighting over a gun and one gets shot, but it's initially unclear who.
49* ButtSticker: Someone sits on another character, who ends up stuck to the sitter's rear end.
50* CareerEndingInjury: Someone gets an injury that makes them unable to do their job or something they wanted to do.
51* CartoonThrobbing: A character's body part gets injured, turns red, and starts swelling and expanding.
52* CarvedMark: Someone carves a pattern or words into themselves or another person's body.
53* ChildhoodBrainDamage: Someone's brain was damaged in their infancy or childhood and makes them [[TheDitz dumb]] or even just [[CloudCuckooLander eccentric.]]
54* ChokeHolds: Someone chokes.
55* ChunkySalsaRule: Someone must be dead if their head is ground to a pulp.
56* ClawingAtOwnThroat: A character scratches their throat.
57* ClothingConcealedInjury: Someone wears clothes to hide injuries.
58* ConcussionsGetYouHigh: A concussed person seems like they're high.
59* CranialEruption: Someone, after getting bumped on the head, gets a huge lump on it.
60* CranialPlateAbility: When a character acquires new abilities thanks to a steel piece implanted (accidentally or via surgery) in their head.
61* CripplingCastration: The attacker sterilizes (neuters) the victim.
62* CripplingTheCompetition: Someone injures someone so they can't do something they're good at, in order to not have competition.
63* CutHimselfShaving: A wound is explained in a ridiculous way that's often a lie.
64* DangerousBackswing: Someone gets hit by a weapon's backswing in melee combat.
65* DeadlyNosebleed: Someone dies or almost dies due to a nosebleed.
66* DeadlyRotaryFan: Someone gets decapitated by a rotary fan.
67* DeadlyScratch: A relatively minor injury proves disproportionately dangerous.
68* DeepSleep: Someone's in a very heavy sleep. Doesn't need to be injury-related, but often is.
69* DeliberateInjuryGambit: Someone lets themselves get injured on purpose as part of a plan.
70* DentedIron: Someone appears to be MadeOfIron, but still sustains a few injuries.
71* DismembermentIsCheap: Consequences to lost limbs? What are those?
72* DoomedHurtGuy: Someone is injured and attempts are made to help them, but they die anyway.
73* DraggedByTheCollar: A stubborn character gets dragged away by their collar.
74* DramaticDislocation: A dislocated joint PlayedForDrama.
75* DramaticSpineInjury: Someone's back gets badly broken.
76* EarNotch: A gritty or evil character has a bit out of their ear.
77* EyePoke: Someone gets poked in one or both eyes.
78* EyeScream: Someone gets injured in their eye.
79* FacialHorror: Someone gets hurt in the face.
80* FakeArmDisarm: Someone's artificial limb gets wrecked.
81* FamilyUnfriendlyViolence: Violence that's played seriously.
82* FeelNoPain: An inability to feel pain.
83* {{Fingore}}: Someone gets hurt in the finger.
84* FirstBlood: Two characters are fighting and things turn serious once one bleeds.
85* FirstInjuryReaction: A character who has not been injured or felt pain in their whole life or a long time, or believes themselves immune to harm or pain, gets hurt and stops whatever else they're doing to react.
86* FoldSpindleMutilation: Someone gets injured due to being squeezed into a space.
87* FromDressToDressing: Someone's clothes are used as a bandage.
88* GameBreakingInjury: A hero gets injured in an important moment.
89* GardenHoseSquirtSurprise: A character gets pranked by having to look in a hose and then getting squirted.
90* GettingTheBoot: Someone gets literally thrown out of a door.
91* GivingUpTheGhost: Someone astral projects for a little bit while unconscious, but neither dies nor has a significant out-of-body experience.
92* GoodThingYouCanHeal: A character gets seriously injured, but they have powers which means they can heal themselves.
93* GroinAttack: Someone (usually a man) is hit in the privates.
94* GroundByGears: Someone gets ground up by machinery.
95* HalfTheManHeUsedToBe: Someone gets their body split in two. They might survive this.
96* HammeredIntoTheGround: Someone gets driven into the ground.
97* HardHead: Someone gets hit in the head, but doesn't get concussed.
98* HealItWithBooze: Using alcohol as anaesthesia or pouring it on a wound.
99* HealingHerb: Plants that have healing powers.
100* HealingPotion: A potion that can heal people.
