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2[[caption-width-right:350:[[ Image]] by [[ snuapril01]]. Used with permission.]]
4''This index is haunted by the spirits of those who have passed.''
6Here is a list of tropes about ghosts.
8Compare MummyTropes, TropesOfTheLivingDead, and VampireTropes for other undead creatures. See also ([[{{Pun}} or don't]]) InvisibilityIndex.
15'''Main trope:'''
16* OurGhostsAreDifferent
18'''Related index:'''
19* GhostFiction
21* AfterlifeExpress: A train/vehicle that takes souls to the afterlife.
22* AnAstralProjectionNotAGhost: A "ghost" is not actually a ghost, but a living person's astral projection.
23* AstralProjection: A spirit/soul acting elsewhere while its body lies unconscious.
24* BarredFromTheAfterlife: A dead character cannot enter any form of an afterlife.
25* BedsheetGhost: A white sheet with eyeholes to look like a ghost.
26* BewareOfHitchhikingGhosts: Hitchhiking ghosts cause trouble for those that pick them up.
27* BigBoosHaunt: Haunted VideoGame level.
28* CavalryOfTheDead: Summoning an army of undead soldiers to fight a mutual enemy.
29* CreepyCemetery: As graveyards are filled with a lot of dead people buried under the surface, ghosts or other undead entities will often dwell there.
30* CurseOfThePharaoh: Egyptian pyramids are often haunted by undead mummies or the spirits of ancient pharaohs, threatening to inflict supernatural harm upon anyone who dares to mess with their tombs.
31* CuteGhostGirl: The adorable ghost of a dead girl.
32* DeadAllAlong: A character is revealed to have been dead the whole time.
33* DeadPersonConversation: A conversation with someone who has died, possibly through haunting or séance.
34* DeagedInDeath: A person's soul looks young even though the person in question died at an older age.
35* DemonicPossession: When someone or something is possessed by a demon or ghost.
36* TheDisembodied: A character has not actually died, but their spirit has been separated from their body.
37* {{Ectoplasm}}: Slimy substance associated with the paranormal.
38* ElectromagneticGhosts: The presence of the paranormal causes electromagnetic oddities.
39* EtherealWhiteDress: White clothing worn to make a character look otherworldly.
40* EvilElevator: Sometimes controlled by a ghost or similar malicious entity.
41* EvilTaintedThePlace: The site of a tragic and violent event becomes haunted.
42* FauxFlame: Supernatural flames that only look like fire.
43* FearlessUndead: Characters who are undead and have no self-preservation instincts.
44* FogFeet: Ghosts with wispy tails in place of legs and feet.
45* FriendlyGhost: A ghost who is genuinely well-meaning.
46* GhastlyGhost: A ghost who is horrifying and/or malevolent.
47* GhostAmnesia: A ghost who has forgotten details or the entirety of their former life.
48* GhostButler: The door behind a character shuts behind them without anyone doing so.
49* GhostInvasion: Ghosts invade the Earth.
50* TheGhostKing: Ghost royalty that rules over other ghosts and sometimes other undead creatures as well.
51* GhostlyGape: Ghost are often depicted with wide, hollow mouths.
52* GhostPirate: A pirate who keeps up the business even after death.
53* GhostReunionEnding: When a work ends with the spirits of deceased characters appearing together.
54* GhostShip: Creepy and/or haunted abandoned ships.
55* GhostStory: Stories about ghosts.
56* GhostTrain: A creepy train used/conducted by ghosts.
57* GhostlyAnimals: The spirits of dead animals.
58* GhostlyChill: When paranormal forces draw near, the temperature drops.
59* GhostlyDeathReveal: A character's offscreen death is revealed by their appearance as a ghost later in the story.
60* GhostlyGlide: Ghosts who float instead of walk.
61* GhostlyGoals: Benevolent or malicious reasons for why a ghost has not passed on yet.
62* GhostlyWail: Ghosts groaning, moaning, or screaming for added creepiness.
63* GhostsAbhorAVacuum: Ghosts can be captured with an ordinary vacuum cleaner.
