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7Sometimes, characters get [[{{Indexitis}} sick]] or [[InjuryTropes injured]]. These tropes come to the rescue!
11'''Related indexes:'''
12+ ArtisticLicenseMedicine
13+ DoctorIndex
14+ HospitalTropes
15+ {{Indexitis}}
16+ InjuryTropes
17+ MedicalTreatmentTropes
18+ PharmacologyTropes
20* AfraidOfNeedles: Someone is scared of getting injections.
21* AfterActionHealingDrama: Someone is seriously injured and needs healing after an action scene.
22* AfterActionPatchup: Someone is injured and gets treated after an action scene, but their injuries weren't serious.
23* AfterCombatRecovery: Video game characters who get injured in fights automatically heal when they go out of combat mode.
24* AnatomicallyIgnorantHealing: Aliens have no clue how to heal a human.
25* AntiRegeneration: Someone's healing powers are nullified.
26* AppetiteEqualsHealth: Having no appetite means the character is ill, and being hungry again and starting to eat signifies they're getting well.
27* {{Autodoc}}: Machines that heal.
28* BandageWince: Someone winces at being bandaged up.
29* CalmingTea: Facing shock, trauma, or jittery nerves? Tea would help with that.
30* CarnivorousHealingFactor: The ability to heal quickly by eating flesh.
31* CasualCrucifixion: Being crucified is a lot easier to recover from than it should be.
32* CloningBodyParts: Doctors can clone body parts if patients need them replaced.
33* ComicallyIneptHealing: Someone tries to heal another person despite having no idea how.
34* CrisisPointHospital: A hospital overwhelmed and failing in the face of a crisis - or maybe just by nature.
35* CureForCancer: Cures for real-life terminal illnesses.
36* DelayedDiagnosis: A character shows signs of an illness or disability, but isn't diagnosed until later.
37* DeterminedDoctor: A doctor who refuses to give up on helping their patients, no matter what.
38* DisabilityNegatingSuperpower: A disabled character develops superpowers that, while active, negate their disability.
39* DiseaseByAnyOtherName: The characters don't know what a sick character has, but the viewers can get a pretty good idea.
40* EmpathicHealer: Someone who can heal others but in the process, they become afflicted with what's bothering the people getting healed.
41* EnergyDonation: One character gives their life energy to another.
42* FakeFaithHealer: Pretends to offer faith-based healing services.
43* FantasticallyChallengingPatient: When a human doctor is faced with the challenge of a non-human patient.
44* FantasticMedicinalBodilyProduct: A creature's body part has healing properties.
45* FingerSuckHealing: Sucking on someone else's sore finger to heal it.
46* FindTheCure: A plot focused on finding a cure for something.
47* FootBathTreatment: A hot foot bath as a treatment for the cold.
48* FoulMedicine: Medicine that smells, and/or tastes, horrible.
49* GoodThingYouCanHeal: A character with healing powers is seriously injured.
50* HarmfulHealing: Medical methods that actually make things worse.
51* HeadbuttThermometer: Touching foreheads to check someone's temperature.
52* HealerGod: A deity who specializes in healing.
53* HealerSignsOnEarly: In video games, a healer will join the player's party early on.
54* HealingBoss: When the ability to heal is used by the boss.
55* HealingFactor: Someone can heal themselves instantly.
56* HealingHands: Someone with the ability to heal others.
57* HealingHerb: Plants that can cure.
58* HealingLoop: The possibility of a (near-)invincible enemy due to their ability to heal.
59* HealingMagicIsTheHardest: Most things can be done easily via magic, but healing others is difficult to do magically.
60* HealingPotion: A potion with healing properties.
61* HealingSerpent: Snakes and snake-linked entities related to healing, either literally or as a symbol.
62* HealingShiv: Someone is healed by a weapon.
63* HealingSpring: A body of water with healing powers.
64* HealingVat: Someone is healed by being put in a tank of fluid.
65* HealingWinds: Wind or air have healing properties.
66* HealItWithBlood: Blood is used to heal ailments.
67* HealItWithBooze: Healing wounds with alcohol or using it as anasthaesia.
68* HealItWithFire: Fire is used to heal wounds.
69* HealItWithNature: Nature magic is used to heal wounds.
70* HealItWithWater: Water has healing properties.
