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1''An index of tropes and characters found in an office environment.''
7* {{Adminisphere}}
8* BusinessOfGenericImportance
9* CelestialBureaucracy: A bureaucracy that sorts out where people are supposed to go after they die.
10* CrazyWorkplace
11* CriticalStaffingShortage
12* CuttingCorners
13* DangerousWorkplace
14* EvilInc: Where a corporation is blatantly evil and exploitative.
15* FamilyBusiness
16* IncompetenceInc
17* TheInspectorIsComing
18* NoOSHACompliance: When a battle is fought in a "factory" that would be condemned in seconds if OSHA ever inspected it.
19* NoProductSafetyStandards
20* NoSuchThingAsHR
21* PredatoryBusiness: A business that uses underhanded means to eliminate the competition.
22* StandardOfficeSetting
23* VastBureaucracy
24* WackyStartupWorkplace
25* WorkCom
26* WorkplaceHorror: Where you go to work and discover the office overrun by the supernatural and proceed to try to ignore the tortured screaming in the hallways.
27* XDaysSince: Where there is a prominent sign displaying "X Days since the Last Catastrophic Incident" that gets reset during the course of the story.
29[[AC:Career Paths]]
30* AntiNepotism
31* BrainDrain
32* CardboardBoxOfUnemployment
33* CareerVersusMan
34* CastingCouch: An actress gets a part in a movie by having sex with the director.
35* TheDilbertPrinciple
36* DisappointingPromotion
37* ExposeTheVillainGetHisJob
38* FamilyVersusCareer
39* FictionBusinessSavvy
40* FiringDay
41* FirstDayFromHell
42* GeorgeJetsonJobSecurity: Someone gets fired for a trivial reason or no reason at all.
43* HighTurnoverRate
44* IneptAptitudeTest
45* KickedUpstairs: Promoting an incompetent employee to an ostensibly important position to prevent them from doing any real damage.
46* KlingonPromotion: Gaining a person's job or title by killing them.
47* LastIntervieweeWins
48* {{Nepotism}}: Allowing relatives to work for you.
49* NewJobAsThePlotDemands:A character's job changes depending on what's appropriate for the current episode's plot.
50* NewJobEpisode
51** WelcomeEpisode
52* NonPromotion
53* ObliquelyObfuscatedOccupation
54* OmnidisciplinaryLawyer
55* OmnidisciplinaryScientist: A scientist whose knowledge and skills cover every kind of science the plot requires.
56* OpenHeartDentistry
57* PassedOverPromotion
58* ThePeterPrinciple
59* PromotedToScapegoat
60* PromotionNotPunishment
61* PulledFromYourDayOff: Someone is forced to work on their day off.
62* ReluctantRetiree
63* ResignedInDisgrace: A scandal forces someone to resign from their position.
64* SleepingTheirWayToTheTop
65* SoulCrushingDeskJob
66* SuperficialSuggestionBox: A suggestion box that's treated as a joke.
67* TakeThisJobAndShoveIt: Someone angrily quits their job.
68* TerribleIntervieweesMontage
69* UltimateJobSecurity: No matter how severe their violations or acts of negligence are, this person never gets fired.
70* UnconfessedUnemployment
71* UnprocessedResignation: Someone resigns but their superior disallows the resignation through inaction.
74* TheAllegedBoss
75* BadBoss: A boss who is abusive to their employees to the point of injuring or killing them.
76** TyrantTakesTheHelm (the tyrant being the boss in question)
77*** BaitAndSwitchTyrant
78* BeleagueredBoss
79* BenevolentBoss: A boss who is nice and fair to their employees.
80* CluelessBoss
81* CorruptCorporateExecutive: The head of a corporation is evil or at least very unscrupulous.
82* DinnerWithTheBoss: An employee ends up having dinner with their boss.
83* ADoormatToHisMen
84* GirlbossFeminist: A female character, usually a HighPoweredCareerWoman, and often TokenGirl, who uses the language of feminism, but doesn't live up to it in practice.
85* HonestCorporateExecutive: The head of a corporation is a good person and refuses to use their company for unethical purposes.
86* MajorityShareDictator
87* MeanBoss
88* PointyHairedBoss: The boss is a complete dunderhead.
89* SuitWithVestedInterests
90* UnderNewManagement
91* WeakBossStrongUnderlings
94* AlmightyJanitor
95* ArmyOfLawyers
96* BadassBureaucrat
97* BeleagueredAssistant
98* BobFromAccounting
99* BosssUnfavoriteEmployee
100* BunnyEarsLawyer: An employee is very eccentric, but still quite competent at their profession.
101* CorporateSponsoredSuperhero
102* CorruptCorporateExecutive
103* DependingUponTheUndependable: An incompetent employee keeps getting hired and/or promoted even though the hiring person is aware (or should be aware) disaster will inevitably result.
104* DeskJockey
105* DitzySecretary
106* ElderEmployee
107* HighPoweredCareerWoman
108* HiredForTheirLooks
109* HiredOnTheSpot
110* HonestCorporateExecutive
111* IDontPayYouToThink
112* TheIntern
113** DisposableIntern
114* JadedProfessional
115* TheLastDJ
116* ModernMajorGeneral
117* ObliviousJanitorCut
118* ObstructiveBureaucrat: A bureaucrat who prevents the heroes from acting quickly by making them file the required paperwork before allowing them to go and solve the problem.
119** BeleagueredBureaucrat
120* OnlySaneEmployee
121* OperatorFromIndia
122* {{Paperworkaholic}}
123* PluckyOfficeGirl
124* PowersuitMonkey
125* ProfessionalButtKisser
126* ProfessionalSlacker
127* SassySecretary
128* SecretaryOfEvil
129* SeriouslyScruffy
130* SexySecretary
131** RightHandHottie
132* VolatileSecondTierPosition
133* WeaselCoWorker
134* WhiteCollarWorker
135** {{Salaryman}}
136** TechBro
137** OfficeLady
138** {{Workaholic}}
139** {{Yuppie}}
140* WorkHardPlayHard
141** BeingPersonalIsntProfessional
143[[AC:Recreational Opportunities]]
144* CheekCopy: Someone uses a copying machine to produce a picture of their bare buttocks.
145* DelegationRelay
146* DeskSweepOfPassion
147* DrinkingOnDuty
148* EmployeeOfTheMonth
149* ExecutiveBallClicker
150* MarriedToTheJob
151* MustHaveCaffeine
152* OfficeGolf
153* OfficeRomance
154** SleepingWithTheBoss
155* SleepingWithTheBosssWife
156* OfficeSports
157* OneHourWorkWeek
158* PlayingGamesAtWork
159* ProfessionalsDoItOnDesks
160* SensitivityTraining
161* SexAtWork
162* SubordinateExcuse
163** MinionShipping
164* TakeYourChildToWorkDayPlot
165* TheQueenWillBeWatching
166* TrustBuildingBlunder
167* WastebasketBall
168* WhiteCollarCrime
169** StealingFromTheTill
170* WhosWatchingTheStore
171* WorkingWithTheEx: Someone's career requires them to work with their ex.
172* WorkplaceAcquiredAbilities - for when your day job gets too boring
173* YouGetMeCoffee: Ordering a subordinate to get coffee.