64* GivingUpTheGhost: Someone astral projects for a little bit while unconscious, but neither dies nor has a significant out-of-body experience.
65* GlowingEyelightsOfUndeath: Ghosts with glowing eyes.
66* HauntedCastle: The typical dark-castle-surrounded-by-fog setting.
67* HauntedFetter: A physical object that binds a ghost to the living world.
68* HauntedHeadquarters: Haunted primary setting.
69* HauntedHeroine: A female character being haunted by ghosts.
70* HauntingTheGuilty: A character is haunted by the visions of those they've murdered
71* HauntedHouse: House filled with ghosts.
72* HauntedTechnology: Technology housing or being controlled by ghosts.
73* HeadlessHorseman: A headless rider who haunts certain areas.
74* HealthyInHeaven: Characters who die become their ideal forms (young, able-bodied, etc) in spirit.
75* HitodamaLight: Orbs of flame that surround Japanese ghosts/possessed people.
76* IndianBurialGround: Supernatural activity is caused by the restless spirits haunting an Indian burial ground underneath the location.
77* ISeeDeadPeople: Characters with the ability to see or communicate to ghosts.
78* ISeeThemToo: A character who sees things no one else sees finally finds someone who has the same ability.
79* ItWontTurnOff: A device won't turn off no matter what a character does.
80* JacobMarleyApparel: Ghosts match the appearance of the moment they died.
81* JuryOfTheDamned: A trial in which the jury is composed of the spirits of the ''worst'' people.
82* LivingGhost: A living being with many of the abilities of a ghost.
83* MagneticMedium: A character who can see or talk to ghosts has to deal with said ghosts following or pursuing them.
84* MedicateTheMedium: Supernatural powers or being haunted is confused as a mental illness.
85* MonochromeApparition: Ghosts appear in single colors.
86* MurderIntoMalevolence: Someone who was murdered becomes an evil ghost.
87* OldSchoolBuilding: A spooky abandoned schoolhouse.
88* OurBansheesAreLouder: The various portrayals of banshees, Celtic [[PortentofDoom portents of doom]] who take the form of a crying woman, in fiction.
89* {{Poltergeist}}: Ghosts whose haunting causes objects to move.
90* PossessingADeadBody: A dead body that is reanimated by an inhabiting spirit.
91* SillySpook: Instead of being scary, this ghost is funny.
92* SoulPower: {{Stock Superpower|sIndex}} centered around commanding ghosts and spiritual energy, or simply becoming one yourself.
93* SpiritAdvisor: A ghost who appears to mentor or give advice to a living character.
94* SpookySeance: A creepy scene in which characters attempt to contact a deceased person via séance.
95* SpookySilentLibrary: Libraries become ten times scarier when empty or abandoned.
96* StingyJack: A folk tale of a pumpkin-headed trickster.
97* StringyHairedGhostGirl: The ghost of a girl with long hair that curtains her face.
98* SupernaturalLight: Ghosts and paranormal entities emit a glow.
99* TreacherousSpiritChase: The apparition of a lost loved one appears to a character, but in following them, said character is put in danger.
100* UndeadBarefooter: Ghosts who don't have or wear shoes.
101* UndeathlyPallor: Ghosts with pale skin.
102* UnfinishedBusiness: Ghosts stick around until they've finished a task.
103* UnholyGround: A land haunted and dangerous to any living creature.
104* VengefulGhost: A ghost who comes back from the afterlife for revenge.
105* WhisperingGhosts: Background whispering sounds for creepiness.
106* WhoYouGonnaCall: Characters who go after ghosts.
107* WightInAWeddingDress: A female ghost dressed in a wedding dress.
108* WillOTheWisp: An eerie light that appears to lead travelers astray.
109* WindsAreGhosts: Wind carrying the spirits of the deceased.
110* YouCanSeeMe: A character who goes unnoticed by everyone (invisible, ghost, etc.) is finally seen by someone.
111* YouLookLikeYouveSeenAGhost: Frightened characters are said to have looked like they've seen a ghost.