101* HealThyself: Someone is injured in a game, but finds a med kit and heals himself.
102* HesOkay: Someone tells someone else that an injured character is okay.
103* HoldingYourShoulderMeansInjury: An injured character holds their shoulder with their other hand.
104* HospitalEpilogue
105* HowManyFingers: Someone asks a potential injury victim how many fingers he's holding up.
106* HumanPincushion: Someone gets a lot of weapons, such as arrows, stuck into him.
107* HurtFootHop: Someone suffers a foot injury and hops around while grasping the injured foot.
108* ICanStillFight: Someone has serious injuries, but insists they are nothing.
109* ImHavingSoulPains: Someone gets hurt in a place that shouldn't be hurt, either a body part that doesn't feel pain (like his hair) or some part that's not a body part (like his soul).
110* ImpaledPalm: Someone gets stabbed in the palm of his hand.
111* ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice: Someone is impaled all the way through.
112* ImOkay: Someone states he's okay even if he logically shouldn't be.
113* ImprovisedBandage: Using unconventional objects as bandage.
114* InjuredLimbEpisode: A character's arm/leg/wing/flipper is injured.
115* InjuredSelfDrag: Someone has received numerous and/or severe wounds on their body, but will continue moving forward regardless.
116* InstantBandages: Someone instantly gets bandages after being injured.
117* InstantSoprano: When a man gets hit in the balls, it makes his voice higher.
118* InvisibleHoles: Someone is stabbed with no apparent injuries, but when they take a drink, it pours out of holes in their body.
119* IWillOnlySlowYouDown: Someone is injured and left unable to walk on his own during a fight or a chase scene, but asks to be abandoned as he believes that being healed or carried would slow the pursuer(s) down.
120* JawBreaker: When a monster tries to eat someone, that someone stops it by forcing its jaws open until they break.
121* KarmicInjury: A character is injured in a manner identical or similar to injuries they have inflicted on someone else.
122* KickingMyOwnButt: Someone hits himself on purpose.
123* {{Kneecapping}}: Deliberately hurting someone's knee(s) to slow them down.
124* KneeFoldFallOfDefeat: A defeated fighter falls to his knees before collapsing.
125* LipLosses: Someone suffers wounds to the lips -- or has them severed entirely.
126* LiteralAssKicking: Someone injures another on their butt.
127* LiteralDisarming: Lopping off someone's limbs to remove their ability to wield weapons or fight.
128* LodgedBladeRemoval: Removing a knife or some other edged object from someone who's been stabbed with it. Generally, not a good idea unless done by trained medical personnel in a hospital environment.
129* MadeOfIron: Someone is able to get injured a lot, but still function, or do things that would lead to injury, but not get injured.
130* MadeOfPlasticine: Someone is a lot weaker and easier to injure than would be realistic.
131* MajorInjuryUnderreaction: Someone shrugs off a serious injury.
132* MindYourStep: Someone gets injured due to stepping on a wonky stair.
133* MinorInjuryOverreaction: Someone freaks out over getting a minor injury like a paper cut or a stubbed toe.
134* MoeGreeneSpecial: Someone is shot in the eye.
135* MutilationConga: Someone gradually gets more and more injured, and it's often PlayedForLaughs.
136* NamedAfterTheInjury: A character has a name, nickname, or alias related to an injury they've sustained.
137* NasalTrauma: Someone suffers damage to their nose.
138* NauticalKnockout: Someone on a ship is knocked by the boom (the bit under the sail).
139* NoOneShouldSurviveThat: Someone gets into a situation that should be lethal, but it doesn't kill them.
140* NoOSHACompliance: An extremely unsafe industrial area.
141* NoProductSafetyStandards: A new product is not tested and it injures or kills someone.
142* NormallyIWouldBeDeadNow: Determination and/or toughness prevents a character from dying from extremely serious injuries.
143* NoseShove: Someone, usually a child, ends up in hospital from shoving an item up their nose.
144* TheNotCatch: Someone tries to catch a falling character, but misses.
145* ObfuscatingPostmortemWounds: Additional injuries are inflicted upon a corpse to mask the true cause of death.
146* OnlyAFleshWound: Someone gets injured, but seems finer than they should be.
147* OrganDodge: A potentially fatal injury is avoided because the organ in question is not there.
148* OrganTheft: A character's organ(s) is/are stolen. Depending on the organ/species of the victim, this may or may not result in a serious injury.