71* HealThyself: A video game character heals themselves with a first aid kit.
72* HealthyCountryAir: The country is good for the ill, especially those with respiratory-based illnesses.
73* HollywoodHealing: Heroes never get scars, even if they logically should.
74* HotDrinkCure: Giving a sick, injured, hoarse, or hypothermic character a hot drink.
75* HyperactiveMetabolism: Health is gained back just by eating food.
76* IllnessBlanket: Ill people sit wrapped up in blankets.
77* ImprobableAntidote: Something weird works as an antidote.
78* ImprovisedBandage: Patching up a wound or injury with uncoventional objects.
79** FromDressToDressing: Using parts of clothes as a bandage.
80* InconvenientHippocraticOath: Someone with medical training is in some situation where revealing their abilities could put them at risk—maybe they're on the run from the law, or a time traveller trying to blend in to a less advanced era—but they come across someone in desperate need of medical attention that they feel duty-bound to provide.
81* InjectionPlot: A character needs to get a shot such as a vaccine.
82* InjuryBookend: A repeat of what caused an injury gets rid of it.
83* IntimateHealing: Healing someone in a romantic or sexual way.
84* IntimateLotionApplication: Applying lotion on another character as a way to create sexual tension, romantic intimacy, awkwardness, or humor.
85* IntimatePsychotherapy: Sex cures psychological problems.
86* IsThereADoctorInTheHouse: {{Stock Phrase|s}} said when medical attention is needed.
87* LifeDrain: An attack that does damage, as is normal, but also heals the user.
88* LikeASurgeon: Any situation other than a real surgery is treated like one.
89* MagicAntidote: An antidote or vaccination that works instantly.
90* MedicalGame: A game about administering medical treatment.
91* MedicalMonarch: A king or queen who has the power to heal others.
92* MedicinalCuisine: When food is used to treat illness or improve general health.
93* MedicineShow: A traveling wagon show with a medical theme.
94* MentalHealthRecoveryArc: A character arc revolving around mental illness or trauma recovery.
95* MistakenForDisease: Strange events are incorrectly assumed to be caused by a communicable disease.
96* MountaintopHealthcare: A medical facility set on or atop a mountain.
97* NoCureForEvil: Bad guys cannot do healing magic.
98* NurseWithGoodIntentions: Someone tries to care for their sick or injured friend, but causes more problems than success.
99* {{Panacea}}: A substance that can cure anything.
100* PlaceboEffect: It only works because they ''think'' it works.
101* PoisonAndCureGambit: A plot that involves poisoning someone and making them find the antidote.
102* PostTreatmentLollipop: After an unpleasant treatment, doctors reward good patients with candy.
103* PuttingTheMedicInComedic: Laughter is the only medicine when you go to this hospital.
104* RegeneratingHealth: Walking cures wounds.
105* RestingRecovery: Sleeping cures video game characters.
106* RoadsideSurgery: Operating outside of an operating room.
107* SavedByThePhlebotinum: A character's life is saved thanks to phlebotinum.
108* ScaryStitches: Stitch work leaving ugly scars.
109* SelfRecoverySurprise: Someone hurts a villain, who reveals that they have healing powers.
110* SelfSurgery: Someone operates, or tries to operate, on themselves.
111* SoupIsMedicine: A character who is ill is given some soup.
112* SwissArmyTears: Tears with curative properties used to heal.
113* ThatOldTimePrescription: Primitive medicines that sort of work.
114* ThrowingOffTheDisability: A character who used to be disabled now isn't.
115* TraumaInn: Staying at an inn heals the stayer.
116* UndeathIsCheap: Zombification or vampirism than can be cured easily through medicines or other treatments.
117* UndressingTheUnconscious: A unconscious character needs to have their clothes removed for their health.
118* VampiricDraining: The superpower to pull life force out of other people and use it to repair the user.
119* VillainousMedicalCare: An injured/sick/poisoned hero is treated/cured by a villain.
120* WhiteMagicianGirl: A healing specialist whose role is the party's resident healer, nurturer and source of feminine wisdom.
121* WithholdingTheCure: Someone prevents the cure for a disease from getting to the sick people for selfish reasons.
122* WoundedHeroWeakerHelper: Someone is hurt and must be treated by someone who's more hurt or is inexperienced.