149* OutSick: Someone is unavailable due to being injured, ill, or otherwise compromised.
150* PainAndGain: You get stronger as you receive damage.
151* PalmBloodletting: When you need a little bit of your own blood, how do you get it? By slicing up your hand, of course!
152* PaperCutting: Someone gets a tiny cut from an attack that couldn't logically have made that small a cut.
153* PatheticallyWeak: Someone is phenomenally feeble and weak by the standards of their demographic.
154* PianoCoverSlam: Someone's fingers get crushed by a piano's keyboard cover.
155* PlankGag: Someone is carrying a long item like a plank and accidentally hits someone else with it.
156* PlasterCastDoodling: After someone's limb is injured and is encased in a plaster cast, they have their cast doodled on either by themselves or someone else.
157* PointlessBandAid: Someone has a band-aid on even though they're not hurt.
158* PopGoesTheHuman: Someone is inflated like a balloon or force-fed until they explode.
159* PostInjuryDeskJob: Had to work from a desk thanks to an injury.
160* PrankInjuries: Pretending to be injured as a prank.
161* RealMenGetShot: Getting hurt proves how tough or "cool" someone is.
162* RevealingInjury: Someone reveals something because the person they're talking to is injured.
163* RoadsideSurgery: Injury so bad it gets immediate surgical attention, regardless of location.
164* SecretStabWound: Someone hides a serious wound.
165* SelfHarm: Someone injures themselves on purpose.
166* SelfHarmInducedSuperpower: Someone harms themselves to trigger their superpower.
167* SelfMutilationDemonstration: Someone proves they can heal themselves or are immortal by injuring themselves.
168* SelfSurgery: Someone tries to treat their own injuries.
169* ShareTheMalePain: When a guy gets hit in the privates, it makes other men's privates hurt in sympathy.
170* SickeningCrunch: A cracking noise is heard when a character breaks their bone.
171* SleepSquashing: A character gets crushed by a bigger character that unknowingly rolled over on top of them in their sleep.
172* SquashedFlat: A cartoon character gets squashed flat, but survives.
173* StaircaseTumble: Falling downstairs.
174* StandardBleedingSpots: In manga or {{anime}}, bleeding in the mouth, cheek, shoulder, forehead, or (for women) the back, chest or stomach is most common.
175* StopHittingYourself: Forcing someone to hit themselves.
176* SweepingAshes: A cartoon character gets turned to ash, swept up, but revives themselves.
177* SymbolicMutilation: Someone gets mutilated in a symbolic way.
178* TapOnTheHead: Someone gets knocked out via a hit on the head, but suffers no damage from it.
179* TearOffYourFace: Someone gets the skin on their face torn off.
180* TisOnlyABulletInTheBrain: Someone survives being shot in the head.
181* TongueTrauma: Someone gets hurt in the tongue.
182* TheToothHurts: Someone gets hurt in the tooth.
183* TorsoWithAView: Someone gets a hole through their torso, but neither falls down nor dies.
184* TreadmillTrauma: Someone who gets hurt by running on a treadmill.
185* TwistedAnkle: Someone who must flee hurts their foot or leg and it slows them down.
186* VerbalSaltInTheWound: Deliberately offending someone by bringing up a past injury -- often one you inflicted.
187* VictoryByFirstBlood: A person loses a duel by being made to bleed.
188* VillainousMedicalCare: A hero is injured; the villain either treats them or gets them treatment (the reasons why vary).
189* UndressingTheUnconscious: A unconscious character has their clothes removed to check or treat their injuries.
190* WakingUpElsewhere: Something bad happens, which leads to someone getting hit on the head, {{fainting}} and then waking up somewhere else.
191* WhatADrag: Someone tortures or kills someone else by dragging them along.
192* WhoNeedsTheirWholeBody: Someone survives despite literally not being all in one piece.
193* WipeTheFloorWithYou: Someone drags another character against the wall or floor.
194* WoundThatWillNotHeal: A wound that never heals or takes a long time to heal.
195* WoundedHeroWeakerHelper: Someone is injured and must be healed by a weaker or more inexperienced character.
196* YouCallThatAWound: Someone can be resurrected if they're a main character in a video game.
197* YouWontFeelAThing: Someone tells someone else "you won't feel a thing", which may or may not be a lie.
198* {{Yubitsume}}: Cutting your own pinky off.
